![]() Wasn't that a queer piece of television? I agree with Seacamel, I think it backfired, in that I came out feeling suspicious of Mr. Key. I had figured the show was going to try and paint 'Johnno' as a normal kiwi bloke to the middle class folk that watch fishing shows, rather we saw poor Johnno bumbling his way through something he obviously didn't have a clue about, re-inforcing, if anything, the percerption that he's a stiff 'suit'. Power to him for giving it a crack and all but that doesn't cut it for a politician. Isn't he supposed to be astute enough to realise these sorts of events need to be carefully orchestrated to avoid looking out of his depth or awkward? Doesn't he have advisers to coach him on these things? No prospective leader of a country wants any little bit of doubt creeping into the minds of the proles -I bet Butch would never put herself in a position of vulnerability like that. Then, woe of woes, Graeme starts a political interveiw with the guy. It was obviously contrived, so Johnboy shoulda had all the right answers pre prepared but, no, not really. He ducked and weaved and made suitably vague statements when Greame asked him about the future of fishing. Recreationals needed to iron out the problems of poaching, taking undersized fish and consider bag limit cuts into the future as/ if rec pressure continued to rise. Fine, but not a single word of criticism for the commercial sector though or a hint of a suggestion there could be changes there (primary industry and all ![]() So, in the end, I just felt he was naive, ill-informed and given how he obviously felt we'd lap him up, more than a little arrogant too. If they'd just taken the guy out for a fish and a few beers, all good. Blatantly involving politics was a major balls up for all parties concerned IMO |
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