Contact Us

Please select the contact that most closely matches the nature of your inquiry. We welcome your feedback and comments.

General fishing related questions:

Please post your question in our discussion forum


E-mail Josh or call 021-862-579

General site related enquiries: 

Please e-mail Grant.

For charter bookings:

Please contact the charter operators directly from the charter section.

For technical issues:  

If for any reason you've encountered problems/errors when using the site, please tell us; your browser and version, the section of The Fishing website you were in and, please paste the error message into the email.

Our aim is to respond to emails promptly, however if you haven't had a response, your mail may have been blocked in our ISP's junkmail filter. Please give us a quick call.

Fishing bite times Fishing bite times

Major Bites

Minor Bites

Major Bites

Minor Bites