This is why it is so hard for recreational anglers to have a voice. Here we have an industry leader, quoting international science (yeah I know - I'm sure those scientists work for the industry), putting forward a very credible sounding claim that our fishery management system is one of the best in the world.
A couple of things that this guy says are very true.
1/ You don't have to look far to see that the QMS is indeed a whole lot better than what most countries do
2/ The best fish guide put out by Forest & Bird is so far off the mark it's not funny. I mean pilchards, rock lobster, skipjack & albacore tuna are in the best category, yet spiny dog fish are in the worst. Ever noticed how hard it is to catch a skippy these days? Where are the big pilchard schools? Do your bit and buy Kaveman's lures
So this industry guy makes some claims that sound very good and when you read what he says, it is easily backed up. There you go - it's the truth! Of course there is a lot of stuff that's not said but of course that's business and politics eh.
And here we are. As recreational fishermen we are seen as a bunch of individuals getting all hot and bothered over details and when we do get a group together to give recreational anglers some political clout, the recs do their best to tear that group apart by stamping our feet and throwing insults at each other on social media.
Do you think this guys colleagues are arguing with him about the finer points of what he's written for the media? Nope they will be congratulating him for a job well done. And he has done a fine job. A lot of us can see through it but 90% will believe it.
We don't have that credibility, we're disjointed and as a unit we're not politically savvy. That's why I put my trust in LegaSea.