We have a tentative booking for a 7 day trip to the Kings 10 to 16 March 2023 with the best operator there is.... Enchanter!!...I know thats along way away BUT the Kings is been booked up for next year already and has been for the last two months so we are LUCKY to have this slot!!!
We have all (three of us) already fished the Kings before with kingis to 40+ kg and many over 30kgs... The Kingi fishing is the best there is BAR NONE!! One day we landed over 80 fish! The boat and crew are great as well and tucker is awesome. Check out the Enchanter Charters website. I have personally fished with them 4 times and have 3 more booked!
The trip is for 7 days, two for travel up and back, with 5 days solid fishing primarily for Kingis.... The boat sleep 8 but we plan on just 6 so we all get more fishing time at the rail.
Cost will be $5K with a 50% deposit and commitment to the date and full amount. This is a trip best suited for experienced kingi anglers with both bait and jigging options.
If you are at all interested please PM me soon and I expect the spots will go fast!. Speaking from experience this will be a fantastic trip and probably the trip of a lifetime! Tite lines! Rob