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Printed From: The Fishing Website
Category: General Forums
Forum Name: Politics - Have your say
Forum Description: Have your say about the future of recreational fishing, marine reserves etc
Printed Date: 14 Feb 2025 at 5:09am

Posted By: Mr Moritz
Date Posted: 14 Jul 2020 at 9:30pm
Judith Collins is now the new National leader of Opposition.

It won't be boring...

Posted By: Reel Deal
Date Posted: 14 Jul 2020 at 10:25pm

The gods do not subtract from the allotted span of men's lives the hours spent on fishing - Assyrian Proverb

Posted By: Schampy
Date Posted: 14 Jul 2020 at 10:28pm
Yay. shes got a bigger set of balls than muller.
She should of been there when simon was rolled.

Posted By: Fish Addict
Date Posted: 14 Jul 2020 at 10:35pm
I'm interested in NZ politics from a distance.  The National Party hasn't exactly done themselves any favours with three  leaders over the last four months.  Economically it's probably the election no-one wants to win.
The media would have us believe wonder woman Cindy will win comfortably.  Is a NP win possible?           

Posted By: cirrus
Date Posted: 14 Jul 2020 at 10:55pm

Great ,positive and decisive first media conference,interlaced with good humor,and not woke. Breath of fresh air.
And hopefully,just maybe will save us from the potentially coming economic downturn,the likes of which this country and people have never seen before.

Posted By: MB
Date Posted: 14 Jul 2020 at 11:07pm
I wonder how many more times National can shoot themselves in the foot before the next election?

Posted By: shaneg
Date Posted: 14 Jul 2020 at 11:28pm
Originally posted by Fish Addict Fish Addict wrote:

I'm interested in NZ politics from a distance.  The National Party hasn't exactly done themselves any favours with three  leaders over the last four months.  Economically it's probably the election no-one wants to win.
The media would have us believe wonder woman Cindy will win comfortably.  Is a NP win possible?           
 Probably not A NP win but she is a massive improvement on what they’ve had. I voted labour last time, have voted national, green and act prior to that. ( not in that order probably).
I voted  Labour last time because my kids saw lot of good in Jacinda and were reasonably good at  persuading me and Jacinda has done well. Plus I could afford to send a vote labours way... a speculator by nature.
But hey according to online voter surveys I’m a natural Nat.. being a landlord, earning a reasonable income,  and also was a professional qualified economist in a previous  life ... so I understand there needs to be an economic return/ incentive for risk of investing as either investor/ business owner or employer.
I’d vote for Judith unlike her previous 2 predecessors because she is smart, very personable, highly economically savvy... that’s a rarity. Grant Robinson in labour is also economically very smart. But Judith is a credible alternative to that, possibly more free market/ business friendly.

Good to have two strong parties, Judith won’t win this time, but she’s a hell of a fighter. I like her. She is a good person and smart whereas all you read in media is past negativity ( orivida - she did nothing really that wrong but was chastised) and there has been continued left wing spin meant to damage her reputation and any real alternative to current government.

If you want to see real bad unprincipled politics then look into nz first and how they stimyed putting cameras on com boats.. don’t vote for them.

Judith will be a good,  if not great leader of National.
Not a NP party member by the way... might go See David Seymour speak Sunday at Bayview , Glenfield , do like him as well.

Posted By: Fishy11
Date Posted: 14 Jul 2020 at 11:32pm
If you actually believe national are opposition to labour then i feel sorry for youLOL
Generally opposing parties actually oppose the opposition.... and don't side and vote together with them.

Posted By: shaneg
Date Posted: 14 Jul 2020 at 11:36pm
mate people like me decide elections... not people who vote for same parties every time... please don’t feel sorry for me , but love your empathy.Wink

Posted By: Wanda_Ra
Date Posted: 14 Jul 2020 at 11:45pm
Just keep in mind that if national had been running this Corona virus response in NZ we would be in the same boat as america is right now.
Simon bridges would have opened up NZ borders right at the end of lockdown.

There is major economic strife coming and neither party can stop it. Nor can they magically make it better anytime soon.

Nationals strategy will be to try to open up the countries borders and it will backfire.There are not a hell of a lot of jobs they can magically create out of thin air either.A lot of the tourism sector is going to drop dead.

This election will be like a bad case of hot potato, which lucky party will be carrying the can when the a*rse falls out of the country economically.

If you think you are too small to make a difference,try sleeping with a mosquito in your tent.

Posted By: shaneg
Date Posted: 14 Jul 2020 at 11:59pm
Labour will win and carry the can, but not convinced the new Nat leader would espouse /do any different on that.
Keeping boarder largely closed to tourists and immigrants ( as per past regime) is economically sensible for any NZ govt for the foreseeable future. 
However, letting some appropriately quarantined people in where the economic benefits for country are significant at margins is likely to also appeal to any good government with right level of control. Already happening now to a degree.

Posted By: Fishy11
Date Posted: 15 Jul 2020 at 12:03am
Originally posted by shaneg shaneg wrote:

mate people like me decide elections... not people who vote for same parties every time... please don’t feel sorry for me , but love your empathy.Wink

To be clear my comment was a general statement to anyone and wasn't directed at you personally. Labour and national are both puppets. Both are under investigation by the serious fraud office... and that is just the tiniest tip of the iceberg.
One may be worse than the other i'd agree, but in reality the end goal is all the same and will be the same. The speed and the way in which they get us there is all that really changes. We get to vote which one is in government ok..... that does not then inherently mean we actually have a say in any of the decisions that effect us.

Posted By: shaneg
Date Posted: 15 Jul 2020 at 12:18am
Originally posted by Fishy11 Fishy11 wrote:

Originally posted by shaneg shaneg wrote:

mate people like me decide elections... not people who vote for same parties every time... please don’t feel sorry for me , but love your empathy.Wink

To be clear my comment was a general statement to anyone and wasn't directed at you personally. Labour and national are both puppets. Both are under investigation by the serious fraud office... and that is just the tiniest tip of the iceberg.
One may be worse than the other i'd agree, but in reality the end goal is all the same and will be the same. The speed and the way in which they get us there is all that really changes. We get to vote which one is in government ok..... that does not then inherently mean we actually have a say in any of the decisions that effect us.
True... one can only hope they don’t do stuff or not do what they should and that then messes us (country) up.
I like and respect Judith, have met her few times. Jacinda seems cool under pressure and reacts well to bad situations but never met her. Grant Robinson I have met and was impressed, strikes me as competent.
Overriding thing for me is they make good decisions not bad ones... look at USA and other countries if want to see how that turns out.
Not into party or personality politics....but will vote for which team can do best. Politicians are hard to trust at best of times... that is an old adage.
Challenge for Judith will be pitching a credible team.

Posted By: pjc
Date Posted: 15 Jul 2020 at 1:05am
Judith will be good but unsure about having Brownlee as deputy,doesnt excite after the CH-CH earthquake mess,still on going.

Sex at 58.Lucky I live at 56

Posted By: Fishb8
Date Posted: 15 Jul 2020 at 7:10am
Judith is a formidable lady but this is the 3rd time she's tried for the party leadership.
There must be some good reasons why she's 3rd choice.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken

Posted By: Clifftastic
Date Posted: 15 Jul 2020 at 8:36am
Listened to a few of her interviews this morning on the radio. The lies just come too freely......I cant trust her.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Steps
Date Posted: 15 Jul 2020 at 9:25am
Muller didnt stand a chance.
 The 'new order' of the Nat party is very different from that of the key/ english/ brownlee etc, where where basically united in one direction.
 They left, Bridges takes over.. a neg critical rather than this how should be attitude, the party openly split into 2 or 3 factions of own self interest.
Bridges gets rolled.. had to be, Muller one of the other factions steps up... get sabotaged by another faction by going to media behind his back, others resign ...and further fumbling in the background.
Has no choice but resign.
 Now way can anyone lead such a situation without firing the whole party
 Party caucus gets a big wake up call now realising they just forced their leader out and a split party doesnt work at all.
 So that leaves Collins and hopefully the party has a wake up call as to what they have done.

Now if the caucau can manage to stop sabotaging each other, pull together in the interests of the country they may have a long shot.

Posted By: letsgetem
Date Posted: 15 Jul 2020 at 10:21am
Geat! Finally a leader who has ...balls - figuratively speaking. Im rapt. A few days ago, on TV news, she said - I"m sick of feeling second class in my own country""

Posted By: Mr Moritz
Date Posted: 15 Jul 2020 at 10:26am
Saw some TV shots of Judith going in to vote on Nats leader. While others were quite glum, Judith was grinning from ear to ear. Reminded me a bit like the Joker... 
Oh well how long before the next polly shoots themselves in the foot.

Posted By: Muppet
Date Posted: 15 Jul 2020 at 10:36am
There seems to have been a general pattern between successive Labour / National governments.
Labour generally leaving a fiscal mess and shooting themselves in the foot with silly ideas.
Remember Helen's shower heads? The brain drain during her tenure?
And the GFC.
National negotiated those troubled times with fiscal responsibility and job creation to the point that made NZ very attractive to live in.
I never liked Key either voted for him once to get rid of Helen.

What we are left with now is a lot of words, gestures and constant slogans and not much action. We were going backwards before Covid and now it is just way worse for a lot of people who have probably worked all their lives without losing their jobs.

I am going to say Labour and the Greens will win the election just on pure slogans. And I am predicting a dire bitter end to Jacinda's time as PM. More so than Helen's.

And if I could find it on here I predicted her rise long before she led the Labour Party.

Posted By: cirrus
Date Posted: 15 Jul 2020 at 10:59am
 Quote muppet.--lots of Words, gestures ,constant slogans. Agree.

 Slogans Like "Lets keep moving". Does that mean free laxatives for all.

Todays newshub poll on who would you prefer as P.M puts Jacinda on 51%, and Judith collins on 49%

Posted By: Fishy11
Date Posted: 15 Jul 2020 at 11:34am
Just another tyrant like the current PM. Until people stop seeing national as the opposition nothing will ever change.You're not opposition if you side with 99% of the communist b.s the other party puts forth like they do. Absolutely hilarious people still refer to labour as left wing and national as right wing. It's like the NZ version of liberal vs conservative names used in the US where the left are anything but liberal or for liberty, call them what the are leftists, socialists, communists etc. National these days are centrist/ left at best and labour have gone far far left.

It's like this - there's two kinds of people in this world, people who want to be left alone and people that won't leave them the f*ck alone.LOL
In all seriousness though it comes down to liberty and freedom vs control of others. The individual vs toxic group think.
I'd agree with the sentiment of national being better for the country economically than labour. That doesn't take away from both parties being a bunch of corrupt scumbags though.

Posted By: Mr Moritz
Date Posted: 15 Jul 2020 at 12:31pm
Yeah, I remember my visit to the beehive. When the cameras were on them, they were all busy attacking the other side. But when the cameras were off as they were leaving, they were all laughing and joking together, with no hint of aggression. It's all a game.

Posted By: corosanta
Date Posted: 15 Jul 2020 at 12:39pm
Brilliant, another female in charge of the playgroup.
Didn't men have balls at some stage? What happened to them?


Posted By: cirrus
Date Posted: 15 Jul 2020 at 1:04pm
newshub  poll now reads. collins 57%. Ardern 43%. as prefered P.M.

That poll with shortly vanish,for obvious reasons

Posted By: pjc
Date Posted: 15 Jul 2020 at 4:18pm
Now if Collins/Brownlee were the right choice to lead the Nats in to power they would of been chosen 53 days ago.i suggest the Nats have run out of candidates and said"well you 2 been here awhile,better give you ago"?

Sex at 58.Lucky I live at 56

Posted By: Schampy
Date Posted: 15 Jul 2020 at 4:57pm
Regardless of how left National has drifted these days, Crusher is still the top person for the job, no doubt about it. There seemed to be alot of people that would of voted for ACT if Muller or Bridges were still there.
This will at least calm down alot of there core voters... ( Boomers etc) and Give Cindy and her socialist regime a real run for her money.
I cant see Labour Losing though... Nz has not has a 1 term Government since the 70,s .... and with the amount of  brainwashed people out there today who are lapping up all the fairy dust . It will be a tough task.

Posted By: Muppet
Date Posted: 15 Jul 2020 at 5:02pm
I think Crusher will lay out the failings better than the other two.
Which is basically every election promise.

Posted By: whippersnappyr
Date Posted: 15 Jul 2020 at 5:18pm
Originally posted by cirrus cirrus wrote:

newshub  poll now reads. collins 57%. Ardern 43%. as prefered P.M.

That poll with shortly vanish,for obvious reasons

Just indicates who reads the news not how people will vote.  These polls are just fun things not to be taken seriously.  If you want a proper poll you have to randomly sample the population.

Posted By: brmbrm
Date Posted: 15 Jul 2020 at 7:37pm
Brownlee FFS.  Incompetent.  Well and truly ****ed up ChChpost-earthquake.  He isn't yesterday's man, but he is last century's man.  Why him?  JC was basically the only sensible option, but why pair with that dodo?

Posted By: Motorhead
Date Posted: 15 Jul 2020 at 8:08pm
I think Collins was in the team to oust Bridges but Muller was the fall guy. Collins has always had the leader position in her sites. She also was not fond of Bennett.
It will make no difference as the Nats and Labour have sold out to China anyway. Either of them are eager to get the road open with China again.
NZ's silence is deafening in respect to the 5 eyes alliance. 

Posted By: Titahi
Date Posted: 15 Jul 2020 at 10:42pm
Originally posted by Motorhead<br><div><div>NZ's silence is deafening in respect to the 5 eyes alliance. </div></div>[/QUOTE Motorhead
NZ's silence is deafening in respect to the 5 eyes alliance. 
[/QUOTE wrote:

Yeah cause strategic security alliances,  that involvce sensitive information sha

Yeah cause strategic security alliances,  that involvce sensitive information sharing, should be broadcast and widely publicised, so that people like Motorhead know whats  acrually going on......

seriously, these people dont work in the glare of stage lights.....

"I love standing by the ocean and just knowing what its for"

Posted By: Motorhead
Date Posted: 15 Jul 2020 at 11:21pm
Originally posted by Titahi Titahi wrote:

Originally posted by Motorhead<br /><div><div>NZ's silence is deafening in respect to the 5 eyes alliance. </div></div></td></tr></table><br /><div><br /></div><div>Yeah cause strategic security alliances,  that involvce sensitive information sharing, should be broadcast and widely publicised, so that people like Motorhead know whats  acrually going on......</div><div><br /></div><div>seriously, these people dont work in the glare of stage lights.....</div><div><br /></div>[/QUOTE Motorhead
NZ's silence is deafening in respect to the 5 eyes alliance. 

Yeah cause strategic security alliances,  that involvce sensitive information sharing, should be broadcast and widely publicised, so that people like Motorhead know whats  acrually going on......

seriously, these people dont work in the glare of stage lights.....

[/QUOTE wrote:

Even people like Titahi can read the news as well and learn it’s not that big a secret." rel="nofollow -

Even people like Titahi can read the news as well and learn it’s not that big a secret." rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Titahi
Date Posted: 15 Jul 2020 at 11:51pm
Five eyes is a security alliance, not something that requires NZ fall in line on foreign affairs...

Re read that article and keep in the back of your mind who injected " five eyes" into the article... Rebecca Howard did.

Five eyes has nothing to do with the foreign minister making a statement supporting other countries foreign policy.

Making decisions based on what's best for NZ as opposed  to what where told (pressured) is smart.....

Thinking that an article from a business desk reporter @ the Herald gives you an insight into what our security alliance should be doing isn't

Originally posted by Motorhead Motorhead wrote:

NZ's silence is deafening in respect to the 5 eyes alliance. 

By the way Im glad Crusher Collins has the opposition leadership, she has the personality of a feral cat and her being opposition leader will only benefit Labour come the election

"I love standing by the ocean and just knowing what its for"

Posted By: Muppet
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2020 at 5:58am
Well that is what it is all about isn't it, personality.

Not actually being good at running a country.

Posted By: Fishb8
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2020 at 7:54am
If you saw TV! news with National's line-up and notiice Nicky Kaye's face, you knew something was going through her mind. I even paused and re-wound to show my wife and it was really obvious something was amiss.
Amy Adams resigning, too. Time Brownlee went, too.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken

Posted By: Motorhead
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2020 at 8:48am
Originally posted by Titahi Titahi wrote:

Five eyes is a security alliance, not something that requires NZ fall in line on foreign affairs...

Re read that article and keep in the back of your mind who injected " five eyes" into the article... Rebecca Howard did.

Five eyes has nothing to do with the foreign minister making a statement supporting other countries foreign policy.

Making decisions based on what's best for NZ as opposed  to what where told (pressured) is smart.....

Thinking that an article from a business desk reporter @ the Herald gives you an insight into what our security alliance should be doing isn't

Originally posted by Motorhead Motorhead wrote:

NZ's silence is deafening in respect to the 5 eyes alliance. 

By the way Im glad Crusher Collins has the opposition leadership, she has the personality of a feral cat and her being opposition leader will only benefit Labour come the election

To be clear I never thought or implied a Herald story will have top level secret intelligence in the content. It is more a generalization of the alliance NZ is following, undecided flip flopping. 

I may add that generally there is no intelligence to be found in a Herald news storyLOL.

You are correct in your analogy of Collins.
I have met (hosted) her and Muller during a visit to one of our companies assets and she was very witty and great to chat with.  
She would also take no prisoners if the situation dictated such action.  

Posted By: letsgetem
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2020 at 9:43am
Judith Collins is just what the country needs; because shes got courage. I hope she becomes PM.

Posted By: Big -Dave
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2020 at 9:53am
So I see things fairly simply.
I'm not big in to politics.
If I vote national, and they have no chance... Then labour will get in cuddled up with the greens or Winnie.
If I vote labour, they might be able to govern alone.. And no crackpot green policy.. Or grinning Winnie..

But I just don't like Jacindas socialist underpinnings.. And I wonder how far we will slide into socialism and government control/surveillance.
And that may depend on how we choose to fight for our freedoms as this whole world is shutting down and forcing control and obedience on its citizens to combat this virus.

Then there is this new NZPP..
I will be watching..

you can't fix an idiot with duct tape, but it does muffle them for a while...

Posted By: Muppet
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2020 at 10:21am
Its is your vote Dave do as you see fit.

The thing I hate most of all is cancel culture, the shutting down of opposing views of how and why things are.

Posted By: Skoti
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2020 at 12:47pm

COVID is no joke !
One former patient was so brain damaged after , he thought he won an election he lost by 7 million votes .

Posted By: pjc
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2020 at 1:04pm

Sex at 58.Lucky I live at 56

Posted By: taurangatroutmaster
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2020 at 1:52pm
They are all puppets for them same masters. Your "vote" literally counts for nothing

Posted By: Reel Deal
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2020 at 3:21pm
where is the anti cat party? It looks like the pick these days 

The gods do not subtract from the allotted span of men's lives the hours spent on fishing - Assyrian Proverb

Posted By: smudge
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2020 at 6:25pm
Originally posted by taurangatroutmaster taurangatroutmaster wrote:

They are all puppets for them same masters. Your "vote" literally counts for nothing

Absolute rubbish TTM. Who are these fictional puppet masters? Don't pussy foot around tell us!

If I vote for Act, you vote for Act & one million others vote for Act, then they feature in parliament. 

If you or I registered a party for the forthcoming election and I vote for myself and one million others vote for my party I'm pretty sure my party will play some part in NZ's political scene. If one million vote for your party then you will feature in our political scene.

Would that make you a slave of the puppet masters?

Best gurnard fisherman in my street

Posted By: cirrus
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2020 at 7:40pm
Time for "The Gurnard Party" smudge.

Posted By: Fishy11
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2020 at 8:02pm
Smudge, Act will 100% be getting more votes than the previous election. Probably a few more MPs in parliament than they have for a long time.
Issue is there's still too many braindead lefties who will vote for cindy the commie. There's also a heap of national voters who haven't figured out their being played yet and that both labour and national are both compromised. That isn't some fictional statement by me, TTM or anyone else on here either. Unless you've been living under a rock it's pretty obvious some of the power plays that are being made right now.

Posted By: Fishy11
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2020 at 8:04pm
1 million votes is also about half the total votes Smudge. Which no party has got in recent times.

Posted By: pjc
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2020 at 8:14pm
Originally posted by taurangatroutmaster taurangatroutmaster wrote:

They are all puppets for them same masters. Your "vote" literally counts for nothing
I would agree slightly with you.  Who do we owe the most or borrow the most $$ from???They are the ones pulling the strings.China is the master due to being our largest trading partner.   Without them who would lend us $$." rel="nofollow -

Fearing repercussions from our biggest customer and trading partner, Kiwi business leaders are holding their collective breath.

A recently leaked letter from primary sector business heads to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and other ministers asked the Government to tread lightly with China.

Sex at 58.Lucky I live at 56

Posted By: Fishy11
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2020 at 8:34pm
Exactly PJC. The communist threat never really went away like people thought it did. It's pretty obvious to see now they were just playing the long game. All that side of things is pretty apparent.

Look at the whole BLM thing that's going on, the leaders of which openly describe themselves as trained marxists, not my words, theirs. BLM (Antifa also) who is largely funded by Soros, who is buds with the Clintons and Bush's of the world. The Bill and Melinda gates foundation being one of the largest funders of the WHO behind the US and Chinese governments  (obviously no longer the case with the US government due to recent events).

But it's all fiction as Smudge saysLOL

Posted By: shaneg
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2020 at 9:05pm
Smile Like this Skoti ... and not a NZ First fan ... not a single issue voter but them stopping cameras on com boats cause getting few donations no doubt... is a disgrace and highly hypocritical for Winston who was supposedly the guy who used to stand up to big money... what a joke he and jones are, good politicians and terrible people.
Originally posted by Skoti Skoti wrote:

Posted By: fish-feeder
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2020 at 9:51pm
Originally posted by Fishy11 Fishy11 wrote:

Exactly PJC. The communist threat never really went away like
people thought it did. It's pretty obvious to see now they were just
playing the long game. All that side of things is pretty apparent.

at the whole BLM thing that's going on, the leaders of which openly
describe themselves as trained marxists, not my words, theirs. BLM (Antifa also) who is
largely funded by Soros, who is buds with the Clintons and Bush's of the
world. The Bill and Melinda gates foundation being one of the largest
funders of the WHO behind the US and Chinese governments  (obviously no
longer the case with the US government due to recent events).

But it's all fiction as Smudge saysLOL

Nail,meet hammer. Dead right fishy. It's still a slow drip but it's working.

dont get my personality mixed up with my attitude,my personality is me,my attitude depends on you.

Posted By: cirrus
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2020 at 10:16pm
Will be interesting to see if judith collins brings national back toward a center right party. 
Voters will have to choose which way to go. freedom of choice.

Two types of government.
Statism which survives by looting from  productive people,

A free country which survives by production.

Posted By: Fishy11
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2020 at 10:43pm
Originally posted by cirrus cirrus wrote:

Will be interesting to see if judith collins brings national back toward a center right party. 
Voters will have to choose which way to go. freedom of choice.

Two types of government 
Statism which survives by looting from  productive people,

A free country which survives by production.

Unlikely. Like most of national she voted along side labour so we now have warrantless searches of peoples homes and a whole heap of other communist type laws." rel="nofollow -
(these searches were prior to the law change, were found to be illegal, and guess what as usual no repercussions or punishment for those involved).

Judith was also one of the biggest proponents of the cluster f*ck changes to firearms legislation. Just because they aren't as far far left as labour doesn't mean they aren't loonie lefties all the same.
Actions speak louder than words though - Cindy and Judith can talk all the b.s they want, then do the complete opposite (while both parties are under investigation by the serious fraud office remember) and the mindless sheep who can't think for themselves will still vote for them. Says a lot about a heck of a lot of people as far as their morals and principles go.

It's not really a left / right thing though anyway. Like i've said previously it comes down to freedom and believing in the rights of the individual vs toxic group think, wanting to have control of what others say, think and do with their lives.

Posted By: shaneg
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2020 at 11:04pm
So who are you contemplating voting for fishy11 . Act maybe? Or not voting at all... because there’s no one to represent you, just wondering.

Posted By: Fishy11
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2020 at 11:43pm
Originally posted by shaneg shaneg wrote:

So who are you contemplating voting for fishy11 . Act maybe? Or not voting at all... because there’s no one to represent you, just wondering.

Yes, most likely leaning towards Act at this stage. Seymour is far more of a libertarian type than any of the others and the only one actually in parliament who has been calling out the b.s of the other 4 parties. Do i think Act are the be all and end all, no. With that being said i'd rather support someone who is for freedom of speech, firearms owners, property rights, business owners, is anti mass aerial 1080 and so on.
His track record of being the only one to actually vote against the other 4 on these issues in recent times speaks volumes as to how compromised the other parties have become. Both from local interests and international dodgy dealings already mentioned here.

I think NZ is f*cked either way and is only going to keep going further left if i'm being honest(i know pretty pessimistic) but if me ticking a particular box with a pen makes even 0.1% difference and means i wasn't one of the people who supported changes that destroyed what this country once was i can live with that.

....and before the usuals start harping on about how there's other countries that are far worse places to live than NZ, save it. We know, we've heard it all before. It's an absurd argument and solves nothing. I've spent enough time in 3rd world sh*t holes and other developed nations to have an idea, as have others.
Just because someone somewhere has it worse doesn't mean your problems no longer exist and you should just take it. Yes some kid in Africa doesn't have clean water. Yes a mother in the middle east lives in a war zone, but if you're house is on fire in NZ you might still want to tend to that. The problem's not going away because someone somewhere is having a worse day than you.

Posted By: White snake
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2020 at 11:59pm
Well said fishy11 👍🏻

Posted By: shaneg
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2020 at 12:11am
Shaneg wrote: Can respect that view. Not a bad choice, not that am sure you need any affirmation from me Smile
Originally posted by shaneg shaneg wrote:

So who are you contemplating voting for fishy11 . Act maybe? Or not voting at all... because there’s no one to represent you, just wondering.

Yes, most likely leaning towards Act at this stage. Seymour is far more of a libertarian type than any of the others and the only one actually in parliament who has been calling out the b.s of the other 4 parties. Do i think Act are the be all and end all, no. With that being said i'd rather support someone who is for freedom of speech, firearms owners, property rights, business owners, is anti mass aerial 1080 and so on.
His track record of being the only one to actually vote against the other 4 on these issues in recent times speaks volumes as to how compromised the other parties have become. Both from local interests and international dodgy dealings already mentioned here.

I think NZ is f*cked either way and is only going to keep going further left if i'm being honest(i know pretty pessimistic) but if me ticking a particular box with a pen makes even 0.1% difference and means i wasn't one of the people who supported changes that destroyed what this country once was i can live with that.

....and before the usuals start harping on about how there's other countries that are far worse places to live than NZ, save it. We know, we've heard it all before. It's an absurd argument and solves nothing. I've spent enough time in 3rd world sh*t holes and other developed nations to have an idea, as have others.
Just because someone somewhere has it worse doesn't mean your problems no longer exist and you should just take it. Yes some kid in Africa doesn't have clean water. Yes a mother in the middle east lives in a war zone, but if you're house is on fire in NZ you might still want to tend to that. The problem's not going away because someone somewhere is having a worse day than you.

Posted By: smudge
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2020 at 6:23am
Originally posted by Fishy11 Fishy11 wrote:

1 million votes is also about half the total votes Smudge. Which no party has got in recent times.

Big smile thanks for clearing that up Big smile

Best gurnard fisherman in my street

Posted By: Muppet
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2020 at 6:30am
Ha I agree with Fishy 11.
NZ simply cannot afford socialism as we don't have the numbers or productivity.
The handout to earning ratio is getting seriously bad.

Posted By: Motorhead
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2020 at 7:18am
Originally posted by shaneg shaneg wrote:

Shaneg wrote: Can respect that view. Not a bad choice, not that am sure you need any affirmation from me Smile
Originally posted by shaneg shaneg wrote:

So who are you contemplating voting for fishy11 . Act maybe? Or not voting at all... because there’s no one to represent you, just wondering.

Yes, most likely leaning towards Act at this stage. Seymour is far more of a libertarian type than any of the others and the only one actually in parliament who has been calling out the b.s of the other 4 parties. Do i think Act are the be all and end all, no. With that being said i'd rather support someone who is for freedom of speech, firearms owners, property rights, business owners, is anti mass aerial 1080 and so on.
His track record of being the only one to actually vote against the other 4 on these issues in recent times speaks volumes as to how compromised the other parties have become. Both from local interests and international dodgy dealings already mentioned here.

I think NZ is f*cked either way and is only going to keep going further left if i'm being honest(i know pretty pessimistic) but if me ticking a particular box with a pen makes even 0.1% difference and means i wasn't one of the people who supported changes that destroyed what this country once was i can live with that.

....and before the usuals start harping on about how there's other countries that are far worse places to live than NZ, save it. We know, we've heard it all before. It's an absurd argument and solves nothing. I've spent enough time in 3rd world sh*t holes and other developed nations to have an idea, as have others.
Just because someone somewhere has it worse doesn't mean your problems no longer exist and you should just take it. Yes some kid in Africa doesn't have clean water. Yes a mother in the middle east lives in a war zone, but if you're house is on fire in NZ you might still want to tend to that. The problem's not going away because someone somewhere is having a worse day than you.


My thoughts as well Shaneg. I’m not boomer age but NZ is an almost unrecognisable country now to what we were.
Sure I accept change but we have radically changed.
We almost all bang on with the assumption there are only 2 choices that really have sway at the polls.
We keep thinking that if we keeping putting sh1t in we will eventually get gold out.

I am starting to think Act has something a bit different to offer and my pen is starting approach that tick box. Would love to see a majority in power that is not National or Labour in the not too distant future.

Posted By: Reel Deal
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2020 at 9:38am
nz can afford socialism as long as it’s scaled. Nz will never be a super rich country due to resources, size, location etc. 
national tried and destroyed our environment we now got to live with. I feel labour has been infiltrated like National by big business that’s only focus is greed to heck with the life people have to live. Smaller parties are worth a look at, especially in a MMP environment. I must admit I never thought labour could hold that government together full term with the other parties included being so opposite. Credit due there.

The gods do not subtract from the allotted span of men's lives the hours spent on fishing - Assyrian Proverb

Posted By: Titahi
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2020 at 9:46am
Originally posted by Muppet Muppet wrote:

Ha I agree with Fishy 11.
NZ simply cannot afford socialism as we don't have the numbers or productivity.
The handout to earning ratio is getting seriously bad.

Denmark Finland and Norway have similar " numbers" 

"I love standing by the ocean and just knowing what its for"

Posted By: Joker
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2020 at 10:00am
Originally posted by Titahi Titahi wrote:

Originally posted by Muppet Muppet wrote:

Ha I agree with Fishy 11.
NZ simply cannot afford socialism as we don't have the numbers or productivity.
The handout to earning ratio is getting seriously bad.

Denmark Finland and Norway have similar " numbers" 

But those countries have a "Class" culture where people are citizens of the country, behave appropriately and care for it as a whole unlike here where too often principle allegiances lie offshore or are clouded by personal cultural appropriation.

Posted By: Hook-it
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2020 at 10:20am
Collins is like a big kid in the candy store.. Now watch the tax's rise if she attains power. Who is better I do not know.

Posted By: Muppet
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2020 at 10:37am
Originally posted by Joker Joker wrote:

Originally posted by Titahi Titahi wrote:

Originally posted by Muppet Muppet wrote:

Ha I agree with Fishy 11.
NZ simply cannot afford socialism as we don't have the numbers or productivity.
The handout to earning ratio is getting seriously bad.

Denmark Finland and Norway have similar " numbers" 

But those countries have a "Class" culture where people are citizens of the country, behave appropriately and care for it as a whole unlike here where too often principle allegiances lie offshore or are clouded by personal cultural appropriation.

Bang on Joker.
Our crime rate dwarfs those countries for a start.
I saw one program on Norways prison system and how they are pretty much unguarded and next to zero violence.
Seriously think it will work here?

Posted By: Reel Deal
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2020 at 10:51am
yeah let’s aim low. That’s the kiwi spirit LOL

The gods do not subtract from the allotted span of men's lives the hours spent on fishing - Assyrian Proverb

Posted By: Catchelot
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2020 at 1:05pm

"The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever." - Jacques Cousteau

Posted By: Bounty Hunter
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2020 at 5:00pm
Originally posted by Joker Joker wrote:

Originally posted by Titahi Titahi wrote:

Originally posted by Muppet Muppet wrote:

Ha I agree with Fishy 11.
NZ simply cannot afford socialism as we don't have the numbers or productivity.
The handout to earning ratio is getting seriously bad.

Denmark Finland and Norway have similar " numbers" 

But those countries have a "Class" culture where people are citizens of the country, behave appropriately and care for it as a whole unlike here where too often principle allegiances lie offshore or are clouded by personal cultural appropriation.

this is a very good comment and i believe a major reason for the stagnation of nz in a social, economic and strategic sense

go to Japan - witness the contrast of a co-hesive and homogeneous culture - return to NZ and feel the dispare wash over you as you realise the inefficiencies here because of the above...

No disintegrations!

Posted By: v8-coupe
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2020 at 5:43pm
Originally posted by Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter wrote:

Originally posted by Joker Joker wrote:

Originally posted by Titahi Titahi wrote:

Originally posted by Muppet Muppet wrote:

Ha I agree with Fishy 11.
NZ simply cannot afford socialism as we don't have the numbers or productivity.
The handout to earning ratio is getting seriously bad.

Denmark Finland and Norway have similar " numbers" 

But those countries have a "Class" culture where people are citizens of the country, behave appropriately and care for it as a whole unlike here where too often principle allegiances lie offshore or are clouded by personal cultural appropriation.

this is a very good comment and i believe a major reason for the stagnation of nz in a social, economic and strategic sense

go to Japan - witness the contrast of a co-hesive and homogeneous culture - return to NZ and feel the dispare wash over you as you realise the inefficiencies here because of the above...

+1 Thumbs Up

Legasea Legend Member

Posted By: Alan L
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2020 at 6:00pm
Yes we spend a disproportionate amount of time squabbling over division of resources and who owns and is entitled to what. Amongst ourselves - a team of 5M.Unprecedented I would think.

Legasea Legend member

Posted By: Steps
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2020 at 6:30pm
Agree with you guys on the 'kiwi ' attitude as compared to many other countries.
They have political divisions/ parties ,  at the end of the day it is about the bigger long term picture of their country.
 NZ we have a treaty that is about joint, not single 'ownership' of NZ. We have and attitude of , what can I get out of this rather than what can WE to make this better.
 The JFK quote comes to mine here
"Its not what your country can do for you, its what you can do for your country"

 Crusher... she has history, she has experience, doesn't take any nonsense.
We gets stuff done.
Got Seymour with Act..
I think there is a chance they could get to the treasury benches.

Cindy.. well kiwi build ... her throw money at child poverty.. numbers gone up, money soaked into beuocracy and treaty rorts.
Climate change, emissions up, environment .. well planting pines , over good land doesnt work.
The gun feasco.
 Dinner ready, list goes on and on.

Posted By: smudge
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2020 at 6:39pm
Yepp, here's another one. Don't aim low - let's criticise our politicians because they are fat, look like a horse, are maori or gay.

Best gurnard fisherman in my street

Posted By: Fishb8
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2020 at 9:32pm
I reckon National are embarking up a strategy to lose the election. The next 3 years will be a tough one for whoever is in power and who wants to win a poisoned chalice?

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken

Posted By: v8-coupe
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2020 at 9:00am
Originally posted by smudge smudge wrote:

Yepp, here's another one. Don't aim low - let's criticise our politicians because they are fat, look like a horse, are maori or gay.

Ha ha Smudge.
You may well be being facetious, however some of what you describe seem to be the only qualifications necessary to be on the front benches.
The only question the media seemed to ask on both occasions during the National Party leader changes was "what about diversity and how many Maori are in top jobs".
Nothing on policy.
So facetious or not, your comment is probably more correct than you intended.
Take care.

Legasea Legend Member

Posted By: Steps
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2020 at 9:40am
Yepp, here's another one. Don't aim low - let's criticise our politicians because they are fat, look like a horse, are maori or gay.

Or what has been the case in the past, and now.. the best photogenic gets the tick the moment the pen presses on the square of the voting paper..
Been a few pollies over the yrs never made it because of this sort of thing.

Before social media, upto very early days of internet, the vote went to the best achiever, who had the gift of the gab, and presented best on the podium.. in that order.

Posted By: taurangatroutmaster
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2020 at 10:02am
Whoever the elite want to put into the position of pm is going to be who "wins" and that's how it's always been. Opposing political parties and voting is just another farce to give the illusion of freedom

Posted By: corosanta
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2020 at 10:05am
So who/what is the elite?


Posted By: taurangatroutmaster
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2020 at 10:06am
Funny how u guys keep asking who the elite is. This question must have been answered several times now. It's the bushes, the Clintons, the Rothschild's, the Rockefeller's, Soros etc etc. Freemasons, bankers, the "royal" bloodlines

Posted By: corosanta
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2020 at 10:08am
So who/what is the elite in New Zealand?


Posted By: taurangatroutmaster
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2020 at 10:10am
It's a world wide thing and NZ is heavily involved. One of the end goals is a 1 world govt

Posted By: corosanta
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2020 at 10:14am
So those people/things that you quoted want to govern the whole world.
And for what?


Posted By: cirrus
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2020 at 10:23am
Once heard it said,be it true or false, that long ago in the English parliament one of the Lords said. "We have given the people the vote--and we shall also give them someone to vote for"

Posted By: taurangatroutmaster
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2020 at 10:27am
To have complete control. Look up agenda 21 and agenda 2030. The information isn't even hidden.

Posted By: Titahi
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2020 at 10:59am
TTM you forgot to mention NASA have created a new Zodiac sign....  Towed into place by a man in a red suit using  a 8 reindeer tractor unit.

Must be horrible to so clearly see the problem, that no one else around you can fathom, and be powerless to do anything about it.

Commiserations to you

"I love standing by the ocean and just knowing what its for"

Posted By: taurangatroutmaster
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2020 at 11:23am
Didn't know NASA had done that but everything they do is fake. Just another masonic lie

Posted By: Muzzfishing
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2020 at 11:30am
Is Crusher Collins part of agenda 21 or 2030

-------------" rel="nofollow">     A Good Skipper Keeps the water on the outside of the boat.

Posted By: corosanta
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2020 at 11:49am
Wow! So TTM, who/what want "complete control" because of agenda 21 and 2030.
Doesn't make much sense to me or any of my reindeer.
My mate flooded in at the end of Kohumaru Road wasn't too impressed either.
I'll have a yarn with the boys down at the pub this arvo, they might figure it out.
Meanwhile, we have you.


Posted By: kitno
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2020 at 11:55am
I'm still waiting to see photos of Ttm's 60cm+ gurnard that he claims to catch regularly.

Posted By: kitno
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2020 at 12:00pm
As for whom I'm voting for, still undecided.

Posted By: Mr Moritz
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2020 at 12:00pm

The Labyrinth

I met up with NASA Austronaut who had walked on the moon back in 1975. I was running a research station in the dry valleys Antarctica. I took him for a ride on a good old kiwi gnat to show him the Labyrinth. He said it was the closest thing to the moon he had seen on the earth. We used to get a lot of visitors arrive by Helo from Mcmurdo unannounced. Had the Commander of US Pacific Fleet turn up for lunch one day. They brought their own in brown paper bags. They had oranges, but not for long we soon got our hands on them...

Posted By: taurangatroutmaster
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2020 at 1:58pm
Of course crusher is part of agenda 21 etc but only as a puppet having her strings pulled. No different to Cindy. Niether of them actually have any say in anything or any true power

Posted By: taurangatroutmaster
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2020 at 2:03pm
Kitno that's because I eat gurnard not photograph them. They get filleted on the rocks to make the carry out easier. Not safe climbing cliffs with all your gear plus a heavy bag on fish. For the same reason I don't take a camera or phone because there's no reception anyway. I fish for my own satisfaction, so I don't mind if you believe me or not

Posted By: smudge
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2020 at 2:06pm
Originally posted by taurangatroutmaster taurangatroutmaster wrote:

Didn't know NASA had done that but everything they do is fake. Just another masonic lie

TTM, I've had a couple of people tell me you are a real good guy and are just stirring the pot. If that is true then I have absolutely no respect for you anymore. It's bad enough that you have these whacko  ideas, but if you're misleading via dishonesty then you can f#ck off. Your call.

Best gurnard fisherman in my street

Posted By: taurangatroutmaster
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2020 at 2:28pm
I'm not stirring the pot at all. I firmly believe what I say. Others on here have backed up alot of what I've said. I know you don't see it smudge but I'm actually trying to help people and open there eyes to what's really going on in the world. And talk fishing which is what I'm doing on every post other than this one and this one I'm keeping within subject. I realise people don't like hearing the truth alot of the time and get angry about it. It's a natural reaction so I don't hold that against anyone. I'm certainly not dishonest and live my life by a be good to people and help where u can kind of attitude. met me and had a good chat smudge. Do I seem like the kind of person that would just stir the pot for this long?

Posted By: fish-feeder
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2020 at 2:52pm
TTM....the info is out there. I wouldn't bother trying to educate people on it,waste of time as nothing can be done anyways. The destabilizing of the USA is in full swing....China is land grabbing all over the world,they want to be the new superpower,they have even said as much. Is a war on the cards?.... .

dont get my personality mixed up with my attitude,my personality is me,my attitude depends on you.

Posted By: taurangatroutmaster
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2020 at 3:00pm
Fish feeder although it's not happening fast enough people are waking up to what's going on. The only way it can be stopped is if people know and stop supporting this broken system. I realise I'm banging my head against a brick wall with the majority on here but that won't stop me speaking what I believe to be true. I don't claim to have all the answers. I'm constantly learning

Posted By: Fishy11
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2020 at 3:03pm
Smudge, first off i'll just say i'm not looking to escalate things or start sh*t. Why is it though we can't just stick to debating the ideas, why do we need to start attacking the person.
Heck i don't always agree with everything TTM says, i don't agree with a bunch of your views either but isn't the whole point that we can share our ideas/ views and discuss them.
What's you're views on my posts in this thread for instance?
I mentioned something about BLM, Antifa and Soros all which can be substantiated.
What's your view on the whole Epstein thing? his death, Ghislaine Maxwell, the island, the royal family and Hollywood ties. Are there no local or overseas interests, people or groups with power who influence politics in NZ? Or am i a nutjob also? Is it all just fiction?

Posted By: Reel Deal
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2020 at 3:22pm
Second that. Well said. 

The gods do not subtract from the allotted span of men's lives the hours spent on fishing - Assyrian Proverb

Posted By: Fishy11
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2020 at 3:28pm
Here's one related to the government, politics and something Judith had a hand in along with the PM. Must be a few hunters/firearms licence holders on this forum.
Was the gun grab as it is, face value if you will. Or is it it part of a bigger plan /agenda?
Does anyone actually believe all the new firearm legislation was introduced to make us safer? How's that working so far? i see another shooting to add to this years list, 2 people shot last night in Ellerslie.

Link for reference." rel="nofollow -

and another incednt in Dunedin yesterday" rel="nofollow -

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