Hi Kerren,
You'd know from your club records - when are the first albacore usually caught. The Raglan Sport Fishing Club is fairly new and only has last year's results and the first albies were caught in mid Dec. Are those dates average? If so a combined snapper/albie trip looks to be good value just before Xmas.
We can usually get albies from mid November on the west coast (give or take a week or two). Personally I will be trying for them the first chance i get in November. Went over the Manukau Bar on Thursday just gone but no sign of life at all. Went to 50 metres and back.
Hi Bushpig
Keep me posted on your albie hunting, I'm always keen to go chasing chickens. Did you troll and what lures do you use?
My experience is that there's not usually any sign of bird life when catching albies.
Didnt troll on the last trip. In past seasons anything small has worked but my most effective lure is a small balck/purple bullet head.
i only run it for an hour or so depending on how many Alberts we want. I get sick of stopping the boat all the time. Mind, now i'm a family man i do more meat hunting than i used to.
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