The phone rang early...I didn't hear it, I got up, made a coffee and checked the messages... It was Pigs, we were set, I quickly threw the gear in the car as it was all packed from last weekend's cancellation due to the weather.
A quick stop at Top Catch to buy some bait and a chinwag with Brown about where the fish were happening. And off I went out to the Heads, picked up Pigs half way and on to Urquharts Bay to meet Tony our Captain for the day.
Our Chariot and vessel for the day, what a beast!

A txt from EKO/Dave and he wasn't far away, launching his vessel at Little Munro Bay.
Here is EKO, our safety and rescue number for the day.

He did damn well trying to keep up with 180 horses of pure Roar!

The day began with a slight Sou'Wester and we steamed out to 3 mile reef for a look around. A few boats were there and we found some sign and structure with some good contacts hugging the bottom which to us said, Snapper!. Thus the anchor was dutifully deployed and it was action stations. Baits galore, and Pigs on the SB. Bites were straight away and hookups but throw back Snappers prevailed. I managed a keeper of 30cm but thought nah they will be bigger and threw it back, alas they did not get bigger...

I deployed a whole Pillie and was rewarded with a lovely John Dory, I was happy I got dinner!
A few more shifts and few more tries and we found the same throw back snaps, Blue Cods and baby Scorpian fish.
Eko decided to try in closer and have a look around Uretiti (nudist beach

) and Waipu areas and found a few workups but nothing much happened. We moved on to Fairway Buoy and found a few more throw back Snaps.
The wind dropped right away and the sea unfolded into a tranquil and peaceful calm. We decided to try the Tarakihi grounds.
Pigs was using SB and squids, Tony had Tarakihi flies...

Tony with the target species a lovely Tarakihi.

Pigs finally got to christen and blood his new birthday prezzy with a few Gurnards, a lovely Pflueger reel

So a lovely day out from Whanga-Vegas harbour, a beast of a boat with adrenaline pumping Yams, good company of fellas, and good that EKO could join us too...A tough day on the fishing front, but we managed a humble feed, there was many boats out there and many on the move so one of those days that we be thankful and grateful for, and well, it keeps us coming back, that is; The Thrill Of The Wild..., Kia Kaha Ika

"The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever." - Jacques Cousteau