Dave, she was pretty rough outside by all accounts... but hey we'd never seen as many fish in a long while. Three mile reef was firing, Guano rock produced a 14kg kingi and 22lb snapper.... one boat had three fisho on it and they had their quota of fin fish and snapper. 27 snapper and they were all over 12lbs the fin fish consited of terries and kahawai ... a great haul for three fishos.... the best was a guy who said hey I only got a couple...... he had two ladies with him... and someone said hey mate if you take out the ladies sometimes the fishing isn't great.... well he showed us these two fish. one was a kingi around 16kgs and the other was a snapper around 10kgs.... he was smiling.... but the crazy thing was that his missuss caught both the fish.... we had to eat our words..... Saturday was huge everyone had their quota... a great day had by all.... Waving SB
![]() Haha got there just after you Dave, just love your fishing txts when I am working NOT! ![]() |
The local weather station is saying 35 Km/h Southerly at the moment and it is supposed to die away in moring and turn Northerly and rise to 15 Km/h in the arvo...
![]() Nice one edan, mean report there, what depth were they at mate? |
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