letsgetem wrote: I need the whole thing. Lost the previous one. |
Phantom Menace wrote: Yeah, proximity keys are great - until they get dunked in salt water ... On the evening of New Years Day we had a callout at 10pm. A guy had got himself stranded by the tide on Mahurangi Island and had called some mates who had called coastguard asking for assistance. We zipped over from Stanmore Bay in the CG Sealegs and picked him up. The wheels came in handy as we could drive the bow wheel up onto the rocks a little so he didn't have to get too wet. We got him back to Waiwera where his car was (he was a nice guy - using his phone to translate, lots of selfies and obvious thanks etc.). Anyway - he had a Lexus hybrid and the key was stuffed so he couldn't unlock the car. Luckily we had screwdrivers small enough to pull his proximity thing apart and get his manual key out HOWEVER this just meant he could get into the car but not start it! He had to call some mates to come out with a spare key (it was a warm night so we left him to it - he was dry and could get into his car). Looking at the inside of his proximity key I would say it had been in salt water a few times. |
Diverse fishing options The summer snapper are prolific and feeding well, yet a summer slowdown... Read More >
Strong winds means options have all been inshore The plan for Boxing Day was to... Read More >
Moving into good fishing Happy New Year everyone, I hope you have all had a... Read More >
Holiday fishing fickle Fishing in the Bream Bay/Whangarei Harbour/Mangawhai area over the holiday period can... Read More >