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Hobsonville point boat ramp

Printed From: The Fishing Website
Category: Saltwater Fishing
Forum Name: Fishing Reports
Forum Description: Share information about your latest fishing trip
Printed Date: 10 Feb 2025 at 3:38am

Topic: Hobsonville point boat ramp
Posted By: Fisherwoman
Subject: Hobsonville point boat ramp
Date Posted: 21 Feb 2014 at 9:42pm
Has anyone else been out to Hobsonville to see that the ramp is closed, due to it apparently being unsafe. Our mighty airforce never seemed to have a problem over the last 70 or so years. Funny how this coincides with the opening of there Farmers markets on weekends and Fergs Kayaks running there business from there. Once again boaties shafted. Have heard a lot of upset people who have their Launchs and Yachts moored out from here and they can't even get there dinghys through the barriers. Trying to find out if the ramp is council run or private. Anyone have any idea?

Posted By: roach1200
Date Posted: 22 Feb 2014 at 10:19am

try this link, i think its council run...Cry

Posted By: J-D
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2014 at 1:17am
I was advised by one of the Deodar crew that the ramp was considered unsafe and was has been con-teemed.

I wonder if the council was collecting a fee it would still be running Confused

Posted By: smudge
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2014 at 2:43pm
Wow, that stinks, I used that ramp regularly ten years ago and it was in perfect nick, I find it hard to believe it has deteriorated that badly . it had been designed for some heavy gear and the Navy and rec users would hardly have caused a problem since then....

Best gurnard fisherman in my street

Posted By: Nomis
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2014 at 11:02pm
there is nothing wrong with that ramp at all! infact its better than most

Posted By: Fisherwoman
Date Posted: 24 Feb 2014 at 7:04am
Yes it is pretty infuriating, have called the council who just pass the buck and have now passed my original email on to someone in transport. They didn't even know where the wharf was. Kept going on about west harbour ramp. Typical beuracrats!!

Posted By: Monty
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2014 at 8:42am
I was out there a few weeks ago and the ramp looked great to me. What a load of bollocks, they forget auckland is majorly water oriented with a huge boating populace but they are slowly cutting the lifelifes to the water.

Posted By: Blue Asparagus
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2014 at 9:51am
what ever happened to the up keep, oh thats right the base was closed and left to the needy and the council, I lived on the base for many years the specials knew what I do for a job and I was often asked to watch over their families when they went on shall we say exercises, used the ramp hundreds of time it is over 4 foot thick and 50foot across, I used to drive my holden towing the hains down the ramp and U turn it was/is this wide, it was looked after by the base and the yacht club there.

sections perfectly kept as were the housing whats it like now?

what is the boat squadron using for there exercises etc the council, your a pack of no hopers as is the government weather todays or the previous, we need our armed forces but not according to gods children who want peace and pansies ll across the world fu ck I wish they would round them all up and shoot the lot of the pc brigade.
Why cant those who oppose this sort of thing actually grow a pair and speak up, I have but a single voice is often shouted down by many

Ultimate GAME Fishing Adventures. Northland

Posted By: Otto
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2014 at 9:55am
This is what is really starting to tickle my tonsils.

Access to the water is being reduced each year because of so called development.
Bayswater marina another that I am against, yes apartments etc look good but I'm all for OPEN areas with ramps that anyone can use.
No waterfront residential developments

Soon we'll all be queuing for hours just to launch a dinghy.

Posted By: gunner
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2014 at 3:55pm
When I was at whenuapai we used to have to get the Fireys to hose of the ramp because of the slime, whats the bet that hasn't been done and the ramp is too slippery to use.

Posted By: 064pointbreak
Date Posted: 31 Dec 2022 at 11:29pm
There is a big spotty at the boat ramp if you arrive here at high tide and it's night time.
Try dropping a line at the right side of the ramp, and wait.
P.S. There are small baitfish everywhere, but I can't catch them. Can someone tell me how?

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