Hi All
Stoked to be able to offer our new hand carved traditional fish bat (or Patu) for sale on our website (as used on the boats)
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Here's the lowdown:
Traditional Hand Carved Fish Bat (called a Patu in Maori) - Patu meaning to hit, strike or subdue. This Patu is made out of Matai ($150) or Maire ($200) -the Maire being the heavier of the two.
After the NZ Native wood is turned especially for your fish bat it is then handcarved by Natanahira Pona, a respected Maori carver. Natanahira designed these fish bats especially for Epic Adventures and the story behind the carving is told below by Natanahira and reflected in the carving.
Kuku, kuku ika, kuku wehiwehi, Takina ko koe naa, te iho o ika, Te iho o Tangaroa. Uara ki uta raa, uara ki tai raa.
Hold tight, hold the fish, hold tight with fearsome power, You are led along, the essence of the fish, The essence of Tangaroa. Desired on the land, desired on the sea.
This Paatuketuke is carved with traditional puhoro and kowhaiwhai designs. The puhoro pattern is formed when a paddle is pulled through the water creating the swirls of movement. It is the balance between positive and negative, symbolizing agility and speed. It also has kowhaiwhai patterns which represent the link between all living things. When the fish is killed it is believed to become whanau (family), it is this connection between life and death which is considered tapu (sacred). All animals breathe life and give life. They become part of us when life and death go hand in hand.
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