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how to make a flasher rig

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Topic: how to make a flasher rig
Posted By: gmacx
Subject: how to make a flasher rig
Date Posted: 20 Jan 2013 at 11:56am
Hi guys,

I am interested in learning how to make a flasher rig, dont really know much about it and have found sites hard to come by and few videos on youtube.

What is the red line that is used to hold the flasher material to the hook?
How is it tied off in the end? Or is it just glued in place?
What is the best place to purchase materials from? > glue, red line etc.
What is the best method of tying the line with the branches out to the sides?
Does the line need to be snelled around the hook? And is the non slip snell the best for this?

Thanks guys, and if anybody has a book/video on it I may be keen to purchase off them if possible.


Posted By: Lethal
Date Posted: 20 Jan 2013 at 12:09pm
save yourself a lot of trouble,  send Uncle a PM he makes some of the best ones around...
from Sabiki's to Flashers plus Small Tuna Lures, any size any amount of hooks any colour any weight line what ever you fancy, he's the man...

Thanks for everything you did for us Eric. may you rest in peace, You were one of the real legends of NZ recreational fishing

Posted By: gmacx
Date Posted: 20 Jan 2013 at 2:10pm
Have purchased some but would still like to know.


Posted By: Kevin.S
Date Posted: 20 Jan 2013 at 2:39pm
I make all my own flasher rigs.  That tutorial seems to pretty much cover it, just have a go.  I started using a little vice that bolted onto the table to hold the hook in, not a proper fly tying vice.  To start off I tie the thread to the eye in the hook, then wind round the shank to give a base.  The thread I use is just red nylon thread from a fly tying shop, I think I got mine from Hamils in Manukau.  After I've finished I put rod laquer over the thread to help make it solid.  The flasher material is available from lots of fishing shops.  You do save money, the thread was about $9 and the flasher material is around $10 a pack -which makes loads of rigs.  Also you get the satisfaction of catching fish on something you made.  I also like to use Gamakatsu hooks, which you can't buy as flasher rigs.

Posted By: Uncle
Date Posted: 20 Jan 2013 at 3:15pm
Originally posted by Kevin.S Kevin.S wrote:

 I also like to use Gamakatsu hooks, which you can't buy as flasher rigs.
Oh yes you can...

Posted By: Jet_ski_fisher
Date Posted: 20 Jan 2013 at 3:57pm
Gmacx make your own, save your self the money and why pay someone your hard earned cash when you can do it your self. piss easy to make up and fun to try different colours have fun and good luck :)

-------------" rel="nofollow">
MH... Catch measure release...<*))))<

Posted By: Kevin.S
Date Posted: 20 Jan 2013 at 4:10pm
Originally posted by Uncle Uncle wrote:

Originally posted by Kevin.S Kevin.S wrote:

 I also like to use Gamakatsu hooks, which you can't buy as flasher rigs.
Oh yes you can...

OK, fair point.  I'm sure there are sources, but they don't appear to be on the shelves of any tackle stores that I've been in. 

Posted By: Uncle
Date Posted: 20 Jan 2013 at 4:23pm
You must live in the wrong town KevinWink

Gamakatsu 5/0 circle hooks

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 20 Jan 2013 at 5:18pm

The Snappa Flash brand are tied using Gamakatsu hooks. They come in sizes from 3/0 or the way to 8/0 , but I believe they only use J hooks. I prefer circle hooks on my flashers . Think I seen them in fishing, camping and outdoors. 

When I am to lazy to tie them, I buy most of my flasher rigs from Uncle who also uses Gamakatsu hooks. 

What is the red line that is used to hold the flasher material to the hook?

The red line is fly tying cotton/thread. It comes in dozens of different strengths and styles.

How is it tied off in the end? Or is it just glued in place?

" rel="nofollow -

What is the best place to purchase materials from? > glue, red line etc.

Any fishing shop with a decent fly tying section.  Flyshop has a good selection." rel="nofollow -

Although tackle tactics probably has all that you need for tying flasher rigs.

What is the best method of tying the line with the branches out to the sides?

I don't knot. 

The easiest is just to tie a loop using two or three overhead knots then cut the loop.  Would want to use fairly heavy mono because the overhead is a weak knot.... 

Another method, which is probably stronger, is to tie independent sections of line on using a surgeon or similar knot. That way if the dropper fails the whole rig does not break....  It also allows the use of different strength of line, for example the main backbone could be much heavier then the line use for the droppers. 

Many people use a dropper knot, but I am to uncoordinated to tie them properly. 

Does the line need to be snelled around the hook? And is the non slip snell the best for this?

Does not need to be snelled, although the snell knot is a very strong and simple knot and they might improve hook up percentages using circle hooks. 

Posted By: Kevin.S
Date Posted: 20 Jan 2013 at 6:16pm
I tie my dropper loops with a tytaz knot jig.  A bit of a luxury, but it makes it so easy.  Then I leave the loop and attach the hooks with a palomar knot, again very easy.

Posted By: kaveman
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2013 at 7:01am
Uncle's rigs work. eg, last saturday i caught 16 tk in a row,mate caught zilch,he said fish all on your side of boat, i say nah, put one of these on (uncle tk rig) he then procedes to catch 8-10 tk in a row.
End of storyLOL if you want the best, buy Uncle's rigs, THEY WORK


Posted By: gmacx
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2013 at 8:05am
Thanks guys, yeah have bought two of uncle's rigs, would like to try and make some myself tho, give me something to do on the rainy day.

Cheers for all the info, will have a play around.

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