Boat Reviews
Printed From: The Fishing Website
Category: General Forums
Forum Name: The Boat Shed
Forum Description: Discuss all things boating.
Printed Date: 14 Feb 2025 at 8:43am
Topic: Boat Reviews
Posted By: Wahoo Woman
Subject: Boat Reviews
Date Posted: 28 Oct 2010 at 3:20pm
Just wanted to let you know we have lots of boat reviews available to view on you can get to these by clicking" rel="nofollow - here . You can view these in alphabetical order by clicking on the title button above the boat names 
Any feedback on this section of is greatly appreciated 
Posted By: CEEBEE
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2010 at 12:11pm
Excellent thread WW, need to update the reviews to 2010 otherwise awesome.
Posted By: letsgetem
Date Posted: 20 Jun 2011 at 12:01pm
The boat reviews in magazines, are mostly from short try-outs - ie not from experience of owning the boat. It would be great, if there were reviews produced by actual owners, using the boat for what we want to hear, fishing. Each model reviewed could have a "topic" posted, and subsequently other people could add words of wisdom.
Posted By: Moki Marko
Date Posted: 20 Jun 2011 at 1:44pm
letsgetem wrote:
The boat reviews in magazines, are mostly from short try-outs - ie not from experience of owning the boat. It would be great, if there were reviews produced by actual owners, using the boat for what we want to hear, fishing. Each model reviewed could have a "topic" posted, and subsequently other people could add words of wisdom. |
Agree 100 percent - I don't know how many reviews i've read that start out: "it was a flat calm day on the Waitamata... " you read 3 pages that go on and on about the number of rod holders and the colour of the squabs, anyone can find that out for themselves by visiting the boat shop, potential buys want to know how the boat handles and you aint gunna find that out on a "flat day on the Waitamata"
Posted By: Big -Dave
Date Posted: 14 Sep 2011 at 3:56pm
In my experience, most people rave about whatever they own, not wanting to admit that they made a mistake buying it... What one bloke thinks is a good ride, might be a crap ride to someone else..
------------- you can't fix an idiot with duct tape, but it does muffle them for a while...
Posted By: feeder
Date Posted: 14 Sep 2011 at 4:18pm
Yea the review on the boat that I eventually ended up with made the statement that, no matter what the test driver did there was no way he could get 1 spot of water on the windscreen, he's never been on the west coast .
------------- The only bar to frequent is the Kawhia Bar
Posted By: NZfrnd
Date Posted: 15 Dec 2011 at 8:40am
i havnt owned a boat until i bought my current one. when i went out with a friend, i thought the boat was bouncing on the waves and i told him the ride seem to be rough, he told me, its cutting thru the chop fine and that i should try a tinny before knowing what a rough ride is! I guess if the person writing the review has had experiences on different boats and conditions, then it would be good. else he/she wouldnt have the complete picture.
Posted By: onboard
Date Posted: 26 Sep 2012 at 8:36pm
hoping to see a column of performance(revs, speed mph, liters/hour) on every boat reviewed, those reviewed as if they were trying to hide the figures.
Posted By: Grinna
Date Posted: 04 Nov 2012 at 5:25pm
Hi, I forwarded a response to admin some weeks ago, suggesting some ideas and have yet even to receive an acknowledgement of any sort.
------------- Composite Trailerboat inspections Waitakare mob.021 618-971 [email protected]
Posted By: Grunta
Date Posted: 04 Nov 2012 at 6:19pm
Yes you did Peter and I had noted your comments but that was as far as it went - apologies for being slack! Our reviews are provided by 3rd party publications as you might have noticed - we don't have the resources to do our own. On the 'to-do' list is to add a comments sections to all our articles, including boat reviews which will go some way to providing some user comments.
I agree that boat reviews generally don't give you the real oil - I can't remember seeing a bad one. They really are a 'feature' review and maybe user comments might provide some interesting expansion to a rather traditional way of reviewing boats.
------------- Online...
Posted By: letsgetem
Date Posted: 04 Nov 2012 at 7:02pm
Yes - that sounds worthwhile - a boat review by someone experienced - followed by comments by owners. Both points of view. However, I feel boat reviews should be less biased, ie prepared to be honest about shortcomings, instead of glossing over them.
Posted By: Beanfishing
Date Posted: 15 Dec 2013 at 1:27am
Hi all, I apologise if this isn't the right place to be asking this question, I know about as much as forums as I do boats!! but I'm after your guys thoughts/experience.
I've been burnt once already by not doing my homework and rushing out buying an old bayliner, so want to get it right this time.
I'm looking at a 5.3mtr 2002 Fi Glass firestar with a 90hp 2002 rebuilt Honda. I want a boat that I can use mainly for family outings, biscuit, watersking but more importantly also use to go fishing with the boys as well, including the sea....If I ever get back that way (currently Central Otago).
Can anyone tell me about the motor are they any good, anything I need to be wary of? I've heard that they are heavier and although may be more economical are more sluggish than a 2 stroke, but then on the other hand I hear they are the ducks nuts...confusing
Any info about the 2002 Firestar would be appreciated as well, ie fishing room.
Budget is $20K
Thanks for your help
Posted By: Cashedup
Date Posted: 15 Dec 2013 at 7:37am
Hi Bean, my stepfather has a Firestar of that year, but with a 90 2stroke Merc. I am really impressed with the boat. Rides amazingly well, and really stable. The 2 stroke is a perfect match for it I think. Don't know how the extra weight of a 4 stroke would effect the handling of the boat. Fishing room would be my only concern. If it's just you and 1 mate going out, and you both just like to sit in your seats and relax with a rod in hand, then not too bad, but if there's more than 2 of you, or you like to get up and walk round, or chase kingies round the boat then I think you'd find them a bit small. They do have a fairly large cabin area, so that's where you loose your fishing room (but that's like a lot of fibreglass boats I guess) Couldn't comment on outboard, no experience with those sorry.
Posted By: Tagit
Date Posted: 15 Dec 2013 at 9:12am
We have that 90 Honda on a 6m Ramco. It isn't a speed demon, but it powers it just fine. On a 5.3m hull it should be plenty.
Posted By: cirrus
Date Posted: 15 Dec 2013 at 10:04am
Wondering why a 2002 honda would be rebuilt. Thought they would have lasted longer than that.?
Posted By: Beanfishing
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2013 at 7:00pm
G'day thanks for that, the big thing for me at the moment I guess, is how the hull will handle a bit of lake chop, with the wife and two kids on board, so from what you're saying pretty much sounds like what i'm after. Fishing wise I would like to be able to take it out to sea on the odd occassion probably with a couple of mates.
I live In Otago so no kingies mostly blue cod, dont know if I would be keen enough to take it to far out to sea, so the boat sounds about right for me.
thanks for your advice, much appreciated
Posted By: Beanfishing
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2013 at 7:04pm
HI thanks for replying
I've heard they're pretty economical which I like the sound of, especailly for trawling for the odd trout, which I do a fair bit of. But I do have an auxiliary from my last boat which is pretty good so it's not the be all and end all.
Family man though and still like to do the odd bit of watersking towing the kids around on the biscuit, do you think it will be powerful enough for that as well?
In regards to the motor being rebuilt not sure why, I did wonder the same thing. Apparently it was sold by Marlborough marine to replace a damaged one. I'm going to give them a ring tomorrow and see if I can find out more.
Thanks for all your replies
Posted By: Snapperoo
Date Posted: 28 Apr 2014 at 9:55am
Just seen this topic and couldn't agree more. I have been a reviewer of various things and know the golden rule: if you burn the guy who gave you the freebie, you won't get any more.
The only worthwhile reviews are those that are independent of any manufacturer, ie, the reviewer paid to see the movie, bought the reel, or travelled at their own expense.
Now, to boats. I have just bought my second Surtees Workmates 5.5, so I obviously rate them.
The new one has a portofino stern and looks smarter than the old one. It is well finished and a very soft ride, running nicely on a Suzuki 90hp, which is very economical even after just a few hours running.
I reckon I'm getting 20% more than my old Honda 90hp (carbureted) with perhaps a fraction less speed although the motor isn't run in and possibly under propped.
Most things in life are a compromise - the art of the possible.
What you get in a 5.5 Workmates is an incredibly versatile boat. Great ride, economical to run, well made and a breeze to tow.
My old one did heaps of blue water fishing, and we never felt in any danger, although we kept an eagle eye on the weather.
The new one may be a bit better, early days yet but there seem to be some subtle refinements that certainly make it drier.
The folding hardtop setup has been refined and seems sturdier, if more fiddly. I think I preferred the old set up.
The general finish is better, with metal rod holders, much more deck grip on the sides, and better rails on the bow and stern.
The see-through hatch cover is a great feature - still big enough to let someone my size (192cm) work the anchor easily. And the anchor well is bigger on the newer model, too.
The vinyl seats and squab covers are of a higher quality, and the whole set up feels just that bit nicer than my 2004 version, which was great.
But no boat is perfect. The fine entry bow isn't the best in a big following sea, although we've never had a problem.
The narrow, almost non existent chines may mean a soft ride, but they don't do a great job of deflecting spray although the clever spray rails sort most of it out. And if it is wet, we just pull the hardtop down and have a dry, enclosed space. Shame about the guys in the back.
Joke - the 90 Suzuki is ok for 2 or 3 people but if you want to take out 4 get a 115, of even better a hardtop with a 150.
Other good features are lots of storage for a 5.5 metre boat, a great live bait setup with a foldable, latched walkthru transom.
The flooding keel is still the standout feature and enables Surtees to sell an amazingly soft riding boat that is fairly stable at rest. Note the word fairly. It isn't a Stabicraft.
My boats have both had fold down windscreens that let me get the boat in a standard garage. Mind you, I almost got caught out by the length and I have about 30cm to spare before the skeg punches a hole in the gib.
So there you are. An unbiased review. The best boat is the one that suits your needs.
Mine are a boat that I can handle by myself, tow easily (my Toyota Surf doesn't even know there's a boat on the back), do blue water in the right conditions, and one that is economical to run - the Suzuki seems to be doing just over 3kms to a litre.
I did look at the Extreme 570 but couldn't justify the extra $12k. It was a nicer looking boat, probably drier and at least as good a ride.
But not $12k's worth. The layout didn't seem as well planned or as user friendly especially for rod storage.
Also, the dealer was recommending fitting permatrims or some similar to the engines to stop porpoising. That didn't sound too great.
So I didn't go down that route, reluctantly as they look stunning and have a good name.
Anyway, so far so good with Surtees number two. I know the boat and am more than happy, although of course it's the same old.
Hope this is of some use to somebody.
Posted By: rahui
Date Posted: 28 Apr 2014 at 11:12am
Snapperoo wrote:
Just seen this topic and couldn't agree more....... |
I am impressed, don,t get to many Surtees owners putting out the good and the bad. I like the strength of the hull, 6 stringers and they carry a good rep, not sold on the ballast but I probably don,t understand it enough .
I wil post an unbiased opinion of my 495 Aqualine soon. cheers I will post an unbiased opinion
Posted By: Ferk
Date Posted: 29 Jun 2014 at 8:06pm
Hi folks, Im knew to this site so not sure if this is where I am supposed to ask questions. I am trying to find out how to contact the Rayglass Cruisemaster Club and join them as we have just purchased one. Any leads or contact details would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Ferk.
Posted By: Capt Asparagus
Date Posted: 30 Jun 2014 at 9:53am
Hi Ferk, just post your question up on the main Briney Bar board for maximum exposure, I am sure someone could help. As well, perhaps trying to email Rayglass direct would put you onto the folks you are looking for?
------------- It is only my overwhelming natural humility that mars my perfection.
Captain Asparagus, Superhero, Adventurer.
Posted By: Luigi
Date Posted: 24 Oct 2014 at 3:10pm
Can I ask what you did end up with please
------------- Fish and enjoy life ! as no one gets out alive
Posted By: Luigi
Date Posted: 24 Oct 2014 at 3:16pm
feeder wrote:
Yea the review on the boat that I eventually ended up with made the statement that, no matter what the test driver did there was no way he could get 1 spot of water on the windscreen, he's never been on the west coast .
Cheers | Hi just wondered what boat you have please ? Im looking for one at thr moment and cant make my mind up .
------------- Fish and enjoy life ! as no one gets out alive
Posted By: Twosix
Date Posted: 30 May 2015 at 9:14pm
not sure if anyone else is having this problem but when I click on the link in the first post it takes me to the maori calendar (which is good info regardless :) )
However if anyone is trying to find the right link it is
Posted By: Stolli
Date Posted: 03 Jun 2015 at 11:24pm
Yeah, I'm finding the same issue. Would be good to browse a decent collection of older trailer boat reviews.
Thanks for the page address Twosix.
Posted By: Grunta
Date Posted: 04 Jun 2015 at 7:13am
Stolli - There's around a hundred boat reviews in that section so plenty of light reading....
Posted By: ET111
Date Posted: 26 Aug 2017 at 1:40pm
Hey Guys lm looking to buy a pontoon boat between 20 to 25 k l have a bad back so a good ride is essential!!! I like pontoons for safety especially when u have a family what are your recommendations ??
Posted By: Muzzfishing
Date Posted: 26 Aug 2017 at 6:29pm
Hi Et Welcome to the forum. I personally have not owned a pontoon type boat best advice is to try a few different ones out. A mate of mine has a 589 Stabicraft hardtop awesome family boat, has high sides and rides well. Unfortunately is more than double what your budget is.
-------------" rel="nofollow"> A Good Skipper Keeps the water on the outside of the boat.
Posted By: salty69
Date Posted: 26 Aug 2017 at 7:17pm
Welcome aboard. A Mac 570 could be within the budget. I've been out in a few and found them really stable/safe but not the most comfortable ride IMO. Esp if you've got a bad back. Others may disagree so keep an open mind.
Posted By: MacSkipper
Date Posted: 27 Aug 2017 at 5:03pm
How big is your family and what kind of boating are you wanting to do? ie fishing on lakes harbours, going out wide, towing toys for kids as well?
------------- Good fishing trip nothing breaks, great trip catch fish.
Posted By: Steps
Date Posted: 27 Aug 2017 at 5:25pm
If you have a bad back.. Dont sit down while travelling. Stand.
Posted By: ET111
Date Posted: 27 Aug 2017 at 5:29pm
There is four of us. Manly fishing l live in nelson so l'd be fishing up and around durville island
Posted By: ET111
Date Posted: 27 Aug 2017 at 5:31pm
Thanks but this does not help if u have a back back it is easy to slip a disc when u are in a boat banging through chop
Posted By: Bounty Hunter
Date Posted: 27 Aug 2017 at 5:58pm
if youre nelson based you should be able to find an Osprey to suit
------------- No disintegrations!
Posted By: Scuba Skip
Date Posted: 27 Aug 2017 at 8:25pm
Sorry but pontoon = bad back. Buy something glass and over 6m
Posted By: ET111
Date Posted: 28 Aug 2017 at 8:50pm
What can you tell me about kiwi kraft ? l've heard good things about them that they ride really well ?? the hulls are built strong??? . But they lack in space & seem like they are more suited to diving where l'd be fishing most of the time ?? bummer i guess it's pretty hard to find the perfect boat
Posted By: fred01
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2022 at 12:02am
Oh great post. thankyou so much for sharing this...