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Charter operators~~the GOOD ones

Printed From: The Fishing Website
Category: Saltwater Fishing
Forum Name: The Briny Bar
Forum Description: The place for general chat on saltwater fishing!
Printed Date: 10 Feb 2025 at 3:21am

Topic: Charter operators~~the GOOD ones
Posted By: Uncle
Subject: Charter operators~~the GOOD ones
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2010 at 3:11pm
Please, no negative stuff.
Anything that shows an operator in a bad light will be deleted.
The idea is to build a list of good charters based on individual experience.
Perhaps relate a few good things that happened, how a skipper went out of his way to keep everyone happy,  that sort of thing...
(thanks to Wetspot for the suggestion)

Posted By: Capt Asparagus
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2010 at 3:20pm
And put the operators name/boat and perhaps ph no: in bold at the top.....

Posted By: Blue Asparagus
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2010 at 3:22pm
Reel Life with Captain Phil, if Kings big snaps, marlin etc etc and diving is your thing PM him, he is a forum member as well.
Been out with him a few times top bloke and operation and I believe he now has a home stay set up for out of towners.
Reel Life
Capt Phil
7m White Pointer

Ultimate GAME Fishing Adventures. Northland

Posted By: Jemry
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2010 at 3:25pm
Coro Cowboy,  Chris out of Coromandel

Posted By: jamesdaulton
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2010 at 3:28pm
Great Barrier Island
Tryphena Charters
Craig McInman 
Ph. (09) 4290 596
Legend in my books.

Posted By: IGAB
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2010 at 4:11pm
Epic Charters
King of the Kingies......
Carl is a forum member and no need for introductions. Been on a few charters, but no contest! Put's you right on the fish and an excellent guy!

Posted By: Accident Prone
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2010 at 4:43pm
Divertsity with Damian Clayton
Phone: 09 424 0607
Mobile: 021 2446346
E-mail: mailto:[email protected] - [email protected]
Website: -
Epic Adventures with Carl Muir
Phone: (07) 864 8193
Mobile: 021 227 4354
Website: -
Memory Makers with Lionel Korach
Phone: (07) 312 5404
Mobile: 0274 545 597
Website: -
or alternatively you could book a trip with our very own Boulder
Boulder Guiding
Phone: (09) 5801339
Mobile: 0274 935093
mailto:[email protected] - [email protected]
Website: -

Posted By: tas-tackle
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2010 at 4:44pm
REEL LIFE :  Capt Phil ...  Out of Whangaroa and other points in the north
Well set up MSA boat with all the gear esp for Mech Jigging


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Posted By: Brooook
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2010 at 5:34pm

Kaikoura                                             10/10

Clarence Fishing Charters

Ph: 03-319 4339                           


I have been on this charter several times, but not recently. You go out from the Kaikoura coast (20min north of Kaikoura) and steam out to the deep water groper and trumpeter fishing. I've seen 50lb+ groper caught and if you are unlucky not to catch a groper (unlikely), the blue cod are HUGE. The added attraction is seeing albatross follow the boat (also called Albatross) and picking up the craypots on the way home for a feed of crayfish.

I hope the charter is as good as it was a few years ago as it was AWESOME!!! The skipper was very attentive and was always checking up on his guests needs or giving advice. The price was cheap and included a nights stay at a farm cottage so that you could be ready for 6:30am departure.

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.............Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat all day drinking beer,

Posted By: Moggy
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2010 at 6:35pm
Hey Uncle
This is not a bad idea this but once you have compiled the list we should be able to give points say out of 10 with 1 being bad trip/experience and 10 being bloody brilliant.
I have been out on some of the ones names and had bad experiences such that I wouldn’t think of going again but I equally know of people who have had good ones with same people, so they can have an off day which I would like to know about giving the operator the benefit of the doubt.
In my books if I was a charter operator there is no point in just being listed as great, I would personally rather have the bad with it – then I could improve my offering or at least ensure that the “bad” experiences don’t happen again – but hey that’s me and I think some of the charter operators have a ego’s so may not take kindly to being rated 1/10
But fair is fair and I think being fair to the charter operators is telling them when they are not performing and also being man enough to leave your name on it so they can contact you and follow up – after all if they are not told they cannot fix and there is a great need for our charter boys to understand that they probably never hear the “bad” trips back nor have the ability to fix them as most people never complain but vote with their feet.
I had a charter trip last year by a well know operator which was less than I expected, I contacted him and made my thoughts known and he has to his credit gone out of his way to provide a replacement trip at a cost we are all happy at (note that’s not a free trip) – he didn’t have to I am sure but on the basis of that he will pick up many thousands of dollars more business from people whom I refer to him.
So whilst we don’t want to name and shame – which is fine, we should be able to openly in this forum place weightings beside those whom we have had great trips and those we have had less than that to try to raise the bar for all charter operators.
Only point I would make is unless they specifically say or guarantee that they will help you to catch fish then the catching of fish should rate to high in this assessment, as we all know fish are fickle and to blame an operator for you not catching fish isn’t right, we can all go out and have the same results.

People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it!
FISH FIGHT The Peoples Protest

Posted By: The Builder
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2010 at 6:41pm
Divertsity with Damian Clayton
Phone: 09 424 0607
Mobile: 021 2446346
E-mail: mailto:[email protected]" rel="nofollow - -
only interested in catching me a feed.& a few to smoke on me "Bradley"
(leave the big stuff to those wif testeron ? probs)
trouble big guy goes thru to get a result beggers belief.
U even get a refund if nothing caught. (no way to run a bussiness)
pity Wednesday is the mid week other things to do that day.
they out there? mate.
kindest regards The Builder.


Posted By: blackboat
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2010 at 7:22pm
ive been on one only charter in my life and it was a total have worst fishing ,broken rod tips ,not allowed to use big baits and then wanted a share of catch like that was ever going to happen,
tough job for sure being the charter skipper and i say we all expect trips not so good they aint magic but the gear provided should be right for the target species not some broken down gear which seem a little common from what i gather

Posted By: jamesdaulton
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2010 at 7:39pm
A lot of this comes down to YOUR personality...if you often get bad charters...maybe it's not the skipp. The reverse is also true - it's amazing how far people will go out of their way if they like you.

Posted By: Moggy
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2010 at 7:48pm
Originally posted by jamesd jamesd wrote:

A lot of this comes down to YOUR personality...if you often get bad charters...maybe it's not the skipp. The reverse is also true - it's amazing how far people will go out of their way if they like you.
Yep Jamesd you are totally right on that point, sometimes you get along with people and sometimes you don’t, but most of understand that. However as any shop assistant knows the customer is always right.
What this is about is not personalities but bad or good experiences - like boat handling, care and attention to the PAYING client, information, pre and post service (did they answer emails/fax/phone calls in a timely manner) especially if you are travelling any distance to the charter, then there is the actual fishing time, did the charter operator actually handle the boat and go with you or did you get a ring in skipper, did they ice down the fish , did they Iki the fish in fact or show any understand towards what was caught, did they help cut/clean/pack the catch ( I know of several above who do a wonderful job in that regard) etc etc
These are the parts I look at not the personality of the person involved, I would go fishing with Capt. Bligh if he got me good fish!!

People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it!
FISH FIGHT The Peoples Protest

Posted By: Brooook
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2010 at 7:51pm
Worst charter promised groper but decided not to go that far because of weather (fair enough but I disagreed with the weather call as I know the area well. Suspected they tried to save petrol/money as only a few serious fishos aboard). Stopped to fish for other fish and "accidentally" hit a rock, sending most of us flying. Skipper got pissed - wrong, wrong, wrong!!!! Tourists loved it as they had a day out sightseeing. Fishos grumbled with lack of serious fishing. I still regret not dobbing in the skipper. Not sure if it still operates...

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.............Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat all day drinking beer,

Posted By: blackboat
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2010 at 7:58pm
you telling me the skipper got juiced ,he should be shut down from operating thats is dam crazy and irresponsible 

Posted By: Brooook
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2010 at 8:04pm
Originally posted by blackboat blackboat wrote:

you telling me the skipper got juiced ,he should be shut down from operating thats is dam crazy and irresponsible 
Yep, probably why he hit a rock. Had a couple of younger deckhands to help but still no excuse for the skip to get pissed.
Boyfriend du jour told me not to make waves...although he was also very disappointed and shocked at the unprofessional conduct.
I'm sure it's not running anymore.....

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.............Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat all day drinking beer,

Posted By: The Builder
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2010 at 8:17pm
[QUOTE=Accident Prone]Auckland
Divertsity with Damian Clayton
Phone: 09 424 0607
Mobile: 021 2446346
E-mail: mailto:[email protected] - [email protected]
Website: -
all I ever wont to do is catch a feed (pannies are best !)
smoke a few in me "Bradley, (tried Keaza,s maple recipie, awsome!) 
once & once only, never caught a fish wif Damo,
(I was embarrresed, to say the least, gave me free trip, )
didn,t have to do it; but thats the nature of the Big Guy,
go well Damo.

Posted By: The Blue Meanie
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2010 at 8:34pm
Originally posted by Brooook Brooook wrote:

Kaikoura                                             10/10

Clarence Fishing Charters

Ph: 03-319 4339                           


I have been on this charter several times, but not recently. You go out from the Kaikoura coast (20min north of Kaikoura) and steam out to the deep water groper and trumpeter fishing. I've seen 50lb+ groper caught and if you are unlucky not to catch a groper (unlikely), the blue cod are HUGE. The added attraction is seeing albatross follow the boat (also called Albatross) and picking up the craypots on the way home for a feed of crayfish.

I hope the charter is as good as it was a few years ago as it was AWESOME!!! The skipper was very attentive and was always checking up on his guests needs or giving advice. The price was cheap and included a nights stay at a farm cottage so that you could be ready for 6:30am departure.
Agree with Brook - Wade is da Man!!!
Been out 3 times with him and always done well on the gropes and trumpeter.
Add a few Blue Cod and some crays on the way home, and you definitely get your moneys worth...

Posted By: Uncle
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2010 at 8:39pm
Um, the thread title says "Charter operators~~the GOOD ones"
It would be good if we could keep to the positives.
The idea of the topic is to make it easy for prospective charter customers to pick out a good one without all the hassle of sifting through tons of discussion.
thanks.Big smile

Posted By: bluecoraldiver
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2010 at 8:42pm
Brett Fleetwood of Double Rum Charters in Auckland/Gulf Harbour ( - ) always goes out of his way to make sure his guests are happy and having fun. Thumbs Up


Posted By: The Blue Meanie
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2010 at 8:57pm
Just re edited this one - tried to be balanced here...
Have done pretty well on a certain charter operator based at Hicks Bay.
Not sure if he is still going.
Has great local knowledge of Ranfurly and have done real good on groper, trumpeter and kingi's.
Pretty hospitable too.
Only downsides are that he can be prone to rubbing your nose "in it" for being of pakeha persuasion and could pitch in a bit more with sorting out the catch back on terra firmer.
All in all a pretty good day out though - have done it twice.

Posted By: BeachedAsBro
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2010 at 9:08pm
Bay of Islands
Phone: (09) 402 7788
Mobile: 027 273 0767
Website: -
This dude is hardcase. I've been out on 2 charters with him and they were great. If it's a polite, well-mannered nancy charter operator you're after forget Bucko. But if you're not easily offended and you're after someone that will go the extra mile to put you on the fish then he's your man in the BoI.

Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish caught will we realise we can't eat money.

Posted By: Don18025
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2010 at 9:53pm
The best skipper I have been with is John Ellwood on the Whai out of Whitianga.
That man regularly delivers great fishing and diving trips on a bullet proof boat.
Biggest problem is getting a booking, which shows how popular he is.
Well worth a trip if you ever get a chance.

Posted By: Muppet
Date Posted: 09 Mar 2010 at 7:08am
Any boat steered by Len Ramika (I think its his last name) he is well known by Auckland skippers anyho. Used to hit out off Leigh with him only 4 per charter great bloke and always put you on the fish, if you were'nt catching any he would drop a line and prove his fish were there. BrilliantClap 

Posted By: worksux
Date Posted: 09 Mar 2010 at 7:27am
Requin charters Whitianga, skipper John Van Etches.
Good fella John and a good skipper, The only skipper to have rung me a few days out from a charter and say Dave the puka have moved off the reef and the sharks have moved in , Pay to postpone untill they are back on the bite.
Alot of skippers would have kept quiet and taken the money and said, hey thats fishing.

Edit:- John Van Hamm-Etches.

Posted By: biggear
Date Posted: 09 Mar 2010 at 7:47am
Been on a few now.
Although she has gone over seas, the Oracle was a great charter and Mike Boswell was an organised and competent skipper.
Lionel Korach on Memory Makers is a skipper who will go the extra mile to ensure you get the most from your charter. His control of the boat when drifting for Kingis and Puka is second to none.
Mark or Ginga on the forum from Extreme Sports Fishing Charters is another excellent skipper. He specialises in surface popper and stick bait charters. I would thoroughly reccomend him if you are interested in something different.

Dont let the grey hair fool you!

Posted By: John_Ra
Date Posted: 09 Mar 2010 at 8:01am
Like Uncle said, just want charter list NOT your lifes storyBig smile
anywhoo -       (07) 866-8103
Rhys The Madfisherman is my pick in Coromandel, have been out fishing with him for some
6 odd years now maybe longer & have NEVER been skunked.
Has had 2 boats for awhile so can cater upto 22 people.
He showed Coro Cowboy the ropes, as Coro used to follow us around in his early days....
Diversity,  as mentioned before & mods know him, as well  as a few others on here who regularly go out with him or Chris, cause he puts you on the fish....
I never came back empty handed..
Cobalt charters  Mobile : 027 493 3226
leaves from Z Pier Westhaven
Alan has put me on the fish everytime, nice boat moves fast so out there in no time.
Gotta book way in advance cause he's that good, some clubs have dates permanently booked each year including meBig smile



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Posted By: Amateur
Date Posted: 09 Mar 2010 at 9:27am
Originally posted by John_Ra John_Ra wrote:

Diversity,  as mentioned before & mods know him, as well  as a few others on here who regularly go out with him or Chris, cause he puts you on the fish....
I never came back empty handed..
Cobalt charters  Mobile : 027 493 3226
leaves from Z Pier Westhaven
Alan has put me on the fish everytime, nice boat moves fast so out there in no time.
Gotta book way in advance cause he's that good, some clubs have dates permanently booked each year including meBig smile
Amen to these 2 John, awesome operators.

No half measures!

Posted By: Gruntled
Date Posted: 09 Mar 2010 at 10:16am
Been on Oracle twice with Mike Boswell, bloody great, competent and prepared to do anything to put you on a fish. He's now on Cascade with Charlie, who is one of a kind (makes Bucko look PC)but very competent and works really hard as well. We're off with them in a couple of weeks to ranfurly, can't wait.
Also did a Westcoast blue fin trip on cascade with Brett Waterhouse, not sure where he is now, but he is one of the best, worked hard, slept little and can really handle a boat (all 4 bluefin at the boat in 40mins or less).
Would be keen to go out with these guys anytime.

I might have Alzheimer's, but at least I don't have Alzheimer's.

Posted By: Kezza
Date Posted: 09 Mar 2010 at 11:13am
Gruntled - Brett Waterhouse is on The Cova Rose now along with Oracle's deckie Ants - a formidable team for sure.

Off with them to the Three Kings in a few weeks so will report back then.

In no particular order I've had a great time chartering with:

Diversity (Auckland)
EPIC (Tairua)
Ultimate Lady (anywhere)
Dean Marine (Whangarei)
Enchanter (Ranfurly Banks)
Primetime (Whanagroa/60mile grounds, 3-Kings)
Double Strike (Far North)
Oracle (Ranfurly and 3 kings)
Cascade (Greymouth/Westport)
Target One (Tonga)
Hakula (Tonga)
Ika Lahi (Tonga)
V-Factor (Vanuatu)
Nautilus Charters (Vanuatu).

Had plenty of duds in the mix as well and as has been suggested attitude maketh the experience from both the clients and charter business' point of view.

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Posted By: Blue Asparagus
Date Posted: 09 Mar 2010 at 11:25am
mmmm well the best guy I have been out hands down is ME yeah knows what I want where to go most of the time putting himself on a fish or two likes to bust cheeries makes a mean coffee yells at whom ever cause he dont care about toes being stood on, has some great gear always maintained, a nice boat catches a fair few fish, wont take me to the kings though but in saying that he has thought about it alot, likes to make all my trips memeorable would cut his left nut off if he thought someone could use it, gives advice freely and alot of the time at the top of his voice, yip he is a top skipper alright and he has been offered the odd charter boat to take clients out, pity he aint a charter skipper its a shame but then he has a morgage to pay.Cry

Feel free to give him a shout and ask a question or two, he speaks from the heart, shoots from the hip and most of speaks from experience,Thumbs Up

When I think about him I touch myself.Hug

Ultimate GAME Fishing Adventures. Northland

Posted By: Jemry
Date Posted: 09 Mar 2010 at 11:59am
Originally posted by Blue Asparagus Blue Asparagus wrote:

mmmm well the best guy I have been out hands down is ME yeah knows what I want where to go most of the time putting himself on a fish or two likes to bust cheeries makes a mean coffee yells at whom ever cause he dont care about toes being stood on, has some great gear always maintained, a nice boat catches a fair few fish, wont take me to the kings though but in saying that he has thought about it alot, likes to make all my trips memeorable would cut his left nut off if he thought someone could use it, gives advice freely and alot of the time at the top of his voice, yip he is a top skipper alright and he has been offered the odd charter boat to take clients out, pity he aint a charter skipper its a shame but then he has a morgage to pay.Cry

Feel free to give him a shout and ask a question or two, he speaks from the heart, shoots from the hip and most of speaks from experience,Thumbs Up

When I think about him I touch myself.Hug

Posted By: fozzie
Date Posted: 09 Mar 2010 at 1:42pm
Steve Butler "Earl Grey" in the Bay of Islands, great on the kings.
Closer to home, Damo on "Diversity" always be my first pick,also had some great trips out with Paul Senior(Mahiman).

Dont take life too one gets out alive any way." rel="nofollow">

Posted By: biggear
Date Posted: 10 Mar 2010 at 6:16am
You forgot me Kezza. Remember at least you got a bag of spuds instead of lots of fish Wink

Dont let the grey hair fool you!

Posted By: Kezza
Date Posted: 10 Mar 2010 at 7:50am
true dat just let me know when you are up and running and I'll be there cuz - I have zero doubt that once you find your feet you'll be right up I said if the attitude is right then it's all good.....Thumbs Up

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Posted By: Grunta
Date Posted: 10 Mar 2010 at 12:20pm
Have had several trips with Damo on Diversity and they have all been outstanding. Damo goes the extra mile and he's always put us on the fish.
Had an great trip with Carl from Epic Adventures out of Tairua  - same philosophy as Damo and goes out of his way to make it a special day
A couple of trips with Rick on Pursuit and both trips were excellent and Rick's personality and knowledge of fishing is a wicked combination.
Had a trip to smokehouse Bay comp on 'Beyond Limits' with Dan and I'd also recommend him highly.
A promotional day out on Double Rum was also a good'un as was a similar day on 'Nautic Encounter'


Posted By: fozzie
Date Posted: 10 Mar 2010 at 1:22pm
have just been offered a place on "Pursuit" for october to go chasing kings at White island, looking forward to the experience.

Dont take life too one gets out alive any way." rel="nofollow">

Posted By: CBrett
Date Posted: 10 Mar 2010 at 4:18pm
guess i should focuss on new clients especially from in here as opposed my existing ones.
might get a mention then. Smile
great thread though, makes good reading.

Posted By: A C
Date Posted: 10 Mar 2010 at 5:44pm
Originally posted by nz capt. nz capt. wrote:

guess i should focuss on new clients especially from in here as opposed my existing ones.
might get a mention then. Smile
great thread though, makes good reading.
Organise a forum day out mate - all will be good. 99% a good bunch on here.

Aye-Aye cloth eyes.

Posted By: mangre 2
Date Posted: 10 Mar 2010 at 5:55pm

Never been on a charter, but have worked pretty closely with the Whakatane fleet,

No 1 Rick Pollock
This guy has done more for fishing in NZ than any other charter operator in NZ full stop.

Beautiful is better than ugly, Explicit is better than implicit, Simple is better than complex, Complex is better than complicated.

Posted By: CBrett
Date Posted: 10 Mar 2010 at 11:00pm

now theres a thought

cheers AC

Posted By: Capt Asparagus
Date Posted: 10 Mar 2010 at 11:19pm
Indeed, if you are looking for the top of the tree in NZ Charter circles, I do not think you could go past Rick and Pursuit.

Posted By: madspaz
Date Posted: 11 Mar 2010 at 1:19pm
Mark @ Extreme Sports Fishing. -
Had a great day out! Good price and included gear aswell.  Alot of people can vouch for him on here.

Posted By: JW
Date Posted: 11 Mar 2010 at 2:49pm
Pusuit, Epic, Charter Connection, Enchanter are some of the best I've been on

Posted By: whitidevs
Date Posted: 12 Mar 2010 at 12:55pm
Coromandel Barge Fishing
Skipper: Graeme & Linda

Contact: 07-866-7695 Mob: 021-1144485

Costs:  $50.00pp Child $25.00.  Rod Hire $10.00pp, Bait $10.00pp(let them know when you book)

They are roughly a new charter business only starting up last year.  I have always had a good time with them, very helpful and if only has one charter for the day will stay out longer as he has a motto you already out there why not stay.  Will try to make sure you go home with fish.  Book with him you won't be disappointed.  My brother caught a competition winning snapper that won him a brand new penn rod and reel set, 200.00 in cash plus other prizes.

I will catch you yet

Posted By: Rock Fish
Date Posted: 14 Mar 2010 at 7:38pm
Red Boats - Abalone Cruises.
Skipper: Dan and Jen
0800 RED BOATS or 09 579 9574

Costs: $65 per person + $10 for rod hire(optional) - 7am - 2pm from Z Pier Westhaven.
Costs: $55 per person + Optional Rod - 4pm - 9pm Z Pier Westhaven.

Not the fastest thing in the water, but haven't come back without fish. Both Dan and Jen are a great laugh and ensure you have a good time. One thing I really like about these guys is that you can book individual spots. They'll fit you in with a charter or take a boat out with people looking for only two or three spots (if there enough people on the day looking for individual spots). You can take alcohol on the boat as well if you like.

You have to get your own bait, but with Topcatch round the corner it's not a hard task. Parking is $10 for the day at Z Pier as well.

Nothing makes a fish bigger than almost being caught.

Posted By: Blue Asparagus
Date Posted: 16 Mar 2010 at 7:16am
if you come north there are a few goodies out of Whangaroa. I wont bore you but the one on this site....

Kuri 2 skipper Brian Candy, he is the one who does the monthly reports for the mag, he is also 49er on this site, what he dont know aint worth knowin, he fishes for anything marlin to puka and snaps and dam good at it

Ultimate GAME Fishing Adventures. Northland

Posted By: one leg
Date Posted: 16 Mar 2010 at 10:00am
yes there are a few goodies up north have used Tank from Hohoura  before and very pleased nice guy

woman who say they are equal to men ,show lack of Ambition .

Posted By: NZFisher
Date Posted: 16 Mar 2010 at 10:35am
Rick pollock & his fine Vessel Pursuit would vie for the number one Charter boat operation in NZ.
National & world records, a can do attitude, one of the top charter boats on the water. Even Rick's sidekick & Zane's worth a mention - keenest fisher I have ever met with the knowlege to put average fisho's on to amazing fish.
Slick, professional, incredilbly experienced & one hell of a nice guy.
If you can get a booking - take it.  


Posted By: walter
Date Posted: 16 Mar 2010 at 10:47am
We have had some great charters in the past with Nigel Merry on Pacific Knight from Whakatane. I'm not sure if he's still operating but he always worked hard for us and was great company. 

Posted By: Boz19
Date Posted: 16 Mar 2010 at 12:54pm
Have done a few charters with Lionel now and even though the fish have had their mouths shut a couple of times the banter and laughs are always top notch and he will go the extra mile to put you on a fish.
Add into that the awesome homestay set-up he has, great hospitality, awesome fishing yarns and drinks at the end of the day and you get the idea.
Also wouldnt have a bad word to say about EPIC in Tairua. Top bloke and kingis galore.

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Posted By: livebait
Date Posted: 25 Mar 2010 at 10:32am

Hi All

Have been on a few Charters so I will name the best from my experience for each area.
Thor Charters -Arron
Have had a number of days where I have caught 10lb+ snapper and kingies
Too good!!!
Top of his game, even on bad days, he gives 100%

Posted By: of2fsh
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2010 at 7:16pm
Assassin charters,highly recomended ....check out thier new web site

2009 and 2010 BERKLEY SOFTBAIT COMP CHAMPS,Runner up 2013 ( solo),winner 2013/14 longest kingfish nz fishing competition

Posted By: Rotowarriors
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2010 at 8:58pm
RAGS - Aaron Laboryrie - Maverick (i think) 
Coro - Rhys - Madfisherman

Both Top blokes

Posted By: Brooook
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2010 at 9:35am
Captain Clay's Charters Snapper Fishing
Tel 03 - 574 2911. Mobile 0274 - 397 178.
HAVELOCK, halfway between Blenheim and Nelson
Caught up with an old friend from many years ago and now Clayton is "Captain Clay". 8m Sea Ranger with brand new e-tec 200hp to get around the Pelorus/Keneperu sounds. Targeting big snapper. I haven't been out with him but can say he's an honest good bloke, very keen fisherman, and a real character who has the snapper sussed in the sounds. I've seen his photos and his customers have caught some awesome snapper.

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.............Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat all day drinking beer,

Posted By: Kezza
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2010 at 12:11pm
Cova Rose
Capt. Brett Waterhouse
027 414 1484

Three Kings, Far North, West Coast (Bluefin), East Cape (Ranfurlys) and I'm going to be putting together a few 3-4 days trips to the Mokes and Barrier a little later this year so keep your eyes peeled for that announcement.

Sleeps 8, plenty of fishing room, heaps of ice holds, SKY TV, awesome skipper and crew.....the DUCKS NUTS!!

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: krow
Date Posted: 06 Apr 2010 at 8:55am -  
From Marsden Cove Ruakaka (Whangarei)
Steve is a friend so a bit biased but I know he's dam good at what he does, Loves it and always gives 100%
Ask anyone thats been out with him. A lot of his business is repeat customers year after year.

Posted By: PDSquid
Date Posted: 07 Apr 2010 at 5:54pm
Island Water Taxi,
Terry Newcombe based in Russel. -

burley ups and serious strayliner!!!!

Posted By: mac the knife
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2010 at 11:09am
Neil puts on a good trip either on his 6mtr cat or a chartered vessel for larger groups , targeting groper ,snapper ,Tarikihi , Blue Cod , diving and spearfishing trips also arranged.

On those hard days Neil never gives up trying to put fish in the bin . He`ll even get in the water if he has too and get some Paua or crays or shoot some butters to keep the puntas happy.ClapEnd of the day fish are filleted for those that request it. Star

when that shark bites....!!!

Posted By: fozzie
Date Posted: 18 Apr 2010 at 9:17pm
Had a trip out today with Chris on "Coro Cowboy" (cowboy) on the forums, we had a blast, and would have no hesitation in recommending him to others, easy to get on with, and looks after his clients very well. Thanks for the trip out Chris, will definitely be back for more of that snapper and kingfish action you put us onto, and the mussells you sent us all back with were an added bonus.

Dont take life too one gets out alive any way." rel="nofollow">

Posted By: anglebox64
Date Posted: 26 Apr 2010 at 9:02pm
would have to aggree with fozzie i also have been out with corocowboy and had a wicked day out 24-4-10 and would not hesitate in a return trip AA+++Thumbs Up

fords the best F##k the rest

Posted By: fozzie
Date Posted: 05 May 2010 at 12:09pm
We are doing the return trip this weekend, 10 keen anglers departing Te Kouma Wharf 0630 Sat morning.

Dont take life too one gets out alive any way." rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Smelly Buoy
Date Posted: 15 May 2010 at 7:42pm
Done the Mokes twice now with Wayne Radford on R'n'R Charters from Mangawhai Heads n come back with great fish, including a 60lb Puka. Itching to join him again.

Tangled Up In Blue
"Veni, Vidi, Velcro"
I came; I saw; I stuck around.

Posted By: Smelly Buoy
Date Posted: 15 May 2010 at 8:19pm
Any good charter boats working the Manukau?

Tangled Up In Blue
"Veni, Vidi, Velcro"
I came; I saw; I stuck around.

Posted By: rocko
Date Posted: 15 May 2010 at 8:26pm
Manukau harbour cruises

09-232 0095
Mobile: 0-27-547 2287

Call Free: 0800 294 488

many F/net members fish the manukau

Posted By: Smelly Buoy
Date Posted: 15 May 2010 at 8:49pm
Cheers Rock

Tangled Up In Blue
"Veni, Vidi, Velcro"
I came; I saw; I stuck around.

Posted By: Auckland CCTV
Date Posted: 20 May 2010 at 10:41pm
Any good charter from Tauranga?

Posted By: Uncle
Date Posted: 20 May 2010 at 11:31pm
One that seems to have missed being mentioned is Assassin, out of Sandspit, Warkworth.
Brett & Chris run a mighty service with an emphasis on softbaiting.
There wouldn't be many who would have as much knowledge when it comes to softbaiting & the many years of working the Gulf give the charter added advantages. -

Posted By: DIY!
Date Posted: 06 Jun 2010 at 8:47pm
Actually Assassin is an awesome boat, Brett is a knowledgable skipper.  my cover shot on the Bayfisher was one of Brett's fish.  tell him what you want to catch and he will make it happen.  i have had three trips with Assassin one time I took the whole family - he was able to cater for hard fishos and my then 3 year old twins!  Cheers Brett and Chris.


Berkley 2009 and 2010 S/B champ

Posted By: FarmerBrowne
Date Posted: 13 Jun 2010 at 11:19am
Originally posted by chaweenz chaweenz wrote:

Any good charter from Tauranga?
Colin Tecofsky - Fish & Dip Charters - Softbaiting guru - can be contacted via Top Catch at Sulpher Point. I did a trip with Colin a few years ago and he got me sorted in the softbait caper.
Extreme - Ginga - on this forum - jigging & Popper fishing guru - I am sure he accomodates all styles of fishing -  he has a website somewhere
Fat Boy Charters - I have also heard good things about Russ
All three of the above operators have boats that are well suited to smaller groups 2-6pax

Posted By: Sid101
Date Posted: 17 Jun 2010 at 4:17pm
Tell you one good charter operator me and 11 other of me mates used not so long ago, was Slipray Fishing Charters, had heaps of fun and caught heaps of fish!! Big boat, heaps of room!!
Website is -
If your reading this post Phil, thanks again for the amazing trip!!


Posted By: taa
Date Posted: 20 Jul 2010 at 10:38am
has anybody been out on RNR charters? had a look at their website and it looks promising.

you can give asian products so much crap, but you will always use/own an asian product lol

Posted By: Smelly Buoy
Date Posted: 05 Aug 2010 at 7:06pm
Originally posted by taa taa wrote:

has anybody been out on RNR charters? had a look at their website and it looks promising.

Yeah Taa, been out twice, & keen to go again. Wayne got us onto some beaut puka & when we got sick of that, lined us up for a 20lb snapp.

Tangled Up In Blue
"Veni, Vidi, Velcro"
I came; I saw; I stuck around.

Posted By: merman
Date Posted: 09 Aug 2010 at 9:33pm
Originally posted by Brooook Brooook wrote:

Captain Clay's Charters Snapper Fishing
Tel 03 - 574 2911. Mobile 0274 - 397 178.
HAVELOCK, halfway between Blenheim and Nelson
Caught up with an old friend from many years ago and now Clayton is "Captain Clay". 8m Sea Ranger with brand new e-tec 200hp to get around the Pelorus/Keneperu sounds. Targeting big snapper. I haven't been out with him but can say he's an honest good bloke, very keen fisherman, and a real character who has the snapper sussed in the sounds. I've seen his photos and his customers have caught some awesome snapper.

thanks mate after sifting through all the pages I found 1 for the area,got a friend looking at sorting a trip that way in the near future, are there any others in the area I haven't done my homework yet to see ,hes never fished in his life and want him to  get a good run for his first time

Posted By: Snag
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2010 at 6:19pm
In no order
 Epic - Tairua
 Enchanter - Whakatane
 Leilani - Whitianga
 Mussel Barge Safaries - Coromandel

Posted By: [email protected]
Date Posted: 08 Sep 2010 at 8:06pm
   ...Enchanter, that is all...

     ...If u aint fishing on the edge, yur in the way!!...

Posted By: 1Daz
Date Posted: 21 Sep 2010 at 2:15pm
Originally posted by Gian Gian wrote:

Any good charter from Tauranga?
Been on Grouse fishing charters out of Tauranga before, was pretty good, Put us onto the fish in pretty trying conditions. If you cant find them in the phone book talk to Matt at De Coro fishing supplies, He knows the skip.

Go the Warriors!

Posted By: jake10
Date Posted: 16 Nov 2010 at 9:34pm
Originally posted by Gian Gian wrote:

Any good charter from Tauranga?

had a trip with Blue Ocean charters , very nice people , got to admit that being a jafa i wasnt used to wee little hooks for terakihi , they gave me great advice , skipper was friendly etc ... cheap as chips too .

an observation or 2.... we are spoilt in Auckland , at the Tauranga marina the charter boats are moored a gazillion miles from the parking ! , couldnt see any logic to their setup .The Terakihi fishery ( from what i saw ) is very healthy , the currents are big . The only negative was that our boat only had a grapnel anchor - we were anchoring over sand , hence it just kept pulling with the current and breeze so a good portion - in a fact a majority of our day was spent trying to find some foul to get the anchor to hold , the skipper was not amused but did his best .

Did suggest he ask the pwners to get him a decent anchor for xmas , i think the boat was called te kuia ? very big and great setup , lots of space for fishing and your gear .

Posted By: red leigh 1975
Date Posted: 26 Nov 2010 at 10:01pm
one of the best charter skippers/ operators in my experience has to be Chris, from the Te Ra at Whangamata. our club recently had a charter booked with him, which was cancelled at short notice by Chris, unfortunately some of the crew didn`t recieve the message in time. when they turned up at the wharf, he instantly took them out for a couple of hours with NO CHARGE! there was no reason for him to do this, but he went out of his way to help our club members. a few fish were caught and everyone was happy. well worth a look if you are over that way. an all round good guy, always willing to help with advice for the inexperienced fisho`s
will put his contact details up asap

Posted By: JOLLY
Date Posted: 26 Nov 2010 at 11:44pm
Originally posted by MUNTID MUNTID wrote:

   ...Enchanter, that is all...

Damn straight Muntid, Lance and the Enchanter crew are good C*#t$, people like that are few and far between, went above and beyond the call of duty in my books. Role on March!! Brace yourself Lance

 Had a good outing on Cobalt with Alan in the Hauraki Gulf, chased the birds all day (FN birds mutter mutter, hate the FN birds… and of we go …chasing the FN birds) – had a ball!! I’d do that again without a second thought. I’d Recommend Alan to anyone chasing decent Snapper out of Auckland.

Posted By: LBGer
Date Posted: 31 Dec 2010 at 9:08pm
Jake10- yes, Te Kuia is the name of the boat. I have been on that one and teh other older boat Ratahi. Has lots of good memories on both those boats, its a bit different fishing, shoulder to shoulder along the side, 10oz Sinkers, 3 hook droppers. Before teh limits were introduced, got my best haul of snapper with them, 40 snaps with many thrown back. I fed half of my grandmother's friends (most of Mt Maunganui)... 

A king on the bricks is worth 5 in a boat.

Posted By: mxaone
Date Posted: 08 Jan 2011 at 6:17pm
blue pacific charters on cascade with mike boswell great boat great guys great fishing, mike knows the ranfurly area like the back of his hand and had now issues finding us some nice fat puka.
cheers guys.

Posted By: calypso
Date Posted: 31 Jan 2011 at 1:52pm
You may be interested in knowing there is a new fishing charter operating on the Kaipara Harbour.  Its the Kaipara Cat Fishing Charters owned by Tony Walles who's been on the kaipara using his own family boat for over ten years so he knows the harbour well.  The boat is the Kaipara Cat that he purchased from Poor Knight Tours.  Its a FAST 11.5m alloy cat with two 225hp optimax outboards and a beautiful boat for fishing charter.  Has all the amenities - berths to lay down if anyone feels seasick, a galley, toilet, even a hot shower.  There are rods for hire only $10 and you can buy extra sinkers and hooks on board if you lose yours. Coffee, tea and milo is free.  There is also onsite lockup parking and charter options to cook the fish you catch or lunch or anchor up somewhere for a BBQ afterwards.  Most of the charters take hours to get to the fishing spots but this cat gets you there fast so you have more fishing time. Phone Tony on either  09 4207391 or 021 02929089

Posted By: Smelly Buoy
Date Posted: 31 Jan 2011 at 4:04pm
Thanks Calypso, is there a web-site? With photos, details of numbers he can take? Port/base address? Presume he is all ticketed with safety gear etc.

Tangled Up In Blue
"Veni, Vidi, Velcro"
I came; I saw; I stuck around.

Posted By: Often Out
Date Posted: 31 Jan 2011 at 7:30pm

Check this out.

Posted By: Sufishent
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2011 at 2:54pm
Anyone been out on Gulf Raider from Gulf Harbour?

You can never have enough fishing tackle

Posted By: John_Ra
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2011 at 3:59pm
Originally posted by Sufishent Sufishent wrote:

Anyone been out on Gulf Raider from Gulf Harbour?
Yes a few times, have done well on all trips. Great boat to fish from. Pretty good skipper in my opinion...

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Sufishent
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2011 at 10:33pm
Thanks for the reply John. I'm a bit gutted as I was supposed to be on the good ship Diversity tomorrow but they have engine problems and the charter has been switched to Gulf Raider - was really looking forward to a trip on Diversity Unhappy

You can never have enough fishing tackle

Posted By: Koda
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2011 at 9:50pm
Originally posted by Moggy Moggy wrote:

Hey Uncle
This is not a bad idea this but once you have compiled the list we should be able to give points say out of 10 with 1 being bad trip/experience and 10 being bloody brilliant.
I have been out on some of the ones names and had bad experiences such that I wouldn’t think of going again but I equally know of people who have had good ones with same people, so they can have an off day which I would like to know about giving the operator the benefit of the doubt.
In my books if I was a charter operator there is no point in just being listed as great, I would personally rather have the bad with it – then I could improve my offering or at least ensure that the “bad” experiences don’t happen again – but hey that’s me and I think some of the charter operators have a ego’s so may not take kindly to being rated 1/10
But fair is fair and I think being fair to the charter operators is telling them when they are not performing and also being man enough to leave your name on it so they can contact you and follow up – after all if they are not told they cannot fix and there is a great need for our charter boys to understand that they probably never hear the “bad” trips back nor have the ability to fix them as most people never complain but vote with their feet.
I had a charter trip last year by a well know operator which was less than I expected, I contacted him and made my thoughts known and he has to his credit gone out of his way to provide a replacement trip at a cost we are all happy at (note that’s not a free trip) – he didn’t have to I am sure but on the basis of that he will pick up many thousands of dollars more business from people whom I refer to him.
So whilst we don’t want to name and shame – which is fine, we should be able to openly in this forum place weightings beside those whom we have had great trips and those we have had less than that to try to raise the bar for all charter operators.
Only point I would make is unless they specifically say or guarantee that they will help you to catch fish then the catching of fish should rate to high in this assessment, as we all know fish are fickle and to blame an operator for you not catching fish isn’t right, we can all go out and have the same results.
I have to agree with this totaly. Regardless of what job you are in, if you are getting things wrong, the only way you are guna improve, is to know things aren't right.

Posted By: StripedMarlin101
Date Posted: 10 Mar 2011 at 5:05pm
Rick Pollock Whakatane on board PURSUIT hes the man. Why havnt i seen his name mentioned???

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Posted By: ODL
Date Posted: 31 Mar 2011 at 12:31pm
Rippin and Reelin (Whitianga) 
Craig - 0274 824 630/ Email: [email protected] -

Took my father-in-law and brothers-in-law out for their first taste of New Zealand fishing. The first spot we stopped at, we all hooked 15kg-18kg Kingfish. The next stop, my father-in-law got a 16lb Snapper and the rest of us got more Kingfish and massive Kawhai. Craig was a great guide and super helpful and friendly and really went out of his way to find us some awesome fishing. I wouldn't fish with anyone else in Whitianga.

Posted By: Redwaka
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2011 at 10:58am
Nik Mathiesen - Saltflyer (

Took the family fishing with Nik last year for Kingis. First (only) time I have used a charter. He gave us an exceptional couple of days. The man has a genuine passion for angling and that came through in his professionalism and effort to provide us with a memorable fishing experience. 

Based on this experience I will use charters again in the future.

Posted By: Southhook44
Date Posted: 26 Apr 2011 at 3:24pm
I have been out with Callum a few times now and is a top bloke - does not mind me playing around with soft baits ,slow jigs , jigs e.t.c which some red neck SI operators are not keen on . Plenty of Variety 5 drops on the slow jig 5 species , And best part is all fish are cleaned for you. !!!

Posted By: Southern Man
Date Posted: 13 May 2011 at 5:12pm

Arenui (Geoff Lamond)
As Grunta reported a few weeks ago we did a 4 day gig on Arenui out of Hohora recently. Top boat, great crew - really professional but very good company, did everything he could to get us on to a stickface, never afraid to burn diesel in pursuit of the Holy Grail. Worth every cent.

Mai Pen Rai

Posted By: scullapint
Date Posted: 05 Jun 2011 at 7:23pm
Gotta plug for Wayne Banks  and Neptune charters
Not bad for a one armed skipper...and no the boat does not do circles to the left!

Three-fourths of the Earth's surface is water, and one-fourth is land. It is quite clear that the good Lord intended us to spend triple the amount of time fishing as taking care of the lawn.

Posted By: scullapint
Date Posted: 05 Jun 2011 at 7:25pm

And Kelly Toon on Seators....May Leo rest comfortable knowing she taken care of by one of his bouys!


Three-fourths of the Earth's surface is water, and one-fourth is land. It is quite clear that the good Lord intended us to spend triple the amount of time fishing as taking care of the lawn.

Posted By: Sasnz
Date Posted: 25 Jun 2011 at 6:09pm
leilani charters     out from Whitianga -
Capt Joe. great fella and skipper. will accomidate all elvels of fisho and will bend over backwards to make you feel welcome. The deckie catches crays and scollops for dinner and is also a chef. The scollops are the best i have ever eaten, including out of restaurants. bugger wont give out the recipe We go once every year and have never been disapointed.

Posted By: OZ Game Fisher
Date Posted: 09 Jul 2011 at 5:11pm

'Australian Marlin Charters' with Capt Bill Billson. I have only great things to say about them. -

Posted By: Fi-domain02
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2011 at 9:27pm
To be honest guys I have to say Double Rum Fishing Charters is the best fishing charter i have been on Brett Fleetwood is a good skipper, knows what he is doing aswell they do diving, fishing, and harbour cruises so its all great fun. Would HIGHLY reccommend this fishing charter here is his website. -

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