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Marlborough Sounds

Printed From: The Fishing Website
Category: Saltwater Fishing
Forum Name: Fishing Reports
Forum Description: Share information about your latest fishing trip
Printed Date: 11 Feb 2025 at 5:25am

Topic: Marlborough Sounds
Posted By: blackboat
Subject: Marlborough Sounds
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2008 at 2:08pm
Marlborough Sounds fishing lets here from you all that want to share the good oil on our local fishery.

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Posted By: betterthanwork
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2008 at 2:25pm

You sound so lonely blackboat

Posted By: blackboat
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2008 at 2:29pm
yeah betterthanwork seems alot of north islanders on here than us in the south,,,its either be on here or yap to the missus and well fishing always wins for this boy

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2008 at 2:34pm

I do a little bit of shore fishing and occassionly launch my kayak in the Keneperu. Rarely fish the Pelorus. I prefer the Queen Charlotte, Port Underwood, Croislles Habour or D'urville.

Posted By: ChrisW
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2008 at 9:55pm
only done charters to the outer sounds up to Stephens.  Yeah and some snapper out of Havelock.

give it death!

Posted By: phantomdeviant
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2008 at 6:07am
seasharp fishes the sounds a bit

Skirt Pulla

Posted By: Doonage
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2008 at 12:49pm
Yeah I do most of my fishing and diving in the sounds and durville area.
I was at Port Underwood in the weekend and got a haul of crays. Plenty of Moki and Butterfish around.
I hear that there are  a few snapper been caught

Posted By: sid fishus
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2008 at 3:12pm
I fish it too, but only infrequently when I get down there being another north islander.

Posted By: Diverbloke
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2008 at 6:01pm
yeah blackboat i do almost all my fishin'in the sounds-Dúrville & pelorus mostly but stray over to QC for the scollies.Pretty F###in'windy over that way Saturday.

Posted By: blackboat
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2008 at 7:05pm
i stick to pelorous in the summer got some spots in their ,,up round nile head area in winter
hope this weekend weather good go have a fish around kenepuru ,,was talking to a chap who only goes to kenepuru and he scored some goodones ,and said that they are about now but must spend alot of time and patience so here hoping

Posted By: matty
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2008 at 7:19pm

wats the story with crays around port underwood?

Posted By: Diverbloke
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2008 at 8:30pm
Yeah-some of those boys are pretty hardcore6-10 hours with berley bomb-a bit too dull for me.Prefer nilehead type snapper fishing although  havent got up that way for ages

Posted By: The Jester
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2008 at 8:46pm
I fish D'urville mostly but sometimes go down Pelorus if the weather looks a bit dodgey or I want good scollies.

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2008 at 8:54pm

Do you guys catch Snapper around nilehead during the winter?

I have never fished north of Rangitoto Island. 

Posted By: Diverbloke
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2008 at 8:57pm

What sort of fish u usually chase there spraymate?Blackboat?Kings?Surely not cod?!!

Had a bit of sucess on the gurnad with SP's and a few kingis on the jigs over the last 12 months-but what a crap winter eh?Hardly had the boat out.Tryed the scollies out yet this season?

Posted By: Diverbloke
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2008 at 8:59pm
Sure do Militaris-mostly pannie type stuff-in 80 odd metres.

Posted By: Hamish_S
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2008 at 12:26pm
I was born in blenhiem, lived there till i was 7, have SO many good memories of going out with my dad and his friend and his 2 sons in our 33ft old bridge decker boating down the sounds, fishing during the day, waking up to freshly cooked fish, the sound of the birds in the morning, spending the night in the coves surounded in bush,  rowing ashore and playing on the beach... my dad passed a few years ago and we spred his ashes in Ruakaka (sp?) bay,  2 dolphins followed us around the bay as we did it!
I have been back several times since and even the ferry ride brings back so many good times
I hear fishing is not so good down there now. i was born in 85 so my fishing days down there was prob 91-93

Posted By: Doonage
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2008 at 12:29pm
Plenty of crays at Port Underwood but not of great size. Females are now half and half out of berry.
As for Nile Head. If you find the schools of snapper it's definately worth a fish as is Stephens Passage. Got quite a few snapper and kingis over winter around the top of Durville. I'm looking forward to summer so I can get up there and have a serious fish for some kingi's as the ones we got over winter were a by catch on the ledger rig when fishing for snapper

Posted By: Sea-Sharpe
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2008 at 7:16pm
blackboat I do most of my fishing in the sounds and had a good start to the year there up until winter - some snaps getting caught in Keneperu at present so my sources tell me.

Posted By: scullapint
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2008 at 8:32pm
hell...toot'n'whistle fishes well!

Three-fourths of the Earth's surface is water, and one-fourth is land. It is quite clear that the good Lord intended us to spend triple the amount of time fishing as taking care of the lawn.

Posted By: Diverbloke
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2008 at 8:39pm
Same as there Doonage-lookin forward to summa-Make sure u post a few trips-let us know how ya gettin on-always enjoy hearing local yarns-mostly mr seasharpe.
must have been able to fish midweek doonage?been dying to get out butseemed wknd after wknd was just ask weather wise!Anywho look forward to a few more posts from our ways-keep ém cumin seasharpe and if ya eva need a boat or fishing rope in giveús a PM
cheers fellas

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2008 at 10:19pm

Just for more info, there is a handful of people on the spearfishing board from marlb/nelson.  There was also a bunch of surfcasters from Nelson who posted for a while in the walk-about section, have not seen much from any of them in a while.  

Huntfish who posts a bit in the jigging section is from Blenheim.

I also beleive there is a kayak fisher or two who sometimes look at the boards.  There is also a bunch of Kayakers from Cantubury which get up to Kaikoura and potentially marlb once in a while. 

Posted By: blackboat
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2008 at 7:49am
nile head is what i would call the snapper city in the winter you have to play around a little with this spot but they are there for the taking ,i have caught and seen others pull out big snapper and the kings are there also ,,,,but its weather protected as it cuts up easily as for cod dont generally bother with it up there as a good trip will land snapper,kings and groper more than enough fish but we never overstock in our catch only what we can eat,,,,,golden bay is now producing scallops as is ketu bay

Posted By: The Blue Meanie
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2008 at 8:55pm
Have done a bit in the Sounds over the years.
Moving up to Blenheim in the New Year so will be doing a lot more.
I just have to figure out a way to extract Seasharpe's top secret possies off him....

Posted By: blackboat
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2008 at 9:08pm
well have to hook up afew of us and do a trip in be good to meet some of the people on here around our area share abit of knowledge etc

Posted By: green guy
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2008 at 10:14pm
im heading there just before xmas going sailing in the qween charlotte sounds for a week what can i xpect bar blue cod that r band now

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2008 at 10:35pm

Gurnard, Snapper kahawai, Kingfish, tarakihi and Perch. Lots of  options really.

I quite like catching flouder on rod/reel. Drag a small hook with prawn over a sandy bottom. Spotties are a pain. 

Posted By: Dobo
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2008 at 12:04am
Last year was my first year fishing in the sounds, went fishing in Kenepuru most the time, had mixed results, most the time we caught snapper but only pannies :(  think the biggest was about 10lb :( But all good it's all about exploring and finding the good spots, rarely went past snapper point, usually stayed around the mussle farms near the entrance,straylining mostly. Hooked up to a few kingies but never had right gear to land them! I tried trolling a few times around Tawero point but never had any luck around there. Goal this summer is to try get a kingie (dont care how big it is!) groper and a nice size snapper. Going to give softbait a try too!

Anyone read latest copy of fishing paper? Picture of a school of snapper in the kenepuru (apparently chased by dolphins) but the guy who wrote article + took picture believed there was up to 3,000 fish in this school and average size 12-14lb! and the pic was taken in July! (thought the temps would have been too cold?)

Heard few people been catching them out there tho! Once snow season has finished I'll have to take the boat out and give it ago?

Anyone got any tips on baits to use in kenepuru? I've had best results straylining with a lightly weighted full pilchard on incoming tide through burley trail around mussle farms.

Posted By: blackboat
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2008 at 12:11pm
this is how i do it,,berely up off the bottom and one just out the back,,,you should get bait just out back so catch them,,yellow tail mackerel is what i catch then keep them alive weight them with small sinker so they get to bottom its perfect and the large snapper will nail them ,its no problem to hook 18-20ishib fish in these spots,i always fish mussell farms on points so there is current flow ,,,another trick i do is scatter sardines all around the boat ,they have heaps of oil extract and work wonders,,but patience is also a key,,,,or simply find a harvester working and drop pillies in the berely mix there 

Posted By: Dobo
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2008 at 5:25pm
Nice tips thanks Blackboat, I've caught heaps of mackerel before but never seem to have any luck with them as bait! Do you use the smaller ones and how do you hook them? Kahwai I've had great success with butterflying a fillet with small sinker 1/4 oz and letting it flutter in the current. I've got plenty of patience me and my mates would go after work and spend a good 12 hours on water getting back at 4am! Always nice being on water!

Do you fish inside the mussel farms or outside them? Usually we straddle a wide row and fish on one side of boat, using 2 anchors hooked over the lines to keep us in place (1 front one back) then tension the ropes to get us in the middle, not a good idea if its very windy as the weight of boat tends to pull lines together and if the current is ripping its defintely not a good idea as its a nightmare trying to pull a boat against the current to release anchors! All a big learning experience though!Learnt a lot about fishing last year and look forward to expanding my knowledge this season!

Thanks again for tips much appreciated!

Posted By: blackboat
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2008 at 6:00pm
ive used very large yellow tail and its produced very large snapper but average size yellow tail seems more common,i hook them the same as a pilly 2 hook and half hitch or sometime just hook behind the for where to fish on a farm i generally find a wide lane and tie front and back up and cast back into the middle,its worth cruising evry lane with the sounder as you will often find there are holes and small rise,s the bottom is never really flat and i tend to pick half way down to tie up,,heres a tip where to fish try rams head mussell farms,,,bottom of beatrix ,,,,i pick bays in the middle between maude island and four fathoms as that area between gets less boat traffic in the peak time and snapper wont hang around where boats are consistantly travelling,,,,,,,whats your rig you go fishing in dobo

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2008 at 7:30pm

Has anyone heard of any snapper being caught in the Queen Charlotte this spring?

Thinking of doing a shore mission tomorow night, the tides look good. Probably should put the effort in and drive to the Kenepuru. 

Posted By: blackboat
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2008 at 8:43pm
i have been working on a crane in picton earlier in the week and i spoke to a charter guy while having lunch and i asked him about whats being caught and no snapper have been taken ,,,,,,kenepuru has been fishing quite well so that would be my pick,,,,i was going to kenepuru but sundays weather looks ok for a trip to nile head for me

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2008 at 9:14pm

Yeah, The sea is looking excellent on the weekend. On Friday/Saturday the forecast for Port Underwood, Cloudy/Clifford bay is almost flat and Kaikoura is looking good. While on Sunday Tasman bay is looking calm, is predicting half meter swell with little chop for western point.

So probably would chase Snapper friday night, then would head to either Marfells or Port Underwood for a kayak fish. Probably to early for the kingies in port underwood. If I have the energy maybe a evening snapper fish in the QC. Then up to the Bullert to hunt trout on Sunday. 

Nelson/Marlb offers a excellent diversity of fishing opportunities when the weather is fine.

Posted By: Dobo
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2008 at 7:21am
Yeah for sure, I love the way you can finish work then just head to river and go for a trout fish or into sounds on a boat!

I've got a reflex chanti 515 with optimax 115hp, not really a fishing boat, me and my old man went half's on it, idea was to get a boat I could wakeboard off but also do some fishing. The boat gives you best of both worlds because you can remove the carpet and then just have a bare deck that can be washed down easily enough. It's only good for about 3 people fishing or 4-5 wakeboarding. I'll be heading up to rainbow this weekend for last weekend snowboarding then its fish time!!

Any of you guys had success softbaiting in the sounds?

Posted By: Doonage
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2008 at 11:08am
I am going to try the Port tomorrow for a dive. The females are now 50/50 out of berry. Plenty of good Moki and Butterfish around last weekend so it should be the same this weekend.
A fella I know went out two weeks ago for snapper up towards Anakiwa but only managed a few Kahawai. The snaps can't be to far away.
I look forward to everyones reports from the weekend.

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2008 at 12:23pm

I would probably blank this weekend. 

Last summer I caught Pannies, Blue cod, Couta, KY and Gurnard on Softbait. Mainly fishing the shallower bays towards picton and around port underwood.  Avoid Gulp in the sounds because it is a spottie magnet. If you are after numbers then real bait probably works better. 

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 11 Oct 2008 at 9:03am

Decided to check out Tara Bay. Got there a bit to late, tide was near peak. Berely attracted heaps of baitfish. Fished until 10pm, caught no snapper. Had one bite on KY fillet. Was very calm, and the moon gave heaps of light.

Should of stayed in or around Broughton Bay. Might do most of my landbased fishing in Mahau sounds from now on, less distance to drive. 

How does the tide in Kenepuru relate to the tide times at Havelock?

Posted By: blackboat
Date Posted: 11 Oct 2008 at 11:49am
keen man there Militaris mahau sound would be a good bet interesting to see how you go if you do go there,,im right now loading boat for morning trip to nile head leave 4.30 in morning friggin boat bone dry on fuel the bugger holds 200ltrs hate the part paying for fuel so tomorrow night ill have a report on how it went

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 11 Oct 2008 at 5:22pm

Thats the good thing about my kayak, once on the water it does not cost anything to run apart from a few muesli bars and cashew nuts. Although I can,t go on a day trip to niles head with it, the limit is about D'urville Peninsula when I launch from French pass.

Anyway, just gotten back from the Port, the sea was flat and visibility was about the best I have seen it for the area. Speared 8 butterfish, could of gotten more. Awesome diving conditions, lots of big paua around Found a few new cray holes but forgot my weight belt so could not get into them. .  

Posted By: Doonage
Date Posted: 13 Oct 2008 at 12:07pm
Dived the Port on Saturday. Conditions near perfect. Plenty of crays around but nothing big. Speared some Moki all around the 7lb mark. There were plenty about so just took enough for the BBQ.
Anyone get on to the Snapper?
I am off to Durville this weekend so hopefully will get some kingi's.

Posted By: blackboat
Date Posted: 13 Oct 2008 at 6:07pm
good stuff doonage,,i went to durville sunday up at 4am drove to nelson boat in water at 5.45 and off me and the missus went in the dark sea was bit nasty from okiwi but then better once started going up the western side to nile head ,got there dropped jigs down and no joy on the snapper or kingi side ,it was bleak to say the least sounder showed nothing and i combed all round the head ,i did though land some very big cod and john dory just inside nile head which was good but it was hard fishing,shot up to the passage and that to produced nothing so settled for what i got and headed for home,,,,i would say with weather warming fast the snaps have headed for the sounds as they were there about 3 weeks ago as i slayed some big ones,,4 other boats were there and they all failed aswell ,,,the cod are big but you got to get mtrs away from rocks to get them right by all the white wash water ,i used a blue /white jig and yellow/green jig ,,,,,big tides this weekend would be harder to fish ,,,,sea was like a mirror all the way home was great

Posted By: Diverbloke
Date Posted: 13 Oct 2008 at 7:47pm
Fished the passage saturday bb and got sum good groper bites but no hook ups.Jigged hard 4 some cod and one kahwhai.Some guys in the nelson north comp had groper and (a?) kingi-Sunday looked the pick of  the days tho.You reckon those snapper at nile are the same sounds population wintering in the deeper water?Might be worth trying some shallower estuary type spots from now maybe?

Posted By: blackboat
Date Posted: 13 Oct 2008 at 8:56pm
for sure i would bet the snapper are now on the move to shallow waters,,ive fished nile head many times over the yrs and know the signs  3 weeks ago we caught them no problem , things were so quiet there yesterday it was hard fishing ,my mate was there last week and he had same results,,,also  i know  that the snapper and kings are never far apart at nile head and there were no kings around either and i didnt see any work ups anywhere from nelson to top of stephens ,,i even got to nile head nice and early ,,thats my last trip there ill focus in the sounds from now on for snapper,,,,nile head is winter snapper it doesnt produce in the summer thats how ive known it through 15yrs experience ,,,

Posted By: Doonage
Date Posted: 14 Oct 2008 at 7:52am
I'm heading to French Pass this weekend. I was going to head to Stephen's Passage but now I am having second doubts if the snapper have dissapeared. I guess if the weather is good I will head up there otherwise I'll try my old favourite snappa spots in Admirality Bay. I do see that the tides are big which will make the drift fishing a little difficult, though. I guess it all depends on the weather.

Posted By: blackboat
Date Posted: 14 Oct 2008 at 5:20pm
just thought a few here would like to know a very keen fisho i know at work scored some good snapper on a long line off ruby bay ,i trust his word so looks as though the first of the snapper are in the bay,,,,crimpy also went out off nelson that way on sunday morning he launched just before me very early still dark he wouldnt go if nothing around ,,,,,as i say thought a few would like to know 

Posted By: Doonage
Date Posted: 21 Oct 2008 at 12:47pm

Fished French Pass and Durville over the weekend. Generally speaking the weather was POOP. Due to the weather we didn't make it out to Stephens Passage so most of the time we fished arond Durville. Caught some big gurnard, a few tarakihi, cod and a single snapper. Generally speaking the fishing was pretty slow.

Posted By: blackboat
Date Posted: 21 Oct 2008 at 8:28pm
atleast you got out there doonage and took a feed home,,,,kenepuru this weekend for me
you see the fishing programme late sat night ,adam clancy and crimp they were in the pelorous sound mussell farm fishing

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 21 Oct 2008 at 8:49pm

I did something this weekend ummmm.

Surfcasting until late friday night at marfells. Caught nothing.

Recovered on Saturday, did check at the wairau bar but the wind was to strong.

Went fly fishing with the Marlb FF anglers club on Sunday. 

Went for a surfcast monday night at cloudy bay, only stayed a few hours and caught a small shark.

Posted By: Doonage
Date Posted: 22 Oct 2008 at 7:47am

Blackboat. I didn't get a chance to see the fishing programme on Saturday. Any good tips?

I am heading down to the coast this weekend for a bit of whitebaiting. Hopefully they are still running as my brother who lives in Hokitika said they got some huge runs last week. People were taking wheelie bins down to the river as buckets alone wern't enough.

Posted By: Diverbloke
Date Posted: 22 Oct 2008 at 7:45pm
Hey Doonage-at least ya got out-work work work 4 me(fishin's betta!).Headin'to Penzance/pelorus 4 long wkd-weather  dunt look too bright at mo tho-know any spots might be worth a burley session out that way BB?hope 4 a cray & scollie 2.Beer time regardless-have a good wkd fellas-cheers.

Posted By: Doonage
Date Posted: 24 Oct 2008 at 12:03pm
I have been out in the sounds this week for work, damn it I should have been fishing, anyhow the people I have been talking to have been getting some great catches of big14-18lb snapper. It's all go by the sounds of it.

Posted By: Dobo
Date Posted: 24 Oct 2008 at 8:12pm
sweet doonage i'm hoping to get out this long weekend, anyone know where the snapper are in kenepuru? Are they near entrance or deep in sounds near mud flats where its warmer? Went out last weekend had afew runs but no hookups (using big baits) water was around 14.5 degrees.

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 26 Oct 2008 at 10:06pm

Went for a lazy mid-day fish in Mahau sounds today. Paddled across to the far side and anchored up for a few hours, drifted whole squids, had a flasher rig with squid and a slow jig in the water. A few nibbles on the squid and a powerful strike on the slow jig. caught nothing. Wind got gusty and the sea choppy. Cold and wet at times.  Got back to the car just before 5pm.

Fished awatere coast Friday night, my prawn baits were untouched (again) but I took a third rod and  used piper for bait. Caught a constant stream of red cod and small school sharks. After dark landed a big doggie. Sea was calm, there was thick fog at times I could not see 200m down the beach. Between 8pm-9pm the fog turned to rain so I packed up. 

Would head down the coast for a morning fish, then maybe a evening paddle in the QC after snapper.

Posted By: Diverbloke
Date Posted: 27 Oct 2008 at 7:41pm
Well not much 2 report after the wkd-sat-pretty windy-lookin 4 scollies where a mate said they were lookin pretty good-4 inch vis at 80ftShocked-flock that-chase sum crays-5 in 10 mins-didnt see another.trolled/jigged 4 a king only cuta happening tho.big burley up sunday morn-no snapsCry
sunday arvo-bloody windy-another coupla small crays then big livies down lookin 4 a kingi-no dice,but something i'd like to try 4 groper
Big burley up this morning for a coupla small snaps,6 cuta & 29 carpet sharks.Angry
Hope yu boys did a bit betta in kenepuru.Roll on summa.

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 27 Oct 2008 at 9:52pm

Spent morning Surfcaster down the east coast, got the normal suspects plus a large KY. They seem to be around in good numbers this year.

Spent evening Snapper fishing one of my spots in the QC, I used acombination of dragging a gulp crab behind my Kayak while fishing Slug-gos outfrount. Conditions were nice but no Snapper caught. Heap of spotty activity.

So far this year I have done 5 Snapper trips and blanked every time. Done double that number after Lemons on the coast for the same result. I must be a slow learner or just stubborn. 

Posted By: Doonage
Date Posted: 28 Oct 2008 at 12:04pm
No sea fishing for me weekend just gone. I went to the coast for a bit of whitebaiting. Managed to bring home 12lb so not a total waste of time but no the most succesful either.
Hoping to head for a snapper fish this weekend. Did anyone catch any snaps in the weekend?

Posted By: Dobo
Date Posted: 28 Oct 2008 at 7:23pm
No no snapper :( went out briefly on monday, awesome day out there! Girl who I work with her partner caught a 19lb snapper just out of portage and won the competition that was on with it.. They are around just gotta know where I guess!

Posted By: Doonage
Date Posted: 03 Nov 2008 at 5:45pm
Fished Keneperu on Saturday. Fished from 6:30 until 11:00. Not a single snapper run between the three of us who were fishing.  Got one small kahawai. We did notice though that there were garfish everywhere. So we stocked up on them for bait.
Did anyone else get anything over the weekend

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 03 Nov 2008 at 5:52pm

Did not get near the sounds.

Just a troll in the lower Opawa sunday afternoon. Found the remains of the Sea Lion Dead. Water is still very dirty, caught nothing.

Sunday evening I headed down to Marfells Bay with the Surf Rods and almost immediatly caught a Lemon/Rig. Also got a bunch of Red Cod.

Think I might wait until the school Snapper turn up before spending to much time in the Sounds. Saturday and Monday was to windy, wet, cold or something to go fishing.

Posted By: Dobo
Date Posted: 03 Nov 2008 at 11:44pm
!!!!!!!!! Epic day for me, got my personal best snapper by a long shot! Fished in Kenepuru opposite snapper point weather was pretty average, nice sun but windy as and constantly changing direction!! Had couple of runs but no hook ups. decided to try ledger rig rather than straylining. Put a whole piper (dead) on hooked through the nose, 3oz sinker and only in roughly 8m of water. This hungry daddy went for it :) weighing in at 19lb

Posted By: Diverbloke
Date Posted: 04 Nov 2008 at 5:40am
Awesome fish there dobo-good on ya.the wind can be a pain in the arse inthere swirling round on the anchor alright.

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 08 Nov 2008 at 7:10pm

Nice Snapper.

Spent around 5 hours fishing in the QC Sound, mainly used SP. A combination of drift fishing and trolling, basically only caught 3 small kahawai. Water temp is still around 13 so probably still a bit cold. 

What is the water temperature like in the Kenepuru at the moment? 

Posted By: Dobo
Date Posted: 08 Nov 2008 at 9:34pm
Cheers guys,

When I caught that snapper it was around 15 degrees,  week before that was 14 degrees..not sure what it will be around this weekend as unfortunately i'm not going out.

Posted By: JigKid
Date Posted: 08 Nov 2008 at 11:18pm
Nice conditions, nice snapper! Look at that things nose LOL

Posted By: blackboat
Date Posted: 09 Nov 2008 at 6:46pm
heres a couple of sounds snapper caught today,25 lb and 21lb,,,caught in 10 mtrs of water 8.00 am this morning ,,was fishing in mates boat and his camera not to flash on pic quality,,both fish nailed pilchards whole ,,both were gut hooked so couldnt release the fish but did release one of around 15lb

Posted By: Dobo
Date Posted: 09 Nov 2008 at 8:24pm
Awesome fish Blackboat nice one !! Nice to see theres a few biggies around!

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 09 Nov 2008 at 9:05pm
Nice fish, heading to the sounds for a evening surfcasting either Monday or Tuesday night. Hopefully something would be in the shallows around Havelock.

Should probably make the effort to get down to the Kenepuru but not on a work night.  

edit: Was tying rigs, and thought i was out of Swivels, so was busy searching for a pack of Mustard swivels I purchased a few months back... So I looked in my 60L tackle storage container (it is only half full) and found 5 packs of the swivels I like in it  Embarrassed. Although in my panic I did order another 5 packs Big%20smile . Just proves that you can not have to much tackle Clap

Posted By: Doonage
Date Posted: 10 Nov 2008 at 12:30pm
Got out for some fishing out of Okiwi in the weekend. Plenty of snapper but nothing like the ones caught by Blackboat. Also got some cod tarakihi and a gurnard and a single john dory. (see photo) Got some scallops which are in awesome condition. My bro and his mate went for a dive and got four crays. One was five pounds.

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 10 Nov 2008 at 5:13pm

Looks like the fishing is warming up everywhere :) At this time of year it is hard to decide where to fish. 

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 10 Nov 2008 at 7:39pm
Just wondering, are you guys based in Blenheim, Nelson or somewhere in between.
I live slightly east of Renwick. So about a equal distance away from both sounds and the East Coast. 

Posted By: blackboat
Date Posted: 10 Nov 2008 at 8:41pm
im in motueka there militaris so only venture to pelorus or kenepuru never been in quen charlotte sound to far for travell

Posted By: Doonage
Date Posted: 11 Nov 2008 at 1:25pm
I'm in Blenheim.

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 12 Nov 2008 at 11:10pm
Spent three hours or so having  a shore fish in Kaiuma Bay, was very calm. Caught a moderate size KY but nothing else. 

Posted By: Dobo
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2008 at 8:28pm
Live in Blenheim too, How old is everyone? I'm 25

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2008 at 10:33pm

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 15 Nov 2008 at 4:41pm

Fished the Mahau sound for a few hours this morning (8-12pm), the gusts made it hard to fish from the kayak. No sign of Snapper but a few big schools of baitfish. 

Found a 50ft deep hole, surronded by 20ft deep water. Do you guys think it would be worth fishing, quite a few bait schools on the fish finder. 

Posted By: blackboat
Date Posted: 16 Nov 2008 at 2:27pm
fished kenepuru friday night and sat ,,,when going through the kenepuru entrance sounder showed large signs of snapper but nothing scored ,birds working around mussell farm on left of entrance but nothing scored,,burlyed up 2 boats of us nothing but sea lice,sat up at 5am went right to end basically of heads deployed 20kg of burly around a mussell farm and not a sign of any snapper ,the other boat i was with did catch a shark of around 60-70kg,,speaking to others when washing boat and sounds like no one scored fishing very bleak

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 16 Nov 2008 at 3:20pm

Does anyone know if its possible to get land acess to the western point of Moetapu Bay?

Posted By: Doonage
Date Posted: 17 Nov 2008 at 12:04pm
In the past I've found that if you get sea lice attacking your bait you won't catch any snapper.
Dived Port Underwood on Saturday. Got plenty of crays and one of the boys speared a few butterfish. Almost all the crays are out of berry now.

Posted By: blackboat
Date Posted: 17 Nov 2008 at 5:54pm
[QUOTE=Doonage]In the past I've found that if you get sea lice attacking your bait you won't catch any snapper.
your right there Doonage the signs were quite good going on dusk with some of the baits(pilchards)being ripped to bits in one bite but no runs ,when wound in the bait you could see the pillys missing the gut area but head and tail still there as soon as dark hit nothing then lice crawling all over the pilly so gave up ,,,,,,have been working in golden bay wharf and seen some trawlers come in with cases of snapper some going up to 9kg talked to the skipper on one boat and they getting them just off patons rock he says the bay is full of them right now first time in two yrs they have been like this so he reckons will be good season

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 18 Nov 2008 at 9:52pm

Just wondering what would be a sensible size boat for heading out to Nile Head during the winter? Assuming that trips are planed around good forecasts but taking in account the unpredictability of the weather.


Also during the nor-west winds is the visibility better on one side of Port Underwood then the other. Until recently I only dived from the shore, and since getting my Kayak I only used it for diving twice. So is the North side any better for visibility?

Posted By: blackboat
Date Posted: 20 Nov 2008 at 7:08pm
winter best time for nile head you will find if forecast 10knots it will stay 10knots as for boat size well considering the length of journey even from frenchpass to nile head is along way i would prefer a miniumn size of 5.80 ,i would not attempt it in say dingy 16ft,, 25hp so to speak,when at nile head it takes some scouting to find fish they can be in just mtrs from rocks or out a little further so really you do need a decent size rig to do it ,,,,hey if your real keen to attack that area im more than happy to take you that way you will be comfortable and safe

on that side of durville and if unexperienced its no place for the novice fisho ,nile head is just one of the many places to go once up there we usually start there but continue out past stephens and there is nothing to protect you from the elements of mother nature i have been there and seen big seas come up so fast it can scare you ,if you never been up that side its more than better to go with someone who knows first just to get a vibe of the joint ,,

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 20 Nov 2008 at 10:24pm

True, I know how unpredictable the weather in outer Sounds can be. We use to frequently fish Port Gore in my parents 5.8m Naiad. One strange weather event was on a nice bright sunny day when low sea fog quickly engulfed the entire area. The trip back around Cape Jackson was a slow one. Port Gore is quite a dangerous place to fish because it can remain calm inside the port itself while the sea roughs up around Cape Jackson.  

I would be keen to go on a few trips out there with you, mainly to get a feel for the area. The nearest I been was on a charter boat which went to Rangototo Island. During the Summer I sometime paddle across to D'urville Peninsula from French pass but that side is a bit more sheltered.  Going to circumnavigate the whole island sooner rather then later. Just need a more capabel kayak. 

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 25 Nov 2008 at 7:45pm

Great weather this weekend :)

Thinking of launching my Kayak at Okiwi Bay and going for a fish,  probably around Whangarae Bay but if its a nice day might head for the Islands. Any tips for fishing this area at this time of year?

Does anyone know whats going on with Hori Bay road?  Nelson Forest Ltd once allowed public access through there but it now seems to be closed indefinitely. 

Posted By: Doonage
Date Posted: 28 Nov 2008 at 12:22pm
I'm heading to French Pass tonight for three days so hopefully the snapper are hungry. Anyone heard of any kingi's? 

Posted By: blackboat
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2008 at 6:05pm
Well launched my boat 5.00am sat morning at Motueka wharf ,tide was low and what a battle to get out through the channels but once out headed out a fair way weather was brilliant ,when the sounder lite up with marks so stopped loaded up the rods with pillies and down the baits went ,water depth of 19mtrs 3/4 way down and slam both of us fighting fish ,result 2 snapper of around the 7 lb mark.down went the next pillie bait got to bottom so put rod in holder went to fish bin to get some burley out and next the rod was screaming so i got the rod in a panic and loaded up on the fish 3 good runs later and up came 19lb snapper ,in the mean time mate was hauling in more of around the 5 to 7lb size so we made the call to release the big fella so we did good feeling letting him go.we continued catching good sized snapper for next 20mins or so but they went off the bite and the only catch was ,carpet sharks,coutta so we went out further and again found them and caught a few more ,the locall trawlers were out scooping up everything in its path but in saying that the fishing was superb and the water temp was 17.4 degrees .is great when we can drive 5 mins to ramp steam for 30mins and have this sort of fishing at our door steps

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2008 at 6:59pm
Went for a paddle in Okiwi Bay on Saturday, launched around 9am. Quickly landed two small KY trolling, kept both for bait. Spent the next 6 hours fishing for nothing. 
Was a nice day out there, did not have a headwind paddling back for once. 

Water temp ranged from 16.6 to 17.7 Celsius. How hot does it get in Tasman bay during the summer?

Got up at 4am this morning to fish dawn, spent 30 minutes driving, realised I did not pack my reels last night. Drove home and went back to bed, spent a few hours fly fishing spring creek in the afternoon.

edit: Spent a hour or so surfcasting in the Mahua sounds friday night. Sea was brown with heaps of pine needles and other crap washed down a nearby stream after the recent heavy rain. Just did not feel right so left early.

Posted By: Doonage
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2008 at 5:26pm

Nice work BLackboat sounds like you had a great day on the ater.

Fished French Pass on Saturday. My brother managed to catch all the snapper. One was 15lb. All the snapper were caught in the middle of the day in bright sunny conditions. The snapper were all caught within an hour of bitetime.

Sunday and Monday we fished Okiwi. We managed a few pannies, cod, tarakihi and did a little bit of diving for some scallops which are in fantastic condition.
I am heading to Nelson this weekend and was thinking of taking the boat. I've never fished there before and thought I'd take my father in law out. Anyone got ideas for some fishing close to Nelson?

Posted By: ChrisW
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2008 at 6:08pm
Chopsticks, JTF & I are heading to fish around Durville this weekend aboard the Cova Rose from Nelson.  The owner - Tony, is keen to learn more about jigging so we expect to give the Kingies in the Pass a nudge.  Maybe a Puka jig around Stephens or a Snapper on SB around Nile Head/Bottle Point.  How is this area fishing lately?
Of course, a scollie dredge around Croiselles would be in order Thumbs%20Up.

give it death!

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2008 at 5:43pm

Conditions looked promising for Port Underwood today so headed out there for a Snorkle. There was a slight swell and a small chop developed. Sadly there was enough movement to distub the sediments so I doubt visbility was much more then 2m.

Only saw 1 butterfish big enough to shot but did not have time to shot, Saw a couple of Moki. Ended up harvesting 7 Paua before heading for home. 

Posted By: Doonage
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2008 at 12:42pm
anyone heard of any kingi's been caught. A friend of a friend saw some out in the Queen Charlotte when diving for scallop the other week but it's the only report I've heard off. 

Posted By: Dobo
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2008 at 8:27pm
I'm looking at trying to catch a groper this weekend (never caught one before)if weather stays good, Has anyone had any success in the Pelorus outersounds past Tawero point, looks like some good holes dotted around the place but not sure if they are productive at this time of the year?

Posted By: blackboat
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2008 at 8:36pm
dobo go out of culdaff pt we catch school groper of there ,,,,,,hang on i shouldnt be telling you this 

Posted By: Dobo
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2008 at 9:05pm
Tried that place before but tide was ripping too hard to get to bottom I'll try it again, Cheers for spot won't pass my lips!I don't think we get that many local people reading these forums..Well if they are they never chime in!

Posted By: ThomasW
Date Posted: 14 Dec 2008 at 10:40pm
Sounds still blanking for me. Fished the morning high tide from the shore in the grove arm, Caught nothing, went for a swim. I can easily spend 6-8 hours chasing sharks but 2 hours of Snapper fishing really gets to me. Atleast the school snapper should be around in force shortly :)Only a couple of weeks until xmas and the sounds become to crazy for me.

Been catching a steady stream of big Tope, Sevengillers and nice conditioned Rig down on the east coast beaches recently. Currently have a 11lb Rig in the fridge. 

Posted By: ChrisW
Date Posted: 14 Dec 2008 at 10:56pm
Aboard the Cova Rose (Nelson) we caught about 12 Kingies up to 18kg jigging at the Pass last weekend.  Also a big bunch of snapper on jigs, softies, Lucanus jigs - not a bait on board!

give it death!

Posted By: blackboat
Date Posted: 15 Dec 2008 at 9:28am
sounds like the pass is hot atm there Chris good stuff ,,,any good size snapper in your catch ,i supose afew boats will be hitting the pass now 

Posted By: huntfish
Date Posted: 15 Dec 2008 at 4:12pm
Originally posted by ChrisW ChrisW wrote:

Aboard the Cova Rose (Nelson) we caught about 12 Kingies up to 18kg jigging at the Pass last weekend.  Also a big bunch of snapper on jigs, softies, Lucanus jigs - not a bait on board!

Awesome stuff Chris Clap

Posted By: ChrisW
Date Posted: 15 Dec 2008 at 9:17pm
a good bunch of the snapper were 4lb - 10lb with an even bigger one lost at the net.

give it death!

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