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BOP Yakmen

Printed From: The Fishing Website
Category: Saltwater Fishing
Forum Name: Yak Yak Yak
Forum Description: The forum for Kayak enthusiasts
Printed Date: 10 Feb 2025 at 4:03am

Topic: BOP Yakmen
Posted By: Hermit
Subject: BOP Yakmen
Date Posted: 18 Feb 2008 at 8:04pm
Well, suppose it's time to consoladate our dribble and banter onto one thread!  Hell, I know Phish and Piwi will contribute their two cents worth!  No disrepect to the Hardmen of the Naki or the Welly boys - it's just evolution I suppose.  Crikey, I'll even be prepared to change the title if we could coax the fairer sex out onto the briney!
Keep the contributions going guys, take the micky and lets get out there and enjoy our- selves, after all, thats what we're here for!! 

Connoisseur of fine beers and ales!

Posted By: piwikiwi
Date Posted: 18 Feb 2008 at 8:36pm
Good idea Hermit. Thers one thing for sure theres a hell of a lot of kayak fishos up here all scattered up and down the coast everyweekend.

Posted By: Badfish
Date Posted: 18 Feb 2008 at 8:56pm
I'll just tuck myself in here too, not much point doin a coro one, not many of us round my side.
Plus I did start the Bay Kayak Anglers so it might be rude not too
There are whispers too that the BKA are starting up again bigger and better. But I won't say to much incase it doesn't go ahead.

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Posted By: Phishpula
Date Posted: 18 Feb 2008 at 9:13pm

Turtle free since 2012

Posted By: Hermit
Date Posted: 18 Feb 2008 at 9:19pm
I believe Phish and I have already started to hatch a cunning plan regarding a wee bit of a club Bad,  just watch this space!
Oh, forgot - you just had to be the first one did'nt you Phish!Ouch

Connoisseur of fine beers and ales!

Posted By: bush
Date Posted: 18 Feb 2008 at 9:32pm
hi guys, i have been lurking out the back of the burley trail but hooked now and time join the party.  had my first foray last week off papamoa and thinking of heading out on wednesday am.  if calm enough - i have a habit of crapping out. 
while i am at it the pins on my ff cables seem to have coroded and no power to ff - is this common and i guess i need a new cable - who services the humminbird ff in tnga/mnt?

Posted By: Hermit
Date Posted: 18 Feb 2008 at 9:41pm
Welcome aboard bush, don't know anyone who has'nt done their fair training session of "the turtle".  Hey, enjoy it, after all - it is a water sport!!!!!!!! Re the sounder prob's, probably best to head down to "the crossroads" at Sulphur point to Marine electronics.  I'm sure they could help you out.   I keep a bit of vasaline on the contacts to stop corrosion, it seems to work and it has'nt effected the unit in over three years of use.

Connoisseur of fine beers and ales!

Posted By: Badfish
Date Posted: 18 Feb 2008 at 9:43pm
Just a heads up re starting clubs, get good help and hold people to their offers! Clubs can become big and time consuming very quickly and you soon find that offers to help can often go no further than offers... Hopefully this doesn't happen to you though, and I wish you all the best with it.

As for reporting of fishing goes...... I'll go #2
I know its not technically the BOP on land but the weather forecast for BOP goes from Slipper Is. so I figure theres my BOP affiliation

Just couldn't stay on land this arvo after talking about smoked fish on here so I went for a quick blat up the harbour here in whanga.
Threw around some little SPs for a change, all sorts from glup minnows to some funny looking little cuttel fish type things. They all got hiffed under the boats moored in the upper harbour and what do you think I caught... snapper!
Well it could be worse I thought and it was at good eater at 35cm.
Next couple casts weren't doin much for me so I pulled the drift chute in and thought I'd troll to my next spot a few more metres up the harbour. Just as I made the turn the rod bumped and I gave it a quick grab and strike.
The rod didn't thump though and the line went sideways..... this is a good sign I though. Maybe a KY or hopefully a Trev....
Minute or so later the snapper run was over, I finally boated a different speicies and my target species too.
Nice trev of about 32cm in the back.
Very next cast another snapper, back it goes.
For the next 40 odd mins I had some fun trying to pin point my cast as close to the pole moorings as I could. For my efforts I picked up 4 trevs and 3 snaps (kept 3 trev and two snaps). Not bad for a spot I could wade to at any point of the lower half of the tide. Fishing wasn't firing but was constant and thats all I could ask for in a new spot, very exciting for me anyway.

So now there is three Trevs in the brine ready for the smoker tomorrow arvo and happy neighbors eatin snapper for tea, choice.

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Posted By: Naki man
Date Posted: 18 Feb 2008 at 11:36pm

Hi Bush

Welcome to the forum
Sorry to hear about the FF, but if it's a humming bird, they don't take too kiindly to the dunkins. Also you need to disconnect the power when not in use or you end up with corroision up the wires. Once fixed, put some vasiline on the plugs

The solution to any problem - work, money, love, whatever - is to go fishing - the worse the problem the longer the fishing trip should be.

"I have a lot of very large problems"

Posted By: piwikiwi
Date Posted: 19 Feb 2008 at 7:32am
Good work Badfish, as you said fish your feet first. Gday Bush, yeah I always disconnect my FF after each trip wipe it gently with some fresh water and put it in the airing cupboard till my next outing. No sign of any corrosion. Also check the other end at the Kayak and as NM says put some protectant on the pins or socket.
I think Hermit and Charlie might be planning a wed am trip. Unfortunately I have work but may try for thursday or friday morning out to the reef of Harrisons cut for some JDs. Anyone else available.

Posted By: piwikiwi
Date Posted: 19 Feb 2008 at 7:33am
PS: It doesnt get light till 6.30am now so relax, sleep in, theres a **** load of fish out there still biting well after sunup.

Posted By: Charlie F
Date Posted: 19 Feb 2008 at 9:50am
Bout time a coherent? thread got started, good stuff. I'm a bit the same as Badfish, doesn't seem to be much yak action over here in the Waikato so will tag along with you guys.
Yakpersons doesn't quite sound the same does it Hermit.
Bush I intend to be at the Karewa car park, just past Short St, around 6 am tomorrow if you are interested, SPs and drift chutes and maybe a bit of bait on a drift rig. You could give me a ring on 0272688800 to confirm or leave a message here.

Posted By: bush
Date Posted: 19 Feb 2008 at 12:48pm
charlie, i only have a trolley and nearest launch pad is taylor reserve boat ramp for me so will go from there - i can paddle your way though. i  have a yellow prowler.  hope swell is less than this morning.  6.00 am does sound early but could make it. hope to buy a sea anchor today. got a new cable for ff so should have that running as well.

Posted By: Charlie F
Date Posted: 19 Feb 2008 at 5:01pm
Bush is Taylor reserve boatramp quite close to Karewa Parade if so I could meet you there at 6:30, how big is the swell?

Posted By: bush
Date Posted: 19 Feb 2008 at 5:05pm
ABOUT 1 KM CHARLIE.  Just before the houses start next to beach reserve as you head south from parton rd.  will check swell tonight but very calm in mnt at moment so should be good.

Posted By: Charlie F
Date Posted: 19 Feb 2008 at 6:37pm
Just checked the surf cam Bush, looks pretty good as does the Marine forecast, meet you at 6:30 Taylors Reserve? Gotta phone number in case I get delayed in the morning for whatever reason. I've got a green and silver nissan wagon and a yellow prowler.

Posted By: kiwifred
Date Posted: 19 Feb 2008 at 7:38pm
hada achat to my dad as he was down over the weekend and he is keen to get out with you guys. forgot to give him your number PP so will email it up and no doubt in the coming weeks he will call to come out.
thanks again guys and go the bay club

Posted By: Hermit
Date Posted: 19 Feb 2008 at 8:31pm
Well, bugga!  Had god down from head office today and we did'nt finish our business so were at it again tomorrow morning!!!  Be politically incorrect to come in smelling like an old gurnard, so I'll have to take a rain check on tomorrow!!!
As for the caution on the club idea Badfish, I know what you mean.  I've been involved in clubs all my life, both presidents and executive positions and I know a club is only as good as those who pull the weight!!  I run by the theory - crawl, walk, run!  Fish and my idea is to just get guys together at this stage,  go fishing and get to know each other.  Time is a evolution and things wil unfold as we go on.

Connoisseur of fine beers and ales!

Posted By: Charlie F
Date Posted: 19 Feb 2008 at 9:25pm
Will catch you some other time Hermit, gotta keep god happy.LOL

Posted By: bush
Date Posted: 19 Feb 2008 at 9:39pm
all set to go charlie 6.30 at ramp, well its just a sand track actually.  got the ff going, sea anchor, plethora of sp's and some 1/2 oz jig heads which i needed last time.  surf was ok tonight, watched a good keen man go out about 7.30.  have a yellow prowler also so you shouldnt miss me.

Posted By: Charlie F
Date Posted: 20 Feb 2008 at 4:14pm
Met Bush at Taylor Reserve shortly after dawn and we hit the water soon after. After making it throught the Papamoa full tide heavy wash cycle without mishap we headed out to the 10 metre mark where there was plenty of fish sign and both hooked up on decent pannies on our first cast. From then on it was consistant fishing. We released several legal pannies each keeping fish over 35cm. Bush broke his kayak sp snapper duck in style keeping 7 good fish.
Pretty good going for someone on there second yak fishing mission.
I kept a limit including a 65cm 11lber, I'm stoked!
Gulp chatreuse 4" jerk baits and 5" Exude butter chickens on 1/2 oz jig heads did the damage. All fish caught on the drift between Taylor Reserve and the Papmoa Surf Club in 8 - 11 metres.
Thanks to you Bay guys for putting me on to this spot.

Posted By: piwikiwi
Date Posted: 20 Feb 2008 at 4:37pm
Bloody good effort. I was ripped off I knew it my 67cm only 9.5 LBs must have been on Jenny Craig.
I'm still goiing out tomorrow morning 7am off Harrisons cut with me, myself and I. Will be heading out to secret reef only found by lining up secret landmarks or paddling into the middle of all the boats sitting on it. Is everybody working ?

Posted By: Hermit
Date Posted: 20 Feb 2008 at 4:39pm
Good to see Charlie, well done!!!!  The beach is fishing extremely well, good to see you got your share!!!!
After todays botch-up at work, I took time out and drove along marine parade - was as flat as a piece of toast!  Thought you would of had a ball - lucky bugga!

Connoisseur of fine beers and ales!

Posted By: Hermit
Date Posted: 20 Feb 2008 at 4:41pm

PM me your phone number Piwi,  I'll see how I finish here today!

Connoisseur of fine beers and ales!

Posted By: Phishpula
Date Posted: 20 Feb 2008 at 7:02pm
cough cough I fell a cough coming on. Well done lads. Can't wait to go to your secret spot Piwi.

Good effort to Charlie I hate the full tide wash.

Posted By: bush
Date Posted: 20 Feb 2008 at 7:54pm
nice fish arrangement charlie.... well done on the 11 pounder.  my 53cm only came in at 5.5. great morning out there, fish everywhere.  both pulling in keepers on first cast was a good sign.  didnt have a spot x - just went to 10m and saw fish on ff and into it. got your ff going yet charlie... caught all my fish close around yak so may not have been getting to bottom on the cast properly.  trid a big boy 9 inch grub tail thing from foodsouce out - was sure it would catch a big-un bud got didly - next time maybe. weekend if weather good - i need to practice those beach landings!

Posted By: Charlie F
Date Posted: 20 Feb 2008 at 8:47pm
Yeah bush got the FF sorted, funny how they don't work whenyou only put one battery terminal on - DOHConfused
You can only get better at the landings!

Posted By: nylg1
Date Posted: 20 Feb 2008 at 9:26pm
Top reward for a morning on the the water ..Clap
I think your facial expression in that first pic says it all.....

“The best computer is a man, and it’s the only one that can be mass-produced by unskilled labor.”
― Wernher Von Braun

Posted By: shad
Date Posted: 20 Feb 2008 at 10:07pm
 Well done guys..Clap



Posted By: potus
Date Posted: 21 Feb 2008 at 8:37am
New kayak fisher...until now had only played around the harbour but was encouraged by phishpula and piwi's reports of Papamoa snapper so....ventured out yesterday afternoon from Taylors reserve also. Surprisingly easy conditions to get out through yesterday, then first cast in 6m got a long fat kawahai that went back after a good fight! further out and fish everywhere on the sounder.. Three nice snapper 40-45cm and 3 smaller ones thrown back all on nuclear chicken 5inch (Apparently it's not the length that's important, it's the movement) Headed in with the surf picking up...waiting to bail out or turn turtle but somehow (luck!!) caught a wave, dug the paddle in and surfed all the way to the beach!
It's great when a plan comes together successfully on the first try!
Thanks for all of your "reports" of this great fishing area....same again this afternoon with a bit of luck!

Posted By: piwikiwi
Date Posted: 21 Feb 2008 at 12:07pm
Good work Potus, Fish everywhere at the moment so a good time to venture out. Hopefully you can get out with some others on here sometime.
Will be interesting to see whos still fishing hardout in the middle of winter. That'll sort out the men from the boys.
My expedition this morning not so good. Was onshorish conditions and the guy who came with me didnt have an anchor so we didnt bother going to the reef and just drift softbaited finding fish only at about 15m. I ended up with 5 snapper 30-48cm and the other guy with 2 x snapp around 50 cm and gurnard. I went thru 5 gulps DAMN HATE THAT.

Posted By: Naki man
Date Posted: 21 Feb 2008 at 6:01pm

Well done on hte fishing Charlie - nice haul

Welcome to the forum Potus

The solution to any problem - work, money, love, whatever - is to go fishing - the worse the problem the longer the fishing trip should be.

"I have a lot of very large problems"

Posted By: Phishpula
Date Posted: 21 Feb 2008 at 6:41pm
On yay potus took me a while to get out but once you do you'll never go back....unless is really big.  YOur more than welcome to come and play with us silly billys in the future. As long as your not to serious.

Posted By: Hermit
Date Posted: 22 Feb 2008 at 10:49am
Welcome to the crew Potus,  will be good to catch up with you on one of out outings.  Just watch out for Phish, he has some bad habbits!  lol lol lol

Connoisseur of fine beers and ales!

Posted By: potus
Date Posted: 22 Feb 2008 at 2:16pm
A good article on handling surf...

Posted By: Phishpula
Date Posted: 22 Feb 2008 at 2:44pm
Yes I have two bad habits thats nothing compared to your 12 Hermit!

Posted By: Hermit
Date Posted: 22 Feb 2008 at 5:07pm

Good article,  sounds just like my mission statement!Big%20smileBig%20smileBig%20smile

What do you recon guys,   go out and "hang ten" since it's so rough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ClapClap
Actually, Phish and Piwi, instead we should go and have a brew some-where saturday avo and plan the coro trip,  any other takers???

Connoisseur of fine beers and ales!

Posted By: Kayaker Nath
Date Posted: 22 Feb 2008 at 9:52pm
yeah guys, count me in. Id consider myself an 'ok' fisherman but if can help anyone with surfing lessons then let me know. Id be happy to help.

Im back in the land of the living so give me call... 021 296 7079 Nath.

Otherwise give me a call at Kathmandu Tga.

Posted By: bush
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2008 at 9:07am
good beer weather. might be able to force one down somewhere. about to head down and see what the sea is doing but sounds rough.

Posted By: Phishpula
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2008 at 10:42am
Yeah mate 4pm sounds all good what you guys reckon?

Posted By: piwikiwi
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2008 at 11:13am
On babysitting duties today ( got 4 kids ) should have them off my hands in 30 yrs or so.
Regarding the trip obviously would like to go fishing on the monday as well as tuesday.
I am sorted for accomodation at my oldies in Waihi.

Posted By: bush
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2008 at 11:18am
sounds good phish - keep it local - navigator?

Posted By: Phishpula
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2008 at 12:38pm
Sweet as Piwi,  Navigator  I was thinking 4pm

Posted By: Hermit
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2008 at 1:07pm
Sounds like a cunning plan Phish, navigator it is!!!!!

Connoisseur of fine beers and ales!

Posted By: Phishpula
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2008 at 2:06pm
all welcome...Hermit don't forget your company credit card...

Posted By: Hermit
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2008 at 8:34pm
Just finished the 4 o'clock meeting with Pppppppppppish!!!!!  (hick!)   We've got a doozy planned - Phiiiiiiish will fill you in!
Oh, by the way, as a no show bush - we left the bar tab in your name to fix up!ClapClap

Connoisseur of fine beers and ales!

Posted By: piwikiwi
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2008 at 2:39pm
Charlie, ru coming over for your midweeker this week ? Blowing hardout sw here flattening the surf quickly.

Posted By: Charlie F
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2008 at 2:52pm

Are you thinking tomorrow am or pm Piwi? Got to work Wednesday, I'd be keen for tomorrow though.

Where are you thinking?

Posted By: piwikiwi
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2008 at 4:13pm
I have work tomorrow but  wednesday / thurs ok. Sorry thought you mite have wed off again. Will get it right  one day !

Posted By: Charlie F
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2008 at 4:51pm
OK, might even go to Vegas tomorrow and chase freshwater kahawai at Tarawera.

Posted By: Kayaker Nath
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2008 at 5:14pm
Well........that surf was big! Dont know if you guys have seen the surf around the bay today but its pretty narley! So i thought id take my other Cobra kayak out for a surf. My guess is that some bigger of the waves were at around 2m. I finally got out the back and waited for the biggest mother wave you ever saw...and it came...! I caught it....then realised there was a damn surfer in the way (they always get in the way!) so i dug the paddle in and pulled myself off the back of the wave. The only problem with that was that the next wave, which was bigger, picked me up and pitched pole me straight down into the sand. For of a distance of around 250m off shore, there must have been a hell of alot of force because i was completely driven right underneath the water! Of course i wiped out totally, luckily i had a hold of the kayak so i climbed back on. When i got back up there (pretty damn quick i tell you!) i then saw that the front of my surfing kayak had been literally folded at a 90 degree angle from 3/4 of the front of the kayak and down! Man, thats terrific! I got back on dry land, took the bung off, the air must have done something cause it straightened back out again (with some persuasion!)

So ive learnt something today guys: Next time, just run the damn surfer over, idiot shouldnt have followed me out anyway!!!

Fishing wednesday if anyones keen...

Posted By: Phishpula
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2008 at 5:49pm
sounds like you need to borrow my predator heat gun. 207 valley rd.  You got small dogs mate, small dogs! Hermit can explain.

Posted By: Kayaker Nath
Date Posted: 25 Feb 2008 at 9:26pm
two small dogs??!!

Geepers my brother...give me some credit! They made Jurassic Park 3 from what ive got down there!!

Mate, the ocean parts when it sees diplodocus coming out! hahaha...

catch up soon brother.

Posted By: Phishpula
Date Posted: 26 Feb 2008 at 8:56pm
I have no response Nath, no response to that.

Here what I got up to after work

Biggest went to 42cm.  Fowl Hooked caught his first gurnard. "what the hell is this" "a fish that talks"

I love newbs

Posted By: potus
Date Posted: 27 Feb 2008 at 7:06am
Also went out yesterday arvo....4 Kawhai all put back then onto the 49cm on a "new penny" gulp crab jammed onto a nitro jighead.... Also a large trevally released after a great fight! Very easy surf conditions again, maybe out again this afternoon....

Posted By: bush
Date Posted: 27 Feb 2008 at 12:39pm
good stuff potus.  thinking about heading out in morning - where have you been going from?

Posted By: Hermit
Date Posted: 27 Feb 2008 at 4:32pm
Well, been tied up in the corporate jungle all damm week, and I just thought I'd poke my head in and see who's crowing about what?????  Good to see you back Nath, 
Right, just checked out the weather for Sat morning - FLAT AZZZZZZ !!!!!!!  Who's coming?????  We should get a fish in before the northerly hits us!
Good to see your stilll playing your banjo there Phish!  And is there 6 toes I see there on that foot????

Connoisseur of fine beers and ales!

Posted By: Kayaker Nath
Date Posted: 27 Feb 2008 at 9:09pm
Cheers Grant, yep im back mate with some serious force!
I went out tonight, it was pretty slack. Got 5 snapper at the 30cm mark....put them all back. 33cm is my limit so i only went home with two snapper but thats ok. Fed the flatmates. Lots of smaller snapper arouind im finding but still good to be on the water.

Roll on the winter i say!
Bugger, im working saturday. It seems im always bloody working!

Posted By: Phishpula
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2008 at 5:09pm
Nath are you still up this end of the bay,

I went out last night and got skunked mind you only went 500m and fished for 20mins but still a dissapointment. First time since the last time I fished the harbour I've been skunked. 

Going out tonight @ 6pm in front of  omanu surf club if anyone else is keen.

Posted By: Phishpula
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2008 at 5:12pm
P.S I'll be there Hermit, so bring your pinkies again so the newbies can have a good laugh!

Posted By: Milkey
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2008 at 8:03pm

Can I join the BOP Yakmen club? Theres not much fishing down here in Tokoroa but will venture over to the bay as much as I can.

Went out last night and got 2 snapper the size of my hand, mean haha. Had the Kontiki out when I was paddling and after an hour brought it in with 1 small Gurnard. Kinda disappointing really to come back with nothing except wet shorts Confused

Posted By: Badfish
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2008 at 8:37pm
lets hope we can do better tomorrow. Maybe you'll get wet shorts AND wet feet.
I like to keep goals low then I'm never disapointed. It's a simple life but it works for me

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Posted By: Kayaker Nath
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2008 at 8:55pm
hi phish..

nah mate, ive left oceanbeach road. I left the day she hit me with the vacuum im not!

Im down Papamoa for a short time. Im still decinding where im gonna live and im not just talking about in a house...or even in the bay...or even in NZ! Big changes happening soon brother. Will keep you posted.

I went off papamoa where i got all the snapper. Got some big hits to. And i went 1km to 1.3km off the beach. Not far.

I know it sounds stupid but there is one reason why this maori boy ALWAYS catches fish and im about to let you in on the secret....

are you ready.....?

Here it is.......

Whenever you catch the remains in the freezer till the next you go out. Then when you paddle out next, drop it over the side of your kayak not far from shore, then look up to the sky, thank the old brothers up there for the feed and then paddle off to fish.

Sounds funny, but i do it every time...and every time, i come home with a feed. And one more thing, NEVER take the limit! Only take what you need to feed yourself and your family. I NEVER throw any fish scraps in the bin. I always give it back to the sea to say thanks. And i am rewarded time and time again. Its just my belief, and its a healthy respectful one for me.

Rather deep for a thursday night huh??

Posted By: Hermit
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2008 at 9:50pm

Could'nt agree with you more Nath about just taking what you need, but I don't know about the chanting bit behind the breakers there brother!!!!

I'll stick to the scottish way, tight on bait and bloody tight on the drag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Connoisseur of fine beers and ales!

Posted By: bush
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2008 at 9:54pm
cruised out from taylors reseve after work - very nice out there. I hung around 8-10 m but sore a couple making a beeline for some deeper water about 7.30 - must have night vision goggles.  stayed out til 8 as needed one more snap to catch a limit, which i havnt done before - and still havnt.   threw a few back, all over 30cm, kept a few mid 40's. threw a carrot back as well.   had high hopes for a 9 inch f source grup straylined out the back but it got eaten by a 40cm sucker.  lost a few as well. great fun.  found my  vs 40 reel  was "anti reversing" ie had to hold the handle when fighting fish to stop it spinning backwards - any ideas on what the prob may be?

Posted By: Badfish
Date Posted: 29 Feb 2008 at 5:11am
Originally posted by bush bush wrote:

found my  vs 40 reel  was "anti reversing" ie had to hold the handle when fighting fish to stop it spinning backwards - any ideas on what the prob may be?

You didn't trip the little switch to turn it off by accident did you?
I don't even know why that switch is on most spinning reels but I don't know any kiwi fisho that uses it all that much. I use it to let a bit of line out on occasion but could easily do without it.

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Posted By: Charlie F
Date Posted: 29 Feb 2008 at 10:30am
Hi Milkey, guess there is as much snapper fishing in Tokoroa as there is here in Kihikihi! maybe we could start the Waikato Wanderers arm of the Bay Yakkers!
Crikey Bush sounds like you'll have that limit in no time. Those anti reverse things can be tricky, if its not the wee lever on the back as Badfish says, I have had a breakage on the internal workings of one once. As BF says they are a pain that see's little if any use.
Went to Vegas this week and tried trolling in the swamp, (Lake Rotorua), the water was dirty, the fish small and ugly and it was pretty boringThumbs%20Down. Should have stuck to jigging on Tarawera as planned. Anyone want to buy a good trout trolling/harling set up? I'm over trolling.

So many fish, so little time,

Posted By: Badfish
Date Posted: 29 Feb 2008 at 2:42pm
Well went out with Milkey for a quick snapper fish this morning.
Thought I'd take him to the Snapper Triangle as it's a pretty reliable spot and after he drove the 2hour journey to get here I thought the least I could do is give him a good chance at a feed to take home.
Hit out through the HUGE 30cm surf and I don't know about Milkey but I had reasonable expectations of getting a feed and some good action.
I'd love to say it was heart pounding fishing with nothing but screaming reel action for the first hour and a half, but I can't. It was the slowest start of the season for me with only one half bite, but at least Milkey managed a KY. More than I did.
I was begining to get a bit nervous, I don't care if I get skunked but I'd like to send a visitor home with atleast one of the target species.
8am low and at 7:55 I figure I'll give my slack tide possy a look. First cast, first fish, nothing big but big enough to fit my 35-50cm keeper slot so in the bag it goes. Pressure lifted for me but I was still keen to see Milkey get into it.
Next two cast produce a couple of snapper around 6-8lb nice.
Eventually Milkey paddles over and what do ya know nice 9lber for him, thank god for that.
Fished for about another hour and a half with a more pannies coming slowly but still managed to give the rods a work out.
A slow day but with both of us landing,keeping and releasing fish, good start to the day.
I landed about 12 and kept 5 so if I polish those off with the whanau tonight I'll be back out in the morning.

Choice day fishing with good company, Cheers Lyndon good bloke

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Posted By: Phishpula
Date Posted: 29 Feb 2008 at 3:38pm
Nath, my old man hit me with the vac hose! broke it on my bum, Who knew we had so much in common.  If your looking for a pad down this way let me know.

Posted By: bush
Date Posted: 29 Feb 2008 at 5:49pm
thinking about heading out in morning from taylors.  anyone keen?

Posted By: piwikiwi
Date Posted: 29 Feb 2008 at 7:51pm
Hi Bush, I was going to go out but forecast is pretty crappy so am flagging it.

Posted By: Kayaker Nath
Date Posted: 29 Feb 2008 at 9:39pm

brother phish....

you know of a place?

Posted By: Milkey
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2008 at 5:34pm
Hey BF,
Youve got more tackle than the shop here in Tok does haha. No Im not kidding!!!
But yeah. Great times. And the bowl of rawfish is getting a hammering, so is the dunny LOL
If that was a slow day then rustle us up a good day and I will bring my lunch

Posted By: Milkey
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2008 at 7:49pm
Heres the product of Badfishs' and my morning out in Whangamata. Awesome day,flat sea,fish......what more do ya want? All caught on an assortment of soft baits.
Heres mine.........
Now BF's........

Posted By: Kayaker Nath
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2008 at 9:04pm
geepers guys..with weather like glad i decided to work this weekend!!

Posted By: piwikiwi
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2008 at 7:05am
Good work BF and Milkey, some nice eaters there. **** weather here allright Good tackle maintenance weather.

Posted By: Naki man
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2008 at 7:44am
NIce fish guys  - well doneClap

The solution to any problem - work, money, love, whatever - is to go fishing - the worse the problem the longer the fishing trip should be.

"I have a lot of very large problems"

Posted By: Badfish
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2008 at 8:53am
Well this morning was a bit of fun.
Took the chicken track out of the whanga harbour today, the surf wasn't big but all over the place!
Dragged a 10inch powerbait eel around to my spot and got monstered twice but they both spat the lure before I could turn and get into possition Still, nice to hear the old TLD's clicker screaming even if it was just for 30 seconds.
Snapper played the game as soon as I hit my spot, first drop on the drop. One of about 6lbs, second drop a gurnard! This excited me a lot as I've not caught many this year, it was to be the only one I got. Let em go though as he'd of only just been legal and as much as I do love them to eat I'm keen on taking a fish for such little fillets.
Action was much faster today compared to fri, more bites but they weren't hard hits other than the first one.
Interestingly the bigger baits didn't get the look in that the 110mm squidgies did. My bigger gulps accounted for two fish and the 110mm flick baiits got the other 10 or so...
When Milkey was fishing with me the other day he was using 5in or smaller (i think?) and I was 5in and up, I think I hooked more but he got the fish of the day. So maybe this big fish big baits thing has its days, probably always good to take a range of colours/sizes and shapes...

Similar catch to friday size wise, couple for the smoker couple for breakfast now and one for raw fish tonight

Once the missus gets home with the camera I'll take some pics

cheers guys

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Posted By: piwikiwi
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2008 at 9:04am
Excellent we are GUARENTEEEEEED fish when we come up this month arent we ?

Posted By: Badfish
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2008 at 9:45am
I know enough never guarantee fish! But barring a few days of southerly storms we should be look alright.
Not been skunked in the yak in a long time when flickin for snapper, been skunked plenty when trying for tuna though .

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Posted By: piwikiwi
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2008 at 3:18pm
No I was just joking, just nice to go somewhere else. Theres always gonna be days when its badfishing. Good to go somewhere else thats not just off Papamoa Beach.

Posted By: Badfish
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2008 at 3:54pm
I figured you'd be joking and wrote a smart arse reply but thought twice cause if you weren't joking it woulda made me look like a right blow hard which I am, but you guys can figure that out for yourselves later on

I hear ya, it's hard to not fish a place as relaible as paps though aye!
I get bored of fishing the same spots too long so I often fish different areas just for the change.
I love catching fish in a new area, especially if it holds a different species, the ol snapper after snapper can get a bit hum drum fairly quickly for me.

I'm actually gearing up to scout out a new bay I've not fished up here. It's close and with fish seemingly everywhere its hopefully going to be good. Plus it'll give me a bit of an excuse to drag my new big sp eels for a bit longer on the way.

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Posted By: piwikiwi
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2008 at 7:10pm
Paps is very reliable and usually when I try elsewhere I am not as dialled in to conditions and dont do as well. I get a bit bored too of going to same spots for same fish and try to vary it up. Most guys do get into a safe habit of same spot each weekend. Im looking forward to a dory reef fish off harrisons cut this week one morning if conditions improve. Let me know if anybodys keen. May need bait for livies and anchor to stay on the reef though.

Posted By: bush
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2008 at 7:39pm
piwi - where is harrisons?  prob manage a late arvo fish papamoa taylors tue rather than moning. until i get a roof rack that is my limit at moment. seen charlie f get a 5kg job out there so gotta be a few biguns floating around.

Posted By: piwikiwi
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2008 at 7:58pm
Bush, Harrisons Cut is the beach access road next to Royal palm beach roundabout. There is a patch of foul about 2km out and yields bluecod, terakihi, and dories so is good for a change. Apparently this Papa rock foul is up and down the coast off Papamoa in about 20m so Im keen to find some other areas. May have to put in an order for a GPS for my 40th this yearWink. Ive been sidetracked away into fishing off the sand the last few times Ive been out so determined to get back onto this reef. Good luck off Taylors though that was some beauty snapper you and Charlie got there.

Posted By: bush
Date Posted: 05 Mar 2008 at 6:14pm
heading out from taylors in morning, prob 6.30.  supposed to be flat as.   anyone else heading out? got some cheap Blue Fox sp's to try as well - anyone tried them? $5 for 4 x 5 inch and one comes pre jigged rigged.

Posted By: Badfish
Date Posted: 05 Mar 2008 at 6:31pm
I got some at one of the rebel sales for next to nothing and they caught a few good pannies. But haven't used them since. Nothing against them just dont have a rebel in whangamata

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Posted By: piwikiwi
Date Posted: 05 Mar 2008 at 6:47pm
Im going off teara place at 7am with guy down the road. He only has buggy transport as well and this is his local. I can still get onto the reef from there about a 3km paddle on the angle so may still try for some JDs. Hope you get into some Bush, will post results tomorrow.

Posted By: piwikiwi
Date Posted: 06 Mar 2008 at 10:45am
Well went out to the reef but couldnt find it. Was quite windy and choppy. Anchored where I thought it was but no bluecod and scorpionfish, telltale signs that youre on it. No other boats to give it away either. Anyway anchored and got some small snapper and a kahawai and then one ok snapper about 40cm. Running out of time and decided to drift for a feed and picked up 2 more snapper straight away, the biggest 58cm. So not to plan but a feed none the less. Going away this weekend so hope you guys get into a few.

Posted By: Badfish
Date Posted: 06 Mar 2008 at 11:13am
Nice work there Piwi. Not bad for plan b

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Posted By: Charlie F
Date Posted: 06 Mar 2008 at 11:52am
Hey Piwi is your reef as elusive as Phish's famous spot x?LOL Never mind looks like you got some nice snaps anyway. Got some Thursdays coming up soon, will keep in touch.

So many fish, so little time,

Posted By: kiwifred
Date Posted: 06 Mar 2008 at 12:24pm
Hi Guys
Looks like i am heading up your way over easter so will need some guidence to the famed spot x.
thanks in advance  Erik

Posted By: piwikiwi
Date Posted: 06 Mar 2008 at 1:57pm
Whats worse is I do have a fishfinder but the foul is quite low lying and easy to miss. Normally always get onto it when its calm. Will take you out there Charlie or Fred if you are keen.

Posted By: Phishpula
Date Posted: 06 Mar 2008 at 3:19pm
Going out tonight to my spot x if your keen charlie or Bush. Second thought after your doubting my abilities to find my spot x, Charlie you are most welcome to come for a paddle.

Seriously looking good for this evening and going out on Sat usual departure.

Posted By: Charlie F
Date Posted: 06 Mar 2008 at 5:18pm
Big%20smileThat I should doubt you Phish! Off to Vegas for the weekend indulging her indoors passion for mountainbiking and mine for falling off the damn things. DeadWill try for a freshwater kahawai jigging at Tarawera on Sunday. Thanks for the invite maybe next weekend.

So many fish, so little time,

Posted By: Chip'n
Date Posted: 06 Mar 2008 at 10:42pm
Went out off Pap Bch Mototi Rd car park & picked up five good snapper & 1 john dory, my mate on his first kayak fishing trip in a kayak I borrowed for him got 5 Kahawai & 1 snapper, all between 6 & 7.30 pm. Considering he is a boaty I think he was pretty impressed as in 1.5 hours he would have been lucky to have driven to Sulphur point, launched & got out through the harbour, never mind standing outside at home knocking back a rum & coke looking at our catch. 

Posted By: piwikiwi
Date Posted: 07 Mar 2008 at 7:15am
Nice work chip'n. Its nice to catch something different like a dory. Was that on a SP ?
I wonder if there is a bit of foul there. How deep were you ? Id be making a note of the spot so you can tell me where is is Wink

Posted By: Chip'n
Date Posted: 07 Mar 2008 at 10:35am
Piwi, I picked up the 1st snap in 5m then moved out & stayed between 9 - 11 m, the kahawai were all over the show, birds working about 50m off the beach when we started out. All caught on Gulp chartreuse , mine on braid, my mates on nylon, both 5' rods. Got the JD while paddling back in so not sure exactly where he was. Chip'n.

Posted By: Badfish
Date Posted: 07 Mar 2008 at 12:32pm
Originally posted by Chip'n Chip'n wrote:

Got the JD while paddling back in so not sure exactly where he was.

That's what they all say

Nice going

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Posted By: Phishpula
Date Posted: 07 Mar 2008 at 3:19pm
Got a call from uncle last night "Hey phish, got these young fulla who wanna come get some fish when are you going out?" "In 1 hr " I replied.

In typical young hoon fashion they were late and came rushing up "Are you Uncle's friend?"Yep, let get a move on."

Paddled out about 500m to a couple of small workups, got some KY not much else happening. We then moved around a bit heading out 100m by 100m until we found out snaps.

We found them.

My mate fowl hooked then yelled out 'This KY won;t give in, Hey it looks funny, hey its got a big yellow tail" "Welcome to the kingie kayak club, now, remove the smile from your dial and put it back while its still alive!" After a cuddle he did. MEanwhile yahoo's and hollers were in the back ground from the other two newbs that unlce had sent to tag along.

To cut a long story short, wind picked up to 15knots onshore and blew us back home to where we paddled out.

I ended up with 8 snapps,

Others got 5-8 each

Some up to 60cm

Going out 2moro if anyone else is keen 6am Parton rd boat ramp. 

PS there is a certain softbait that is deadly at the moment - pps not telling!!!

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