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Out with the "Twelves"

Printed From: The Fishing Website
Category: Saltwater Fishing
Forum Name: Fishing Reports
Forum Description: Share information about your latest fishing trip
Printed Date: 12 Feb 2025 at 2:56am

Topic: Out with the "Twelves"
Posted By: Keith C
Subject: Out with the "Twelves"
Date Posted: 12 Jan 2008 at 4:33pm

Size doesn't matter - it is all a matter of technique as the little guys showed out East this morning. As usual Far Quirk (Geoff) went the extra mile by way of his posts and organisation and although the little guys only have 12' or thereabouts, all were adequately satisfied. 

I started the hard way. After downloading Uglia onto the sand (note one pontoon in the air) and waiting another half hour for some more water, I stupidly carved my own channel out from Kohi ramp to then have to clean the water intake. 
Caught up with Far Quirk in the his 355 Dart using SPs in the Motuihe Channel
And Aquacat and his mate, "Cowboy" hooning back to the Northern ferry lane marker
So, there were three littlies out there getting a feed, staying quite close together
I personally got an ample feed with 6 between 35 & 47 in my 2 and a bit hours
And as Geoff (Far Quirk) has posted elsewhere he got a feed, but these two did exceptionally well catching heaps more than Geoff and I.
It was great to see the crew on the wee craft wearing lifejackets.
For the record, the Nuke, Saphire, and 2 or three others each caught fish. Strangely, about 8 of my SPs got totally munted this morning without catching fish. I stopped at Browns and used the smelly stuff for a while on the way home and all it produced was undersize. Seemed the boat alongside me was doing likewise on smellies.

Posted By: tobez
Date Posted: 12 Jan 2008 at 6:02pm
cooooool keith!!!...well done

Waikato North Harbourmaster...Got a Nav Safety question for the Waikato region? me 021705642 or download the app Marine Mate!

Posted By: Bender
Date Posted: 12 Jan 2008 at 6:47pm
The pocket battleships rock & roll.  Well done those blokes.

Nobody has ever come up with a great idea after a second bottle of water.

Posted By: Phats
Date Posted: 12 Jan 2008 at 7:01pm
Thats a cool report.....way to slay it guys

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Posted By: Phishpula
Date Posted: 12 Jan 2008 at 7:09pm
Nice work team!

Good to see the little boats out there and doing it.

I saw an old dude last weekend beach launch from papamoa come out to us about 2.5km out then slay the fishes, as we were for 30mins then head home presumably with close to a limit bag.

Posted By: of2fsh
Date Posted: 12 Jan 2008 at 7:10pm
Nice one Keith

2009 and 2010 BERKLEY SOFTBAIT COMP CHAMPS,Runner up 2013 ( solo),winner 2013/14 longest kingfish nz fishing competition

Posted By: CanadianJohn
Date Posted: 12 Jan 2008 at 7:39pm
go the tinnies!

Posted By: Uncle
Date Posted: 12 Jan 2008 at 7:45pm
well done to the"twelves".
The pic of "Cowboy" hanging on to the bow is a beauty.
"UGLIA" is a special wee boat, Keith has spent many hours fitting all sorts of bit's & peices to make her a mean fishing machine.
How's the VHF aerial Keith?LOL

Posted By: Keith C
Date Posted: 12 Jan 2008 at 9:44pm
Hi Uncle. The VHF aerial is holding together well with some aluminium tape compliments of a friend who works on aircraft. More importantly, the radio still works fine! I am getting good at creating issues for myself these days. Lost a drogue today as well - fortunately I could watch it sink so it doesn't cause a disaster for someone else!!

Posted By: Fred Onion
Date Posted: 12 Jan 2008 at 10:12pm
Great tread guys may the 12 footer club grow momentum.  Would have enjoyed being on the water with you guys in the minnow.

FORD King of the Mountain

Posted By: Woody
Date Posted: 12 Jan 2008 at 10:12pm
Nice setup stabi.
Good report, well done on the plastics.

Posted By: The Gremlin
Date Posted: 12 Jan 2008 at 10:16pm
Go the little boats.LOL

Nothing else to life but fishing and beer!.

Posted By: Far Quirk
Date Posted: 13 Jan 2008 at 9:35am
Hi Keith - great report.  We'll keep you on for the next 12' regatta.  The Windguru forecast for next Saturday is for high winds, so I won't be planning to go out unless the forecast changes.
I'll post the plans for the next meeting on this thread, so Fred Onion, Aquacat, Silver1, keep watching this for updates.  I will also send PMs and texts to people who want to join in.  Of course anyone else who wants to plan a meeting, go right ahead and I'll be there if I can.

Posted By: MJ
Date Posted: 13 Jan 2008 at 10:14am
Great fishing Keith.

Posted By: betterthanwork
Date Posted: 13 Jan 2008 at 1:00pm
Thursday or Friday morning looking for good for a sneaky one!

Posted By: fauxpas
Date Posted: 13 Jan 2008 at 2:45pm
Nice report. I launch my 12 at waiheke so if you guys come out to the waiheke/seargents channel area i would like to meet up.

Posted By: Far Quirk
Date Posted: 13 Jan 2008 at 3:05pm
Yes, Thurs/Fri could be good for a sneaky one.  With light - moderate southerlies both days (Windguru) a Kohi launch would be OK, but would have to stop fishing at 7 am Thurs and 7:45 Fri to avoid being stranded.
I'd be keen to do a Sergeants channel meet sometime soon.  Watch this thread, or send me a PM with your mobile # & I'll keep you posted.

Posted By: Joker
Date Posted: 14 Jan 2008 at 12:13am
I'd like to have 12" too but i'm not going to cut it in half for anyone! 

Posted By: phantomdeviant
Date Posted: 14 Jan 2008 at 6:12am
Some great photo's there Keith. Looks like your floatila had some fun out there. CoolThumbs%20Up

Skirt Pulla

Posted By: Wefaknis
Date Posted: 14 Jan 2008 at 9:00am
cool...awesome....gotta love the little boats..

Posted By: Diverbloke
Date Posted: 14 Jan 2008 at 10:39am
Awesome thread Fellas!!!-Just for the record Keith -its just as satisfying helplessly watching your drogue sink from a 20footer as a 12!-Been there,DUN that!

Posted By: Far Quirk
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2008 at 10:38pm
Calling all 12 footers. 
Tomorrow evening between 5pm and 9pm looks good.  I hope to launch at Kohi about 5pm and head for Motuihe channel.  Matt at East Side Bait & Tackle (the Bait Station) suggested a new drift line in that area that I want to try out.  Looks like the only window for a few days, so will inform the 12' troops by text tomorrow morning. 

Posted By: Far Quirk
Date Posted: 18 Jan 2008 at 11:07pm
Friday 18/7/08 4 to 9pm
Despite the "bad fishing day" predicted by the Maori fishing calendar, it was red hot (for some) in the Motuihe channel this afternoon/evening.  Keith C got there first and got some nice fish in 2 drifts, and was heading home well satisfied as I puttered out there about 5:30.  In a carbon copy of last Saturday I drifted beside Marcelle (Aquacat) & his mate, and once again I got 1 & a bottom fish in my first drift while Marcelle & Housa were reefing them in 2 at a time.  Total embarrassment.
Another 12 footer hove into view.  AJAY started repeating the treatment that Marcelle had meted out, pulling good fish after fish from under my nose.  I was catching, but a lot of 32cm & under fish that were going back.  But nice to see you out there Ajay and mate.
Marcelle was all done with a double limit before the wind started to come up from the Northeast, but I only had 3 small pannies by this stage so soldiered on.  Glad I stayed because my 2nd to last fish was the biggest and pulled string bigtime, making up for the drubbing in part.
I wasted about 20 minutes in about 6m of water near Emu rock hoping for some of the biggies that lurk there (apparentlyConfused), but got the tail nibbled off a lime tiger, so retreated to deeper water and better fishing.
Going to have a major rethink about my fishing methods & gear.  KISS principle - take less gear, less complicated terminal tackle, simple jigging technique - back to basics.  Must admit I missed a few hookups because I couldn't get the bail arm over because the braid was disappearing so fast - very frustrating.  Overhead reels are definitely better in this situation, but My old Abu 6300 nearly sh**s itself if it is hit hard.  Makes a ghastly graunching sound as it goes into gear.
The catch: 35 to 50cms

Posted By: betterthanwork
Date Posted: 18 Jan 2008 at 11:37pm
I hear your pain Geoff - don't go fishing with Redfinger as its bad enough have the next door boat pulling them in while you get stuff all. Its far worse having him 2 feet away from you doing the same thing. I was out last night with a mate in Rangi Channel for 6 keepers. For once I used NO GULPS. Two keepers on Squidgies, two on Catch Red Piper. Those  red piper are strange beasties but they certainly catch the fishies interest. Not very cost effective though as you never seem to get more than one fish on one bait. Tried some Catch sparkling anchovies and they were popular but had tails bitten off real quick so flagged them away. Bite slowed right down after about 7.00. On the way home the wheel studs on my mates Buccaneer trailer sheared off on the NW Motorway and one wheel went walkies. No major dramas but he didn't get towed home until 12.30pm. Bit of a worry.

Posted By: Keith C
Date Posted: 18 Jan 2008 at 11:40pm
As FQ said, I was on my way home when he went out. Left Kohi ramp at 16h15 and went home from the ramp again at 18h00 with 7 pannies between 35 & 45 cm caught in 2 drifts. Short & sweet and capped off a great week of quick trips and fresh feeds 3 times in 6 days. Makes up in a way for the last three months of 2007 when work took priority.
For the stats, no takers on Squidgy pillie; tail chomped off rootbeer; one lime T lost first use and the fish caught on one nuke chick and one lime T. The nuke was still catching fish with the tail gone when I decided to head home. Same place as the previous two visits this week except that the drift was S to N.
To those blunt ones who do persist to try and catch fish in the middle of the ferry lane between 16h30 and 17h30, a big thumbs down. The ferry doesn't blow his horn in greeting and even though you may wear high vis shirts and wave at the passengers as they pass by, I do believe you are doing all of us who stay clear an injustice.
Nice to 'meet' you Marcelle and watch you pulling them in as usual. I think it is time for the twelves to get together over a cold one.

Posted By: Far Quirk
Date Posted: 19 Jan 2008 at 12:11am
Ay Keith - a cold one with the 12's would be great.Thumbs%20Up
And thanks for your commiserations Alan.

Posted By: craysee
Date Posted: 19 Jan 2008 at 12:20am
awesome little sub club you guys have got going here. and some nice fish to boot
i will keep an eye on your thread and would like to break out my 12 footer for a fish one day!

Posted By: rocko
Date Posted: 19 Jan 2008 at 6:41am
There some nice pannies there, you guys just confirmed there can be just as much fun to be had in the little tubs lol..i see only tinnies, wheres the glass runabouts?lol 

Posted By: JasonEdward
Date Posted: 20 Jan 2008 at 1:11am
Great stuff this economical boating.
Good effort.

'Tis better to have hooked and lost, than never to have hooked at all

Posted By: Far Quirk
Date Posted: 20 Jan 2008 at 10:28am
Burp!  Thanks Keith
5 of us enjoyed a beer at Keiths place yesterday.  Aquacat, Sliver1 & mate Steve, Keith & I swapped SP notes and looked at all sorts of tackle.  Feel a TAS attack coming on.Evil%20Smile
Probably the lesson I took away from that session was you need to work the lure especially the unscented ones.  I reckon my cheap Shimano Spectrum is way too soft in the tip to give that action (a broomstick would be better), hence the TAS attack.
Here are some suggested SP times for this week.  The way they are worked out are as follows, and you'll see there is a lot of personal bias:
- change of light! (avoid sunburn, sweat & glare) - also allows sneaky ones before & after work
- avoid winds of over 10 knots, and preferably 5 knots or less if it is against the tide (this is partly a safety issue for 12 footers, and partly to do with being able to set up a drift that runs with the tide) 
- seek sheltered areas if the winds are marginal
- fish between half an after and half an hour before slack tide (the hour around high & low tide is generally useless
- use Windguru and Ocean Fun tide for planning up to a week ahead
- check weather underground in the last few hours before the mission and be prepared to bail or change venues to get shelter
Weds 23/1/08 5:30 to 8 am, incoming, 8 knots, W, Motuihe/Sargeants
Thurs 24/1/08 5 to 9 pm, incoming, 6 knots, S, anywhere, but take a drogue
Friday 25/1/08 5:30 to 9 am, incoming, 7 knots SE (marginal), anywhere, but take a drogue
Friday 25/1/08 5:30 to 9pm, incoming, 5 knots SE, anywhere, but take a drogue
Sat 26/1/08 5:45 to 10 am, incoming, 5 knots SE, anywhere, but take a drogue
Sat 26/1/08 6:15 to 9 pm incoming, 5 knots SE, anywhere, but take a drogue
Sun 27/1/08 6:30 to 10 am, incoming 2 knots SE (perfect!), anywhere
Sun 27/1/08 6:30 to 9pm, incoming, 5 knots NE (guessing), anywhere
Because the wind can be hard to predict, always best to take a drogue, and in a 12 footer always put it off the bow.
I will probably fish 2 of the above times and will give people in the 12 footer fraternity as much notice as I can when I'm going out.  I will give Weds a miss because my boss is over from Aussie.  I can't Far Quirk all the time, or I wouldn't be able to afford to fishLOL 

Posted By: tennut
Date Posted: 20 Jan 2008 at 6:42pm
Hey Far Quirk,
  What is this Windguru? how reliable has it been for you because we thought this week looked like a right off for fishing? Would love to get out though.

Posted By: betterthanwork
Date Posted: 20 Jan 2008 at 7:30pm -
This is a windsurfing website giving wind strength, direction, wave direction, wave height and rainfall predictions for Takapuna beach for the two weeks in three hour increments. It is generally pretty accurate and lets you eyeball a possible slot for fishing several days out. -
This logs into real time personal weather stations around Auckland which gives graphs and tables showing wind average and peak velocity in about 15 minute increments and is bloody good for seeing what the weather is actually doing. Also check out the maps on the personal weather station pages as they have good detailed satelite photos from Google and you can see where the patches of foul are around our favourite islands.
Windgure didn;t pick the calm spell first thing this morning!!
Geoff - get an Okuma X Factor 4 - 6kg - great rods and pretty robust as well for not many bucks

Posted By: Far Quirk
Date Posted: 20 Jan 2008 at 8:11pm
Hi Tennut
Windguru is better than Metservice because it breaks the day up into 3 hour parts as BTW says above.  Metservice is forced to forecast the peak wind during the day for safety reasons, but this often more than double the wind speed at change of light.  So days where Metservice predicts 20 knots often have fishable periods of 10 knots or less at change of light.
Windguru accurately forecast that this weekend was going to have strong easterlies about a week ago.  I was determined to do some fishing, so went out on Thurs & Fri evening.  On Friday evening Windguru predicted about 5 knots from the S swinging round to 5 knots from the east about 7 pm.  It actually swung round to the North and was more like 12 knots thru Motuihe channel, so like all forecasts, it has some truth but each area of the Gulf is a microclimate, and to predict wind direction & strength for the whole lot would be impossible.  IMHO, Windguru is an excellent planning tool, but for safety, there's nothing like looking carefully at Weather Underground for current conditions & trends.
BTW - I know how carefully you choose your gear, so I'll take your advice.

Posted By: betterthanwork
Date Posted: 20 Jan 2008 at 8:25pm
Mate - that just fit my budget from Rebel Sports but it has been good for me. Redfinger also uses one to good effect.

Posted By: aquacat
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2008 at 11:02pm
Great meeting you guys at Keith C house. Thanks for the cold ones and the hospitality. Thursday afternoon looks like a possibility boys.

Posted By: ssilver
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2008 at 11:36pm
Was good to meet you guys (Keith C, Aquacat, Far Quirk) over a few cold ones.
Id be keen to meet up for a fish but Thursday and Friday are out for me with other commitments.
Saturday and Sunday look promising though! Keep in touch and ill do my best to be there!
Go the twelves!

Posted By: Keith C
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2008 at 5:29am
Similarly, was great to meet you guys. Unfortunately, it looks like I  will not be able to fish this week. For all you know, the snappper will have moved - the question is "which way?".

Posted By: Far Quirk
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2008 at 7:22am
The Windguru forecast has changed quite a bit since I suggested some fishing times for this week.  Possible times are:
Thurs afternoon (agree with Aquacat) but the winds will rise after 7pm so watch the wind
Fri pm
Sat pm
Sun pm
Mon am or pm (but the ramps will be full)

Posted By: Redfinger
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2008 at 8:12am
Very interesting re weather sites and other info Mr Far Quirk.
I use an xfactor for my inclose work and 3kg braid/ 15lb fleuro. Good rig.

Posted By: johnny_A
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2008 at 6:57pm
Hi guys, enjoyed reading about the intrepid 12's. 
Does a 4.2m boat squeeze in under the limit (I think that's about 13-and-a-half feet)?  Keep up the good work.  Thanks for the tips on the weather sites too.
Cheers, JohnnyA

Posted By: Far Quirk
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2008 at 10:10pm
To me membership of the twelve footers is a state of mind.  Are there any rules?  I'm not a rules person.

Posted By: tennut
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2008 at 8:28am
thanks Far Quirk and betterthanwork    ,new to this forom stuff, couldnt remember which page this weather stuff was on.Sorted now.Will check out those sites asap ,as have found the phone metservice abit out a few times..I still tend to trust the  looking out the window      trick ,, it feels like the next few days should be okay.Thanks for help.

Posted By: tinny fulla
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2008 at 11:41pm
I'm about 4.2 as well, i wouldn't go out in anything the 12's wouldn't so this forum is useful and handy for my tinny.

Only 2 things smell like fish and one of them is fish.

Posted By: JasonEdward
Date Posted: 25 Jan 2008 at 10:25am
I'm thinking of a mainly social cruise trip in the 12 after up to River head on Sat or Monday. High tide suits and it would be blasphemy not to tow a couple of ky lures and throw some baits into the deep holes along the way.

If anyones interested let's team up. Seems to me a meeting at the Riverhead for a beer would be a nice day. And for the non-fishers in the family, take them for a harbour cruise (sheltered water and only if weather is tops so can load up the boat with people in life jackets of course...) and a slow comfortable cruise up with snacks and bevies - it's a really nice sight-seeing trip up there...

NB I have a hand-held that they tell me is water-proof for 10 minutes in 1 m of water and it has a new type of long lasting battery so I think it's ideal for tinnies.
Slightly more pricey than others and should be very safe to use in the dinghies. (unlike cell phones which I drown on a regular basis).

Cheers all and thanks - this is a top thread - goes very well with the harbour fishing threads.

HMM NEW IDEA I'm really keen to fish and learn how to fish the Inner Waitemata. What if we went out as a group (like they are in Motuhe area)  on a suitable pm or am, planned the likely spots, spread out and targeted the spots, then keep in touch (phones or VHF) to find the fish and with any luck cooperatively increase all of our success rates. Just a thought while I procrastinate and avoid work.

'Tis better to have hooked and lost, than never to have hooked at all

Date Posted: 26 Jan 2008 at 2:25am
go the motuhi good fishing there at the moWink

Posted By: Far Quirk
Date Posted: 26 Jan 2008 at 11:34am
Fri 25 1 08 6:15 to 9pm
Betterthanwork invited me out & I accepted like a shot.  We left Okahu Bay and ploughed thru a washing machine until we got closer to Motuihe channel and the sea flattened out.  Arrived at the top of the yellow buoys in around 5 knots from the north and had good bites for me and a hookup for BTW on the first drop. Yeehaa!  While he was playing the first fish captain BTW had to take evasive action to avoid crashing into a Luddite (medieval bait fisherman).  Alan kept catching & I kept trying hard and we drifted down on top of a new 12 footer I haven't met before.  They were hooking up as well, and maybe they were mates with Ajay, because he turned up and was also into them. 
BTW was catching nice fish over 40cms and at the end of the first drift the score was something like 4 or 5 to Alan and 1 to me.  Decided to ditch the 60lb trace I had on and tied directly from braid to a "captain's rig" I showed the 12 footers at Keith's.  Put on Keith's red 3" squidgy that he kindly donated (not oursies) and immediately caught a keeper, but after that the bite slowed down and I had better luck with 4" & 5" lime tigers.  About half way thru the second drift, the boat limit moved up to 40 cms and we put back heaps in the 35 to 39cm range - magic fishing, but not a lot of bigger ones.  We still picked up the odd 40+ and were having a ball.
Meanwhile Ajay & mate were whooping and yeehaa'ing and looked like they were hitting the odd biggy.  It was a party out thereThumbs%20Up
I changed to a blue jighead and 5" sapphire shines and immediately got good hits with the odd hookup missed, but no worries, we had plenty of fish. My biggest fish came on the last drift when we sneaked a cheeky drift about 50m inside the ferry lane.  Ended up with 14 fish and the score was something like 9-5 to BTW but I grabbed an oursie and here they are (35 to 50cms):
The view from my place in Glendowie across Tamaki Estuary to Aquacat's place in Bucklands Beach.  Where were you Aquacat?  All done by 6 pm?

Date Posted: 26 Jan 2008 at 12:56pm
nice one far qurik yip that was my brother out there and a another mate of mine on the green 12ft savage boat that he just brought got rid of his kayak very happy with catck as well got a few biggys

Posted By: Jake76
Date Posted: 26 Jan 2008 at 12:58pm

NICE Thumbs%20Up

Date Posted: 26 Jan 2008 at 1:16pm

Date Posted: 26 Jan 2008 at 1:38pm

Date Posted: 26 Jan 2008 at 1:39pm

Posted By: Redfinger
Date Posted: 26 Jan 2008 at 1:59pm
Good report fq - well done. Good to see BTW catchin some fish  for a change.
FQ - 60LB trace? wtf? What were you thinking.

Posted By: Far Quirk
Date Posted: 26 Jan 2008 at 2:55pm
I left my trace spool at homeUnhappy, broke off, so decided to use some 60lb stuff that happened to be in the boat.  It still catches fish, but ssssssssslllllllllllooooooooowwwwwwllllllllllyyyyyy.  That was a couple of fishing trips ago & I've been in such a hurry to go fishing, or get fishing when I get to the spot, that I left it on. Dumb I know.Embarrassed

Date Posted: 26 Jan 2008 at 4:43pm

Date Posted: 26 Jan 2008 at 4:52pm
hi again finally able to post pics up here are some good one we got last night 8lbers at 8.45pm change of light on sp Clap

Posted By: Far Quirk
Date Posted: 26 Jan 2008 at 5:15pm

Well done Fryan.  What baits caught the bigger ones?  I changed to 5" glow squid about that time because it is supposed to get the bigguns going, but apart from a 40cm snap, it didn't work.

Posted By: aquacat
Date Posted: 26 Jan 2008 at 5:48pm
Good going FQ. I was in the channel as well and saw you guys, but then lost sight of you guys after our first drift. Was not in my usual 12footer. Sunday morning I might sneek in a quickie.

Posted By: johnny_A
Date Posted: 26 Jan 2008 at 6:25pm
Great work!

Date Posted: 26 Jan 2008 at 10:00pm


Date Posted: 26 Jan 2008 at 11:23pm
nice one fat boy LOL

Posted By: Far Quirk
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2008 at 10:28am
Monday 28/1/08 6 to 9 am
Just back from Sergeant's Channel, and it was goin' off!  Boat limit was 40cm minimum and kept 6, and had a couple of bustoffs, one when that incompetent boob Rod Holder was in charge & I was hooked up on another fish.  Best baits were Gulp sapphire shine 5" shad followed by 4" yellow Gulp Alive minnow.  Squidgy 4" pilly did OK too.  Put back a lot of legal fish, at least 6 over 37cms.
Feel a bit guilty about sneaking off & not telling the rest of the 12's, but some fishos are saying a bit of publicity has turned Motuihe into a jungle.  Will be more sociable on my next trip.
The catch - 40 to 48 cms.

Posted By: Fred Onion
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2008 at 1:32pm
Top work again..... Its a bugger when the other half buggers off for a weekend which turns into 2 with the one vehicle with a tow bar...
Like they say dont get mad,, get even. Think a couple of last minute fishing weekends are on the cards, + a tow bar on the second car next week.

FORD King of the Mountain

Posted By: Redfinger
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2008 at 1:52pm
Nice going FQ-You are the man!
Fred-hope you have told the Mrs who is cooking the eggs this week!

Posted By: betterthanwork
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2008 at 10:19pm
Well done Geoff, I was in Motuhi channel Sunday late morning but a bit slow - 2 x 43cm , 2 x 33cm. Sh*t loads of sign on the sounder but mouths shut. I can't wait to give Sargents another crack. I presume you were fishing the incoming. Did you drift that same line we normally used for the outgoing tide?

Posted By: ssilver
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2008 at 10:28pm
Nice going again there Geoff!!
We were out Sunday but found it very hard going coming home with only 4 around 30cm for about 5 hours fishing.
We fished Sandspit Passage off Ponui and had plenty of goldfish coming over the side but struggled to get anything bigger.
Anyway, it was good to be out there yet again!! Thumbs%20Up

Posted By: aquacat
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2008 at 7:55am
Great catch FQ. We were also out Sunday morning at "you know where" and did extremely well again. Probably turned another bait fisho into a SP addict. He caught 2 x 9pounders on first trip. I had to fight to get my rod back at the end of the trip. Wednesday is looking good again on Windguru.

Date Posted: 31 Jan 2008 at 5:26pm
Big%20smileBig%20smile any one taking out the 12s this weekend ?

Posted By: cosmo
Date Posted: 31 Jan 2008 at 5:46pm
can i join the 12s now please wont be till next spring cheers

i just want to go fishing..........amd ignore all my adult problems

Posted By: Mr Bean
Date Posted: 31 Jan 2008 at 6:46pm
Cosmo you'll have to start a new club called the 13's

Posted By: rocko
Date Posted: 31 Jan 2008 at 7:00pm
what the 11,s?LOL

Posted By: Far Quirk
Date Posted: 31 Jan 2008 at 8:35pm
Hi Rocko
Looks like some good weather for the weekend.  Tides are a bit weak but they may still be biting.  My picks are:
Sat 6 to 9:30 am, anywhere, 4 to 5 knot SW to S
Sun 6:30 to 10 am, Rangi (yellow buoy nr Duder's spit to lighthouse), 6 to 7 knot NE
Can we see who wants to go out, and where they prefer to go and then some of us meet up?  Anyone who wants to get text advice of where we will meet can send their phone number to me in the thread or by PM.  I prefer to go on Saturday morning.

Posted By: betterthanwork
Date Posted: 31 Jan 2008 at 9:21pm
I'm planning on an early Sat morning Sargent Channel drift in a 12 (+2). my reasoning is that I may still get a reasonable tidal flow the even with the small tide and the light S wind may help push drift speed up.

Posted By: Karlosnz
Date Posted: 31 Jan 2008 at 10:51pm
FQ im keen for a Sat morning fish my boats just under 16ft hope it dosnt count me outEmbarrassed.
021 2026644
not fussed on where we go.

Posted By: Far Quirk
Date Posted: 01 Feb 2008 at 6:58am
Hi Karl
I've put you on my text distribution list.  You can be the "mother ship"LOL.  I'm leaning towards Sergeants at the mo.

Posted By: Redfinger
Date Posted: 01 Feb 2008 at 7:37am

Will be at rangi sat 7.30ish - 0275715406 - fyran 440 / etec 40 (dark cowling)

Incoming so will probably be on the line light to duders.

Posted By: betterthanwork
Date Posted: 01 Feb 2008 at 7:52am
karlosnz - as official mothership, you bring the beers

Posted By: Karlosnz
Date Posted: 01 Feb 2008 at 9:09am
Hope you guys like Lion RedLOL

Posted By: wetdream
Date Posted: 01 Feb 2008 at 9:32am
Originally posted by karlosnz karlosnz wrote:

Hope you guys like Lion RedLOL
As long as it's 440ml cans bro, what kinda bloke wouldn't

Like us on: facebook/

Posted By: Karlosnz
Date Posted: 01 Feb 2008 at 9:39am
Taste better in bottles bro LOL

Posted By: Keith C
Date Posted: 01 Feb 2008 at 11:04am

Currently quite different wind predictions between 5 knots variable to 20 E.

Posted By: Finatic
Date Posted: 01 Feb 2008 at 1:20pm
Go the tinnies! Been having fun in a friend's old skool 12' Fyran and catching a couple of decent snaps from it. Doesn't get much more fun that that!

What's the cheapest type of meat? Dear balls. They're under a buck.

Posted By: Far Quirk
Date Posted: 01 Feb 2008 at 2:00pm
Hi Keith
Windguru & Metservice marine forecasts both look quite light in the morning.  Pretty safe bet for a 12 footer I reckon, but always check before you leave.
High tide tomorrow 4:20 am, so outgoing in the morning.

Posted By: betterthanwork
Date Posted: 01 Feb 2008 at 2:09pm
I'll see you there Geoff and will bring your pliers

Posted By: Keith C
Date Posted: 01 Feb 2008 at 2:15pm
Yes, Geoff - the weather forecasts have converged into a good outlook for tomorrow as the day has progressed. Could see you out there between 05h30-09h00.

Posted By: Redfinger
Date Posted: 01 Feb 2008 at 2:54pm
The small tides are not the best but we can't have everything!
fq - probably best from 6.20 to 8.20am when tidal flow best.

Posted By: rocko
Date Posted: 01 Feb 2008 at 3:36pm
Go hard fella,s ill be Land basing it this weekend...until i get my trailer rebuilt.. i dont realy want to be towing it on the motorway yetThumbs%20Down rusty bits dont hold to well

Posted By: Far Quirk
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2008 at 10:46am
Sat 2/2/08 6 to 10 am
At least 3 sets of "12's" met up in Sergeant's channel.  Most did well, but I had one of my not-so-hot days.  Caught a lot of fish from 20 to 38cms, but the boat limit 40cm minimum fish were hard to find.  Not so for Betterthanwork and KarlosNZ.  The first couple of drifts, they were reeling them in & plenty over 40cms.  Also news from Keith C that he did well this morning, but not sure where coz I didn't see him.
Found KarlosNZ (Karl) first, & he was hooked into a goodun (sorry about the shots)
Soon after found BTW & mate (less 12-ish than usual, but I forgave him) also into the fish
I got a few, but struggled until I went about 2 Km's south of the channel around 9am when I got 2 over 40.  The others were kept because one had a tag, and the other 2 swallowed the hook.
The fish & the tag.  I have to ring Niwa to go into the draw to win a rod & reel.

Posted By: Redfinger
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2008 at 11:27am
Must have been a few there if BTW was getting into them..........

Posted By: Keith C
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2008 at 11:34am
Yes, between 2 of us we did well bringing home 12 snaps 400-580 and a 580 trev caught on western side of Motuihe channel but East of ferry lane. It was empty when we got there just after 6 am so, looking at the predominance of boats of the eastern side of the channel, decided to take our chances alone. It was a good choice with our boat limit soon being set to 450. Nukes were the bait of choice going thru almost two packs of 5" with Lime Ts and Atomic and Zoom getting fish. Only did 3 drifts and then decided to pack it in so as to avoid any hassles at the ramp. Will post pics later. I was outfished by my mate as far as both numbers and size as I experimented with different rigs eventually finding that 3/8 or 1/2 oz jigheads with 5" jerks seemed the best way to go.

Posted By: Keith C
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2008 at 11:48am
Chilly bin is just under 600 mm. Fun it definitely was especially before 8h00 when the charters et al started arriving. We saw many small fish being caught by the many boats on anchor. 

Posted By: Far Quirk
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2008 at 1:48pm
Nice fish again Keith.  For me the bigger fish stayed away, but it was still fun, especially the first drift at 6am. Were you close to the red buoys?

Posted By: Karlosnz
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2008 at 2:19pm
Yep was a good morning first drift 5 snaps all over 40cm so call was made none under 40 would be keptThumbs%20Up,
well that made things a little harder as things slow down heaps after 1st drift.
Threw back plenty and came home with 11 good sized ones.
Tried all sorts of baits today extrude, slug o's, strike kings but old Mr Berkley won hands down.
Mate also caught a old fishing rod and reel?
Good to meet ya FQ thats a nice little setup ya got there.

Posted By: Keith C
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2008 at 3:30pm
No FQ, I was just east of the yellow ferry markers drifting the same lines you and I and Aquacat drifted a few Saturdays ago.

Posted By: betterthanwork
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2008 at 3:31pm
Ouch RF - that's a bit harsh. Maybe it's you or maybe its your boat but something doesn't work for me whenever I go out in your boat. We had a great morning with a newbie to sb fishing using monofilament, heavy trace etc getting a respectable number of good fish on Pink Shines. I think I kept ahead of him with "real" gear but it just goes to show that you don't need to have the braid, fluro etc to use the sb's. Sargent Channel was good to us but we were a bit greedy taking 16 fish with the best ones close to 50cm and most over 40cm. I had nukes, Strike Kings and Squidgies all hooking up happily but admit to smearing squidgie sauce on the SK's as well.

Posted By: MJ
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2008 at 4:43pm
Great haul Keith. Seems like all the keen fishos are doing really well around that general area at the moment.

Posted By: Fred Onion
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2008 at 5:03pm
Cant have been much room left in the chilli bin Keith Thumbs%20Up

FORD King of the Mountain

Posted By: orange ruffie
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2008 at 6:56pm
thats a nice trev! sum good fish there boys, was lookin out for the 12's but could see ya
think we need sum kind of members sticker ,shi# i probably drove straight pass sum of you,
lots of kings around the top of motohi channel today

Posted By: Jake76
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2008 at 8:13pm
Originally posted by lots of kings around the top of motohi channel today[/QUOTE lots of kings around the top of motohi channel today[/QUOTE wrote:

AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGhhhhhhhhhhh new I should have fished this area today.

Posted By: Keith C
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2008 at 8:17pm
Originally posted by Fred Onion Fred Onion wrote:

Cant have been much room left in the chilli bin Keith Thumbs%20Up
Spot on Fred!

Posted By: aquacat
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2008 at 1:21pm
Good going 12's. I decided to take a break from the SP's on Saturday and take my chances on some kingi's out at the Ahahaas. Caught 2 John Dory's and got absolutely smoked by 3 kingies. Oh well, it was good while it lasted. I have defnitely learnt from that trip and will be better prepared the next trip. Now back to some SP action.

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