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Printed From: The Fishing Website
Category: Freshwater Fishing
Forum Name: Freshwater Fission
Forum Description: The place to discuss all matters related to freshwater fishing!
Printed Date: 13 Feb 2025 at 2:30am

Topic: Lake PUPUKE
Posted By: Stika
Subject: Lake PUPUKE
Date Posted: 09 Aug 2007 at 10:20pm
Any Information about the lake fish and is the fishing good?

Posted By: fush
Date Posted: 09 Aug 2007 at 10:22pm
yes the fishing can be worth a afternoon or 2 on the water

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2007 at 12:36pm
What is working for local fish? Does not have to be trout. All spicies. Any information?

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2007 at 12:51pm
All information wellcomed

Posted By: Rusky
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2007 at 1:43pm
Last time I was here, I saw a good size rainbow along the banks margin.
Ive used a spinner here a few times but had no luck so far.  I was using one of those Rapala small lures (needle sharp they are) and look great in the water, only problem was that the lure kept on getting tangled with the mainline when casted out.  Anyone got suggestions on how to fix this?
Might just use the old classic lures that have bee patterns on them etc.

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2007 at 1:50pm
Guess u need to use lighter line. Braded line is good go. Do you know what size Rudd and tench is there?

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2007 at 1:54pm
Anyone try a Bait fishing in the lake? If so what sort of bait? and rig?

Posted By: Rusky
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2007 at 2:17pm

I use 4lb line so its not the line issue thats causing the problem.

Ive done a bit of dive training in pupuke and have seen no rudd, but have heard of some being caught.  Tench are to good sizes in there!

Ive seen a guy baiting bread balls under a float of the jetty at the Rowing club.  Think he is a regular because he has caught them before when we asked him.

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2007 at 2:21pm
Sounds good. I think that its time for me to have a go. I heard about some gig fish. But never seen one. So best think to do is to try get one

Posted By: fush
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2007 at 4:14pm
Hi Stika

Bread is a fairly reliable method of hooking those trout

I like around the milford primary school area

If you have a boat then jig between the ramp and school in the sticks area

Use a spotty gold cobra and jig this up and down in the weed beds. There are big pockets between the weed everywhere - which makes spinning less effective.

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2007 at 7:45pm
Herring. This is great info. Thank you for that. Will try next week. The post some results.
Thank you

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 11 Aug 2007 at 4:02pm
Well I have try to fish the lake. 2 Rainbow trout and 1 Tench. This is great place to fish. For sure you should go and try. I fished after dark and was busy with bites. If you go there i do have some info . Plus it will be great to pick some rubish that is all over the place. Sad site to see.

Posted By: Rusky
Date Posted: 11 Aug 2007 at 6:20pm
I know what you mean about the rubbish, especially around the rowing club area.  So you got 2 rainbow and 1 tench aye, good on you!
Where did you try and what did you use to catch them?  Were the rainbows legal?

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 11 Aug 2007 at 6:42pm
I used bread and bugs. It worked well. Just sinker and small huck. One of the trout 25cm so he finished back in the lake but the 2nd one 36cm and that one finished on the table. The Tench just little one. So let that one go as well.
I do like the place and some fisherman there told me that there are large Tench, Rudd and Perch there. So maybe I get one of them.
At the same time get some rubbish kleen out.

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2007 at 8:49pm
For more info related to this topic, see the other freshwater section i.e.
Freshwater Fission, under the post "How many hooks?"
Cheers Bazza

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2007 at 8:18pm
One puzzle to myself is what the trout in Pupuke feed on, other than worms or surplus sunken bread fed to the ducks, swans etc.
After examining the stomach contents of well over a dozen or so rainbows I have not been able to readily identify any particular natural food source.
They invariably seem to be well conditioned fish, but the stomach contents mostly consist of what appears to be weed. Consequently I can only conclude that some type of minute invertabrate or suchlike exists on the weed.
The only thing I have been able to identify so far was one fish that had a short length of white plastic tape & another that was chocker full of large corn kernels, no doubt that someone had been using as groundbait.
I have yet to catch a fish from Pupuke that has red or orange flesh which normally indicates they have been feeding on koura or to a lesser extent
freshwater snails, so presumably neither, feature in their diet.
However whatever it is they feed on, I have, quite frankly found despite their apparent healthy looking condition, they are not the greatest eating fish, better suited to smoking I find.
I catch my fish on a nymph, others on a woolly bugger, the latter usually represents a freshwater crayfish or a small fish, yet none of these have been apparent in the stomach contents examined.
Anyone else have any thoughts to add, for or against the suppositions stated, I would be pleased to hear from you.
Cheers Bazza

Posted By: Rusky
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2007 at 8:32pm

The lake is chocka full of snails on the tall kelp strands.  This could be part of their diet.  Other things could be just insects and small fish.

What condition are the fish in Bazza when you caught them?  Fat or skinny?

Next time I go for a dive in their, Ill have a look for koura under logs to see if any are present.

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2007 at 8:43pm
Originally posted by Rusky Rusky wrote:

The lake is chocka full of snails on the tall kelp strands.  This could be part of their diet.  Other things could be just insects and small fish.

What condition are the fish in Bazza when you caught them?  Fat or skinny?

Next time I go for a dive in their, Ill have a look for koura under logs to see if any are present.
Hi Rusky
Thanks for your reply, as stated all the fish I have caught have been well conditioned, therefore fat rather than skinny, so they are obviously not going short of food.
One would expect koura would exist there, if so they normally would be preferentially targeted by trout, which would colour their flesh & normally residual shell etc. apparent in stomach contents, likewise with reasonably sized snails.
One question for Stika please ........ If you were fishing after dark, how did you detect the takes?
Also does anyone know where the outflow to Pupuke is, presumably it has one, most likely on the Eastern side to the sea, if so it must flow under the main road between Milford & Takapuna.

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2007 at 11:01pm
There is a outflow and it is going the direction that you sugested. But the chanel is underground. I talked to diverrs and they planing a expedition to go thru/
I fished tonight 4 Rainbow (large ones)
I fish the bottm and have my line stretched. so there i feel every touch
The food
Well I think that the fish is mostly vegetarian. They do have belly full of weeds. There is no sighn of any kinde of insect or fish. The main part is that the lake is full of swons and water birds. They are geting lots of bread every day. I think that the fish is used to this and this will be the main source of food. I have failed to see anu snails yet.
I checked the weed and inder rocks no sighn of snails or any life at all.
There was some fisherman there tonight but all of them use a float. No good. All the fish that they get has been to small.  I am interested to catch RUDD Or TENCH. This is geting dificult. Who know haw to get them?>

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 15 Aug 2007 at 1:27pm
Fishing Report
Lake is very productive. The trick is to try different things. It seams that every day is different. Lots of Trout near the surface. Easy to catch them on slow sinking bait. Big Trout more near the bottem. Last night 2 little Perch on worms.
I think if you working with the wind and the way the water goes you will be very seccesfull.
Still did not get Tench or Rudd. Also have not seen any snails.
\Lots of fisherman trying to get rid of the birds. I think that this is bad move. let them be neer as they bring the attention of the fish.. Where there are birds feeding ,there is food. Fish will come neer.
What do you think?

Posted By: Saltiga
Date Posted: 15 Aug 2007 at 1:31pm
any fly fishing go on there at night with night flys, so whats the best method??? what is the average size 3lb\???

Posted By: Rusky
Date Posted: 15 Aug 2007 at 2:04pm

Ive tried night fishing with flys, too much of a hastle not know where your line is landing etc.  Baited hooks with bread sounds the go.

Stika, the snails I have seen are infront of the Pump House.

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 15 Aug 2007 at 7:27pm
Fished Pupuke this afternoon (15th Aug.) in atrocious conditions for fly fishing & yes I "blanked", now here are my excuses! .............
Firstly the wind was a howling Easterly, so the old adage of "When the fishing is from the East the fishing is the least" held true this afternoon.
O.K. so the wind direction prevented me from fishing my prefered locations but I had come prepared ( Oh the shame of these confessions ) with bread & worms as well as flies, to cover all contigencies in the face of the expected wind conditions.
However despite exhaustive efforts, from various localities never managed to land a fish,altho I think I may have had one on briefly from the Pumphouse Jetty, in between  dive class lessons being conducted from the jetty area.
So this begs the question :- As this is the second session I have blanked, after averaging 3 or more per session fly fishing, has the fishing in Pupuke "gone off", or as can only be expected given the "harvest" rate, have the fish simply been reduced in catchable numbers?
If reduced population thru overcatch is the answer, then maybe this lends weight towards tighter regulations & enforcement to preserve an otherwise unique "virtually in the centre of the city" sports fishery.
BTW much mention has been made of tench, carp, rudd, along with other coarse fish being present, yet I have only ever caught rainbows despite having no wish to catch or land any of the afforementioned. However if they are as prolific as generally surmised, then I am rather puzzled as to why I have not hooked the occasional one or two. Having said that, on several occasions have experienced a definite "take" that has not resulted in a firmly hooked fish, which I can but wonder if it was one of the above.
Cheers Bazza

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 15 Aug 2007 at 7:45pm
Originally posted by Saltiga Saltiga wrote:

any fly fishing go on there at night with night flys, so whats the best method??? what is the average size 3lb\???
Average size in my experience Saltiga would be 21/2 to 3 lbs, my best being about 4lbs, but I firmly believe larger fish do exist.
Usually night fishing produces the larger fish as they only become large by not being easy targets but tend to lose a degree of caution once darkness falls.
This was the proven theory anyway that generally tends to work elsewhere, until a buddy & myself tried it out at Pupuke for a combined nill result.
Despite this experience, I am still convinced it should work & if anyone is interested am keen to give it another shot.
Cheers Bazza

Posted By: Saltiga
Date Posted: 15 Aug 2007 at 8:09pm
i would be keen to go down one night with someone, i fish the tongariro a bit but keen to give this ago

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 15 Aug 2007 at 9:07pm
Originally posted by Saltiga Saltiga wrote:

i would be keen to go down one night with someone, i fish the tongariro a bit but keen to give this ago
O.K. you are on, keep in touch, I would suggest sometime just before the new moon when the nights should be at their darkest.
Cheers Bazza

Posted By: Rusky
Date Posted: 15 Aug 2007 at 9:11pm
bazza, ive failed twice now to catch a trout.  They are their, trust me Ive dived 3/4 of that lake and seen some good size ones, and that was before they introduced the 1000 fish. Havent dived it since.
If you do go for a walk along the rowing club at night, you will see goldfish, possibly a carp, tench to good sizes, millions of eels, and of coarse perch in the shallows.
Only way I find how to catch perch is on live wriggling worms, but dead ones are fine.
One still night me and my mate will venture back to these parts in the hope of catching a trout and maybe some perch for fun.
Carp in Pupuke are rare, but anyones left remaining (after me & blair have speared most of them) are to good sizes of around 5-6kg.
Saltiga, I could be keen to join you, but no bugger all about catching them except on fly in rivers. Night fishing with a fly was impossible for me.  Bread baits would be my only method to use!

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 16 Aug 2007 at 8:19am
Pump house jetty is going off at the moment. Fished the last night and got 2 nice trout.
They were about 1 kg. Let them go and hoped for some diferent fish.
The fact is that fish like Rudd Tanch and Carp need to have warmer water. So hope that summer will be better.
There are fisherman that taking lots of trout and under size mainly. Using hand lines and so on. This will be a problem as the lake gets overfished.
Watch for the asian fisherman! As we are fisherman that want to fish the lake in long tearm  we should pull together. And if we do see this make sure that we let them know that this is wrong.
Any comments?

Posted By: Saltiga
Date Posted: 16 Aug 2007 at 9:29am

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 16 Aug 2007 at 9:38am
The problem is that we as a fisherman come to the lake / beach/ rocks .... and just watching them do this sort of thinks. I think we need to take action when needed. Personaly I told some of them to let some fish go. As say Snappa 10cm was going to get killed.
The Lake is no ecception.

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 16 Aug 2007 at 9:42am
Can someone tel me where the snails are? What sort of places they are hiding at?
Are they close to the bank? .... If you know please let me know.
Thank you

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 16 Aug 2007 at 7:21pm
Originally posted by Rusky Rusky wrote:

bazza, ive failed twice now to catch a trout.  They are their, trust me Ive dived 3/4 of that lake and seen some good size ones, and that was before they introduced the 1000 fish. Havent dived it since.
If you do go for a walk along the rowing club at night, you will see goldfish, possibly a carp, tench to good sizes, millions of eels, and of coarse perch in the shallows.
Only way I find how to catch perch is on live wriggling worms, but dead ones are fine.
One still night me and my mate will venture back to these parts in the hope of catching a trout and maybe some perch for fun.
Carp in Pupuke are rare, but anyones left remaining (after me & blair have speared most of them) are to good sizes of around 5-6kg.
Saltiga, I could be keen to join you, but no bugger all about catching them except on fly in rivers. Night fishing with a fly was impossible for me.  Bread baits would be my only method to use!
Hi Rusky
Flycasting at night should not be a problem, providing there are no obstacles to get tangled in.
In fact, if your casting techinique is basically sound, it should in actual fact, be easier than daytime casting.
I trust that statement does not sound supersilious or critical, please allow me to explain why I believe this to be so.
I must say, before I had tried night fishing I was very apprehensive, as I was having enough problems casting in the daylight. However I found when casting at night, one begins to rely more on sound & feel, unlike daylight casting where sight tends to be the main criteria. I find when trying to rely on sight, we invariably tend to over reach in all directions in the quest for increased performance, but only result in making things more difficult. Consequently we then try to compensate by over powering, stuffing up much of the gentle efficient action a fly rod should impart.
Try casting on a clear quiet grassy area, then try closing your eyes for awhile whilst casting, relying on sound & feel. I will be surprised if your "blind" casting after awhile does not exceed the distance of your sighted casting & require far less effort. Attach a fly to a your usual length of leader, so you are simulating normal fishing conditions, but make sure you remove the curved part of the hook, so you do not risk hooking anyone also prevents snagging when retrieving line back along the grass.
Cheers Bazza

Posted By: Rusky
Date Posted: 16 Aug 2007 at 7:22pm

Stika, good on you for telling them to put them back, its not like we go hungry in this country!

You've got is sussed out stika by sounds of things, youve caught more trout than anyone else I know from pupuke.  How long do you wait before you get a trout normally?  Were you fishing the bottom again with bread?

With regards to the snails, they are not close to the banks, only on the long green kelp strands you see infront of the pump house in a few metres of water.  If you can manage to grab the top end of one of these kelps and pull it out of the water, you may find some snails on the root ends of it.  However, they are from my memory too small to put on a hook, but yet again there could be some bigger ones. 

This is a carp I saw infront of the pump house.  If you look carefully you will see a snail in the middle to the left on one of these kelp stalks, and a few others around.  You will see more snails further down the stalk to the lake bed!  Hope this helps.

Posted By: Rusky
Date Posted: 16 Aug 2007 at 7:37pm
I understand fully bazza about the feel of casting rather than the actual sighting of where it is you are casting too.  I was casting no problems the other night, only problem was that I wouldnt know how to present my fly or what type I should use.  Any pics or examples would greatly be appreciated.   I soon grew bored and came to the conclusion that it wasnt working.   Places I want to try is of the aftificial pontoon wharf to the right of the rowing club, and straight in front of the rowing club facing east.  These places allow maximum back casting with no obstacles in the way.
What gets me is how can a trout see a fly at night time?

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 16 Aug 2007 at 7:50pm
Originally posted by Rusky Rusky wrote:

I understand fully bazza about the feel of casting rather than the actual sighting of where it is you are casting too.  I was casting no problems the other night, only problem was that I wouldnt know how to present my fly or what type I should use.  Any pics or examples would greatly be appreciated.   I soon grew bored and came to the conclusion that it wasnt working.   Places I want to try is of the aftificial pontoon wharf to the right of the rowing club, and straight in front of the rowing club facing east.  These places allow maximum back casting with no obstacles in the way.
What gets me is how can a trout see a fly at night time?
If you would like to join me sometime Rusky I may be able to give you a few pointers. However so saying, I have blanked a couple of times recently so maybe the reverse may prove to be the case.
Regards trout seeing at night, it is rather interesting that at a certain time after sunset their entire eye structure alters to create night vision, then changes back again at sunrise. For a short while during this transition they are actually blind. I am not sure if this happens at exactly the same time for all the fish or it is staggered, however it is often reckoned it the reason night fishing goes quiet for a time, then activity resumes later.
Probably only the fish know the real answer.

Posted By: Rusky
Date Posted: 16 Aug 2007 at 7:54pm
Blind fish lol!  Well I've learnt something entirely new now.
Gives a PM when your going out next and Ill join you if im not busy.  Will be a while yet with this horrible weather.

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 17 Aug 2007 at 8:00am
Like i was talking about erlier. Every day is diferent and I try all diferent things. Mostly there is fish if there is birds around. And i think that the big ones are in deep water.
Sometime I wait 30min but from then is going off for whille.
Thanks for the snail kinfo.

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 18 Aug 2007 at 9:00am
Last night fishing. Poor outcome. Try 4 different ways to fish and only one seccesfull was fload.
Got 4 little (10cm) Perch on worms
Trout come in numbers but only little ones.
Conditions were calm and this is for sure factor.

Posted By: Rusky
Date Posted: 18 Aug 2007 at 9:09am
Cool Stika.  Was going to go for a night fish their, but didnt get around to it.

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 18 Aug 2007 at 9:48am
I fished Pupuke yesterday (Friday) as well Stika.
I had only two "takes"  but landed no fish.
I know I could have been far more successful had I chosen to use worms or bread on a spinning rig however it is a personal preference for myself catch by flyfishing instead & solely for trout.
The flyfishing techinique I have used with a very impressive
catch rate earlier on, no longer seems to be working.
I know the trout are still there, altho I did not land any yesterday
I learnt a lot about what is required to do so.
It now merely remains to figure out how to present a suitable fly, under the changed conditions. I have in mind a couple of ideas that may "tip the balance" in my favour once more, only remains to experiment in order to prove or disprove their effectiveness.
The amazing thing about fishing I find, is no matter how many years one has been involved or how many fish one has caught, the learning process is never ending. Probably what keeps us interested, for if we could predict the end result of each excursion, we probably would soon no longer bother. I suspect it is largely the unknown factor, coupled with the learning process, that is the driving force that transforms an interest
into a passion.

Posted By: herby
Date Posted: 18 Aug 2007 at 9:16pm
Rusky and I were there today and got 3.
Can't say Im a fan, I hadnt caught a trout for 8 years and man I had forgotten how pussy they fight! I was using 4 pound mainline and the trout I caught didnt even pull string. It would have been 1.5kg and a kahawai of similar size would have kept me entertained for ages, I pretty much skull dragged it in.
Had heaps of them rising all round, at one point 3 were rising at the same time, probably could have caught more if I wasnt such a crap angler!

Posted By: herby
Date Posted: 18 Aug 2007 at 9:27pm
Oh yeah and saw 2 BIG fat koi in the shallows.... might be time to take the speargun for a freshwater adventure.

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 19 Aug 2007 at 7:39pm
Good to see that all of you have great fishing at the lake.
Everyone using different bait or tachnique, Great.
I will try to do bit of jigging.Will see.
Still trying to get some of the snaild for my pond.
Cant reach them in deep water.
This week I will try to get there . If you see me say hello.

Posted By: Rusky
Date Posted: 19 Aug 2007 at 9:56pm
Put a mask on and go get them Stika! Wink
And how will we know if its you or not? Confused

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 21 Aug 2007 at 9:14am
Originally posted by herby herby wrote:

Rusky and I were there today and got 3.
Can't say Im a fan, I hadnt caught a trout for 8 years and man I had forgotten how pussy they fight! I was using 4 pound mainline and the trout I caught didnt even pull string. It would have been 1.5kg and a kahawai of similar size would have kept me entertained for ages, I pretty much skull dragged it in.
Had heaps of them rising all round, at one point 3 were rising at the same time, probably could have caught more if I wasnt such a crap angler!
Hi Herby & Rusky
Congratulations to you both. Can I ask if you were flyfishing or spinning?
If flyfishing what fly did they take & what time of day please?
I can partly empathise with your comments re fighting ability Herby. Pound for pound salt water sportfish have always out performed trout in this regard. However it seems to particulary apply in the case of hatchery reared stock fish i.e. put & take fisheries as they generally lack the survival instincts of wild fish.
Another aspect I have noticed with Pupuke trout is that when hooked they often have a tendency to run straight towards you, requiring frenetic stripping of line, then put up their fight close in.
Having said that I have had a few, but not that many put up strong resistance from being hooked, take line & continually leap.

Posted By: Rusky
Date Posted: 21 Aug 2007 at 6:50pm
We were lazy Bazza and baited with bread. 
Yep had one come screaming towards us, thought I had lost it but was just a matter of retrieving the slack line.
Had my 2 trout last night smoked, beauuutiful!!!  However  the bones mid body annoyed me a bit.

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 21 Aug 2007 at 8:36pm
Originally posted by Rusky Rusky wrote:

We were lazy Bazza and baited with bread. 
Yep had one come screaming towards us, thought I had lost it but was just a matter of retrieving the slack line.
Had my 2 trout last night smoked, beauuutiful!!!  However  the bones mid body annoyed me a bit.
Hi Rusky
I will let you into a secret, providing you do not tell anyone, I used bread today for the very first time!
I tried a nymph on a floating line again at first with nill result. Switched to a fast sinking flyline with a bread imitation fly I had tied but found the line was sinking into the weed. Did not feel any "takes" altho suspect had there been any, they probably would not have been felt, with the heavy sinking line dragging thru the weed.
So back to a floating line once more, about the same time Miha (spelling?) arrived & he suggested a fly & bread / combo, rig. This worked a treat accounting for half or dozen or so trout landed & many more missed.
I was missing them by instinctively striking far too soon as is done when nymphing.
Having proven that setup was working, switched back again to a double artificial fly nymph to see if it would work this time, as it had very effectively in the past, but not recently.
Was gratified to land a couple more on this rig, so my confidence has now been restored in that direction.
Like yourself Rusky, I dislike the bones in fish, the main bone structure & belly bones can be filleted out easy enough, but as you say, this still leaves those annoying "pin" bones on each side. It is a bit tedious, but it is possible to remove these as well, by locating them by running a finger over then pulling them out with long nosed pliers.

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 22 Aug 2007 at 8:21am
Bad day of fishing for me yestrday . They were noy at the bottom. But great fishing last night. Silvia Park is the way to go. Is anyone fishing there? Looks like not as there is lots of fish there. My first Koi about 3 kg. Nice fight.
And exccelent Snappa bait.
Ruski. Im easy to spot.
Usualy pulling out lots of fish . Hehehehe No siriously.
Usualy blue hoody and gumbootd
See you there guys

Posted By: fush
Date Posted: 22 Aug 2007 at 8:32am
Anyone tried the styx yet.

Between Silvia park and the primary school About 50m off shore. Some of the best habitat on the whole lake.

Just not so many toddlers feeding the ducks with bread

Posted By: Rusky
Date Posted: 22 Aug 2007 at 12:50pm

I think what I may try doing bazza in the future is having a mate floating his rig out with bread, and as they come to rise and take any bread floating around, cast a fly with a fly rod and see if they take the bait.  More sight casting then anything else.

Whats the styx herring?

How big was the Koi?
Stika, ill make sure to say hello if i see you their one day.


Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 22 Aug 2007 at 2:54pm
Koi around 3kg. Not bad fish. Great snappa bait.
Snappa will be bating soon on the beaches. And Carp is great bait.
Now I like to catch Rudd and Tench. Just for an experience.

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 24 Aug 2007 at 7:56am
Excellent fun yestrday.
I used spinner and had a great time. The fish was biting hard. From 1pm till 4pm got 22 trout. All under size. Just a little fish but lots of them. Used little rod so it was great feeling.
At the end I used bait got 2 Eals. Large ones.
Im sure that tonight will be great night.

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 24 Aug 2007 at 7:20pm
Originally posted by Stika Stika wrote:

Excellent fun yestrday.
I used spinner and had a great time. The fish was biting hard. From 1pm till 4pm got 22 trout. All under size. Just a little fish but lots of them. Used little rod so it was great feeling.
At the end I used bait got 2 Eals. Large ones.
Im sure that tonight will be great night.
Wow! that is certainly full on fishing Stika, 22 fish in three hours is an average of one fish every 8 1/2 minutes, casting, unhooking, etc. included.
I had a much quieter day there today (Fri) spending quite a few hours for a total of only two fish landed & three lost for various reasons, including unforgivable poor knots.
Perhaps one consolation was that other anglers there were having a similary quiet time.
One worthwhile aspect of an otherwise fairly uneventful day was that one of the fish landed gave the best fight I have had to date, from a fish out of Pupuke. It was not a large fish by any means, probably about 2 lbs. or so, yet pulled line, leapt a couple of times, refusing to give up, diving for the depths repeatedly. Naturally it was released, so hopefully anyone catching it again will do likewise, having enjoyed catching such a hard fighting fish.
P.S Anyone know how Pupuke fishes, once the weather starts to warm up, as it will do shortly?

Posted By: Rusky
Date Posted: 24 Aug 2007 at 7:24pm

I would only assume that the majority of them go deep.

However, I have seen them in summer in the shallows, so not much will change hopefully.

Posted By: fush
Date Posted: 24 Aug 2007 at 8:04pm
Bazza - Yep I know how it fishes once the weather improves

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 26 Aug 2007 at 7:13pm
Summer is Ocean fisshing time for me. So I dont know haw the lake fishes.
I fished on friday night and got 2 large ells. So nathink interesting then. I still think that the fish coming in waves.
Hopefully see you at the lake this week.

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2007 at 10:06am
Took my 7 yo grandson to Pupuke yesterday, his first time trout fishing.
I was not that hopeful he would catch anyting on his first ever excursion, however he landed his first ever trout I lost another. Meanwhile I caught zilch & not for the want of trying either.
My excuse was that it was the day after the eclipse of the moon.
Nevertheless was far greater "buzz" seeing my G/S catch his first freshwater fish, & then see how totally "wrapped" he was . He did not want to stop fishing & would be still there, had I not finally insisted, an attitude most of can no doubt empathise with.

Posted By: Rusky
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2007 at 10:14am
Awesome bazza.  I didnt get my first trout until I was 16.
Was contemplating going for a fish today, but the wind looks too strong.

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2007 at 6:44pm
Originally posted by Rusky Rusky wrote:

Awesome bazza.  I didnt get my first trout until I was 16.
Was contemplating going for a fish today, but the wind looks too strong.
You were wise to stay away Rusky, I fished in a howling/gusty
Sou Westerly for several hours for a total of one fish.
Still should be grateful I guess as that was one more than yesterday.

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 01 Sep 2007 at 11:28am
Well me night of fishing ( Friday night at Pumphouse jetty) Finished with One big one about 10kg Swan that stupid bird tangl up in my line. After that 2 hr of fishing and NIL. Not even bite. On the way to the car I seen 2 fish in the weeds. Look like carp but the original carp ( Brown/green)  Not sure what that was. Torch was little bit to soft on light.
Why they stop biting. ?? Who knows?
Will see next week. I want to get at least 3 fish to be smoked. in my new smoker.

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 01 Sep 2007 at 12:44pm
Originally posted by Stika Stika wrote:

Well me night of fishing ( Friday night at Pumphouse jetty) Finished with One big one about 10kg Swan that stupid bird tangl up in my line. After that 2 hr of fishing and NIL. Not even bite. On the way to the car I seen 2 fish in the weeds. Look like carp but the original carp ( Brown/green)  Not sure what that was. Torch was little bit to soft on light.
Why they stop biting. ?? Who knows?
Will see next week. I want to get at least 3 fish to be smoked. in my new smoker.
Yes Stika.
The fishing at Pupuke has certainly slowed down over the last week or so.
As for the reason? I am inclined to think the "full moon" of late has a lot to do with it.
Then again we have to realise there are only a certain number of trout in the Lake & as presumably they are not breeding at Pupuke, then given the number of fish regularly being taken out, it only stands to reason it must slow down sooner or later.
Maybe it is a combination of factors, food for thought anyway.
P.S. Does anyone know if the coarse fish breed in Pupuke?

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 02 Sep 2007 at 10:51am
Sure that RUDD does. This is a fish that breed ven in bucket of water. Not sure abot the rest of the fish.

Posted By: Rusky
Date Posted: 02 Sep 2007 at 12:24pm
bazza, all coarse fish breed in their.  Ive caught small juvenile perch.  Come to think of it, I havent seen any carp smaller than 4kg in the lake, so maybe they dont breed?

Posted By: herby
Date Posted: 02 Sep 2007 at 12:52pm
Rusky, Remember that one we speared that had millions of eggs spewing out its arse when we got it on shore? I suppose this doesnt prove they breed but shows they still produce eggs.
Yeah all the Koi are big buggers in there eh. Who knows.

Posted By: Rusky
Date Posted: 02 Sep 2007 at 12:56pm
Hmmm true that!  Its that time of year that the koi start to mill around our spot from recollection.

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 03 Sep 2007 at 5:51pm
Another day (Mon) of blanking.
Have to agree with Stika, the fishing really seems to have slowed down, altho one couple caught a fish using worms.
Ranger was checking licences etc. which is gratifying to see. Had trouble finding mine with so many pockets in the fishing vest, but located it finally.

Posted By: Rusky
Date Posted: 03 Sep 2007 at 6:01pm

Hahaha did you start to get sweaty palms bazza? Wink

I might go for a fish sometime this week and try for myself.

Posted By: bearfoot
Date Posted: 04 Sep 2007 at 9:37pm

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 08 Sep 2007 at 11:12am
Anyone fished Pupuke recently?
If so how was the fishing?

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2007 at 11:32am
Fished the lake Friday 7th . One Trout 38sm. Not bad little fish. Thats all.
No more bites. No more activity.
Nice night to be out.
Will try to fish this week. Last 2 weeks the air is colder and that may be good indication for the trout to get on with it again.

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 10 Sep 2007 at 9:28am
Originally posted by Stika Stika wrote:

Fished the lake Friday 7th . One Trout 38sm. Not bad little fish. Thats all.
No more bites. No more activity.
Nice night to be out.
Will try to fish this week. Last 2 weeks the air is colder and that may be good indication for the trout to get on with it again.
Thanks Stika for that update seems as tho the fishing is still very quiet.
Personally I have not been lately due to recent visits being such hard fishing, plus the weather has been atrocious on many days.
May go again soon & perhaps take my one man, personal fishing pontoon,
in order access different water & to maybe get a bit deeper.
Does anyone know if a fly rod using  a sinking line is suitable for jigging with a fly, in case I get desperate & also what depth of water does jigging work best?

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 11 Sep 2007 at 9:54am
Last night fishing produced 2 trout. just a little ones. 25-30cm There was couple of Carp or gold fish about.
Will try this afternoon. Floating bait. Will see .
Good luct to you all.
PS: But as the summer aproaching fast the beaches are calling.
Need some Carp for snappa bait.

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 13 Sep 2007 at 9:18am
Will try today. So may see you there fisherman.

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 13 Sep 2007 at 11:48am
Originally posted by Stika Stika wrote:

Will try today. So may see you there fisherman.
Hi Stika
I may see you there late afternoon, all going well.
Hope the fishing has improved.

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 13 Sep 2007 at 6:46pm
Originally posted by bazza bazza wrote:

Originally posted by Stika Stika wrote:

Will try today. So may see you there fisherman.
Hi Stika
I may see you there late afternoon, all going well.
Hope the fishing has improved.
Two and a half hours in a freezing cold relentless wind for zilch result.
Three others there caught just as many as I did, which was of some small consolation.
In fact the only fish sighted was one of reasonable size that "hit" my indicator on the surface.
Whatever they are feeding on must be something different to a month ago, because they simply do want to know what was working then.

Posted By: samhadrios24554
Date Posted: 13 Sep 2007 at 11:52pm
I love fishing,I really enjoyed it.
You ask question about 
the lake fish and is the fishing good, I had a link at which some very good material about lake fish and others more thing     

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 14 Sep 2007 at 12:14pm
Thank you New User!
Fishing yestrday ( Shocking) 3 hr and nathing!!. 3 Asian man come in and start fishing everyone 2 rods and handline. Told them that this is not on. They just reply NO SPEAK ENGLISH. This is so wrong. And Fisheries dont do anything about this!
Bazza> Dont know what may work but I will try again and again.

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 14 Sep 2007 at 12:41pm
Originally posted by Stika Stika wrote:

Thank you New User!
Fishing yestrday ( Shocking) 3 hr and nathing!!. 3 Asian man come in and start fishing everyone 2 rods and handline. Told them that this is not on. They just reply NO SPEAK ENGLISH. This is so wrong. And Fisheries dont do anything about this!
Bazza> Dont know what may work but I will try again and again.
Stika you may be pleased to know Fish & Game are doing something & only this Tuesday, a person such as you describe faced charges in the Nth. Shore court for fishing Pupuke without a licence. Once word of this gets about, hopefully we will see less blatant infringements such as you outline.
I agree that the use of multiple rods or lines is a real problem & those doing so probably do not have licences either.
As a licence holders we are entitled question, then advise anglers we consider in breach of regulations, if they then refuse to desist, we can report their actions to F & G preferably at the time by cell phone, so possible immediate action can be taken.
Claiming not to be able to speak English, I am pleased to say has now worn really thin & a much tougher line is being taken in that regard.

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 14 Sep 2007 at 8:48pm
Bazza> Sounds good. Hope that this will be now in past. And we can enjoy our fishing with out looking at people using 2-3 rods and be ignorant about that.
Fished the lake tonight 7-8pm . Got one nice size trout. So at least this was productive

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 17 Sep 2007 at 7:31pm
The lake is slow on fishing at the moment. I guess summer is coming and the fish getting ready. So will I. Salt water fishing season starting in 3 weeks.
Is anyone still catching trout?

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 20 Sep 2007 at 8:52am
So Trout is back on the bait. 3 nice ones last night. The trick is to cast far. say 20-30m. They are in deep water. Also another fish got my bait. large Carp tipe fish. Lost it just before the jetty.

Posted By: Rusky
Date Posted: 20 Sep 2007 at 2:30pm
Could have been a hybrid fish Stika?  The rain should get them feeding again.

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 22 Sep 2007 at 9:25am
Fish are strange creatures. They're even more unpredictable than women - and that's going some.
Hi Rusky
I always get a chuckle when I read your "signature" postscript as quoted above.
True as those words may be, they also prompt sympathetic consideration for the  "compounded confusion" male fish must have to endure, in dealing with their female counterparts.

Posted By: Stika
Date Posted: 23 Sep 2007 at 5:15pm

Friday fishing!

As my licence is coming to the end I trying to get to the lake as much as i can. Last friday 1 hr of fishing produced 2 excellent size trout. GREAT.
But saturday morning prodiced 5Kg snappa from the beach. NOW WHATS BETTER!
See you there this week coming

Posted By: Rusky
Date Posted: 23 Sep 2007 at 8:17pm
5kg snapper stika, thats impressive.  Hmmm, wonder when my liscence expires?
Yep woman are strange creatures Bazza, but the males are just confused.  Some saltwater fish change sex from males to females.  Who would think of such a horrible punishment?? Stern%20Smile

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 24 Sep 2007 at 8:01am

If you have a F&G licence Rusky it will expire in a seven days time i.e. next Sunday 30 th Sept.

Taupo licences from memory expire on 30 th. of June unless otherwise stated.
Re fish changing sex, I have a couple of fishing buddies who are turning into old women. Wonder if that is a result of too much time fishing & being constantly involved with fish?

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 27 Sep 2007 at 7:26pm
As Stika reports in a previous post, the fish in Pupuke are finally back on the bite again, despite being the period of a full moon.
Last month on the full moon I had several visits where I blanked, as did many others. Today I landed one average size, lost a couple through plain stupidity, then landed my PB fish (rainbow) from Pupuke around the 4lb. mark, not a monster by any means, but still a good fish from Pupuke. Another angler fishing by the rowing club had four nice fish & as he was still fishing may well have reached his limit of five.
Despite being a reasonable size/weight my fish had a rather pathetic looking tail fin. I suspect this may be the result of being hatchery reared & kept in round concrete tanks, to reach a reasonable size before being released, as I understand is the case with recent releases into Pupuke.
It never ceases to amaze me the number of fish that come out of Pupuke compared with the number that have been released. The most recent release I believe was 1000 legal size fish, which assuming 50% are caught/kept then that amounts to only 100 limit bags. As collectively untold bags of 3, 4 & 5 fish are regulary being taken, does this indicate they could possibly be breeding there as well?

Posted By: Rusky
Date Posted: 24 Oct 2007 at 3:28pm
Ok.  Renewed my trout licence and am itching for a trout fish once this weather settles down.
Has anyone fished pupuke recently?

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 24 Oct 2007 at 4:03pm
Originally posted by Rusky Rusky wrote:

Ok.  Renewed my trout licence and am itching for a trout fish once this weather settles down.
Has anyone fished pupuke recently?
Spent a couple of hours there yesterday Rusky with a raging gale on my back & not a touch.
Must say lake fishing did not hold that much appeal, after 4 days fishing the Whakapapa last week. The weather was mostly atrocious but surprisingly enough the fishing was fantastic despite, the river conditions being mostly marginal for fishing & the river running high.
Landed plenty of good sized fish, mainly browns & lost umpteen others on my 5 wt. rod which proved to be a bit light for the fast running conditions, a lot of fun nevertheless.

Posted By: Rusky
Date Posted: 24 Oct 2007 at 4:19pm
Nah your right Bazza, river fishing certainly outweighs lake fishing most of the time.  Problem is there are no close rivers in Auckland that "I" know about.
11th of November I'll be at Whanganui river for a week giving the fly a flick.  Can't wait...

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 24 Oct 2007 at 6:48pm
Originally posted by Rusky Rusky wrote:

Nah your right Bazza, river fishing certainly outweighs lake fishing most of the time.  Problem is there are no close rivers in Auckland that "I" know about.
11th of November I'll be at Whanganui river for a week giving the fly a flick.  Can't wait...
Hey Rusky
For your info, if intending to fish the Whanganui, then just south of Taumarunui where the river runs beside the highway, there appears to be a substantial amount of the river on the western side being opened up.
The Eastern side is & has between relatively clear fishing but difficult to readily access, unless you drive a distance & have permission from the landowners.
Conversely the western side altho more readily accessed by comparison, has far fewer willow lined stretches, that allow for an easy back cast.
However as previously mentioned, stretches of the eastern side are currently being cleared of willows etc. by a formidable force of earth moving machinery.
There would appear to be no obvious reason for doing this & on asking I was informed or perhaps misinformed, that it was in order to open up beats for the upcoming world flyfishing champs to be held there in Feb 08.
If this is the reason then personally I have mixed feelings towards this & can but wonder how it may be perceived by the general public, particularly the local residents/ratepayers.
If the clearing of the willows leads towards bank erosion or depletion of safe habitat for the fish or any other downside, then it may prove to be a very contentious PR exercise against the federation & freshwater anglers in general, for so often we profess to hold primary concern for the environment.
Maybe I was missinformed & perhaps that which could possibly be considered environmental vandalism, has no connection to the upcoming championships or there may be an otherwise good reason the banks are being cleared.
Perhaps someone on this forum connected with the WFF would care to comment.

Posted By: Rusky
Date Posted: 24 Oct 2007 at 8:28pm
I wont be fishing that part of the river Bazza.
Im on 4 by 4 suzuki jeeps into the bush for over an hour along old logging tracks to a cabin situated in a gully along the upper reaches of the Whanganui river.  Its a hunting/fishing cabin where you pay to stay in an area where no other fisherman or hunters are present.
Has featured on a Pam's add before when in the bush.  Last time I was there a helicopter came in from Auckland bringing a bunch of Americans, to appreciate the outdoors in NZ.  The dam chopter gave me a hell of a fright as I was downstream fishing when this montrosity comes buzzing around the gully and almost blows me off my feet.

Posted By: fush
Date Posted: 24 Oct 2007 at 9:10pm
So much for fishing with no one else around

Posted By: Kenshin
Date Posted: 01 Feb 2008 at 9:46pm
Caught this beauty at Lake  pupuke this evening. It was the second snag after the first one got away. And yep.. they are in deep water.

Posted By: Rusky
Date Posted: 26 Feb 2008 at 7:21pm
Went for a splash to try out some new fins in pupuke today.  Water level is low, and surface temperature warm, however after a metre below the surface the temperarure drops about 2 degrees.

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 03 Mar 2008 at 6:16pm
Originally posted by Rusky Rusky wrote:

Nah your right Bazza, river fishing certainly outweighs lake fishing most of the time.  Problem is there are no close rivers in Auckland that "I" know about.
11th of November I'll be at Whanganui river for a week giving the fly a flick.  Can't wait...
Hi Rusky
Do you realise that are half a dozen or more rivers you can fish within 30 minutes drive or less from Auckland ?

Posted By: Rusky
Date Posted: 03 Mar 2008 at 8:17pm
NahShocked!! do tell bazza.  Give me a PM if you wanna keep it under wraps?

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 03 Mar 2008 at 9:27pm
Originally posted by Rusky Rusky wrote:

NahShocked!! do tell bazza.  Give me a PM if you wanna keep it under wraps?
No problem Adam, have replied to you pm with details & would be pleased to do so
for anyone else that asks.
Good luck
Cheers mate

Posted By: bazza
Date Posted: 04 Mar 2008 at 6:49pm
Do you realise that are half a dozen or more rivers you can fish within
30 minutes drive or less from Auckland ?
Re the above post :-
To all those who pm'd me for info re these rivers, I must apologise for
playing a rather sick joke.
You may notice in the original post it states there are 1/2 doz or more rivers
that you can fish within 30 mins drive of Auckland.
This of course is quite true, you are totally free to fish them, providing you do
not expect to catch anything such thing as a trout.
Once again, my apologies to all, nevertheless I wish the fish were as easy
to "catch" as ever hopefull fishers!
Hmn something tells me I had best keep a fairly low profile after that stunt!

Posted By: Rusky
Date Posted: 04 Mar 2008 at 9:40pm
Sick man bazza! LOL

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