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Fuel Syphoning

Printed From: The Fishing Website
Category: General Forums
Forum Name: The Boat Shed
Forum Description: Discuss all things boating.
Printed Date: 12 Feb 2025 at 5:15am

Topic: Fuel Syphoning
Posted By: Naki
Subject: Fuel Syphoning
Date Posted: 03 Aug 2003 at 7:58pm


I took our boat out today for the first time in about 2 1/2 months, to discover that some son-of a b#$%h at syphoned off about 80 litres fo fuel.

Anyone got any ideas on how to secure a standard screw type plastic fuel filler cap? Is there a lockable fuel cap available, or a device that can be used to secure my exsisting fuel cap?



President of the "Pontoon Owners Club".
I started off with nothing and now I still have most of it left!!!

Posted By: empty
Date Posted: 03 Aug 2003 at 8:19pm
you can buy an anti -syphoning device .its like a big spring that is pushed down the filler pipe to stop the hose being pushed down they work well until you need to drain the tank yorself

what happened to the pissing man?

Posted By: Naki
Date Posted: 04 Aug 2003 at 7:31am


Yea I know about those, but our tank dosen't have a fuel guage so we need to use a dip stick to check the fuel level.



President of the "Pontoon Owners Club".
I started off with nothing and now I still have most of it left!!!

Posted By: empty
Date Posted: 04 Aug 2003 at 7:11pm

that makes it a bit harder then ,bugger


what happened to the pissing man?

Posted By: Wefaknis
Date Posted: 04 Aug 2003 at 9:54pm
Thats gotta piss you off, could have been worse I suppose

Posted By: Barrie
Date Posted: 05 Aug 2003 at 5:55am
say that again
could have been out at sea and run out.
Lucky Id say
could have been a manslaughter charge pending

Posted By: Cbmack
Date Posted: 05 Aug 2003 at 7:11am

I know the problem been waiting for it to pounce on me, as it seams to be going around a lot.

 Snapphappy that Spring anti -syphoning device do you know were they can be got from. Been trying to get one for my boat for the last year. Used to be able to get them at gas stations 20 years back but nowdays if you ask for them its like asking for hens teeth.

Cheers. <SCRIPT language=javascript>postamble();

Posted By: Naki
Date Posted: 05 Aug 2003 at 7:49am

Hi Guys,

Now the full story.


I dipped the tank before we left, it appeared to be about 1/2 full, but must have just been fuel splashing up the stick. My mate said "thats plenty" na, I'll put another 20 litres in, which I did. Our spare 20 litre container was empty (drained it out over winter). Well, we did about 70km's before we ran out and I know our 115 4 stroke Yammie will use about 30 litres for this distance. We ran out 1000 metres from the ramp. I called up the Coastguard, no response, but Harbour Radio responded and sent a returning boat to tow us in.


Geeeeez just as well I put that 20 litres in.


President of the "Pontoon Owners Club".
I started off with nothing and now I still have most of it left!!!

Posted By: Damo
Date Posted: 18 Aug 2003 at 10:32am

There are lockable caps available - pricey but available. Try fish city or some other small boat brokerage.\

Good luck

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Posted By: Naki
Date Posted: 18 Aug 2003 at 3:17pm


Thanks for that Damien, will give them a ring. Tried Bruncos, but no luck. Thinking of putting a manual lockable shutoff valve inot the tank inlet.

President of the "Pontoon Owners Club".
I started off with nothing and now I still have most of it left!!!

Posted By: Naki
Date Posted: 20 Aug 2003 at 10:37am


Repco have the spring thingys. They are $5.20. Very small price to pay for peace of mind.

President of the "Pontoon Owners Club".
I started off with nothing and now I still have most of it left!!!

Posted By: Cbmack
Date Posted: 20 Aug 2003 at 2:10pm

Thank Naki will go and see Repco next time in town


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