What I Bought Today
Printed From: The Fishing Website
Category: General Forums
Forum Name: T.A.S (Tackle Acquisition Syndrome)
Forum Description: The forum to discuss Tackle Aquisition Syndrome
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Printed Date: 10 Feb 2025 at 2:48am
Topic: What I Bought Today
Posted By: Bender
Subject: What I Bought Today
Date Posted: 28 Jul 2003 at 1:18pm
In honour of Canadian John and all those other fishos who's wives don't give a rats backside about any fishing gear puchased, this thread is the "What I bought Today" thread.
What I bought was a rapala CD 18 lure, a paravane to set it at various depths, new rod holder and Mark Kitteridges book on Kingfish. Not very sexy, but new fishing toys always push my buttons.
Posted By: KingfishSi
Date Posted: 28 Jul 2003 at 1:20pm
Bender, that kingfish book is a good one... well, me thinks so. The spine on my copy is splitting because I read it so bloody much!
How exactly do paravanes work???
------------- Keep knockin', nobody's home.
Posted By: Bender
Date Posted: 28 Jul 2003 at 1:41pm
The are the opposite of a kite - they go down under the water - you can run a lure out the back on a rubber band, similar to a downrigger.
Posted By: smudge
Date Posted: 28 Jul 2003 at 1:42pm
KSI ..i thought you would know this one! You burley up off the rocks and when a big kingi goes cruising by you scone him with it. If you tie it on to your fishing line you can retrieve the paravane too.....
Posted By: tobez
Date Posted: 28 Jul 2003 at 2:26pm
paravanes are bloody fantastic for attracting fish also - albacore fishing off manakau we lost 3( white ones) in 2 hours to fish that we never saw (2 in 15 mins breaking crimped 250lb mono) so we changed to red and we still got it and it catches albies better than anyother lure we towed, i reccomend that if you want a cheap attractant get some. I know iill be towing them all season.
------------- Waikato North Harbourmaster...Got a Nav Safety question for the Waikato region?...call me 021705642 or download the app Marine Mate!
Posted By: tonto
Date Posted: 28 Jul 2003 at 6:24pm
have to admit I have fished with Mark Kitteridge and I did not find him the least bit sexy!!!!!
but the bugger catches fish alright.
I learned more in 3 days from watching him catch fish than I did from the previous 3 years.
he has a great way of rigging livies, bridle rigged with circle hooks... deadly!
Posted By: Bjocque
Date Posted: 28 Jul 2003 at 7:04pm
hmmmm paravanes?? can't have to much stuff in a tackle box - how do the ????? work - look like a wooden boat hull with two angled wings on the side - saw them on geoff thomas something or rather - i think they wobble side to side and attract the fish up???????
------------- FREEEEEEEEEEEE DOM; bugga, now i gotta get a job, anybody wanna pay me to go fishing lol
Posted By: Bjocque
Date Posted: 28 Jul 2003 at 7:09pm
"What I bought Today" well saturday (confirmed bachelor)
ummmm hook honing stone, diamond knife sharpener, 3x rocky rod holders (cos i know i'll lose one somewhere) and some black magic balloons/clips kit - save me having to use the gloves from work
must admit it gets some strange looks setting out a livie under a inflated white 5 finger salute
Posted By: Lethal
Date Posted: 28 Jul 2003 at 7:21pm
parravanes help catch fish by taking the lure deeper than the surface, most have extra holes to help run them at differant levels and even extra holes to make them run out to one side of the boat so two or more can be run at once...... the little orange plastic one that sells for about $10 is good for a lot of smaller fish like Kahawai Bonito Alberts Kingfish and i have even caught snapper using them..... but to be fair not a lot of people use them now but they do work if you only use a small lure attached as they are made to flip over once any weight is added and head for the surface, this is of cause if you tie the trace from your lure direct to the paravane which is how these cheepo ones are used........
a good lure to use is a T spoon cut the handle off and bolt a hook to the spoon part drill a hole in the other end and attach a split ring and swivel tie you trace to it and hook this up to your parravan or even a peice of white plastic cut to the shape of a 30gm jig you would be suprised how well these things work........
------------- Thanks for everything you did for us Eric. may you rest in peace, You were one of the real legends of NZ recreational fishing
Posted By: Bender
Date Posted: 29 Jul 2003 at 1:13pm
Lethal, you have a thing about destroying perfectly good cutlery!
The paravant I bought has the tow line from the top in the centre, so hope it won't turn over. I'm really trying to gain the same effect as a downrigger without spending a grand.
Posted By: KingfishSi
Date Posted: 29 Jul 2003 at 1:16pm
Can anyone post a pic of a paravane for me?... I think I know what one is but aren't 100% sure and I can't exactly explain it.
------------- Keep knockin', nobody's home.
Posted By: Kerren
Date Posted: 29 Jul 2003 at 1:28pm

take note of the adjustment holes at both snap swivel locations Si......
A lot of people I know use "Diving Boards" or " Trolling Weights" when using a bungy line for bait like skippes, alberts and kahawai.
------------- I am Kermit, Leader of Muppets Nov 05
Posted By: KingfishSi
Date Posted: 29 Jul 2003 at 1:32pm
Cheers Kerren. Thought that was what they were! I've seen them on the back of commercial fishing boats... I've heard they attach them to the net cables to help hold the net open... is this true
------------- Keep knockin', nobody's home.
Posted By: Kerren
Date Posted: 29 Jul 2003 at 1:35pm
------------- I am Kermit, Leader of Muppets Nov 05
Posted By: Barrie
Date Posted: 29 Jul 2003 at 7:32pm
I bought 4fish. 2 hot dogs 2 dim sims and $2 worth of chips
Posted By: Bender
Date Posted: 30 Jul 2003 at 4:17pm
Clip and marker buoy for end of anchor warp to enable me to dump it in a hurry (is there a theme coming through here).
Posted By: Dead Ant
Date Posted: 30 Jul 2003 at 8:24pm
The clip and buoy sound like a bit of me. How much, where from and how to? Please. I always wanted one but don't have the room in the anchor locker - but a clip system - yeah!
Posted By: Bender
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2003 at 8:03am
Just bought a yachtin genoa sheet clip from burnsco and a small craypot market buoy - I have room in the anchor locker with 100ft of warp sittin gon top (and still plenty of room - that's what you get when you buy a Ramco, coz Bill Mackrell goes fishing all the time and knows how the little touches on a boat, like a decent anchor well, make all the difference to fishability. And I only have a 560, nothing big).
Posted By: Bender
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2003 at 2:52pm
How to: the warp runs through the marker buoy hole to the clip, which has a stainless ring. I simply tied a figure 8 knot in the end of the warp to stop everything falling off the end. Clipped it to the anchor well warp ring....and waited for the warm weather to get after some kings.
Posted By: KingfishSi
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2003 at 3:16pm
Just bought an icecream, Blue Fox 18gr 'herring' jig and half a doz Grey Ghost Estuarine #4 flies.
------------- Keep knockin', nobody's home.
Posted By: Barrie
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2003 at 5:12pm
I will be at smart marine on Saturday and will be loading up with Climax Braid and puka flash while the price is right
Posted By: Lethal
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2003 at 7:14pm
Bender......... that bouy had better hold up in a current mate or else you may have to wait till the tide slackens off some what, before you can find it..... it sometimes takes two like you often see on a cray pot to at least keep one afloat..... just trying to help out in case it all go's under.....
Barrie..... i will see you in the shop mate Saturday.....
------------- Thanks for everything you did for us Eric. may you rest in peace, You were one of the real legends of NZ recreational fishing
Posted By: A C
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2003 at 10:34pm
I bought,
4 doubbukle rummm's and 5 Heinekenenenes ?..........I think
------------- Aye-Aye cloth eyes.
Posted By: Toad
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2003 at 10:46pm
A dozen Haagens yesterday, I've finished them now. As soon as I get some money I'm going to buy a decent 3-4kg rod, and some light lures to go with it.
Posted By: swanie
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2003 at 11:08pm
Trying to get a reply to an e-mail ordering smooothie drags and new hi ratio gears for my pet abu. Look out fish if they come through.
Posted By: Bender
Date Posted: 01 Aug 2003 at 8:03am
Barrie, Yeah I was thinking about that...somewhere like Leigh reef I'd be screwed for sure. Yay another project think about at work!
Posted By: Dino
Date Posted: 01 Aug 2003 at 8:46am
Barrie What time at Mt Smart. I might come too ?
Posted By: lalandi
Date Posted: 01 Aug 2003 at 9:34am
600m x 4kg
10 x 1/8oz ball sinkers
1 x pack of secret hooks
All for the Bean Rock challenge...
------------- So you're a feminist... How cute
Posted By: Strawberry
Date Posted: 01 Aug 2003 at 11:05am
just turned up at home my brand new loomis 4-6kg 7ft 7 hi modulas spin rod custom built in the states cant wait to wet it
Posted By: Barrie
Date Posted: 01 Aug 2003 at 4:48pm
I will be there at say 10am Sat
Ok with you?
Posted By: Bushpig
Date Posted: 01 Aug 2003 at 7:10pm
Anchor warp for the new scollie dredge I brought the other day
Posted By: Dino
Date Posted: 01 Aug 2003 at 10:36pm
See you then.
Posted By: Bjocque
Date Posted: 01 Aug 2003 at 11:42pm
what i brought today,
a hang over for tommorrow - paid for it in advance
the mind is willing but the flesh is weak
Posted By: Bjocque
Date Posted: 01 Aug 2003 at 11:46pm
ps - did ne one here flag down a navy ship today - in rangi channel - in the fog - and ask where auckland was -
yup, i'm a sailor but ferchristsake;
1. if you go out to sea at least have a compass or some kind of nav tool so at least dumb pricks like me dont have to go and pick up floatsom and jetsom that used to be dumb pricks like you
2. yeah i have a gps but its at home is not an excuse
Posted By: Capt Asparagus
Date Posted: 02 Aug 2003 at 10:09am
Geeez Strawberry, you always gets the nicest toys.
What did I just get? I just ordered off Demon Jigs 3 of his bibless minnows, 3 or 4 of his Searock jigs and a couple of his baby squid. That ispretty much what he gave me totake to W.A. with me, but we got so badly mauled over there I lost pretty much everything! Ay caramba!
Having used jigs with the swinging hook tied to the top eye of the jig, I must admit, they are indeed very effective.
cheers, Stu.
------------- It is only my overwhelming natural humility that mars my perfection.
Captain Asparagus, Superhero, Adventurer.
Posted By: Lethal
Date Posted: 02 Aug 2003 at 9:13pm
thats good to know stu about the swinging hook mate i tried it on the bottom and works great to, next time i will give it a go on the top here and see how it go's with snaps......
------------- Thanks for everything you did for us Eric. may you rest in peace, You were one of the real legends of NZ recreational fishing
Posted By: Dead Ant
Date Posted: 03 Aug 2003 at 6:12pm
Some 50lb Suffix trace. Am sick of the Blakc Magic as after one nick it seems to let go, tried maxima but found it too hard to tie effectively so no. 3 here I come. Also some Beers to reproduce life on a charter while trying to tie traces.
Posted By: ChrisW
Date Posted: 03 Aug 2003 at 10:42pm
The factory made swing hooks or assist hooks use either kevlar or spectra trace. Worked for me today with a 25lb Kingie in Cook strait plus a couple Puka. Those assist hooks worked really well! Was really surprised to get hit by a kingie, must have been lost LOL!
------------- give it death!
Posted By: Lethal
Date Posted: 04 Aug 2003 at 12:08am
great going ChrisW like to hear storys like that, nice kingi for the bottom end of the North Island at this time of the year, don't let those skinny divers hear about this one though Chris.... ......
------------- Thanks for everything you did for us Eric. may you rest in peace, You were one of the real legends of NZ recreational fishing
Posted By: Bounty Hunter
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2003 at 2:04pm
ahh the beauty of internet shopping... even when its raining, you can buy a new toy without going out and getting wet.
What i bought today? - wait for it - an Alvey direct wind reel - can you believe it? I was forced to boldly go where very few in nz have gone before because the old calcutta lost me the only decent fish on our trip out yesterday - that was the last straw - it has to be binned.
Drasitic measures some have suggested, but i think it could prove to be a good reel - very easy for casting, heaps of grunt for pulling the big fish out(gears, what gears?), good basic construction, hyouge line capacity (try a kilometre of 6kg) - and hey even an idiot like myself would have trouble abusing it.
Only downside is what rod to bolt it to - might have to go give the friendly chaps a composite developments a ring...
Posted By: lalandi
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2003 at 2:54pm
ummm Bouny Hunter... I like scabbing old fishing reels from bins... If you are seriously throwing it away, I want it... please!! send me a pm if you a for real!!
Posted By: Kerren
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2003 at 3:45pm
Diawa - V.I.P 865U - 6'6" - 8-15kg..... 
------------- I am Kermit, Leader of Muppets Nov 05
Posted By: Peter da Squid
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2003 at 4:04pm
Sweet rod for the green and gold torpedoes Kezz ..
My recent buy, 6'6 Rodwork Offshore rod- Specialist IM6 graphite 4-6kg. Nasty snapper weapon!! ..... SQUID.
------------- Good for Nuthin
Posted By: Snapatak
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2003 at 5:50pm
Yer I brought two rod holders from central park drive marine shop, alloy they are. Fitted them to the boat and there crap. Should have gone to smart marine to get get some stainless ones for not to much more.
Posted By: Kerren
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2003 at 7:24pm
goes very nicley with me collection - VIP 6455XXH (Tiagra 50w) and 80J (TLD 30II)....and of course the 865U is to be married to a TLD15.
Now I need to find a 4-6kg rated VIP to go with a Corsair....Strawberry?..Lethal?
------------- I am Kermit, Leader of Muppets Nov 05
Posted By: JBoffshore
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2003 at 8:19pm
i have a vip 270 which is rated for 12-30pound wich i think is a bit much really. i use 6 kg on it. it is a very whippy rod.
Posted By: lalandi
Date Posted: 11 Aug 2003 at 9:05am
There is a 7' 10" V.I.P rated about that... I have had my eye on it for a while... super nice!!!! I love my 655hx 40-130lb but there is no way it would handle more than 50lb...
------------- So you're a feminist... How cute
Posted By: Kerren
Date Posted: 11 Aug 2003 at 9:12am
thanks guys.....
Lalandi...I think 7'10" would be a tad lengthy for my needs....(ie) boating....something in the 6'6" range would suit....what sort of $$$s
------------- I am Kermit, Leader of Muppets Nov 05
Posted By: lalandi
Date Posted: 11 Aug 2003 at 9:40am
VIP196L-8 8-20lb 7'10" is the only one they do... $330rrp, Damn its nice tho!!! Match that up with a slx20sh and you have an exceptional weapon.
Kerren I use an 8' uglystick on 4kg... no probs on a boat... I'll be using it at the BRB... have a play if you like .... ( You did at Kauri pt that day)
(correction 655hx 40-100lb)
------------- So you're a feminist... How cute
Posted By: Kerren
Date Posted: 11 Aug 2003 at 9:53am
yeah man that was krazy styles!!!..... ...loved every second of it!!
------------- I am Kermit, Leader of Muppets Nov 05
Posted By: JBoffshore
Date Posted: 11 Aug 2003 at 8:27pm
my v.i.p is 6'6 i think and got it for $250 at stirling sports in takapuna then saw it at the boat show for $320 (or thereabouts).
Posted By: KingfishSi
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2003 at 2:44pm
I went into Smart Marine at lunch and bought the rod I'd seen in the weekend. A Penn Custom Spin IM6 Graphite (2-5kg). So now I can indulge in my kahawai on ultralight tackle fetish . Also bought some tiny ball sinkers and some sabikis.
Cheers Terry for the sweet deal!
------------- Keep knockin', nobody's home.
Posted By: KingfishSi
Date Posted: 14 Aug 2003 at 2:25pm
Went and bought some more bits and pieces for the ultralight arsenal... some baby Grim Reaper pink/whites and blue/whites, couple of grey ghost #6 flies, couple of smelt imitations and a couple of blue fox BFFS lures. Now to put all this stuff to use!
------------- Keep knockin', nobody's home.
Posted By: KingfishSi
Date Posted: 20 Aug 2003 at 12:58pm
Went into Smart Marine today and bought a ... whoooaaa, can't tell anyone what it is because then it wouldn't be a surprise... Everyone sing Tomsta a happy birthday for yesterday!
------------- Keep knockin', nobody's home.
Posted By: tobez
Date Posted: 20 Aug 2003 at 1:20pm
i bought a handline today..$13 dollars from Kmart.
Posted By: tobez
Date Posted: 20 Aug 2003 at 1:20pm
better make that a VIP handline koz its red!
Posted By: Fishb8
Date Posted: 20 Aug 2003 at 5:23pm
The Power Pro braid 600 yards and 1200 yards of FINS, 24 kg rated IGFA is my latest buy. Just bought from the States curtesy of a recent visitor from the USA. AND a new pair of Hodgman breathable waders. Why are all these items about 2.5 times dearer here in NZ?? While I was at it I got a digital camera (Minolta 7i + CF cards) again less than half NZ prices. All this bought from money returned from my aborted game trip last March.
I've got a 12-20lb VIP. for bottom/straylining using a 400 calcutta with 12 lb braid and for skippie/albie trolling use a Charter special 1000 (TLD5 with level wind) loaded with 14 lb bright yellow Power Pro braid. Also have the next size up VIP (20-50, I think). I use a Daiwa SL30 SH and have even fished 50 lb braid on a Titus gold Okuma. This is an exceptionally versatile combination as I've used it for puka/kingies/snapper. Trolled Rapalas, skippie/albie/yft lures. Best do-everthing combo outfit I've got. Both great rods!
------------- Be yourself; everyone else is already taken
Posted By: A C
Date Posted: 26 Sep 2003 at 7:32pm
I'm the proud owner of a prop flag/cover complete with flashing light courtesy of Smart Marine
------------- Aye-Aye cloth eyes.
Date Posted: 26 Sep 2003 at 7:43pm
What I bought today....
Ryoshi Bait Knife
4kg mega burley bag
2 Kilos Pillies
2 Kilos Squid
3 Piece KFC Pack and a Pepsi
All I have to show for it is 2 little Kahawai GRRRRRR!!!!
------------- I reckon thys hir litel fishin hole jaust aint wut it yuzta bae...
Posted By: scarpie
Date Posted: 26 Sep 2003 at 11:29pm
FishB, you want to know why fishing gear is sooooooo much more expensive here than in the USA?
Where do I begin....?
- Firstly, The NZ importer has to buy a USA made product in US$ and freight it over to NZ. The exchange rate is never NZ freindly. They would be probably paying the same amount of $'s as any other US store who buy directly from the manufacturer.
- Have to pay freight, customs fees, duty just to bring into NZ.
- Add the importer's profit margin, then sell to the NZ stores.
- Oh, the products are not so well known here and need a heavy advertising campaign - so factor in exhorbitant costs for advertising. PS. remember to adjust the profit margin to maintain net profit.
- Advertising in NZ's largest fishing magazine, one page in colour costs over $2000! Thats a lot of hooks or fishing line to pay for this! NB. better check on the products you buy because you are paying for heavy advertising costs which are included in the price!
- Retailers want to make about 60% - 100% profit. Compare to US retailers who are happy with a 25% profit - this is what you pay if you privately import.
- Govt wants to make 12.5% in GST.
Get the picture?
Now I don't want to encourage everybody to privately import, there are plenty of pitfalls in that as well! There are plenty of great fishing products that are fairly priced and well retailed by staff who care and stand behind the products they sell and the advice they offer you. If you privately import, then you might have problems getting parts for that reel or electronics if they break down.
Duh... this makes so much sense I must be tired! Time for bed!
------------- don't cloud the issue with facts!
Date Posted: 27 Sep 2003 at 10:38am
How about smuggling fishing gear into New Zealand?
If you are an American Citizen who has had a recent trip to the states you are able to bring in 3 cubic metres of unchecked non duty cargo specified as "Personal Effects". You don't want to do it very often but once every couple years might diguise it.
@ $85 USD per cubic metre, I'd like to know how these slimeballs justify US shipping costs.
Often you can get an empty sea container and fill it for half the price if it needs to be returned anyway. When you do that it figures at about $40 per Cubic Metre
Of course MAF and Customs always want their cut of the pie which is about the same as the shipping costs.
In short, shipping isn't as expensive as they make it out to be. you just need to make it worth it by filling every square millimetre of volume.
------------- I reckon thys hir litel fishin hole jaust aint wut it yuzta bae...
Posted By: scarpie
Date Posted: 02 Oct 2003 at 12:10am
HF you can fit alot of Penn 320GTI's into one cubic meter of freight. All its really cost you is the retail value of one reel.
Actually the freight costs is less than the port fee, MAF fee, customs inspections fee combined.
Buying enough USA made goods to half fill a container would make us all broke. Buying from China is cheaper!
------------- don't cloud the issue with facts!
Posted By: A C
Date Posted: 02 Oct 2003 at 8:38am
It's funny you should say that, her indoors is in Hongkong as I type............browsing the bargains, she called to tell me that most items are on sale at 80% off because of the SARS scare and no tourists.
If I'm a good boy I'll get a bag full of Penn Inters...........ooooohhh lovely jubley
------------- Aye-Aye cloth eyes.
Posted By: Bushpig
Date Posted: 02 Oct 2003 at 8:51am
AC, may I start by saying how well you look today.
What sort of $$ are you talking about for those Inters and is there room in her bag for another, mateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
------------- I would rather laugh with the Sinners, than cry with the Saints
Posted By: Barrie
Date Posted: 02 Oct 2003 at 5:25pm
Stop bludging of my best mate AC
He knows your only after his old stuff
See AC...Im lookin after ya
now what exactly will you be replacing? any Shimano stuff mate
Posted By: A C
Date Posted: 02 Oct 2003 at 5:54pm
Sorry Guy's,
I used the shimano's for sinkers .........I haven't heard from her as yet, I can't understand it ??
------------- Aye-Aye cloth eyes.
Posted By: Lethal
Date Posted: 02 Oct 2003 at 9:42pm
a Standed 50sw at Melton Tackle is $940-00us this converts into $1571-00nz
a 50vsw at Fish City is retailing for $1099nz this is way cheeper in NZ than it is in America......... and im sure if you ring Smart Marine they will do you something even better.........
ask Strawberry........ he will tell you Yanks are buying here rather than in the States as NZ is cheeper ......
get your facts right guys or it will cost you big time.........
------------- Thanks for everything you did for us Eric. may you rest in peace, You were one of the real legends of NZ recreational fishing
Posted By: scarpie
Date Posted: 02 Oct 2003 at 9:45pm
the best place to shop for tackle is at Pokee Tackle at Wan Chai area. They are very near the MTR station. See Virgil and he may cut her a bargin. They are near many Chinese herbalists, she might be tempted to pick up some Lion pen*s or some other horn medicine, cheaper than viagra!
Actually, you will buy Inter's cheaper here in NZ, just see Terry @ Smart Marine. A lot of Yanks were buying Penn, Shimano reels out of Oz and NZ about a year ago when the NZ$ was crap. The NZ prices may have dropped making buying even better for us kiwis.
------------- don't cloud the issue with facts!
Posted By: A C
Date Posted: 02 Oct 2003 at 10:08pm
Not wrong boys, I used to bring used Inters in from the States when the $ was much stronger and the competition here wasn't so hot.
Even 10 - 15 years ago the cheapest place I found in the world to buy new Penn reels was good old NZ. The new ones were cheaper here than used ones in the states.
I've just had a call from her indoors, apparently the only items at 80% off normal retail cost is :-
Womens Shoes
Womens clothing
Hmmm...........I didn't see that one coming 
------------- Aye-Aye cloth eyes.
Posted By: Barrie
Date Posted: 03 Oct 2003 at 6:42am
We could almost make a bussiness of buying reels here and selling them on Ebay. Check out the reels in there and often the 2nd hand are dearer then new here
Posted By: HOOK
Date Posted: 03 Oct 2003 at 11:22am
gotta agree on the reels fellas, however some are more expensive and then some aren't..you have to do your research.
living here in the u.s part of the year i do my fare share of shoppin for fishin gear on the net, having a u.s mailing/billing address sure helps.
Electronics are def cheaper, i also did the research way back on the big goldies and nz comes up cheaper buy the time you convert, however i am sure the yanks wont be buying out of nz anymore.....60 c...ouch!!when will it stop.
i brought a couple of accurates from the U.S through NZ and had the guy invoice me the bill to my u.s address..saved the gst component. Anyway i wont get into the currency discussion....all i can say is i loved it when nzd was 38c to the usd....
gotta love the bassoutdoor world shops, just like going to foodtown but for fishing, a fisho could spend hours cruising the isles...www.basspro-shops.com
Well only two weeks until back in the long lost cloud, keen as for a fish and maybe meet some of the forum members. Will be communting between Omaha and Halfmoon Bay.
Posted By: Peter Montague
Date Posted: 03 Oct 2003 at 12:13pm
Tiagras are miles cheaper in Oz and NZ and Inters arent to far behind, mainly because these items have next to zero margin in them for the retailer here. Although the cheapest place to buy Shimano is Singapore, when it comes warranty time you will wish you bought it in NZ.
Posted By: CanadianJohn
Date Posted: 03 Oct 2003 at 4:54pm
today i bought a hutch wilco converter jacket. the manual model, for off the rocks or out deep in the tinny with tobes.
i also picked up a tica rod (jc-LB521301). its an ugly green jig rod 7', with flash gold coloured guides and reel seat.
------------- .
Posted By: obald
Date Posted: 03 Oct 2003 at 5:47pm
I don't really understand why this thread is such compulsive reading - I even less understand why I'm telling you all that today I bought a pair of Blacks Clips. Game season must be near or this bloody weather is turning me even more nutso than usual (or a combination of both)
Posted By: A C
Date Posted: 03 Oct 2003 at 6:01pm
It's the fisho's version of " look what I bought at the Karen Walker sale today "
Doesn't matter what it was or how much it cost.......it's the browsing that counts
------------- Aye-Aye cloth eyes.
Posted By: Grounded
Date Posted: 03 Oct 2003 at 6:56pm
Well I went to SmartMarine today (I didn't realise just how long a walk it was from the Britomart!) and I got me that Ugly Stik (yeah, AC, I know, it matches the rest right?). It is a Gold 2000 1.95m 10-15kg and it was a bargain. Met up with Strawberry and had a chat. Boy, that place is some Aladdin's cave. Now I just have to save up for a decent reel.
Thanks for the heads-up Kerran and cheers Strawberry, I'll be back.
------------- It's a mystery to me
I was a Jerk On Line
Posted By: A C
Date Posted: 03 Oct 2003 at 7:51pm
You're far too quick for me tonight ..........throw it in the drink for a while then it'll match that reel ?
------------- Aye-Aye cloth eyes.
Posted By: A C
Date Posted: 03 Oct 2003 at 10:03pm
She's in Frankfurt now and just called to see what I think she should purchase seeing as she could'nt/would'nt get what I asked for in Hongkong..........I told her to go buy a fu#cking hotdog.  
I need a beer
------------- Aye-Aye cloth eyes.
Posted By: stew
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2003 at 9:02pm
Had a result today I bought a pair of neoprene chest waders for $165. I was trying them on in the shop when the wife walked in and said why don't you buy them so I didn't need telling twice. They were reduced due to a closing down sale.
Posted By: HOOK
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2003 at 1:12am
After all the talk in the 4-6kg line thread i thought i would try some 5kg momoi diamond line clear for the shimano quickfire 4-6kg outfit and 7kg for the accurate boss 370. Thanks to those who contributed in the thread and made the decision a whole lot easier for me.
Posted By: ChrisW
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2003 at 9:12am
Hook, where did you get the Momoi Diamond line from? This line regularly gets rave reviews from our Californian friends for high strenght and reliability.
------------- give it death!
Posted By: HOOK
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2003 at 10:51am
i got it online from http://www.eangler.com">www.eangler.com, but i dont know if they ship internationally, its going in my suitcase. Maybe some of the forum users may know of nz retailers.
Posted By: Bushpig
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2003 at 7:14am
Picked up a Shimano 4000 Baitrunner for $40 at the Warkworth Game Fishing Clubs bring and sell night.
Going to have 6kg line put on this today.
------------- I would rather laugh with the Sinners, than cry with the Saints
Posted By: Kerren
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2003 at 7:20am
how was the nite Bushie??
------------- I am Kermit, Leader of Muppets Nov 05
Posted By: Bushpig
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2003 at 7:31am
Excellant. matt didnt get to start until about 9.30, but as usual it was a very informative night.
LOVE those new lures from Roddy. That black headed one with the brown and orange really did it for me
------------- I would rather laugh with the Sinners, than cry with the Saints
Posted By: ChrisW
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2003 at 1:24pm
HOOK, I spoke to the US importer about 15months ago and it his own product, .ie. Momoi diamond is not available unless it comes from him. Gourocks who are the NZ agant for Momoi cannot even buy it from Japan without first going through the USA importer.
It's good stuff, got some on my Boss 270.
------------- give it death!
Posted By: Bushpig
Date Posted: 16 Oct 2003 at 8:23am
Picked up a cray pot at the transfer station yesterday. Good condition. Just need to add a rope and bouey.
------------- I would rather laugh with the Sinners, than cry with the Saints
Posted By: Dead Ant
Date Posted: 16 Oct 2003 at 2:09pm
Just picked up a Zuker Tuna lure that will hopefully see some action this summer. Pat from Auckland Marine rigged it, gave me the low down on where to run it and gave me a great deal.
Thankfully the weathers coming right. I think my tackle room might have started overflowing otherwise - if you can't fish, buy fishing gear.
Posted By: lalandi
Date Posted: 16 Oct 2003 at 6:05pm
350m x 6kg Ande
Ahhhhhhh... that feels better.
------------- So you're a feminist... How cute
Posted By: Kerren
Date Posted: 16 Oct 2003 at 6:12pm
Does Pat have Zukers in stock, Dead Ant??
u wont regret it Lalandi!!.....
------------- I am Kermit, Leader of Muppets Nov 05
Posted By: Dead Ant
Date Posted: 17 Oct 2003 at 8:01am
I think he only had the one model in stock Yellow/Green. It's the same one that everyone has recommeded so weight of opinion finally influenced me.
He only has a small range of lures but he said that they were all proven, and they seem to match up with FNF's favourites - weird huh! As a newbie I get totally confused by the racks of lures and trying to sort the good from the bad. So in my case less is better.
Posted By: Barrie
Date Posted: 17 Oct 2003 at 4:38pm
I bought some last year and Im in the same boat as you
but Im gonna get one this year of the Bar then I will be an expert
Date Posted: 18 Oct 2003 at 6:19am
What Hellfish Bought Today.
I couldn't take it anymore! It was eating me alive in petrol and repair bills so I sold my Nissan Cefiro. Good ridance to that Bag of $h*t Car !!!
Went down to the auction and picked out a nice little Mitsi and bought it.
Then I couldn't wait anymore... Had some extra cash left over so I went over to Steves, and bought a new Kayak. Having her outfitted with the nessessary bells and whistles as we speak.
Should be ready next week sometime and I'll post her portrait in the Yak Forum.
Came home and the wife was really happy to see me and did what wives do best. 
Friday was a Kick A$$ Day!!
------------- I reckon thys hir litel fishin hole jaust aint wut it yuzta bae...
Posted By: Barrie
Date Posted: 18 Oct 2003 at 7:26am
so your sleeping in the Yak or the car then?
Posted By: lalandi
Date Posted: 18 Oct 2003 at 8:51am
lol bazz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date Posted: 18 Oct 2003 at 11:43am
I figured the horny devil and big smile would explain it Barrie.
Wife thought that was funny as hell!
------------- I reckon thys hir litel fishin hole jaust aint wut it yuzta bae...
Posted By: Kerren
Date Posted: 20 Oct 2003 at 12:31pm
I was gifted a sparkly shiny new 6kg Shimano Backbone on Saturday night....thanks heaps Matty!

So a reel shopping I went and have managed to track down a Shimano TLD 5 at http://www.swordfishmarine.co.nz/">Swordfish Marine .....just what I wanted but didn't think I wold find one in such good condition with a warranty and after sales service to boot.....I am indeed a happy boy!
Anyone got or used a TLD 5....any tips or suggestions?
I fear this will be my last fishing tackle related purchase until at least this time next year....
------------- I am Kermit, Leader of Muppets Nov 05
Posted By: Bushpig
Date Posted: 20 Oct 2003 at 12:38pm
You reakon you ca go your last game fishing season with out buying at least one more lure Grumpin
------------- I would rather laugh with the Sinners, than cry with the Saints
Posted By: Kerren
Date Posted: 20 Oct 2003 at 1:07pm
I am not going to answer that question Swine!....just in case SWMBO lurks. But let's say I will be putting in a xmas wish list and that will direct her to http://www.legendlures.com">Legend Lures for gift "ideas".
Oh yeah I also need a new Pakula Lumo Sprokie as well...but that can wait till next season as I know my good mates and skippers of Bushpig and Surprise Surprise will have theirs lock'd and loaded!
Did I mention how great those skippers above actualy are??
------------- I am Kermit, Leader of Muppets Nov 05
Posted By: CanadianJohn
Date Posted: 20 Oct 2003 at 3:51pm
well, i haven't bought any fishing gear in two weeks! however, i did return my citizen eco-drive watch today, and they are possibly gonna refund it as they can't find another to replace the buggered little piece of C%#P! with. if they do that it will mean i buy myself a reliable $20 warehouse watch and spend the other $580 on??????.......... hmmmmm fishing gear.......
------------- .