Rigged Kayak photo's
Printed From: The Fishing Website
Category: Saltwater Fishing
Forum Name: Yak Yak Yak
Forum Description: The forum for Kayak enthusiasts
URL: https://www.fishing.net.nz/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=15846
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Topic: Rigged Kayak photo's
Posted By: Boulder
Subject: Rigged Kayak photo's
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2006 at 10:06pm
Ask and yee shall receive! post away people
------------- http://www.boulderguiding.co.nz">
Posted By: Waka
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2006 at 10:30pm
Luv ya work Boulder .. Photos to follow Cheers, Waka
------------- Waka
Prowler 13
Posted By: Moocha
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2006 at 10:35pm
Nice stuff roll on the Yak rig's
Posted By: Prop Man
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2006 at 11:24pm
Thanks Boulder and heres the first since I asked for it!
Cheers Yak Fisher
Posted By: Squeak_Metal
Date Posted: 31 Aug 2006 at 5:12pm
wow how much did that cost ya...? not that you'll give away trade secrets...
------------- http://hunt-fish.jnawk.net.nz/index.php
Posted By: Prop Man
Date Posted: 31 Aug 2006 at 5:17pm
As the missus knows just a few hundred or so
Yak fisher
Posted By: sooshee
Date Posted: 31 Aug 2006 at 7:35pm
Instead of starting up a similar thread, can we perhaps merge with this one? http://www.fishing.net.nz/asp%5Fforums/forum_posts.asp?TID=12615 - http://www.fishing.net.nz/asp%5Fforums/forum_posts.asp?TID=12615
Posted By: DUTCHIE
Date Posted: 31 Aug 2006 at 10:05pm
yak fisher, what model is that ? very ingenius idea with the camel back ! have you found any problems with this yet?
Posted By: Prop Man
Date Posted: 31 Aug 2006 at 11:02pm
Hi Dutchie
Model? Yak=Scrambler XT, Seat=High back classic, Camelbak (hydration pack) is the original had it for years now, having used it for mountain biking etc.
The only problems I encountered with the hydration system, which I have now resolved were:-
I fitted the hose through the seats top strap which restricted the reach, but now I can drink and paddle, move my neck at the same time!
The mouthpiece (bite piece) tends to leak a little so would suggest a cover bung which you can now buy or make one from a bit of rubber capping.
It all works well for my needs, you can even have a slurp whilst prepping up and derigging the Yak, just bite the tit and instant flow!!!!!
I have seen another hydration set up which I thought was neat, but not for my set up. Stephen Tapp has his hydration pack clipped on to the front hatch cover on his Prowler Elite, with an extension tube back to the small hatch midships. He just reaches down between his legs and grabs it (pardon the expression if you will). Looks to work OK in a long Yak. So where ever you want to place your hydration system seems that you can do so with extra tubing (from a pet shop?) but have some gravity with it.
Hope this makes sense
Yak Fisher
Posted By: Hairy Little Dwarf
Date Posted: 04 Sep 2006 at 7:57am
OK, here's my beast.
First shot shows the back end with livebait tank (Aerated) plus Anchor stowed on reel and sea anchor.
Generally I leave the tank off unless I need guaranteed livies on a trip. The tank has drain holes at about 10l mark which helps keep the CofG down.
This one is the work area with Lowrance X29 and Garmin 12XL GPS. The gaff is clipped into some electrical conduit clips
This is a detail of the powercable for the FF coming through the hull. Small electrical waterproof gland.
And the transducer mount. Mounted above bottom edge of hull for a bit of protection. Drilled and sleeved with a heated section of aluminium arrow shaft. I was going to epoxy the ends, but after a year, there has been no water ingress, so I am happy with it as is.
------------- The Dreaded Shark-Eating Man!
Posted By: Waka
Date Posted: 04 Sep 2006 at 9:21pm
Nice Yak Hairy,
Tranny set up makes perfect sense but I have not seen another Yak with the mounting done this way. What were your reasons for this over a through hull assembly?
------------- Waka
Prowler 13
Posted By: Naki man
Date Posted: 04 Sep 2006 at 9:44pm
Hey Waka, Both wondaboy and I have our transducers mounted externaly. I found it was just too much trouble trying to keep the transducer stuck with the wide Fish n dive. (too much flex) I'll take some pic's this weekend and post them
------------- The solution to any problem - work, money, love, whatever - is to go fishing - the worse the problem the longer the fishing trip should be.
"I have a lot of very large problems"
Posted By: Waka
Date Posted: 04 Sep 2006 at 10:08pm
Cheers Naki Man. I am going to have a look at making a bracket for the underside of my rudder where it connects to the Yak.
No sounder yet but I'm getting more keen as the days get longer.
------------- Waka
Prowler 13
Posted By: Blue Asparagus
Date Posted: 04 Sep 2006 at 10:08pm
you guys a bloody ingenious with what you have done with your yaks well done love it, have 2 of them but cramp up everytime i hop on 1 still the wife and boy love them.
------------- Ultimate GAME Fishing Adventures. Northland
Posted By: Clutch
Date Posted: 08 Sep 2006 at 12:11pm
Hard for me to tell but I guess that transducer is on the stern aye?
sorry if its a dumb question.......the rig looks great
only thing for me is that by the time you've rigged your yak out the $$$$ are starting to get up there.....and I start thinkin i should get something bigger
...but keep looking at the Yaks with envy
Posted By: Hairy Little Dwarf
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2006 at 3:17pm
Yep, that way you can see the fish when you've gone past them, and when you turn around, they've buggered off or are lying flat against the seafloor
You don't need anything else other than a yak, paddle, PFD and a rod.
The rest are totally optional (the photos I posted are of the Yak fully pimped, I normally travel a lot lighter as it leaves more room for the fish!)
Catch one fish from a yak, you'll never look back.
(and no WOF or rego needed for the trailer, no constantly replacing wheel bearings or waiting for idiots at the ramp. No lugging tanks of expensive fuel around or worrying about getting too close to that reef. No wife or kids complaining about being bored and can we go now. Just you and the fish. It just don't get better than that.)
...Or just ghosting through clean water in the mangroves after a week of no wind and pulling in 14lb Snaps in water you can stand up in 
Convinced yet Clutch 
------------- The Dreaded Shark-Eating Man!
Posted By: Clutch
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2006 at 4:42pm
Yes....and I believe it will be the perception swing....
Posted By: Clutch
Date Posted: 10 Sep 2006 at 9:28am
...or the prowler
will have to do a detailed comparison and get a few informed opinions
Posted By: Naki man
Date Posted: 10 Sep 2006 at 6:31pm
Well Guys, here's the green barge minus fish.
It's not a prowler Elite Ferrari
It's a Mercedies (truck)
Sorry about the quality of the pics, I used powerpoint. Must get photoshop
------------- The solution to any problem - work, money, love, whatever - is to go fishing - the worse the problem the longer the fishing trip should be.
"I have a lot of very large problems"
Posted By: Clutch
Date Posted: 10 Sep 2006 at 10:56pm
Wow, what a great set up NM
Heaps of room in the back of those yaks i see
very stable looking craft the fish and Dives.....think i better keep thos ein my equation
Posted By: DogFish
Date Posted: 11 Sep 2006 at 12:57pm
Warning! If NakiMan ever asks you to help carry his kayak, pretend you're busy doing something else. I swear he's even got the kitchen sink in there.
Posted By: Naki man
Date Posted: 11 Sep 2006 at 5:43pm
Dogfish, the kitchen sink was installed last week. Next a beer fridge and a Derek the chef bar-b-que
------------- The solution to any problem - work, money, love, whatever - is to go fishing - the worse the problem the longer the fishing trip should be.
"I have a lot of very large problems"
Posted By: Moocha
Date Posted: 11 Sep 2006 at 7:55pm
And a pie warmer, every Yak needs one I reckon
Posted By: Naki man
Date Posted: 11 Sep 2006 at 8:09pm
Pie warmer emmmm yes and a lap top with a DVD. Oh and a beer fridge
------------- The solution to any problem - work, money, love, whatever - is to go fishing - the worse the problem the longer the fishing trip should be.
"I have a lot of very large problems"
Posted By: Wizard
Date Posted: 11 Sep 2006 at 8:51pm
Hey NM, you forgot to mention the Beer fridge, Dan
Posted By: Moocha
Date Posted: 11 Sep 2006 at 8:57pm
mmmmmmmmmmmmm Beer
Posted By: Waka
Date Posted: 12 Sep 2006 at 10:20pm
Nice rig NM,
Looks like a lot of hard work has gone into getting her just right and a few big 'problems' on days when you can't go fishing  .
------------- Waka
Prowler 13
Posted By: Waka
Date Posted: 16 Sep 2006 at 8:34pm
Ok lads here is my yak. Far from complete but well and truely functional.
Semi rigged - Usually another rod behind the seat and handheld gps on a marine mount in the console area
Gaf kept un leashed at side of rear bins.
Bin at the back for anchor stowage and fish (with stringer), front 6pack chilly bin for easy access to dry supplies and food. Rods at the back kept on short lanyards to minimise ropes on the deck
Front Scotty (rodmasterII) rod holder and paddle leash
Anchor trolley on the port side with sea anchor, rudder trolley on the starboard side.
I have been trying to keep it simple and this set up is working well at the mo. The front rod has a 1.5m leash that is connected at the same point as the paddle leash. GPS mount is not fully complete but will also include a chopping board and room for sounder. Cut baits are usually kept in the front drink holder or centre hatch.
------------- Waka
Prowler 13
Posted By: Naki man
Date Posted: 16 Sep 2006 at 9:28pm
Nice set up their Waka, is that an Abu
------------- The solution to any problem - work, money, love, whatever - is to go fishing - the worse the problem the longer the fishing trip should be.
"I have a lot of very large problems"
Posted By: Waka
Date Posted: 16 Sep 2006 at 9:41pm
Yep NM I generally fish with 3 Abu reels. 6500 C3, 7000C and a SevenC.
------------- Waka
Prowler 13
Posted By: DogFish
Date Posted: 16 Sep 2006 at 10:56pm
Congrats... that's a nice tidy setup there Waka.
The fish don't stand a chance. 
Posted By: Squidy
Date Posted: 17 Sep 2006 at 7:38am
Posted By: Rainbow
Date Posted: 17 Sep 2006 at 12:48pm
What sort of tub have you got Brendan????
Posted By: Rainbow
Date Posted: 17 Sep 2006 at 3:43pm
Here are a few of my attachments on my P13.
Forward flush rod holders using the same holes/screws as the front saddles. I try not to have any attachments sticking out above the deck in case I roll in the surf.
Plier holder is made from a bit of a narrow vaccum cleaner nozle and S/S pliers are secured with a bungie cord loop. I use them all the time to re;move hooks cut traces etc and want them handy but secure.
This is the mark II model wheel. Mark I was welded on too far forward and thus could not house a big enough wheel. It also stuck out and tangled my berley line. The reason for the wheel is that the narrow skeg gets ground through when pulling up a concrete ramp, etc, which creates a leak over time. The wall is only about 4mm thick and since the material is so soft it does not take long before enough has been removed to create a hole.
The new model works a treat and not only prevents the above but also makes pulling up a lot easier. Whats more the design no longer tangles any line that sweeps back. The housing is made from a F&D centre hatch cutout and the wheel is cut from an old cutting board. I have got three wheels from the board which I can replace should one wear out.
This is my transducer mount. Two small lugs weded onto the bottom of the hull in a slight wedge shape. Tab of silicone and the transducer is forced into the wedge and secured with three cable ties over a piece of rubber hose. Will never come off and beats the crap out of all the foam surrounds and adhesives which a lot of people have problems with.
Posted By: wondaboy
Date Posted: 18 Sep 2006 at 6:25pm
Whenever naki man has unloaded his yak of gear after a hard days graft on the briney, dont be fouled into believing his his yak is empty. Get him to bail out the 2-3, size 12 blue band gumboats of water first!!!!
Posted By: Naki man
Date Posted: 18 Sep 2006 at 6:58pm
Wondaboy, your yak would leak too if you had to paddle it home at the depth that I do with all those fish on board (submarine style) I have to wear a dive belt so my ass stays in the yak
Oh, and those gumboots are for throwing at great whites. Can also be used for bailing water, storing bait and a drinking receptacle  And you thought they were just for show 
Rainbow, has your Misses realised that she's missing a part of her vacuum cleaner yet
------------- The solution to any problem - work, money, love, whatever - is to go fishing - the worse the problem the longer the fishing trip should be.
"I have a lot of very large problems"
Posted By: Rainbow
Date Posted: 18 Sep 2006 at 7:42pm
Naki Man
As a retired house husband supported by a working wife I do most of the vaccuming and the cooking that is when I am not fishing.
Posted By: Naki man
Date Posted: 19 Sep 2006 at 10:08pm
Rainbow, how'd you get a crusiey life like that. I luv doing the vaccuming 
------------- The solution to any problem - work, money, love, whatever - is to go fishing - the worse the problem the longer the fishing trip should be.
"I have a lot of very large problems"
Posted By: Rainbow
Date Posted: 19 Sep 2006 at 10:28pm
Marry a child bride, Mate.
Posted By: YakAttack
Date Posted: 23 Sep 2006 at 10:35pm
Hi fellow yak yaks,
Over the winter I have been rigging up the fishing machine. Have added GPS fish finder, VHF, anchor running rig etc. Can't wait to test it all out this season. http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h81/mdusmurf/Rigged%20Kayak/DSC02880small.jpg - http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h81/mdusmurf/Rigged%20Kayak/DSC02880small.jpg
http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h81/mdusmurf/Rigged%20Kayak/DSC0288small.jpg - http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h81/mdusmurf/Rigged%20Kayak/DSC0288small.jpg
http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h81/mdusmurf/Rigged%20Kayak/DSC02881small.jpg - http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h81/mdusmurf/Rigged%20Kayak/DSC02881small.jpg
Posted By: DogFish
Date Posted: 23 Sep 2006 at 11:19pm
That's a pretty serious looking setup you've got there Trev.
Mmm... I'd keep away from the surf though, with all those expensive electronics. 
Good hunting... DogFish
Posted By: YakAttack
Date Posted: 24 Sep 2006 at 8:11pm
Hi Dog Fish,
Thanks. I reackon you are right. I am staying away from the surf.
No surf at Maraetai luckily. :o)
Posted By: saffa
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2006 at 11:34pm
Hey guys
This is in relation to the similar thread running.
I brought my South African fishing "ski" (as they are called over there) out here with me in the container. When I was there, they were retailing for around R2500 to R3000 (??) exchange rate is roughly 4.5:1.
The fishing ski's there weigh in at 25-30kg. The need to be very strong to take the hammering of getting dumped in BIG surf, which can prevent you from launching on a regular occasions-however the brave/foolish try anyway to reach the untouched waters behind the backline, while the cautious stand and watch the carnage!
Since most launching is done through4ft surf +, and you almost always have to punch some waves (either the first shore break or the last ones at backline - depending on how well you time your mad dash for the breakers), due to this and the fact you could well end up swimming back to shore to fetch your ski, they now encorporate a PVC tube into the central fish hatch (which in itself is massive to hold large numbers of game fish), but the tube runs right to the bow and enables you to put some decent size rods/spearguns stowed safely in the hatch. This avoids sand and water getting into your reels if washed back to the beach.
The most popular manufactures are listed below, and Im sure Stealth has local (AUS?) distributors.
http://www.stealthpp.co.za/ - http://www.stealthpp.co.za/
http://www.fishingski.co.za/ - http://www.fishingski.co.za/
Mine is a stealth supalight. Approx 4.3m long, very stable. Drwbacks are not as easy to drill and rivet atachments as plastic yaks, fragile up against the bricks and do not stand up well against incorrectly packed furniture in shipping containers (hence the repair bill at Paddling Perfection) Picture to follow soon hopefully........
Boat = Stealth Supalight (glass)
Posted By: DogFish
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2006 at 8:21am
saffa... how about some of your ski.
------------- I only fish on days ending with a "Y"
Posted By: Bounty Hunter
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2006 at 9:19pm
good stuff Saffa - was considering getting a Stealth to spearfish from myself
------------- No disintegrations!
Posted By: DogFish
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2006 at 9:55pm
How's that Extasea coming along BH?
Have you got all the mods and rig-out completed yet?
------------- I only fish on days ending with a "Y"
Posted By: saffa
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2006 at 10:14pm
Heaps of storage space in the hatch for gun, fins, rods weight belt, cray bag etc etc, very easy to roll on and roll off.
If someone can explain to me how to upload pics, lol, I will do so.
Boat = Stealth Supalight (glass)
Posted By: DogFish
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2006 at 10:58pm
saffa... have a read here http://www.fishing.net.nz/asp_forums/forum_topics.asp?FID=39 - http://www.fishing.net.nz/asp_forums/forum_topics.asp?FID=39 on how to post pictures.
------------- I only fish on days ending with a "Y"
Posted By: saffa
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2006 at 10:59pm
Sorry, dont have enough posts yet to upload from my PC :(
Boat = Stealth Supalight (glass)
Posted By: DogFish
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2006 at 6:02am
You're almost there mate.
------------- I only fish on days ending with a "Y"
Posted By: saffa
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2006 at 6:48pm

Boat = Stealth Supalight (glass)
Posted By: saffa
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2006 at 6:49pm
Lift off.....
That is our local beach for launching on a normal day. As you can see the Stealth has to deal with a few breakers. Pics of ski to follow........
Boat = Stealth Supalight (glass)
Posted By: saffa
Date Posted: 28 Oct 2006 at 7:09pm

Boat = Stealth Supalight (glass)
Posted By: saffa
Date Posted: 28 Oct 2006 at 7:11pm

Boat = Stealth Supalight (glass)
Posted By: saffa
Date Posted: 28 Oct 2006 at 7:13pm

Boat = Stealth Supalight (glass)
Posted By: DogFish
Date Posted: 28 Oct 2006 at 8:37pm
Great looking boat there saffa There's more storage in that hull than the website pix suggest. A ski like that would make light work of some of the surf launches we get down here in the Naki.
------------- I only fish on days ending with a "Y"
Posted By: ajst2duk
Date Posted: 28 Oct 2006 at 9:31pm
Yep, that's a baggy on the FF
Posted By: ajst2duk
Date Posted: 28 Oct 2006 at 9:34pm
Posted By: JK
Date Posted: 28 Oct 2006 at 10:07pm
Nice setup duk!
------------- LedgeNZ LBG
Posted By: ajst2duk
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2006 at 8:54am
JK wrote:
Nice setup duk! |
It's a pretty regulation setup I think, so I can't take too much credit. Plenty of trailblazers been there before. It is a great fishing machine though, I think I made some good choices, largely because of all the good info on this site. Actually getting toime out to go fishing is the next challenge, we have 2 weeks at Hahei this year, so guess what I'll be up to!!
Posted By: JK
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2006 at 10:15am
Do you actually fish all 3 rods at once while out on the yak??
Hahei is a greta place to fish with a yak. so many lil islands close to shore, heaps of options.
------------- LedgeNZ LBG
Posted By: Naki man
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2006 at 12:30pm
Saffa, have you had the beast out in surf much. If so, how do you keep your as*e in the seat, or do you paddle through the surf like you would on a surf board? They look like they have a surprisingly amount of room in the hatch
------------- The solution to any problem - work, money, love, whatever - is to go fishing - the worse the problem the longer the fishing trip should be.
"I have a lot of very large problems"
Posted By: ajst2duk
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2006 at 2:43pm
JK wrote:
Do you actually fish all 3 rods at once while out on the yak??
Hahei is a greta place to fish with a yak. so many lil islands close to shore, heaps of options. |
Yeah - I do fish all three - sad ay !!
I have one set up for trolling, one set up for a drifting bait, and one for SP's. THat way I don't have to re-rig each time I pick up the pick and move around. I spent the last four January's in Hahei, just gagging for a way to get out amongst the fish.
Posted By: saffa
Date Posted: 30 Oct 2006 at 4:28pm
Hey naki man - yeah the old "supertanker" as my mate has dubbed it, crashes through the surf (over and punching through breaking lips if you dont get out before the new sets arrive) pretty well. The bow is shaped pretty well and curves up quite a bit. My first pic is below my old place in Durban SA, popular surf spot with waves normally between 4-6ft.
The foot wells have straps over them like surf life saving skis, and you wedge you feet in these giving you some grip and leverage, and you suss the waves, pick your break in the sets then charge the shorebrreak, jump on the yak and then paddle like crazy, aiming to make it past backline before the next set arrives.
The straps are not tight, so if you do roll or get dumped, you can get away from the yak as it crashes back to the beach.
The hatch can take full length/unbroken rods (1 piece) since it has a pipe running all the way to the nose for this reason. It surfs the waves pretty well coming back in, using your paddle bracing in the surf since the rudder does not work when surfing a wave (same speed as the water). Providing you dont brooch and you keep the nose straight, you can beach with some dignity (if all goes according to plan). Its then that you look like a dork, when you dismount and try stand and your legs dont work from sitting for 4/6 hours and you fall over  .
You guys have much surf to contend with down there?
Boat = Stealth Supalight (glass)
Posted By: saffa
Date Posted: 30 Oct 2006 at 4:37pm
Hi Dogfish
Yep, in the last pic you can see how bow curves up and narrows, so it handles surf launches pretty well, rudder system also works a treat.
The hatch starts between your legs, then basically the whole forward space from there in front of the foot wells is hatch area. It also has one smaller "dry" well behind you for dry stuff with screw on lid - its also pretty big for a dry hatch.
When racing for the backline to beat a building wave, you sometimes get airborne over the back of the wave if you just manage to shoot over before the lip forms and starts breaking since have been charging out and have a fair bit of speed - thats pretty awesome when you make it over the final wave like that, then its home free and the fish await.
Have you ever tried the Halco lures for Kingfish? Perfect for yaks. Let me know if you want to know about them.
Boat = Stealth Supalight (glass)
Posted By: saffa
Date Posted: 30 Oct 2006 at 4:42pm
http://www.halcotackle.com/scorp150.asp - http://www.halcotackle.com/scorp150.asp
Ideal to troll for gamefish
* float when you stop paddling (unlike most rapalas), as soon as you start up again - down they dive
* have a rattle inside to attract fish
* interchangeable bib depending on depth you want them to swim at
* its made from plastic so cannot get bent and alter swim pattern like the repalas
* work well as slow speeds, suits yaks, since you dont have to crank the paddle like a windmill
Boat = Stealth Supalight (glass)
Posted By: sooshee
Date Posted: 30 Oct 2006 at 7:25pm
saffa wrote:
Its then that you look like a dork, when you dismount and try stand and your legs dont work from sitting for 4/6 hours and you fall over . |
Thank goodness I'm not the only one 
Posted By: DogFish
Date Posted: 07 Nov 2006 at 10:44pm
Here's some shots of my Kaskazi Pelican on it's maiden fishing voyage last weekend up the coast. Minimal rigout for fishing as I intend to only use it for just trolling and/or day tripping.
I've still got to install an electric bailing pump as it can get a bit wet in the cockpit after launching through the surf as there are no scupper holes or venturi's.
------------- I only fish on days ending with a "Y"
Posted By: ajst2duk
Date Posted: 07 Nov 2006 at 10:51pm
What a cool setup dogfish - that looks a sweet ride - very nice. Did you catch any fish??
Posted By: DogFish
Date Posted: 07 Nov 2006 at 11:16pm
ajst2duk wrote:
What a cool setup dogfish - that looks a sweet ride - very nice. Did you catch any fish?? |
The fishing was pretty slow all up the coast. I only managed a pannie Snapper and a couple of Gurnard. There were quite a few Grey Sharks around and I had a wrestle with a large one that gave me a good tow around before eventually biting through the trace.
------------- I only fish on days ending with a "Y"
Posted By: Soldrblue
Date Posted: 26 Dec 2006 at 3:02pm
Hi De Hi, Merry Christmas to one and all. As some will know Im only just starting out - but here is my mini rig. You can just make out my Daiwa Sealine Rod in the back. On my first experimental fall out and climb back in the rod stayed exactly where it was. Woohoo
As you will see in this photo I wear a UV Neoprene top, universal sized PFD, lil gripper shoes and of course gloves so my pen pushing handy wandys dont get hurt :) Last but not least a dry bag for the cell phone for wifey to call me to ask if Im on my way to South America or not as I am a dot on the horizon snicker. Just above the gloves I have a ryoshi fishing belt which fits nicely on top of the PFD to hold my bits and pieces in. $15.95 from Mitre 10 

Posted By: paffoh
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2007 at 2:44am
Well here is 'Mary Jane' in all her glory, isn't she dope!? lol
Picked her up today after a quick trip down the bay, dealer installed rudder and once home I actually drilled the Hobie rod mount in myself without hesitating too much ( Was really simple, even after 6 months I still pondered for awhile ), love the granite green so much and she was a pleasure to paddle for the few hours in windy conditions on Lake Tuggeranong ( Unfortunately no fish ).
Long, sleek and potent what a green machine she will be after I purchase a dedicated in-hull sounder and new fishfinder that will be mounted permanently in the tray holder below along with a gps mount for my Garmin map 76s ( Will keep old Piranha max10 FF for my Outfitter even though the transducer seems to be broken ), if Humminbird fail to offer new unit or replacement transducer under warranty I will buy a slightly more expensive sounder but if they do I would consider getting another one for the Quest ( Previous transducer having major fluctuating depth readings along with loss of detail, Claire dropped it a few times ).

Posted By: paffoh
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2007 at 2:50am
Here is an old thread of my other kayak ( Link to thread is old so missing Fishfinder & GPS which was upgraded later ) :
http://www.akff.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3329 - http://www.akff.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3329
Here is a current one :
Posted By: Naki man
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2007 at 6:13pm
Nice setups there Paffoh. Whats the stability of that top yak like. It looks quite narrow or is it wider that it looks. Looks like it would be quick through the water
You sure you've got enough rods stacked in that corner
------------- The solution to any problem - work, money, love, whatever - is to go fishing - the worse the problem the longer the fishing trip should be.
"I have a lot of very large problems"
Posted By: paffoh
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2007 at 8:32pm
Hehe cheers mate, thats about 40% of my rods, others are down the coast used on my Dads stinkboat although most are for LBG or jigging, the green yak is about 70cm wide and was very stable in 40+ knot winds yesterday and was super fast ( Compared to the Outfitter below which is 83cm from memory and a pig of a kayak ).
Im looking at getting another yak too, im so addicted :(
Posted By: Bonmaklad
Date Posted: 31 Jan 2007 at 8:27pm
OK so it's not as good or funky as the rest but this is my new setup using my body, a chain and a bungy cord.
on the seat is a bun bag which will be attached to me which has all my Sps , hooks scisors iki and hook remover everything i need. Got my knife attached to the boat behind. A chain holding the paddle on and with the quick release of the paddle means i can get to it fast! bag is being held on by it's own straps and a bungy strap, the rod is being held by the kayak and the bungee cord enableing me to fish and row at the same time, i'v tested it by rolling the kayak over, not even the rod fell out so as long as it works all the time i'm happy..

What you think :)
Also for those who haen't seen this is 8metres of rope and bath non slip mats :)

Posted By: Rainbow
Date Posted: 10 Feb 2007 at 1:44pm
I have finally given up on my Hummingbird Max 20 and bought a Lowrance X50DS. Unfortunately I could not use the mounting bracket nor the position above the second cupholder on my P13.
Instead I had a second bottom welded into the cup holder about 50 mm from the lower edge onto which I screwed the display base. This keeps the base below the gun whale and cant be damaged when loading onto a roof rack. It also keeps the display very low which is an added bonus.
Will post pictures when I take the yak off the roof rack.
Posted By: Rainbow
Date Posted: 12 Feb 2007 at 9:39pm
Pictures of Lowrance base mount in P13 forward cup holder.
Posted By: synergy
Date Posted: 23 May 2007 at 7:30pm

A picture of my Prowler, it's first catch in rough conditions on it's first outing Castlepoint 07.
Posted By: Badfish
Date Posted: 23 May 2007 at 8:27pm
Nice one there synergy.
I like that cover around your sounder where did you get it from?
------------- http://www.legasea.co.nz" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: nylg1
Date Posted: 23 May 2007 at 10:12pm
Have a look at this guys kayak he has got the works going on ...
http://www.akff.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7120 - http://www.akff.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7120
Have to give him big ups  hes keen(note the wiring)........
Posted By: LEVCAT
Date Posted: 24 May 2007 at 6:58pm
that's surely one very impressive looking kayak, wish i had one like that.
what a machine, that things a beast
Posted By: Badfish
Date Posted: 24 May 2007 at 7:38pm
Jesus christ
And I thought the americans were bad
I'd hate to lift that thing off the hilux, maybe he was a hiab on his truck as well!
Imagine trying to turn it back over if he capsized!!
I'll stick to my humble little rig thank ya very much
------------- http://www.legasea.co.nz" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: Rainbow
Date Posted: 25 May 2007 at 10:25am
My first thought was: �Typical Yankee overkill�, but then I relised that this nutter is living just across the Ditch. I hope this concept isn�t coming over on a stiff westerly to infect some of our own gullibles.
I have found that in yak rigging �it is much harder to leave things off than to put them on�, which translates into: �Only take what you really need�.
The only two things that caught my interest were the square hatches, which allow safe internal rod storage. Hi time the OK people addressed this omission on the Prowlers.
Posted By: Badfish
Date Posted: 25 May 2007 at 11:00am
I think there comes a point where it goes past rigging to catch fish and into rigging to out do the Jones'.
------------- http://www.legasea.co.nz" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: synergy
Date Posted: 25 May 2007 at 7:39pm
Greetings got the local boatbuilders to make it for me out of alloy.
Posted By: DogFish
Date Posted: 26 May 2007 at 9:59am
FYI... That guy with the antenna farm on his yak is indeed a Yank and resident in the USA. He's a regular poster on the Aussie & UK forums.
------------- I only fish on days ending with a "Y"
Posted By: Rainbow
Date Posted: 26 May 2007 at 1:43pm
What a relief. Shows you how accurate first impressions often are.
Posted By: Badfish
Date Posted: 27 May 2007 at 3:37pm
yea, never woulda guessed
I remember fishing in a lake in Arkansas (US) and we came across a guy with a portable DVD player on board his yak.
He was watching a dvd about sharks while fishing a fresh water lake for catfish.......
Different strokes
------------- http://www.legasea.co.nz" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: dgax65
Date Posted: 15 Jun 2007 at 9:28pm
Rainbow wrote:
My first thought was: �Typical Yankee overkill�, but then I relised that this nutter is living just across the Ditch. I hope this concept isn�t coming over on a stiff westerly to infect some of our own gullibles.
I have found that in yak rigging �it is much harder to leave things off than to put them on�, which translates into: �Only take what you really need�.
First off, I'd like to say hello. I've been lurking on this forum for a while, but haven't really posted anything. I'm always interested in seeing how things are being done around the world. I've learned quite a bit from this forum as well as some of the Australian and South African forums.
I'll be the first to admit that there is some level of overkill on my kayak. I could have stopped with a couple of rod holders and still have a perfectly good fishing platform. Alas, that is not my nature. I enjoy tinkering on my kayak. Most of the modifications that I've made to my kayak are based on 5 years of kayak fishing experience. There are a couple of things that I might do differently on my next kayak (cockpit lights-gone), but nothing major. While it may seem a little excessive, my kayak is well suited to fishing the Southern California waters. We don't have to cope with the weather and surf conditions that you experience. We can get away with carrying a lot of gear topside. A large percentage of fishing kayaks in SoCal have live bait systems, fish finders, GPS and the requisite electrical systems. What sets my kayak apart from others is the hull reinforcement, waterproofing and corrosion control steps that I've taken with the electrical system. That is a byproduct of my navy training. All of the modifications have probably added 10-15kg of extra weight to the kayak. It is a little on the heavy side, but I have a 600lb load capacity to work with. Of more concern is my propensity to carry way too much gear with me when I fish. I know that less is better, but it's oh so hard to leave anything behind I've been thinking about buying a South African fishing ski (Stealth
BFS). The limited load capacity would force me to take a more
minimalist approach to fishing. Who knows...it might be good for me.
BTW: That picture of the yak on the beach was just a joke. I don't carry that much gear when I fish. A standard SoCal set up would be 4-5 rods; two for trolling, one for making bait and 2 for jigging or soft plastic lures.
I hope that explains some things. I may be a complete nutter, but it works for me.
Posted By: sooshee
Date Posted: 15 Jun 2007 at 10:17pm
Welcome Doug! Have enjoyed your postings on AKFF....keep them up . Yes agreed, if it works for you go for it!
Posted By: Prop Man
Date Posted: 16 Jun 2007 at 12:10am
Good on you Doug! Whilst I may not agree that all is needed, I have to say that I think you have done a great job in each step/area.
It's good to see people doing stuff to their Yaks, providing it does not sacrafice safety. Lets face it you have to think forward in all areas, if you dont you remain in the ice age and become blinkered.
I see you have a Humminbird, looks like the one up from mine but yours has a colour screen (mines a 727). Have you had any problems with it? I ask because even though I spent top dollar on mine, it had a fog problem from day one. Humminbird bless them have resoleved it in 48 hours!!!
I'm currently doing some projects on my Yak (Elite) which will also take things a stage or two further in it's ability. Cant say at the moment exactly what they are as I want to do several trials first before posting.
From one ex Navy Guy to another one-Keep it up mate!!!???!!!!
Yak Fisher
Posted By: dgax65
Date Posted: 16 Jun 2007 at 8:50am
Yak Fisher I have had a couple of problems with my fish finder. I sent it back to Humminbird to get the display fixed once. It worked well for several months, but has started exhibiting the same problem again. (See image)

I can't say that I'm too upset with it. It was a demo model that had been on display in the store for months. I got it at 1/3 the list price and it has a 2 year repair or replace warranty.
This is my third Humminbird FF and I've been happy with them so far. Although I have a cover for my FF, it gets a lot of abuse as I go out through the surf. I haven't had fogging problems on any of my FFs yet. As with most FF, the weak link seems to be the connectors. I use liberal amounts of di-electric grease to keep them from getting corroded.
The only other brand that I would switch to might be Lowrance. I like Garmin, but most of their units have lower resolution screens. The Humminbird and Lowrance units have excellent displays and reasonable prices.
Posted By: Badfish
Date Posted: 16 Jun 2007 at 9:46am
Gidday dgax65,
I guess this is where I should slot in and apologise for giving your rig stick. Not something I'd normally do but I guess I figured you'd never read it,,,,,CAUGHT
You have done a lot work there. All those rod holders I thought to be a bit OTT but hell, I guess as like everything on everyones Yak, its what suits you and your style best.
That bait tank really is awesome! Amoung the best I've seen!
I've been struggling with finding a suitable one for my prowlers for a long time. As Rainbow hinted there earlier, the ocean kayaks guys really do need to re-think their cockpit hatches, well thats my thought anyways, I find mine all but useless!
I've made a live tank that sits in the rear well with the pick up in the scupper. It works great but in a swell it can be a hard task turning around to getting your livies out of the tank again!
I've even missed tryin to put them IN the tank before
I am still to meet anyone that hasn't had problems with their Humminbirds. I had a Humminbird 787c2 Combo when I had my boat (before selling it to buy more yaks) , its now on my elite. Well, when it's not in the shop getting fixed every couple weeks, its been fogging and cutting out and mis-reading etc etc etc Everytime it gets sent back it takes about 6 weeks!
I'm now having to swap between the Max 20 I have on my spare yak and a 2nd hand 525 unit that my mates given me and they're both fogging and having problems....
I'v molded a silicone boot for my lowrance but havn't got it to right just yet...
It's all yak fun and games I guess. Keeps me busy and its sending me broke but I love it
Welcome to the site Doug
Posted By: shad
Date Posted: 16 Jun 2007 at 5:39pm
Welcome to the site Doug, its been great reading your posts on the AKFF site and all the ideas and stuff you have done to improve your fishing from the yak.. hope the fish dont find out...
------------- LOVE THE FREEDOM
Posted By: dgax65
Date Posted: 16 Jun 2007 at 9:08pm
No worries, Badfish. My kayak is nothing if not excessive. I've don't take any offense if people think it's overkill....it is. The thing that I love about kayaks is that they are an extension of your personality. I can go down to the beach on a Saturday morning and see a hundred different rigging jobs on kayaks. Everybody does what suits their needs and their personality. I'm registered on over a dozen kayak fishing forums around the world and I've seen lots of different approaches to rigging kayaks. There are times when I've seen something and wondered "WTF was that guy thinking?" I know that more than a few people have said that about my kayak After spending some time on a forum and learning about the fishery, you figure out why people are rigging their kayaks they way that they do.
I've grown very fond of my Kayatank. I have made several different bait tanks for my kayaks, but nothing has worked as well as the Kayatank. It is so much more convenient to have the bait tank in the cockpit. They have one that is designed for the Prowler 15. If the scupper arrangement is the same, I'm sure it would work on the Elite 4.5. You might want to check out the website for http://www.anglersyakshack.com/HowItWorks.htm - Angler's Yak Shack . They have a lot of information on how the Kayatanks work and how they are installed. The designer, Mo, is a good guy and you can contact him if you have any questions about the tank. I don't know if he ships overseas, but you could ask. Making your own might also be a possibility. It would be harder to do with a Prowler, because of the small center hatch size. Malibu and Cobra Kayaks are easier; thanks to the rectangular hatch. A drop-in polyethylene tank wouldn't be very hard to make. Sorry....this is how I wind up with all that crap installed on my kayak. I get too excited about manufacturing things for the yak
BTW: Ocean Kayak is taking a lot of input from kayak fishermen and I think they now realize that the rectangular center hatch is a good idea. The Prowler Big Game has one. I heard that OK-US just finished test molds of a new model; the Prowler Trident. Supposedly, it is about the same length as the 4.5, but with a wider beam and other improvements. I'm eager to see if it will have a rectangular hatch.
Posted By: Badfish
Date Posted: 17 Jun 2007 at 4:54pm
Cheers for that link Doug.
I do a lot of live bait fishing for kingie and sometimes snapper so this might be the go if it fits the Elite.
Although it will be a bit different having the small round hatch on the prowlers.
The other option I've been thinking about it getting those scotty stabilizers. Then I could keep the chilly bin (cooler) live tank going behind and it'd be easier to swing around and get the bait out.
I was thinking about getting the stabilizers more for jigging, I'd really like to be able to get up to 50# braid if I could. I think the stabilizers would allow me that little extra stability to run extra drag and of course help out on busting snags.
I'm currently running 35# braid on my salist and I've had to bust that free a couple times and managed fairly well, but I haven't been able to push the drag up as much as I would like to.
I guess I'm just as guilty for getting excited about mods for my yak too.
Posted By: nylg1
Date Posted: 17 Jun 2007 at 6:34pm
That Kayatank is a tidy looking set up ....
I myself don't do any live baiting as such ..But just looking at that tank it would be handy to have on my prowler and lose that small storage pocket under the screw hatch which holds car keys and thats about it... 
Just a query but why is the pick up for the pump on the side of the kayak all be it below water line and the outlet through the bottom...Just asking as wouldnt the pump cavitate now and then being up that high....
Posted By: Badfish
Date Posted: 18 Jun 2007 at 5:04pm
I was just reading over the site and they mention that the inlet is on the side rather than the bottom to help protect it from being damaged on the bottom.
I've been hovering over the site a bit lately, I'd really like to get one but that hatch is such a b***h to open I could see that being a problem...
And if I converted it where would I put my keys ?
Posted By: nylg1
Date Posted: 18 Jun 2007 at 5:48pm
Thats what i sort of guessed which makes sence but i wonder wouldn't you have the same problem with the outlet pipe.....
You would be in trouble if that out glue poped off the botton of the hull we all know how hard it is to get a glue to stick to that plastic.... 
I would have to agree about the hatch being a b***h to open i thought i was being smart and put some rubber grease on the oring and the thread which works well till ya get sand and grit on it then its even worse ..  Then you have trouble getting home with the car keys stuck in the hatch... 