Books/Guides on Boating
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Category: General Forums
Forum Name: The Boat Shed
Forum Description: Discuss all things boating.
Printed Date: 10 Feb 2025 at 2:44am
Topic: Books/Guides on Boating
Posted By: KingfishSi
Subject: Books/Guides on Boating
Date Posted: 09 May 2003 at 10:31am
Hi guys
Being a boating dodo I want to find out a bit, or should I say a lot more. I'm looking for a good book or guide with lots of practical stuff like how to drop the anchor and all that sort of carry on. Of course, I'll be doing a boating course before I go out and buy a boat, but in the mean time I'd like to have a bit of a look into it. Any suggestions?
------------- Keep knockin', nobody's home.
Posted By: Kerren
Date Posted: 09 May 2003 at 10:37am
I would personally try and search the WWW first for specific stuff... at least that way you are likely to encounter differing opinions....
But there is nothing like a good book to refer to when the empending power cuts render this form of media redundant.....
------------- I am Kermit, Leader of Muppets Nov 05
Posted By: KingfishSi
Date Posted: 09 May 2003 at 10:40am
Speaking of the power cuts, how many days of power do we have left? One great way to save power if you live down in Wellington is to remember to turn your Beehive off everynight before bed
Hey, I won't be able to work if there's a power cut... Yay, more fishing for me!
------------- Keep knockin', nobody's home.
Posted By: lalandi
Date Posted: 09 May 2003 at 11:58am
I have a bunch of such literature you are welcome to borrow. Come see me on your lunch break...
Power cuts ... eh? what...? who said anything about power cuts???? (lol)
------------- So you're a feminist... How cute
Posted By: KingfishSi
Date Posted: 09 May 2003 at 12:02pm
Cheers Lalandi
Can't call in this lunchtime, have to go to a farewell lunch for yet another person leaving the company. Seem to have a whip around every week because someone's leaving. I'll be broke if this continues.
I'll call in when I next get out for a break.
------------- Keep knockin', nobody's home.
Posted By: Grant
Date Posted: 09 May 2003 at 4:20pm
Probably one of the best books avail locally, and is recommended by the Coastguard Boating Education Service is:
"Safety in Small Craft" by Mike Scanlon.
Posted By: CanadianJohn
Date Posted: 09 May 2003 at 4:28pm
ive got that, not a problem if you want to borrow it kingfishsi.
------------- .
Posted By: KingfishSi
Date Posted: 09 May 2003 at 4:35pm
Thanks Grant and CJ
I've actually got that book. I've just remembered I bought it from the markets at Waiheke. It's in a cupboard at the folk's bach
------------- Keep knockin', nobody's home.
Posted By: Grounded
Date Posted: 09 May 2003 at 6:12pm
"Safety in Small Craft" - I must get a copy of that. Anyone got one for sale?
------------- It's a mystery to me
I was a Jerk On Line
Posted By: CanadianJohn
Date Posted: 09 May 2003 at 7:54pm
chris, the offer extends, you want to borrow the book let me know, not in a hirry to get it back as i have no boat! actually i could let you use it and get it back from you when you take me for a fish?? oh, i am pathetic. let me know if you want it.
------------- .
Posted By: HBC
Date Posted: 10 May 2003 at 6:38am
Hope the link below works,">
If it doesn't, you could try"> and then navigate through the categories to books and then sort by title . It's quite an interesting site.
Posted By: HBC
Date Posted: 10 May 2003 at 6:42am
Ooops , after books, choose, Sports , Hobbies and Games and then sort by title. It should be easier to find after that.
Posted By: Grounded
Date Posted: 10 May 2003 at 7:01am
Thanks Salty, I will check that out. Thanks also, CanadianJohn, I will gladly take you up on your offer if I am unable to get a copy to own. I am not sure I am safe to be taking anyone out just yet (including me!!!) but as soon as I have a little more experience (and confidence) I will happily take you for a fish - I know only too well myself what it is like to be grounded 
------------- It's a mystery to me
I was a Jerk On Line
Posted By: wakatoa
Date Posted: 10 May 2003 at 11:37am
"Safety in Small Craft" by Mike Scanlon - There are 2 editions of this excellent book - your local bookshop would order it for you. My local library has the older edition.
This is an NZ publication so is more relevant to us then say a USA book which could put you on the wrong track because their buoyage system is back to front and some of their seamanship terminilogy is different.
Also if you can find them the Admiralty manuals of seamanship vol I & II have lots of good stuff from basic seamanship to boat and ship handling.
Posted By: HBC
Date Posted: 10 May 2003 at 6:57pm
Another way to improve your boating skills is the "Dayskipper Course" or even better the "Boatmaster". I'm currently doing the boatmaster course, without having a boat . Making all the preparations for the boat, but unfortunately the wallet isn't prepared yet.... 
Posted By: lalandi
Date Posted: 10 May 2003 at 7:21pm
Agree totally... The company I work for runs boating education courses, so if there is anyone keen to do their Dayskippers course and some practical training, pm me... I see people who have "been boating for years" that think they know everything and who are amazed at how much they learn from these courses. (and even more amazed when a 26yo Ponsonbite can teach them a trick or two about boat handling).
------------- So you're a feminist... How cute
Posted By: Grounded
Date Posted: 11 May 2003 at 7:56am
Salty - Yeah I am definitely doing the day skipper course, the material is interesting stuff (though some is familiar from cruising the Norfolk Broads). I will also do the VHF users course, for when I get a radio!
------------- It's a mystery to me
I was a Jerk On Line