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Opposing opinions to Legasea

Printed From: The Fishing Website
Category: Saltwater Fishing
Forum Name: The Briny Bar
Forum Description: The place for general chat on saltwater fishing!
Printed Date: 25 Jan 2025 at 1:52am

Topic: Opposing opinions to Legasea
Posted By: Tzer
Subject: Opposing opinions to Legasea
Date Posted: 02 Nov 2024 at 8:04pm
I’m not usually one to have a Karen moment but here it is.
It appears that whoever administers Legasea's Facebook page has taken steps to block me from viewing & commenting on the page, without any prior warning or explanation as to why. I have emailed asking for an explanation and to date have yet to have a reply, hence my Karen rant.     It seems anti free speech has made its way into the Legasea organisation and when comments from people that don’t align to their agenda they are either blocked, hidden or deleted. I can attest to this because I have had some of my comments deleted over the years.

I suspect that some of my comments do not sit well with Legasea's anti-commercial agenda they are constantly campaigning on and yes some comments might be a dig at them but for the most part any comment is in opposition to what I feel is misinformation by them or my own view point.  

I do wonder if this anti-commercial campaign being posted by Legasea’s admin isn’t in fact more of the individual’s personal opinions under the guise of Legasea that gives them a platform to promote their opinions.

After all if you were to read some of their bio’s it would appear that their only claim to fame is a social media presence and in my opinion these young people who make up the Legasea team gleam their information from what they read and have no real world knowledge of what truly goes on.

I stopped supporting Legasea a long time ago as it didn’t take me long to realise that this organisation is no different to any other advocacy groups such as Greenpeace, Forest & Bird.  As with these groups who for example, campaign to make dairy farmers out to be villains, Legasea is doing much the same towards the commercial fishing sector. Posts on topics such land run off, climate factors or even the impact recreational play on our fisheries do not feature for discussion and of course the one thing no-one wants to talk about and that’s customary, somehow this is a taboo topic, preferring to focus on the commercial sector.                        While I agree that an organisation like Legasea is warranted on behalf of the recreational community the stance Legasea has taken towards the commercial sector is not helpful in order to have frank and open dialogue, what is it they are afraid of in blocking people who voice their opinion after all isn’t this just what Legasea is doing, voicing recreational opinion.

No doubt some would say I’m pro commercial given that I started out commercial fishing when I left school but that not the case, I just don’t see that this anti commercial campaign will get recreational anywhere. There is this constant us vs them situation going on across all platforms of social media and it not helpful to any sector by where one lot blames the other and vice versa.                                                                                                    

While Legasea does offer up some good causes such as their Kai-Ika project they let themselves down with the constant anti-commercial rhetoric. Legasea will have you believe that commercial and their methods are outdated & destructive yet in the case of the Kai-Ika project they are more than happy to accept unwanted fish frames for distribution to the needy from commercial fishing companies using a variety of methods, some Legasea deem destructive, I would see this as rather hypocritical.

While they say they are opposed to certain methods used by commercial, many commercial fishermen don’t see it that way but rather an attacked on them personally. Many commercial fishermen sick of this constant anti-commercial sentiment, some which is ill-informed & misleading do post comments in reply but are quickly shut down with carefully worded comments and backed up by often old outdated information.                                  

Legasea followers are none the wiser and are soon drawn into the conversations by where their comments soon become worse than what Legasea has to say, with some of it very degrading, especially if you are a commercial fishermen reading it. The Legasea team are very good at lighting the fire all the while letting their followers keep it stoked without intervention but will intervene if it’s a commercial led comment.

Legasea will also have you believe that NIWA’s surveys into the recreational sector is robust and accurate yet in the same breath dispute that commercial landings aren’t. There is only one sector that records their catch and it isn’t recreational, recreational catches know matter how much you play around with the numbers is still only a best guess estimate, we still don’t know the true amount caught by recreational.

Word of advice from me to the Legasea crew is to stop reading from what you find online and take up on the many offers that have been put to you to go out on commercial vessels to see first-hand that it’s not all doom & gloom, you might then have a better appreciation for the commercial sector.      
The QMS is here to stay, while it may not be perfect and could do with some minor tweaks you will find that commercial fisherman would agree. So why not work with them (commercial) to make the QMS better fit our shared fishery rather than against them, after all, we all want the same thing. If indeed commercial fund lobby groups to advance their position to incumbent governments why doesn’t Legasea/New Zealand Sport Fishing Council also spend their monetary donations and engage a lobbyist rather than seek to influence public opinion which achieves what?

I would be correct in saying the voting public don’t place fisheries high on their agenda as to who to vote for when there are more pressing issues come election time.

I am aware of a number of others Legasea have also taken steps to block, all because their comments don’t fit, even when presented with the facts. I know one person who has a wealth of knowledge within fisheries both commercial and recreational that has also been blocked and all I can say is that Legasea is poorer for it.

Rant over so looks like a ban it is and any hope of me ever supporting Legasea in the future gone with it.

Posted By: Pcj
Date Posted: 02 Nov 2024 at 8:28pm
Hard to argue against you Tzer.  They like to twist facts,dismass science from Niwa, Never read anti reccs on commercial sites.

What have they actually achieved in 12/13 yrs?

I too spoke out as wasnt satisfied with a couple of posts and banned along with a few others. Want public support. They need to be prepared for questions too,not take the attitude we are right everyone else wrong."WE HAVE BEST SCIENCE" yeah right ,get the same info from NIWA then twist it,niss bits out to suit their agenda of Anti Commercial

You wont read on Legasea how Talleys have NO deaths of birds,seals,dolphins this yr using new technology.

"Times up"

Posted By: letsgetem
Date Posted: 03 Nov 2024 at 8:57am
What I would like to know - Tzer and PCJ - are you or have you been in the commercial fishing industry?

Posted By: Pcj
Date Posted: 03 Nov 2024 at 9:24am
Originally posted by letsgetem letsgetem wrote:

What I would like to know - Tzer and PCJ - are you or have you been in the commercial fishing industry?
No I havent but do follow  industry,not once have they ever said reccs taking too much,only we are a unknown commodity as far as catch reports go. Sure Niwa have done reports but I have in the last 10or so yrs never been approached. So what catch/return/kill is totally unknown

"Times up"

Posted By: Tzer
Date Posted: 03 Nov 2024 at 9:57am
Originally posted by letsgetem letsgetem wrote:

What I would like to know - Tzer and PCJ - are you or have you been in the commercial fishing industry?

If you were to have read my comments you will have seen that I had been in the commercial industry, I started out in the mid 70s after the school principle & I agreed school wasnt for me. I have crewed and skippered boats during my time and only left the industry due to personal reasons. 
I fished both through the good & bad times and saw just what the QMS did for the industry as well as the fishery itself and while it may have taken couple decades for things to improve, I believe we are seeing the results of the introduction of the QMS regardless of what the likes of Legasea and others reportedly will tell you. 
In my area we used have upwards of 20 trawlers, 30-40 crayfishermen who also lined/gillnetted during off season, now Gisborne has about 4 trawlers and a handfull of crayfishermen. This reduction is not because of declining stocks but rather vessels being scrapped due to age, lot of old school fishermen retired and the fishing industry as a whole make big changes in the way they do things and are continually looking at improvements and you would most likely find this to be the same in many fishing ports around the country. The amount of new recreational boats we are seeing now in Gisborne has grown imensly and contiues to grow, you cant tell me that this doesnt have a impact on our fish stocks locally.
The recreational sector in this time has also gone through big changes in the way we all go about catching fish, new tech, better fishing gear & methods, bigger & more reliable boats fishing further offshore than they use too, charter industry has grown as well to meet the demand from recreational want to catch a fish. So you see its not just the commercial that have had an impact on our fisheries but recreational find it easier to blame them for their lack of ability to catch fish.
I still have mates in the industry and follow whats going on as best I can, to be clear I have also been a recreational fisherman ever since I can remember and still am but it p!sses me off when so called experts sit behind a desk and spout doom & gloom based of what they read without even getting out and seeing what is going on first hand.

Posted By: v8-coupe
Date Posted: 03 Nov 2024 at 10:10am
Unfortunately, due to digital media and its easy use, it is all too easy to cancel or manipulate forums and the like. I have had many such issues with regards to another issue dividing NZ. Again, even factual and proven posts are cancelled and all the thugs on the sites pile on the threaten and scare you off. I sympathize with you and hope like I do, that you just keep chipping away. Even a flea can annoy the biggest dog.

Legasea Legend Member

Posted By: Tzer
Date Posted: 03 Nov 2024 at 10:57am

Unfortunately, due to digital media and its easy use, it is all too easy to cancel or manipulate forums and the like. I have had many such issues with regards to another issue dividing NZ. Again, even factual and proven posts are cancelled and all the thugs on the sites pile on the threaten and scare you off. I sympathize with you and hope like I do, that you just keep chipping away. Even a fle can annoy the biggest dog.

Thanks for that, I got no problem if the likes of Legasea or others want to dispute, argue or dismiss my comments but to delete, block or even cancel ones self all because it doesnt suit their agenda these people need to rethink how they are going about advocating for recreational.
More than one way to skin a cat and those that know me I can be a thron in ones side, just ask Gisborne's ex mayor or the Gisborne District Council.

Posted By: Reel Deal
Date Posted: 09 Nov 2024 at 6:27am
Wasn’t legasea set up to represent Rec fishers as there was no representation and rules were being made for us un challenged? I think they gave done a great job under tough conditions. Cameras on Comms boats and the huge under reporting that found by Comms and the resistance to put cameras on the rest of the fleets is a stain 0n the Comms story we are just good guys trying to make a living spin. The trawler destruction, scallop fishing techniques yardy yardy. 

But like you Tzar hate cancellation and muting. Sometimes harsh, rude, un factual or plain delusional comments can negation impact online conversation and understand some control but it’s a fine line and those decisions made due to just counter arguments or message challenging prevents the healthy discussion today. 

Free speech is the back bone for democracy. 

But write out parts of Martin Luther King Jnrs famous speech on "I have a dream" about all people no matter what colour religion etc should have equal rights and you will be banned and labelled racist in NZ mainstream media and left political parties threads. Go figure. 

The gods do not subtract from the allotted span of men's lives the hours spent on fishing - Assyrian Proverb

Posted By: Pcj
Date Posted: 09 Nov 2024 at 7:49am
  •" rel="nofollow - 4d
%23b" rel="nofollow -
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Tony Fox well said Tony...these guys really believe all the crap they spout...waste of time and space...
There should not be room for personal opinion to change things but ....fact and science and they have neither.. .
  •" rel="nofollow - 4d" rel="nofollow -
- -" rel="nofollow -" rel="nofollow -
LegaSea NZ you sound like a broken record ....come up with some new cold hard facts.....
  •" rel="nofollow - 4d" rel="nofollow -
- -" rel="nofollow -" rel="nofollow -
LegaSea NZ all the da6a you have is so old . Produce info from 2022++++" rel="nofollow -
Legasea is just a scaremongering, disinformation, factless, divisive, band of trouble makers....thinking only of themselves.....
Come out with some facts and you may not be such a joke....

"Times up"

Posted By: Pcj
Date Posted: 09 Nov 2024 at 7:49am
Her comments stand and Tzer and other were tame incomparrison yet get blocked?  

She maybe commercial so its ok?

"Times up"

Posted By: Mc Tool
Date Posted: 09 Nov 2024 at 8:20am
Huh , I got banned from NZ hunting and fishing  for   " unspecified reasons " ..... so thanks for your courtesy  Spanners  ( lot of arseholes there  .... dont miss it )LOL

I wish I was young again .... Id be heaps smarter than this time

Posted By: Tzer
Date Posted: 09 Nov 2024 at 4:39pm
Real Deal, as I have said I do see the need for an advocacy organisation such as Legasea to give recreational a voice but its how you go about representing recreational and I dont see the path Legasea and its crew are taking as being beneficial on behalf of us recreational, hence they dont speak for me.
The constant rhetoric being spouted by Legasea amounts to nothing more than anti commercial propaganda campaign and in my view paints recreational in the same light as Greenpeace and Twig & Tweet brigade and we've all seen how they conduct themselves. Even your own comments are directed soley at commerciall without any reference to the effect recreational also has on our fisheries, whats the old saying "when you point the finger remember theres 3 pointing back"
I have emailed 4 members of the Legasea crew and their arrogance is showing through that they dont have the courtesy to reply back. What is it their affraid of by blocking people, is it that they dont want to have open conversations because someone has a differing view to theirs and doesnt suit their anti commercial agenda, certainly seems so.

Posted By: Mc Tool
Date Posted: 09 Nov 2024 at 7:23pm
I find with groups like green peace and legasea  is that basically I agree with their intentions but the way they conduct themselves going about the business disappoints me to the point that I dont want to them speaking for me.

I wish I was young again .... Id be heaps smarter than this time

Posted By: Pcj
Date Posted: 09 Nov 2024 at 11:00pm
I maybe wrong. But its all about having a discussion how we can accommodate comm/reccs, Not us v them. Its a shared fishery.

How come Legasea Hawkes Bay can work with commercial?

"Times up"

Posted By: Pcj
Date Posted: 25 Nov 2024 at 4:23pm
In a roundabout "Legasea" admitted if we dont agree with others you will get banned." rel="nofollow -" ;"

2 days ago
As much as there is a need for advocacy groups.they must be prepared when posting on a public platform be prepared to take criticism rather just blocking public for having a different point of view to them.Unless youre a commercial fisher then you can what you like.

Response from the owner 6 hours ago
Hi Paul, thanks for your review. Our social media channels are actually our platforms, not the publics, and therefore we are able to moderate what is said and by who. We are normally pretty welcoming of different viewpoints but once someone insults us or continues to deny science in favour of their own opinons, there is only so far we can go before it becomes incredibly unproductive. If you feel like you have been blocked unfairly, feel free to email us otherwise have a lovely day!

"Times up"

Posted By: Pcj
Date Posted: 25 Nov 2024 at 4:28pm
Deny Science?? really they are the ones that are denying science as proven time and time again.

"Times up"

Posted By: Tzer
Date Posted: 26 Nov 2024 at 9:08am
Pretty much sums up what I have said Paul, they want to engage with the public but only on their terms and to moderate comments to suit what they want the public to hear and not what they want to hear from the public.
Legaseas media wokesters dont want to hear any opposing view points regardless as to whether its opposing science from other sources or andedotal evidence unless its their own propaganda B/S. I find their response to insults as being hipocritical given that they allow their followers to post up insults towards commercial fisherman without any santioning of those posters, they're very much doing exactly the smae thing denying opposing science in favour of their own opinions. 
Best of luck getting a email reply from Legasea, I sent emails to 4 people within Legasea and to date I still havent had a reply, probably think if they dont reply I might just go away, well those that know me that isnt the case.

Posted By: Pcj
Date Posted: 26 Nov 2024 at 10:00am
I like the but of deny science. Both legaseas and seafood NZ get the science from NIWA.but legaseas seems too have different interpretation of science.

"Times up"

Posted By: Plow
Date Posted: 26 Nov 2024 at 11:58am
It's a hard job pleasing everyone and their opinions. Legasea is a fairly large platform now.

I'm happy that a group stands up for my rights as a reccy as I don't have the time or money to do it myself. No-one can argue that the commercial sector has abundance on their agenda (its a poor annual yield that way) and that fish levels, crayfish levels are still very, very low.

Sorry Tzer, while I understand your Karen I still feel they do a good job, and tell me who the hell else in NZ is going to do it?

They are needed to keep the commercial sector relatively honest.

Legasea Legend, the rest of you should be too, $10 a month." rel="nofollow">

Posted By: cirrus
Date Posted: 26 Nov 2024 at 1:03pm
Originally posted by Pcj Pcj wrote:

I like the but of deny science. Both legaseas and seafood NZ get the science from NIWA.but legaseas seems too have different interpretation of science.

what science do you refer to. more specific please.

Posted By: Tzer
Date Posted: 26 Nov 2024 at 5:43pm
Originally posted by Plow Plow wrote:

It's a hard job pleasing everyone and their opinions. Legasea is a fairly large platform now.

I'm happy that a group stands up for my rights as a reccy as I don't have the time or money to do it myself. No-one can argue that the commercial sector has abundance on their agenda (its a poor annual yield that way) and that fish levels, crayfish levels are still very, very low. I have know issues with any organisation representing recreational but its how that organisation conducts itself I have issue with. As I have siad I see Legasea as being no different to Greenpeace or Twig & Bird, they are nothing but anti-commercial and wont be happy until the inshore fishery is solely the domain of recreational. You dont see them psoting about enviromental implications, customary or recreational paoching, why becuase it distracts the public sentiment away from their attacks on the commercial sector. I also doubt whether any of these plonkers have even been on a commercial vessel to see for themselves just what happens on a everyday basis but lets quote facts and figures (some of which is old data) to justify their one eyed opinions. As PJC has said all sector use the same data yet they only want you to accept their interpretation of those facts and if you dont agree you get comments deleted or your banned from commenting. So I dont apologise for my distrust of this organisation especially those behind the scenes.

Sorry Tzer, while I understand your Karen I still feel they do a good job, and tell me who the hell else in NZ is going to do it? No I dont think their doing a good job and who else is there, well it appears Mainland Fish (I think thats right name based in Sth Is) whose approach is better from what I have read in other publications.

They are needed to keep the commercial sector relatively honest. Again whoses keeping recreational & customary honest, Legasea I doubt that very much.

Posted By: Pcj
Date Posted: 26 Nov 2024 at 6:33pm
TZER well said but what about "Legasea Hawkes bay"   Mange to reach agreements  where commercial may or not work at certain timers of year and areas.

Commonsense prevails work together not US vs THEM approach. Something Legasea HQ cant/wont do. Have they ever sat at the same table to work out issues?

Why would commercial want to sit with HQ when its blame blame and more blame. We as reccs need to stand up and take responsibility too. " Of buts its my right" is it??

These HPA/SPa areas that may go through select committee and lock you and I out. Remember Legasea voted  in agreement for these areas..

"Times up"

Posted By: Pcj
Date Posted: 28 Nov 2024 at 6:46pm
Originally posted by cirrus cirrus wrote:

Originally posted by Pcj Pcj wrote:

I like the but of deny science. Both legaseas and seafood NZ get the science from NIWA.but legaseas seems too have different interpretation of science.

what science do you refer to. more specific please.
John . If legasea is your savior. Why did you join Moggy/Bazza/mowerman/John hieth and my self to try to set up "Fish fight" because at the time Legasea was all talk(still is) not interested in any protest action being NON political?

"Times up"

Posted By: Pcj
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2024 at 7:56pm
And the anti commercial lies continue.

paul carnahan <[email protected]>

Sun, Dec 1, 5:59 AM (3 days ago)
to support
Good Morning Legasea.

Who wrote this beautiful bit of poetry that offers no solution or answers?

Has Scott Macindoe taken a back seat or pushed to one side? Of late no new hard hitting facts or campaigns just rehashed reworded non facts/lies

The article in the subject line refers to Rescue fish policy/petition. Another rehash. This first appeared back inMay 2020 and the call for signatures wanting 50k 4yrs on and still only 20k signed.

The way trawling is made out that they constantly tow over reef systems etc and we know thats not true. In fact tow over set corridors to minimize impact. Majority tow mid water.So no know bottom contact. Fewer than 6 vessels trawling the gulf.
I think its more sustainable fishing having 4/5 trawlers taking on average 10/120 snapper per tow. Compared to longlining which can and they do saturate a area where Mum and Dad fish. From now until end of January longling is concentrated north of Tiri Tiri Matangi to Kawau island back towards Orewa. They lay of 3000 hooks per vessel(Have seen up 4 vessels laying in the area)would do far more damage than any trawler with in the gulf as longlining targets the 27/29cm snapper for export. But of course you would already know those facts.

On the facebook front. Very quick to disengage/ban people but happy to let obvious commercial identities have there say. Yes some of us maybe negative but facts need to be substiated before posting. There have been several incidents of incorrect reports.

The big question for me is why can Legasea Hawkes Bay have such an arrangement with local commercial fishers as to when /where they will fish certain areas. Yet Legasea HQ seems hell bent on playing the blame game.Disengage your selves from working with commercials to achieve common goals.They Legasea is promoting themselves its as though Greenpeace/Forest and Bird/Legasea ae one.

Closing statement. There is a need for recreational Advocacy but needs to be balanced.


Katie Goodwin <[email protected]>

3:48 PM (4 hours ago)
to meLegaSea

Kia ora Paul,


Thanks for the email. You covered a variety of topics so I’ll try my best to address them all.


Firstly, the common theme we keep noticing with your correspondence is the ‘LegaSea is anti-commercial fishing’ rhetoric. Just to make it clear we are not against commercial fishing, we are against the Quota Management System that permits the ongoing depletion of our inshore fisheries. We would love to see a fishery where Kiwis can purchase locally and sustainably harvested kai moana – essentially Rescue Fish in a nut shell. And yes it may feel repetitive, but that’s because the QMS is still in play.


Here’s a few examples of how we are actively engaging with the commercial industry in productive ways to better manage our marine environment;

  1. Through The Kai Ika Project, we have partnered with Moana Fisheries to reduce wastage and distribute previously unwanted fish heads and frames to the South Auckland community.
  2. Nearly every week we are involved in science working groups or advisory groups discussing the future management of our fish stocks alongside the commercial industry.
  3. Behind the scenes, we are currently working on a coromandel scallop fishery plan, that would benefit commercial fishers, the public and the environment.


In regards to selective fishing, responsible long-lining is a great alternative to bottom trawling as it is selective and does not drag weighed nets across the seafloor. Look at Leigh/Lee Fish for example, showing that sustainable methods can be just as/more efficient than bottom trawling. Your concerns regarding this method seem more aligned to the current commercial catch limits rather than the actual method itself.


We have a strong team behind our social posts making sure that we share the best available information. So we would love to hear about the instances where the facts have been wrong so we can clear this up.


Trolling on social media isn’t the best way to engage with us. Paul, you are always welcome to contact us directly so we can engage in meaningful conversations over some great kai.







Ngā mihi,


Katie Goodwin

Failed to answer relative question so we will have another try.

Thank you for correspondence.

The QMS is not broken just needs a few tweeks.We have more snapper in Hauraki Gulf today thanks to Nathan Guy.
Fish is inexpensive in itself until processed same with any meat product how we can over come this I do not know. Yes Skippers can buy a licence to sell wet fish at the wharf but I would say the market would be uneconomical.

Yes the Kai Ika project reducing waste but it is hypercritical accepting frames etc from trawlers.
Legasea constantly blaming commercial in particular trawlers is not helping to work together in a shared fishery. I would guarantee Minister Shane Jones staff read what you post thinks bugger off.
Once again you mention Lee/Leigh fisheries but fail to acknowledge that they have several trawlers on contract supplying the domestic market.  You do realise .once aghasin there are only 5/6 trawlers working the Hauraki Gulf working mid water.No bottom contact.
One may seem to be trolling on Facebook when Legasea do not engage when one requires answers. Continuing bashing trawl methods is seen as anti commercial. You failed to answer my question as to why Legasea Hawkes Bay can build a relationship with commercial yet Auckland doesn't seem to want to engage.

I stopped supporting Legasea a long time ago as it didn’t take me long to realise that this organisation is no different to any other advocacy groups such as Greenpeace, Forest & Bird.  As with these groups who for example, campaign to make dairy farmers out to be villains, Legasea is doing much the same towards the commercial fishing sector. Posts on topics such land run off, climate factors or even the impact recreational play on our fisheries do not feature for discussion and of course the one thing no-one wants to talk about and that’s customary, somehow this is a taboo topic, preferring to focus on the commercial sector.                        While I agree that an organisation like Legasea is warranted on behalf of the recreational community the stance Legasea has taken towards the commercial sector is not helpful in order to have frank and open dialogue, what is it they are afraid of in blocking people who voice their opinion after all isn’t this just what Legasea is doing, voicing recreational opinion.No doubt some would say I’m pro commercial  but that not the case, I just don’t see that this anti commercial campaign will get recreational anywhere. There is this constant us vs them situation going on across all platforms of social media and it not helpful to any sector by where one lot blames the other and vice versa.     



"Times up"

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