First timer ever
Printed From: The Fishing Website
Category: Freshwater Fishing
Forum Name: Freshwater Fission
Forum Description: The place to discuss all matters related to freshwater fishing!
Printed Date: 11 Feb 2025 at 5:19am
Topic: First timer ever
Posted By: cosmo
Subject: First timer ever
Date Posted: 06 Feb 2024 at 6:59pm
fishing today for trout on Lake Okareka now i m hooked so fishing off a boat tried spinners and just ledger rigs for trout, NOTHING.... please advise what i need to do...keen on trolling and just general bottom fishing
------------- i just want to go fishing..........amd ignore all my adult problems
Posted By: Mc Tool
Date Posted: 07 Feb 2024 at 1:23pm
Without knowing the area it a bit hard to say but generally . Find a place that the water is out of the sun , that looks fishy and then start trying different lures , give it 20 mins and if no luck change to a different type of lure .... like if a black/gold toby doesnt work try a veltec or jensen insect spinner. Try 4 or 5 lures and if no luck then find a different spot and start again . I live on the Aparima river and by this process I arrived at a black/gray 7gm jensen insect spinner and that pretty much my "go to " . We are allowed to use baits here and the ole green lipped mussel is king ( followed closely by prawns or salted squid ). Now I know this aint that sporting coz its damn near guaranteed , so its handy if I have made rash promises of a trout dinner to a neibough , or if I just want to know if there are fish there , aint so bad in a river coz I can see them but could be handy on a lake . Soft baits are good too ...... and do add a bit of secret sauce or some other stinky stuff . Go figure 4" nuclear chicken paddle tail works really well which is weird coz when did a trout ever see anything like that ..... or mussels . perseverance
------------- I wish I was young again .... Id be heaps smarter than this time
Posted By: cosmo
Date Posted: 07 Feb 2024 at 5:55pm
cheers will take that advise on board
------------- i just want to go fishing..........amd ignore all my adult problems
Posted By: Pcj
Date Posted: 05 Jun 2024 at 2:21pm
Ok going to have a go Saturday at a Lake Parkinson??Waiuku,got a 24hr licence and aztec black magic spinner,Do I tie the spinner directly to braid or need to have a nylon trace? Using bait runner rod/reel. Just a bit of fun at this stage.
------------- "Times up"
Posted By: Mc Tool
Date Posted: 05 Jun 2024 at 5:22pm
Your really need a short length of either nylon or fluorocarbon, the length of which is a matter of opinion but being as how the FG knot ( arguably the best knot for leader to braid knot ) is a proper bitch to tie I go for 2 rod lengths coz you need at least one and allowing for a few trims I can get a whole season outa one knot . You will also need the right sized swivel too.
I bought the slinky colour of that black magic lure , in 7 and 10g . I know which willow tree the 10g on is in and the 7 is still safe but as yet unchewed . I will have to get my 5hit together coz the neibours kids do the river in a canoe lookin for treed lures . Tell ya what  nothing like having to buy your own lures back of some pack of smug smirkin pint sized racketeers  I was a bit slow as I didnt realise that when I was asked to describe in detail just where "I had abandoned it" ( and his Dads not even a lawyer ) that they were planning a recovery mission followed by a bit of casual extortion . 
------------- I wish I was young again .... Id be heaps smarter than this time
Posted By: Pcj
Date Posted: 05 Jun 2024 at 5:42pm
Ok fg knot braid to trace.why do I need swivel? The spinner swivelsor where does the swivel go.Foreign territory this mud fishing
------------- "Times up"
Posted By: Pcj
Date Posted: 05 Jun 2024 at 7:08pm
Mc Tool wrote:
Your really need a short length of either nylon or fluorocarbon, the length of which is a matter of opinion but being as how the FG knot ( arguably the best knot for leader to braid knot ) is a proper bitch to tie I go for 2 rod lengths coz you need at least one and allowing for a few trims I can get a whole season outa one knot . You will also need the right sized swivel too.
I bought the slinky colour of that black magic lure , in 7 and 10g . I know which willow tree the 10g on is in and the 7 is still safe but as yet unchewed . I will have to get my 5hit together coz the neibours kids do the river in a canoe lookin for treed lures . Tell ya what  nothing like having to buy your own lures back of some pack of smug smirkin pint sized racketeers  I was a bit slow as I didnt realise that when I was asked to describe in detail just where "I had abandoned it" ( and his Dads not even a lawyer ) that they were planning a recovery mission followed by a bit of casual extortion .  | Something like this??
------------- "Times up"
Posted By: Mc Tool
Date Posted: 05 Jun 2024 at 7:47pm
Yep , thats pretty much it , only I use a blood knot instead of the uni's , but thats only because I have been tying it for 55 years , actually looks a lot like an improved clinch knot . The swivel is there because thru normal use ( casting , line dragged off and rewound and winding in ) will put a twist in the line . Most lures come with a swivel but then I have a snap swivel on the leader , so two swivels . I used to think two swivels was one more than a trout needed to see but seeing as how they ignore the hook I dont think it makes a **** of difference ..... just get black ones as fish can have a go at the shiney swivel and bite you off..( specially so in the ocean ). If your interested I use berkley tournament crystal braid 4kg and shimano ocea 6lb flouro . The fluoro only because I liked the container , and the braid coz MD's had it on sale , both have turned out to be most betterness . I found the braid to be noisey thru the guides and you can sorta feel it more than nylon . ALL my reels have some sort of braid/ fluoro combo .
------------- I wish I was young again .... Id be heaps smarter than this time
Posted By: Pcj
Date Posted: 06 Jun 2024 at 12:11am
more than likely we will use our s/b sets and swap out hook for lure,one has green braid the other yellow. See how we go I guess,what else would I be doing on a winter Saturday morning??
Will report back on how things went.
------------- "Times up"
Posted By: Pcj
Date Posted: 08 Jun 2024 at 12:52pm
Arrived Parkinsons Lake around 7.30am,no wind and a bit of mist,tossed the lure thing,aztec blackmagic,around the entire lake perimeter,never saw sign of trout so after 4 hrs abandoned that idea. Dont think trout spinning is for me or son,nepwhew had a fly and he reckons not for him either,have seen a video of fish caught friday morning so they are there,patience is name of the game?? Think we will stick to saltwater fishing,
------------- "Times up"
Posted By: Mc Tool
Date Posted: 08 Jun 2024 at 1:56pm
The crazy thing is that you could go back there in 2 hrs time , or same time tomorrow and the fish will be fighting over the bait . Personally I wouldnt have given one lure 4 hrs , after trying a few fishy looking spots with out even a follow I would have changed lures . I sorta think that rather than ploughing the whole country with one lure to find a place where the fish will eat it I reckon your better off finding out what the #uckers are eating where your at now........and it might be nothing . Ha , other day I put on a 7g veltec spinner ,red and brass , a lure that has been in my box for probly 20 years , no idea where I got it , never ever used it , any how I chucks it in the general direction of the water and bugger me , 1st cast , I must have chucked it right in its open mouth coz it was all go before I even got the chance to ( right hand  ) wind the handle .......a nice wee brown for the walking lady ( nice old lady who walks past my house daily idea who she is )
fishing can be fickle
------------- I wish I was young again .... Id be heaps smarter than this time
Posted By: MB
Date Posted: 08 Jun 2024 at 3:04pm
Trout can be fickle for sure, much more so than saltwater species. That said, trout in rivers are usually more obliging than lake fish. It can be frustrating, but I was just thinking I need to get some trout fishing back in to my life.
Posted By: Pcj
Date Posted: 08 Jun 2024 at 4:47pm
The lake is about 1km round trip and maybe a little over 1m deep,they release 200 rainbow/brown mix annually,nothing flows in apart from rain and farm run off,plenty of weed. 5 of us with different colours.Some old fella turned up and gave pointers.He said its a lake best fished in afternoon late,but he was surprised too see water quality,reckons its not good at the moment and wondered as too have many would of survived the drop..We know where the phesants are now,counted at least 15 pairs,
------------- "Times up"