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Land based Whangaroa

Printed From: The Fishing Website
Category: Saltwater Fishing
Forum Name: The Briny Bar
Forum Description: The place for general chat on saltwater fishing!
Printed Date: 14 Feb 2025 at 8:43am

Topic: Land based Whangaroa
Posted By: Dan_Dan
Subject: Land based Whangaroa
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2024 at 7:23pm
Hi all,

It will be my first time land based up north for four days next weekend. Will be staying in Tauranga Bay so the closer to there the better but keen to fish anywhere in the area.

Any recommendations for fishing off the bricks or surf casting would be much appreciated.

Posted By: Grass
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2024 at 8:50pm
Mahineapua bay is quite good, not the actual beach but there is a walking track around to the other side of the peninsula, anywhere along there with a bit of burley generally tends to turn up a few fish... be careful with tides though you will get stuck at high tide. Basically there is a walking track that goes up and over a hill and back down to sea level, at the sea level part there is a rocky beach on your left go to there and then around the rocks on your right when you face out to sea and you should hopefully catch something... you will need a low tide though.

Posted By: Grass
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2024 at 8:53pm
Either that or surfcasting of the estuary end of tauranga bay could be good, I have heard it's quite good kayak fishing off that point...

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