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The good old days

Printed From: The Fishing Website
Category: Saltwater Fishing
Forum Name: Fishing Reports
Forum Description: Share information about your latest fishing trip
Printed Date: 11 Feb 2025 at 5:01am

Topic: The good old days
Posted By: Alan L
Subject: The good old days
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2023 at 6:13pm

Legasea Legend member

Posted By: lawabidingpoacher
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2023 at 7:15pm
Any idea of the date ?

Posted By: Alan L
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2023 at 7:42pm
It hasn't photoed very well. I will try and press it flat and see if it improves.
I have received a bunch of old Game fishing mags from Tga Big Game Fishing club.
This is a report of a w/end mid winter fishing trip by a couple of members. 1400lb (600+kg) of fish taken home that w/end. 
Snapper kingis, Terries.
Puka up to 40kg.

Legasea Legend member

Posted By: Alan L
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2023 at 7:01am
This might be a bit clearer

Legasea Legend member

Posted By: Fish Addict
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2023 at 3:58pm
Try doing that these days Alan and you would find yourself in all sorts of trouble.  There was a different mentality then.  I fished Mayor Is and Motiti waters from 1973 - 1980 firstly as a weekend punter on a charter boat and later as a weekend deckie on a charter boat.  Fishing was still good then if you knew what you were doing.
The pic below was the boat owned by Ces Jack mentioned in the article.  As you say, 'The Good Old Days'.

Posted By: Alan L
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2023 at 5:23pm
Wow - thats the boat - amazing. It crops up in a few of the mags/stories.
It looks like they had a grand old time.
From memory there were no catch limits then. I was a kid, so not totally up with the play then. But I do remember fishing with my dad in our first boat - a 13 ft sea nymph I think - with something like a 25 HP outboard.
Off Whangamata. We would come home with a sack of fish - snapper and terries.
But basically i think it was take home whatever you manage to pull up.
These guys had to send home for a trailer.
I remember my dad going netting for flounder one night in the Firth of Thames with a mate. I have no idea why we had a washing machine bowl - but I recall it full of flounder.

Legasea Legend member

Posted By: Alan L
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2023 at 6:32pm
Man I get p....ed off when this forum locks you out. Near giving up several times.
Anyway - here is a pic from same mag - same boat FA.
I have a few other mags - but not with me right now. One with a great colour pic of several game boats at SE bay at Mayor - you will prob recognise them.
Anyway - this bad boy must be near as big as Abalone. I wouldn't want it near my boat. I swear I have had one as big on a lure and told the guys - forget it - not coming near the boat.
I have read Zane Grey's books on catching these guys - and the number of boats they smashed up. Leaping over the boat and wiping everything on top out. Or worse - leaping in to the boat. I think Alma G suffered a similar fate at least once.


Legasea Legend member

Posted By: Fish Addict
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2023 at 7:05pm
Just a baby Alan. Wink  Here is a larger specimen, again caught from Ces Jack's Abalone.

There is a photo of said fish in Peter Goadby's book Big Fish and Blue Water but it's taken from a strange angle and doesn't do it justice.

Posted By: Alan L
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2023 at 8:14pm
Those were the days. That was about 3 mths later. It may be in one of the other mags. I will look when I get a chance.
Cane rods. But the Penn Senator seems to be the go-to reel of the day. They feature in near all the pics. They are still going strong. My mate I bottom fish with still uses one - for deep dropping - 300m+. I do have to give him a hand from time to time. When I feel like it :-).
But they are good reels.

Legasea Legend member

Posted By: Marligator
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2023 at 9:49pm
By all accounts that 1000 pound mako was likely much heavier as 1000 pound was all the scales went to, and it is was said that it easily bottomed out the scales.

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Posted By: Fish Addict
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2023 at 10:37pm
Originally posted by Marligator Marligator wrote:

By all accounts that 1000 pound mako was likely much heavier as 1000 pound was all the scales went to, and it is was said that it easily bottomed out the scales.
I read that too Vance.  I wonder why they didn't weigh it in two sections?  Perhaps the IGFA measurement rules don't allow that?

Posted By: Alan L
Date Posted: 12 Dec 2023 at 5:05pm
I tell you what - it would be a brave soul to drag a 1000lb Mako to the boat.
There are so many stories of them charging the boat. I had one encounter that taught me that lesson. The fight was all fine for the first few minutes, then the fish figured out that the bloke on the end of the line pulling on him was the cause of his problems. So it came straight at me to check me out. It was literally eyeballing me from the side of the boat, trying to figure out what to do with me. Luckily it was no where near as big as those guys.
I may well have the Club account of that 1000lber in the other mags I have. I will check in a few days when I get back to them.

Legasea Legend member

Posted By: Fish Addict
Date Posted: 13 Dec 2023 at 1:28am
Alan if your mags go back to Jan 1968 there should be an interesting tale about this near catch.  The image below is from an old Guiness Book of Records I have.

This record has since been bettered.

Posted By: Alan L
Date Posted: 13 Dec 2023 at 7:29am
Yep - that one is in there - haven't read it yet.
Stand by.
I left the others at the beach. At home right now catching up on stuff. Will be back there in a few days.

Legasea Legend member

Posted By: Alan L
Date Posted: 16 Dec 2023 at 7:30pm
Here ya go. 1061lb Mako. Wouldn't want it near my boat.
Abalone - Again.

Legasea Legend member

Posted By: Alan L
Date Posted: 16 Dec 2023 at 7:33pm
32 hr battle. Epic. Haven't read it yet - hard to fathom how they could do it.
Abalone once again.


Legasea Legend member

Posted By: Alan L
Date Posted: 16 Dec 2023 at 7:40pm
Bit of an anti climax - but got 9 good gurnard and 1 very nice snap today. First fishing in NZ water for about 6 mths. Nice day.
Planning a trip 40k out in a few days. Good window.

Legasea Legend member

Posted By: Fish Addict
Date Posted: 16 Dec 2023 at 8:21pm
Tks for the mako pic and the article Alan.  I can't imagine the pain of 32hrs+ in the chair.

Posted By: Uncle
Date Posted: 16 Dec 2023 at 8:29pm
Don Heatley was my next door neighbour when I lived in Taupo.
One night, when he was pretty well stoked up on the brown stuff, his partner, Leslie, put it to him to tell me just what did happen.
& he did..
Don was a lawyer, a guy who sat on his butt most of the day & he just physically wasn't up to that epic battle..
In the end, he cut the line, just couldn't endure any more. 
& that was from the horse'smouth.

Posted By: Alan L
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2023 at 6:20am
There would be plenty of anglers  after much less than 32 hrs would contemplate cutting the line Uncle. I still rate that as epic. There is a pic of him - will post it.

Legasea Legend member

Posted By: Alan L
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2023 at 6:24am
Bring back memories Uncle?
Penn certainly had a monopoly on game reels back then.

Legasea Legend member

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