What the heck was it?
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Category: Saltwater Fishing
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Printed Date: 17 Feb 2025 at 1:44pm
Topic: What the heck was it?
Posted By: The Tamure Kid
Subject: What the heck was it?
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2022 at 8:47pm
Okay folks, keen to get your thoughts on a possible culprit for a bust-off I had I while softbaiting last Sunday near Kawau.
I'd had a rubbish trip with minimal success - and was just about to call it. I had on a Gulp Squid Vicious and was getting frustrating small taps as I let the bait hang on the drag out of desperation.
But all of a sudden, the rod buckled over and I was connected to something big that went... and went...and went. It would do one or two powerful head shakes, then off again.
As this carried on, my initial excitement that I'd fluked a massive snapper started to morph into excitement that maybe I'd been blessed with a kingie.
I had lost so much line that I decided to motor towards the fish to get some back and that worked well. To my eyes, the line appeared to be angling up towards that surface, rather than down deep (I was in about 20m), as the pattern of big shakes and then another powerful run continued. I just couldn't get over the fish.
After a few minutes of this, the line suddenly went slack. I wound in to find the last few centimetres of 30lb fluoro leader shredded. The end wasn't a sharp cut.
My gut feeling is that i didn't get reefed.
I am thinking the fight and the state of the leader end points to a shark - but I haven't heard of bronzewhalers taking softbaits, so maybe either a small snapper got hooked and then got nailed by a bronzie, or a passing shark got foul hooked?
Or maybe a thresher, as I know they sometimes take softbaits?
Please don't tell me 30lb snap!!
Posted By: MB
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2022 at 10:05pm
I would say mako!
Had a similar incident a little while back. Fishing a reef in 50 metres with an inchiku. No action, retrieving back fast to move spot and boom! Fastest run I have ever seen. Had fun for a minute, then gone. Both Kaveman jigging hooks broken or bitten through. Those hooks are brilliant and I have complete faith in them, so something toothy I'm guessing.
Mako do take softies and jigs.
Posted By: The Tamure Kid
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2022 at 10:25pm
MB wrote:
I would say mako!
Had a similar incident a little while back. Fishing a reef in 50 metres with an inchiku. No action, retrieving back fast to move spot and boom! Fastest run I have ever seen. Had fun for a minute, then gone. Both Kaveman jigging hooks broken or bitten through. Those hooks are brilliant and I have complete faith in them, so something toothy I'm guessing.
Mako do take softies and jigs.
That's a very cool photo, and really interesting, mate. Sounds very plausible.
I've only ever hooked a mako on a charter when targeting work-ups (I was on my first charter and had been handed a ledger rig with bait). All of a sudden a mako leapt out of the water near the boat and i thought 'wow, check that out'. Then I realised there was no weight on my line. Turns out the mako had taken my bait on the drop down deep and jumped before I even realised. Cut the line soon after.
Posted By: GregS
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2022 at 10:25pm
Hey TTK I have had two bronzies caught on softbaits, the first one my sister hooked in under 10m at Motiti Island, half an hour later and a km away we got it by the boat, only about 4 ft and hook in the nose. I'm convinced he lunged at the softy and ended up hooked. Second one was at Schooner rocks in 40m which was about 5 ft. The gear was 30lb and and got it beside boat, my mate grab its tail and it got angry and busted off. It seems if you are gentle and smooth bringing them in they come with you, with softbait gear you have to take it easy anyway. Once again it wasnt accidental the shark lunged at the softbait but was hooked in corner of mouth so didnt cut the line. These kind of experiences are one of the cool things about fishing
Posted By: smudge
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2022 at 4:32am
A thresher would be my pick, but have seen a few mako take jigs and softbaits and they will around by now.
------------- Best gurnard fisherman in my street
Posted By: Alan L
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2022 at 6:38am
Would have thought a mako would jump. They usually do when realising hooked. Alan
------------- Legasea Legend member
Posted By: shaneg
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2022 at 7:55am
Thresher most likely especially small taps at start. Probably knocking your bait with it tail. Had similar action/ takes with mackerel livebaits.
Posted By: Jaapie
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2022 at 8:25am
30 lb snapper?
------------- "Only when the last tree has died, the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught,will we realize that we cannot eat money" - 19th Century Indian Creed
Posted By: Sufishent
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2022 at 9:41am
Jaapie wrote:
30 lb snapper?
That would be 10/10 for cruelty :)
Lester - have hooked one shark in that area on a softbait and and another on an SPJ - both times little Blue sharks - but neither gave the fight you experienced. Bad luck !
------------- You can never have enough fishing tackle
Posted By: Bounty Hunter
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2022 at 11:00am
30lb snapper that was then eaten by a bronzie?
------------- No disintegrations!
Posted By: The Tamure Kid
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2022 at 12:47pm
Sufishent wrote:
Jaapie wrote:
30 lb snapper?
That would be 10/10 for cruelty :)
Lester - have hooked one shark in that area on a softbait and and another on an SPJ - both times little Blue sharks - but neither gave the fight you experienced. Bad luck ! |
Thanks Steven, I'm 99% sure it wasn't a snapper. If I'd lost it after the first couple of runs, i'd have really wondered! But the bigger snapper i've hooked to date have run shorter distances in subsequent runs as the fight went on, not as far or further, like this fish did.
The more it went on, the more it felt like one of the sharks I've hooked on livies or other bait - bronzies, and hammerheads. I have hooked moderate kingies on softbait before and the speed of their first couple of runs is incredible, whereas this one was slower but just seemed to have no limit to its energy.
all up, the worst trip i've had to that eastern side of Kawau in terms of the lack of snapper. Maybe a couple of weeks too late.
Posted By: The Tamure Kid
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2022 at 12:49pm
Greg, Shane, Alan and others, thanks for the feedback.
Interesting how many people have caught sharks on small lures. As someone said, that's one of the things that makes fishing so fascinating.
Posted By: Sufishent
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2022 at 1:43pm
The Tamure Kid wrote:
all up, the worst trip i've had to that eastern side of Kawau in terms of the lack of snapper. Maybe a couple of weeks too late.
Work commitments and bad weather have kept me away from the Motuora Island area this year and I've only been out twice since September - and both times were poor in comparison to prior years. Quite frustrating as Oct/Nov are my favourite times of the year.
------------- You can never have enough fishing tackle
Posted By: smudge
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2022 at 3:04pm
I once fished with a guy who was determined to only use lures off the west coast. We were in about 10m of water. Arron and I used baits catching pannie snapper, gurnard and kahawai, while he caught just about every species of shark going. Man it was funny. From memory he got a tope or two, a small bronzie, a carpet shark and a spiny dog. The only sharks I've caught on lures and softies have been makos but I've seen threshers and blues take them too
------------- Best gurnard fisherman in my street
Posted By: Alan L
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2022 at 4:17pm
I have caught sharks on flies and poppers, as well as the usual. Alan
------------- Legasea Legend member
Posted By: Kandrew
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2022 at 7:03pm
I’ve lost a few micro jigs to sharks
Posted By: krow
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2022 at 7:20pm
Hammer head? We've had them take softbaits.
Posted By: Titahi
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2022 at 8:45pm
I have a extremely high level of confidence it had Gills. Anything else would just be speculative 😂
------------- "I love standing by the ocean and just knowing what its for"
Posted By: smudge
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2022 at 9:33am
krow wrote:
Hammer head? We've had them take softbaits. |
Yeah I've caught a lot of small hammers, they tend to stay up near the top and are rather speedy. I imagine they wold take softbaits and lures reasonably often but I don't recall catching them on either.
------------- Best gurnard fisherman in my street
Posted By: MB
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2022 at 3:49pm
Titahi wrote:
I have a extremely high level of confidence it had Gills. Anything else would just be speculative 😂 |
You're right, but speculation is half the fun. Nothing gets anglers going more than the one that got away 
Posted By: SaltyC
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2022 at 4:51pm
Under water goat with snorkels and flippers?
Buffalo with an aqualung?
Posted By: SaltyC
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2022 at 5:01pm
Posted By: riga
Date Posted: 12 Dec 2022 at 11:25am
Sufishent wrote:
The Tamure Kid wrote:
all up, the worst trip i've had to that eastern side of Kawau in terms of the lack of snapper. Maybe a couple of weeks too late.
Work commitments and bad weather have kept me away from the Motuora Island area this year and I've only been out twice since September - and both times were poor in comparison to prior years. Quite frustrating as Oct/Nov are my favourite times of the year. |
Like you guys I have found the fishing really slow / bad in comparison to other years in the 30 to 35m Motuora area this season. Seemed to be bait present but just not the snapper on the chew. Out wider has been much better in comparison.
Posted By: MB
Date Posted: 12 Dec 2022 at 12:51pm
Up here in the Whangarei area, my usual reliable spots haven't been firing at all, nothing, completely dead. Others have reported the same. Finally found the fish a significant distance offshore where it was catch to order. That said, people have been doing well in the harbour, so the fish seem to be in the harbour or offshore with not much in between. Can't remember this pattern occurring previously.
Posted By: Telecaster
Date Posted: 12 Dec 2022 at 4:36pm
I got a hammerhead on a zman softy a month or so ago, hooked in the mouth. Good scrap on the 10lb gear!
Posted By: krow
Date Posted: 12 Dec 2022 at 8:39pm
MB wrote:
Up here in the Whangarei area, my usual reliable spots haven't been firing at all, nothing, completely dead. Others have reported the same. Finally found the fish a significant distance offshore where it was catch to order. That said, people have been doing well in the harbour, so the fish seem to be in the harbour or offshore with not much in between. Can't remember this pattern occurring previously. | Same for me. I suspect it could be something to do with the month long (+) presence of the long lines running across bream bay.
Posted By: MB
Date Posted: 13 Dec 2022 at 7:42am
I had noticed the long liners on my last few trips, close to shore sometimes.
Posted By: krow
Date Posted: 13 Dec 2022 at 8:38pm
There has been a few torpedoes hooked up and not good outcomes too from what I've heard.