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Chilly bin recommendation?

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Topic: Chilly bin recommendation?
Posted By: Fishlass
Subject: Chilly bin recommendation?
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2022 at 2:10am
My husbands birthday is coming up.
He does a lot of land base fishing and jumps on a charter a few times a year.

He’s never purchased a chilly bin. Always used a second hand one he somehow found at his parents place. Really old school looking thing.
I’ve zoned out many times when he talks about fishing but I somehow remembered that he mentioned something about a chilly bin.

So , any recommendations on a good quality, durable, great for fishing & doesn’t cost an arm and a leg?

I’ve booked a trip for his bday to Whakatane where we will be jumping on a charter boat. So something that doesn’t take up a lot of space on a charter but at the same time, able to store a descent amount of fish .

I’ve googled and there are alot so I’m not sure if a warehouse type will suffice or a different brand like from those fishing stores

Appreciate any recommendations! Thanks

Posted By: smudge
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2022 at 5:19am
The size of the chilly bin will be the important thing to him I'm guessing, most of the bins sold by Burnsco, Smart Marine, H&F etc are all pretty good. Icey-Tec's are pretty much everyone's favourite but personally I think they are over rated but they certainly do the job well if you're prepared to pay for them.  For me a 70 litre is a reasonable compromise for size but not if he has to lug the thing around to all sorts of places. What size bin does he take when he borrows one?

Best gurnard fisherman in my street

Posted By: Fishlass
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2022 at 8:47am

The bin he’s found and kept from his folks is a 30L .

Thank you! I will check those places out!

Posted By: Sufishent
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2022 at 9:45am
I've had one of these for the last 16 years and still going strong (it too was a birthday pressie):" rel="nofollow -

Works well for me for a days fishing - and overnight fish storage with ice has been perfect. I really appreciate that it has wheels when it is either heavy or a long distance to walk.

You can never have enough fishing tackle

Posted By: Keith C
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2022 at 10:03am
As Smudge said, size is probably the main factor, as there are numerous reputable brands. Another careful consideration regarding the size is the vehicle he normally uses for his fishing trips. If he uses the family car, the size is a real consideration for being able to get it in the boot.

Posted By: Fishlass
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2022 at 10:20am
Thanks everyone.
I was considering one with wheels cause it might be more convenient then carrying it but I’m not sure if that really matters as I’ve seen alot online that don’t have wheels.

He uses a 4WD for fishing so plenty of boot space.

Appreciate all the help!

Posted By: jac
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2022 at 11:08am
95L UVX Xtreme Marine Cooler by Coleman

Not as bulky and heavy as icey tek and keeps ice longer in my experience.
I have both.

Will fit plenty of snapper and a decent Kingie if you head and tail it

Posted By: wayno
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2022 at 2:02pm
For a reasonable size and function I can recommend the Ridge Rider from Supercheap Auto.

Does a good job keeping ice frozen and not too bulky.
The only downside to mine is one of the plastic handles cracked, but I removed both and fitted rope through electrical conduit bends to make new handles, does the trick well

Edit: 2nd photo added to show handles, and the ice in bin has been there since 7am yesterday.

-------------" rel="nofollow">
To be old and wise you must first be young and stupid.

Posted By: RockCrashing
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2022 at 2:17pm
For this purpose i would recommend something small, up to 50l+ max
If its a one day charter's the skipper most likely will ask you to leave it behind in the vehicle.
Most charter capt will say "we have adequate ice box and you don't need this on the boat, its cramped as it is"
If its small, nice looking ice box with lots of beer stickers on it the capt will look another way LOL
Seriously, 50l+
Smart Marine 
Marine Deals.
Personally i don't like any metal components in ice box.  
Btw. i just seen it in Marine Deals very nice, but very small 33l new colour Dometic  

or maybe Mango colour ? Wink

Posted By: Fish Addict
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2022 at 2:53pm
The above Dometic coolers look smart however if the primary purpose is to hold fish my preference would be a cooler that is longer with less height. This allows the fish to lie flat rather the curled up against the sides. 

Posted By: Crochet Cast
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2022 at 11:00pm
I highly recommend the Gasmate ones" rel="nofollow - Gasmate 56 L

They tie dow nicely and can still open the lid. Mine is 8 years old and still going strong

Posted By: Steps
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2022 at 6:02pm
End of the day hubby will know how big, what dimensions, and just how long will need to keep things chilled.. a day or a week..
I suggest that you throw him in the car and go thru smart marine burnscos on a gear buy.. then take him over to the bins and say " now choose exactly what you want for your birthday"

And I would not be surprised if it is not what you think he would like.

Then if a bit of the 'budget ' left over  " now choose a nice little chilly bin to put gear, bait  etc in"

Posted By: RockCrashing
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2022 at 6:26pm
and if you buy him a big ice box, next year you need to buy him a boat to accommodate the big esky Wink

Posted By: Steps
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2022 at 8:34am
and if you buy him a big ice box, next year you need to buy him a boat to accommodate the big esky

Down side to that is could be limited what boat.Wink
My post above was made on the basis I wanted a much bigger bin for West coast..At the same time so will fit in the cabin floor length ways but still enable getting to side cupboard where spare jumper battery, emergency block life jackets etc are held.
 It was a matter of going thru external sizes of different brands, rather than preference of best brand.
Ended up with a Grand Pacific.
Not a top of line
 In saying that we go on road trips, no route plan. Bin gets used for the frozen foods one end, cheese milk other. A as many plastic ice blocks packed in between. After about 3 days , then have room to throw in a bag ice.  Maybe not the longest, most efficient, but right size and works

Posted By: LBM
Date Posted: 13 Mar 2024 at 2:49am
Hi all, I’m jsut adding to this subject regards to the best chilli bin. Any recommendations on a chilli bin with conpartments and wheels? I want one I can put bait, store fish and my lunch without getting mixed lol lmk!

Posted By: MB
Date Posted: 13 Mar 2024 at 7:53am
I think most people would agree that Icey-Tek and Dometic are the better end of the market. Both have split compartment options, but not wheels as far as I know. Wheels on chilly bins can be a pain in the arse if travelling any distance. I'd consider a separate cart for activities like surfcasting.  

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