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Logging in ..Again

Printed From: The Fishing Website
Category: General Forums
Forum Name: Forum comments and feedback
Forum Description: Anything related to posting or running of the forum, check here
Printed Date: 16 Feb 2025 at 6:50pm

Topic: Logging in ..Again
Posted By: Steps
Subject: Logging in ..Again
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2021 at 11:02am
In the last couple days had to go thru the log in process 2x..
I think it happens when some changes are made by Admins (??)
Any way this morning go to post.. "not logged in" page.

 Do the usual.. login with name... hit log in button.
 then hit the browser  back button.. till get to the posting page.. and post.
 (dont take any notice of the messages and pages to get back to the post page..)

This time not logged in ... ?????

So back to log in page... try my email to log in.. name has always worked in the yrs past...
 Im logged in with same PW as my user name.. strange?

Anyway  hit the browser back button and make my post..

We are getting the odd comment in posts along the lines of
" glad to be back, admin helped me log in.. havnt been able for quite a while"

It was not long ago each day there where 2 to 3 pages of "new posts" in a 24 hr period. We are now constantly down to less than 1 page, or 1/2 page

Our gear for sale has become pretty much obsolete now..
actual fishing reports, becoming few and far between
Actual fishing subject posts few and far between.

 Covid, political, social issues, and warning labels on peanut butter jars it has peanuts in are now most common and the norm.

 Im not say these should not be here.. Im saying there is a huge lack of fishing threads/ posts due to a drop off in new members and members not being able to log in without a BS mission to do so.
If I was to wind down a forum.. and yep I have done so with few yrs back... by intentionally restricting new members and ability to post. I did so because the same old questions, same small group members getting sick of repeating the same things over and over for those to damn lazy to use the "quick search" function on the left.
 Since I own and are the Admin of the server hardware, and the domain names, and the web sites and mail servers etc.. I have access to areas od data normal site only admins cant get to. With this I can see the want a bes,(ask the same old) and the wanta bees who are serious enough to actually dig in and search for what they want..
And very happy with the balance over the last few yrs

Is this where is going intentionally or otherwise?

Sort the bloody log in and new member issues  because it is already well down this slope .. 2 to 3 pages new post /24hrs  to now consistently 1/2 page if that.

 Edit: PS I think something has also happened changed to the RSS feeds a while back because the feed to my browser news page stops a while back and havnt been able to get it to work again.

Posted By: Steps
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2021 at 11:22am
Add on top of the above, when go into memberspanel/ file manager.
Use the function to delete old obsolete, non informational and duplicated files.. one selects, previews, hit delete, "are you sure message"  "yes"  
And the pic is still in the list..
 Why even do we have the permission to see appear to do so, yet the permission to actually do it has not been given?

All I want to do is delete the crap keep informational (like engine cavitation plate height pics) so dont have to go down sort thru pages of duplicate and unimportant pics to find and re post when needed.
 And to load up in info pics without the list getting cumbersome... slow to load etc.

Posted By: wayno
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2021 at 12:32pm
I am still unable to log in via laptop, and only very occasionally on my phone.
Have cleared cookies, used the link on the forum page, and rebooted the laptop numerous times with no change
Actually very surprised I was able to get in on the phone just now.
Something very wrong happening as I was once permanently logged in.

-------------" rel="nofollow">
To be old and wise you must first be young and stupid.

Posted By: Steps
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2021 at 12:50pm
I have never had to clear cookies  re set or anything...
 But like you.
 The above works for me on
2 X XP computers running Firefox and Chrome old versions as new are not compatible with XP.. only havnt tried opera and others.
4 lap tops.. io to windows 10  .. and old L top win 7
All my Android phones in last 5 yrs.. Hauwai Samsung oppo and a io.
 All our pads, levento, samsung, huawai.
 All from android 4 and up versions chrome and Firefox.

Its just the confusing when log in looks like not logged in and go in circles thru irreverent pages.

Posted By: jac
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2021 at 12:50pm
Having similar issues for some time. Pain in the @ss

Posted By: Transformations
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2021 at 1:03pm
Was having all those same issues and followed some previous advice (smudge I think) and cleared cookies AND logged in via incognito tab a few times. Now even though it doesnt keep me logged in, I can log in at will without problems, thats with desktop/tablet and phone....give it a try might work for you🤔

We don't know what we don't need till we've got it

Posted By: Transformations
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2021 at 1:09pm
Steps, one thing I found works better is to NOT use the browser back button. I use the home or forums buttons to nanvigete after logging in.....again, give it a try and see if it works for youđź‘Ť

We don't know what we don't need till we've got it

Posted By: Transformations
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2021 at 4:04pm
There you go, jinxed myself. Just had probs again so went in through the incognito least it works

We don't know what we don't need till we've got it

Posted By: White snake
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2021 at 5:41pm
I enjoy the forum but usually just read it now as too much if a pain to have to log in all the time to post

Posted By: Pcj
Date Posted: 17 Jul 2021 at 8:01pm
Clear history,Go to Fnet and scroll down to clear cookies,sign and then bottom of update form tick I am not a robot boz,seems to working fine if I follow my steps once a fortnight.

Posted By: Steps
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2021 at 10:23am
Steps, one thing I found works better is to NOT use the browser back button. I use the home or forums buttons to nanvigete after logging in.....again, give it a try and see if it works for youđź‘Ť

Yep used to do that... sometimes got caught up in going in circles thu..
Dont know if still works.
Since I started on the "reply.. you are not logged in" page
 I thought "I wonder if just tap the back button a few times , not scrolling back up to the home /forums button...then have to go find the thread was going to post in.

Clear history,Go to Fnet and scroll down to clear cookies,sign and then bottom of update form tick I am not a robot boz,seems to working fine if I follow my steps once a fortnight.

 I use my history quite often for lots stuff.. if clear thats gone.
 Clear cookies and there goes my auto log in on everything else I do.. rem pws login names emails..

In this day and age.. hell even in the early days of internet and coding didnt have this BS.. nore have it on another web site..
So not deleting, not re setting, using incognito windows bs anything the above has worked without fail since day one a few yrs back now.

Posted By: Pcj
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2021 at 10:33am
I use my history quite often for lots stuff.. if clear thats gone.

Book mark the ones you want.

Posted By: Sufishent
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2021 at 12:40pm

You can never have enough fishing tackle

Posted By: Sufishent
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2021 at 12:41pm
Originally posted by White snake White snake wrote:

I enjoy the forum but usually just read it now as too much if a pain to have to log in all the time to post


(yes, before anyone comments, I know I had to log in to reply - but previously I remained logged in, now I have to log in each time I want to post)

You can never have enough fishing tackle

Posted By: smudge
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2021 at 3:08pm
There is new software coming. I'm guessing the problems are due to the new security features that keep getting added to our devices

Best gurnard fisherman in my street

Posted By: Grunta
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2021 at 4:23pm
We are very close to deploying a complete re-design and a full upgrade of servers, software and functionality. Totally appreciate the frustrations of having to log-in if your visits to the site are infrequent and Ginge and Drew are looking at ways of extending that.

I've fixed numerous accounts where there've been log-in issues and to be fair, they're not all site related. Old email addresses that are no longer valid have been made inactive hasn't helped but all you need to do is let me know and just mailto:[email protected]?subject=Site%20Log-in%20Issues..." rel="nofollow - intentionally restrict new members and ability to post" as you put it, but I totally understand we need to make it easier and we need to get on with it.

Posted By: Kandrew
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2021 at 5:55pm
Thanks grant you fixed my login and now no problems I just login go back through the menu and job done.

Posted By: smudge
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2021 at 6:52pm

Best gurnard fisherman in my street

Posted By: White snake
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2021 at 8:15pm
Thanks for update grunta.look forward to the updates.when you mention in frequent visits.i visit this site atleast once a day and still have to Log in before posting.

Posted By: Steps
Date Posted: 19 Jul 2021 at 9:42am
So no Keith, we don't want to "intentionally restrict new members and ability to post" as you put it, but I totally understand we need to make it easier and we need to get on with it.

 Im not suggesting its intentional at all.
 We have great ppl here..
Daily posts in threads have gone from 2 to 3 pages to 1/2.
 New members way down
Old members not coming back.
 Yes change emails etc is a small issue of all forum sites. So small that under normal conditions are not significant.

End of the day this has gone on for yrs now...
Its the only site of many that have encounter since start internet and old BBS day.
 It is not because of servers or security updates  but because of a coding error long time ago and not keeping full backups local(like the DHBWink)

Be it intentional or not.. the effect is the same...

It has been broken for yrs, never fixed, and are now here.. where should never have been.

Posted By: Pcj
Date Posted: 19 Jul 2021 at 12:47pm
Originally posted by Steps Steps wrote:

So no Keith, we don't want to "intentionally restrict new members and ability to post" as you put it, but I totally understand we need to make it easier and we need to get on with it.

 Im not suggesting its intentional at all.
 We have great ppl here..
Daily posts in threads have gone from 2 to 3 pages to 1/2.
 New members way down
Old members not coming back.
 Yes change emails etc is a small issue of all forum sites. So small that under normal conditions are not significant.

End of the day this has gone on for yrs now...
Its the only site of many that have encounter since start internet and old BBS day.
 It is not because of servers or security updates  but because of a coding error long time ago and not keeping full backups local(like the DHBWink)

Be it intentional or not.. the effect is the same...

It has been broken for yrs, never fixed, and are now here.. where should never have been.
How about you invest the $$ and time that Grunta and team have put in for little return.

Posted By: Steps
Date Posted: 19 Jul 2021 at 3:03pm
Well if you read back in this thread you will find I have.. and not without ANY adverts or return.. ALL at my on cost that goes back to around 2002...
Which includes not just the cost and time of creation, maintenance of the web sites.. (includes several the non profit sites including the NZ jowett car club and mail/ftp servers) but the cost of the purchase and building of the actual server hardware and software thats sitting next to my right leg at this very second.

Difference beng, This site has ads and a certain amount of advertising income to cover those costs.. I dont.

Posted By: Catchelot
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2021 at 5:23pm
This is very good news for the longevity of this website and forum, however, I think too many horses have bolted with all the small changes and upgrades. We have lost a lot of good people that have great knowledge to share and some with great humour plus experience in many fields of fishing and boating.

Some of those were paying contributors I believe, as they marketed some of their wares on this forum. And some have been members for over ten years.

Some of us tried in angst to get good folk to come back, I did big time, but sadly most of those folk could not login, sort passwords and simply gave up with the frustrations, and went to Facebook.

Whatever way Fishnet evolves to in terms of hardware & software updates, website changes, file permissions, simplicity of photo and weblink uploads, from PC/Laptop, Tablet, Cellphone, Android, Apple, etc are made, it must be made simple, going forward, otherwise the audience will continue to diminish and fade away like it is now.

On a different note to membership, I queried a Mod over a topic that had zero relevance to fishing and aquatics. Which eventually turned into rascism with supposed, hate speech. And clearly against Fishnet rules and doctrine.

My reply was, we are losing too many members so we tend to let things go to keep a discussion going...
On that note, it appears these days the only way to get an audence or gain traction and interest is to post it in the Briny Bar and move it into a topic column later if it gains popularity.

"The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever." - Jacques Cousteau

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