Chinese Gospel Boats.
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Category: General Forums
Forum Name: The Boat Shed
Forum Description: Discuss all things boating.
Printed Date: 14 Jan 2025 at 10:29pm
Topic: Chinese Gospel Boats.
Posted By: Schampy
Subject: Chinese Gospel Boats.
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2019 at 8:27pm
A mate of mine is importing a Stabi replica from china. Pretty good deal, Its a 2100 landed here on a trailer for about 35k. From here its fit engine and electronics. Everything else is done, Full paint, upholstery, winch etc. Its constructed from 5083 alloy, 5 mm hull, exact spec as an nz built boat but half the cost. Im not sure if hes a totally nuts or a bloody genius. Whats your guys thoughts on this? I have noticed quite a few Chinese boats are popping up on tm lately. Is this the start of things to come? I know the weld quality wont be as good as NZ built machines and re-sale wont be there either. But the cost of 6m plus boats now days is getting frankly stupid. I can totally understand why hes gone ahead and taken the plunge. Im sure Stabi wont be doing backflips out there boats being copied either. The cost of material and the labour rate must only be a fraction of what we are paying on our shores. Apart from logo stickers you cant tell em apart. what are your guys thoughts on this? Im sure there will be plenty of calls of "chinese rubbish" etc etc. But remember, this is simply a hull built out of the same alloy as we use here. Its not like a Great Wall car that is built out of thousands of inferior parts. Interested to hear your guys thoughts. cheers.
Posted By: Keithal
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2019 at 8:36pm
Itll come down to how well the hull is prepped gusseted braced and all over engineered
Not sure how much I'd be trusting it to go 25miles offshore
It could be a bloody good boat but 35k is alot of $$ too when an nz built boat isn't that much more for a similar size alloy hull and trailer package like an f21 frewza
Posted By: Fish Addict
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2019 at 8:54pm
Good luck. The following passage comes to mind.
The Lowest Quote “It’s unwise to pay too much, but it is worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money – that is all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do. The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot – it can't be done. If you deal with the lowest quote, it is well to add something for the risk you run. And if you do that, you will have enough to pay for something better.” John Ruskin (1819 – 1900).
Posted By: OuttaHere
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2019 at 9:52am
I hope it gets seized and crushed into frying pans at the border.
It's one thing to do a chinese boat "inspired" by designs they have borrowed, bit of a mish-mash of other brands, even some fairly obvious design elements.
Quite another thing altogether to make an exact copy and then sell it into the same market where the bloody thing was created.
Completely aside from the ethics of it, I would have serious reservations about the materials. Look at all the wonky steel that went into those bridges in the Waikato. I dare say if you went to the chinese factory and said "I want it to be 5083 Alloy" (or whatever) they would go sure, sure, we'll write whatever you want on it. I mean, at the end of the day, how on earth can you trust a company that would do as blatant a rip-off as these boats are to do anything at all ethically? If they have no problem arse-****ing an entire company, do you think they'll hesitate for a moment to shaft an individual as well?
Posted By: Steps
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2019 at 10:06am
Im very much of the thought of Roz above. The thing is is it a illegal copy for one? 2 I would be certainly questioning the quality of the alloy, bracing under decks that cant see, and the welding under the surface? 2. The thickness of the plate?
Get the thickness and alloy grade wrong and you basically have a disposable alloy boat like all those built and no longer exist from couple decades ago.
Then assuming all thats ok Is there going to be a copy write issue down the line?
There are a lot of quality products coming out of china, made under license, and tight QC by the main company. (which is different situation /setup to the steel falsification of stds reports mentioned above) Is this the case here?
Posted By: Spear-time
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2019 at 3:20pm
I am interested in how it pans out, Ive seen another gospel boat up close and the bird **** welds didn't inspire confidence. Hate to see the welds that are hidden. Id also be wary of the 5083 grade alloy, I think there are different quality materials around as mentioned above. Cost wise once painted etc does come in a fair bit cheaper than NZ prices, maybe this will give companies in NZ a very good reason to keep quality up and continue improving their product so they stay ahead of the game. Has to be good for the consumer i would think.
------------- life begins where land ends
Posted By: OuttaHere
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2019 at 4:02pm
The doozy is when, 3 years down the track once they've discovered the boat is a dog, some unscrupulous owner gets their signwriter mate to knock up a set of Stabicraft graphics and slaps them on the side of the boat before they sell it. They are, to a non-experts visual inspection, damn near identical boats.
It's no different to someone bringing in fake "Calloway" golf clubs or "luois vuitton" handbags, except that a fake **** boat might just kill someone one day. And just like happens to the fake consumer goods, they should be seized and destroyed by Customs for complete and utter intellectual property infringement.
China can do fake/copied stuff cheap because they don't have to allow for R&D (completely aside from the fact they're paying an unqualified "welder" $4 a day and the aluminium is definitely maybe possibly something resembling what they tell you it is). But this means they don't cultivate any R&D capability. So when they drive the creators of the original IP out of business by undercutting them, nobody is innovating, you just get stuck with the chinese version. This is categorically not good for the consumer.
If Stabicraft for some crazy reason decided to move manufacturing to China, that's a different kettle of fish. They would have quality control, and the whole R&D innovation thing wouldn't stop.
Posted By: pompey
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2019 at 4:46pm
Recently I purchased a 6m Alloy pontoon boat brand new. Not a Stabi but a brand with decent market share. The owner of that company told me that 35% of the hull price was materials, the rest was labour, overheads and off course some profit. Not all the boat is 5083, only the hull. The rest is marine grade alloy, there is a big difference. Most boats are constructed like this I,m told. Even with my new boat there were a number of details that required remedial work sfter I took possession. They maker had no issue attending to these and doing a couple of extras. This would not happen from the Chinese builder. I would take with a grain of salt any spec's provided on the Gospel.
Posted By: sposman
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2019 at 8:48pm
I agree with Keithal, a Frewza F21 is $35k, they are high quality boats, awesome people to deal with, they stand by their boats
Posted By: Big -Dave
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2019 at 8:20am
I can see this from both sides. I don't know how much the price difference is between the boats, the genuine and the copy.. But for some it is the only way they can afford to get out on the water.
I don't like buying big ticket items sight unseen, and I don't like seeing large dollops of cash disappearing out of the country. We are screwing or economy up.
I don't like that the comes see fit to barely ignore copyright laws, and do as they do. I could almost guarantee though, that there was a new Zealand person who instigated this move thinking here is a way I can make a few dollars. If so, he is a traitor..
While I believe in the freedom to make a product and sell it for a price of your choosing, if the NZ boat industry is pricing boats to high, they are making it attractive for imported copies.
------------- you can't fix an idiot with duct tape, but it does muffle them for a while...
Posted By: Steps
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2019 at 9:53am
if the NZ boat industry is pricing boats to high, they are making it attractive for imported copies.
I dont think they are.. The competition is very feice.. just got to look at how low many put the powering options on most brands these days...well below min power ... just to put more hulls on the water on smaller budgets. The 'show deals.. which are usually pre and post deals and if done homework can usually get all yr round..
And if it wasnt for exports a lot of shops could be closing down...
Posted By: pompey
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2019 at 10:19am
Steps wrote:
if the NZ boat industry is pricing boats to high, they are making it attractive for imported copies.
I dont think they are.. The competition is very feice.. just got to look at how low many put the powering options on most brands these days...well below min power ... just to put more hulls on the water on smaller budgets. The 'show deals.. which are usually pre and post deals and if done homework can usually get all yr round..
And if it wasnt for exports a lot of shops could be closing down...
NZ export quite a few alloy boats. I just read that Profile are going to have their boats manufactured in USA next year. Same quality, must see a decent gap in the US market to set up manufacturing rather than export from here. Obviously can't keep up with demand. I have been told that getting experienced fabricators is very difficult.
Posted By: OuttaHere
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2019 at 11:24am
Big -Dave wrote:
I can see this from both sides. I don't know how much the price difference is between the boats, the genuine and the copy.. But for some it is the only way they can afford to get out on the water.
The difference, by the time you land it here and put an outboard on, isn't really that much maybe $80k vs $110k for the genuine article.
And I don't buy the "its the only way they can afford to get out". If you're in a position to drop $80k on a boat I would be very surprised if you're hard up for cash.
Posted By: Schampy
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2019 at 8:51pm
Will be interesting to see this thing in the flesh when it arrives in in NZ early jan. I will put some pics up of it fitted up and out on the water, and yes will show lots of close ups of pidgin **** welds for you lot to get worked up over. Trust me Im patriotic as they come when it comes to nz built boats ( I have a surpreme boat built by Gerald Henderson being finished off as we speak.... which is pretty much the polar opposite to Gospel boats) But Im just interested to see what can be done on the other side of the world for considerably less cash. Remember, the stabi rip-off is 35k engine (150 hp ) and electronics another 30k. The one iv looked at on tm are twice that price.
Posted By: feeder
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2019 at 7:44am
Another case of kiwi's working their nuts off, putting everything on the line to build up a brand and then getting their hard work ripped off, just makes me want to spew.
------------- The only bar to frequent is the Kawhia Bar
Posted By: Bounty Hunter
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2019 at 9:08am
visually they are so similar to the Stabicrafts that it makes you wonder whether they Chinese crowd somehow got the CNC cutfiles data - perhaps even some sort of computer security breach at some point?
------------- No disintegrations!
Posted By: Steps
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2019 at 9:11am
Another case of kiwi's working their nuts off, putting everything on the
line to build up a brand and then getting their hard work ripped off,
just makes me want to spew.
This (below ) as no reference personally to feeder or anyone else.. it is a general statement.
I have found over the yrs, espec since the Thatcherism, reganism, Douglas days of free markets and they should determine the markets philosophy....So many of those who believe in that line of thought then in the next breath say something like what Freeder has said.... Go figure..
OH and thu Im not a fan of protectionism as per 50s thru Hollyoak thru Muldoon yrs..Im most certainly still of the view we must retain skills and accountability in NZ as Feeder suggests.
Posted By: OuttaHere
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2019 at 9:16am
Bounty Hunter wrote:
visually they are so similar to the Stabicrafts that it makes you wonder whether they Chinese crowd somehow got the CNC cutfiles data - perhaps even some sort of computer security breach at some point?
I wonder if perhaps they bought a couple of hulls and ground out the welds and unfolded the boats. Cheap R&D.
I wouldn't put some sort of crazy industrial espionage outside the realms of possibility though.
Posted By: Kevin.S
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2019 at 9:27am
On their web site they talk a lot about Australian design for the boats. It all looks very flash, but then it would -building a flash web site is very easy compared to building a boat.
A general comment on Chinese manufacturing, from my experience, is that it can be very good but can also be very bad. The companies that I know have had good experiences have been there, spent time there and often have their own quality inspectors permanently in the Chinese factories. Companies sourcing a cheap supplier online and only dealing by email, I have heard some nightmare stories. But it's not all bad, over the years we've had a lot of work from re-making tooling that had already been made in China, but was a total disaster, at work.
The thing that would put me off in this instance is that $35k is a lot of money to risk. All the China stuff is cash upfront, and good luck getting a refund if you don't like what turns up. I wouldn't spend that kind of money on a boat without a sea trial and knowing there was some back up if anything went wrong. Just because it looks just like a Stabi doesn't mean it will handle like one.
Posted By: reel crayze
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2019 at 10:02am
Why would you support this which is what you are doing when you buy ANY Chinese made product" rel="nofollow -
Posted By: pjc
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2019 at 12:37pm
Is importing any cheaper than a NZ built now the GST is on all imported goods and maybe subject to a Duty.
------------- Sex at 58.Lucky I live at 56
Posted By: puff
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2019 at 1:15pm
Some massive overreaction from you boomers about importing a boat.... if there’s a market for it, it’s going to happen sooner or later...
Posted By: TLines
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2019 at 3:27pm
If the importer / vendor or issuing the guarantee here then you might be ok - if they are purely selling them and can step aside and leave you dealing with the builder direct - your probably doomed.....or at least some buyers will be. The issue is the QA/QC process - I have built very very large marine structures in China and provided this is addressed at the outset the final product will be as good as anything. We virtually shut their factory down, redesigned their QA/QC process and put our own inspectors in place - and we still audited every 3 months from HQ.... well known products of high quality are made in China - but I bet they all follow this process! So if these guys have their own QA/QC controls, issue their own guarantees and stand by them - fine - if not I would not touch them. BTW I am apparently a 'boomer' and I do not give a monkey backside who makes it or who sells it as long as its safe, fit for purpose and good value
Posted By: Slugga
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2019 at 4:26pm
Bit like the story goes around a major hunting and fishing chain here in NZ doing something similar to Swazi clothing products? Why I'll never buy off them again - that and their prices. Our labour costs are a killer - and there isn't a lot of $$ in the alloy of a boat. Like to see our brands doing okay - but good to have competition making sure the buyers do okay as well.
------------- Konacat Greatwhite - ZMU3871
Posted By: Slugga
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2019 at 4:33pm
Maybe if you buy a new outboard but there are plenty of good second hand ones. $10-15k on a used, another $3k to get it set up, $3k on electronics and another $3k on other bits and pieces and you are a long way short of having $110k tied up in a boat. I get your point but I can also see why people would go down this track.
------------- Konacat Greatwhite - ZMU3871
Posted By: Steps
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2019 at 5:08pm
you boomers From a bloody generation where near on a 1/4 of boomers still have kids over 27yrs old budging at home Sick of this inter generation blame BS
And by the way the boomers blamed their parents generation .. every generation has End of the day,get out of bed each morning and be responsible for your own future..
Sry... even our kids are sick of the finger pointing.. and they are not boomers
Posted By: REIVER
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2019 at 9:58am
Posted By: Shoresie
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2020 at 1:38pm
Hey mate did you get around to looking at your mates new chinese boat if so what was you thoughts on it?
Posted By: Schampy
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2020 at 3:12pm
No... I was actually gonna give you guys a bit of an update on this. Its stuck in a dockyard in China. They shut the entire shipping terminal down and sent there workers into lock down the day before the boat was due to be shipped. I get the feeling many readers will rejoice on hearing this news. Not like the owner is gonna be able to take it out even if it did make it here. Id say its gonna be getting a bloody good wipe down when it finally arrives.
Posted By: Big -Dave
Date Posted: 28 Mar 2020 at 7:32pm
Pity, 4 weeks to fit it out would be great... I've got a boat fitter lying on my couch with nothing to do..
------------- you can't fix an idiot with duct tape, but it does muffle them for a while...
Posted By: Rosaa
Date Posted: 24 Jun 2020 at 3:11pm
Hi did your friend end up getting this replica Chinese boat and how is it?
Posted By: Jack Hammer
Date Posted: 24 Jun 2020 at 8:41pm
This may help with your decision." rel="nofollow -
Posted By: [email protected]
Date Posted: 25 Jun 2020 at 12:00am" rel="nofollow -
Just had a look look the part but not sure if I could trust it
Posted By: White snake
Date Posted: 25 Jun 2020 at 12:30am
Good on you stabi craft for bringing this to our might just save lives through educating people looking for a deal too good to be true.A new boat is a dream of many and reality for few but you would be far better off buying an older proven brand than playing russian roulette with an imported rice cooker.Lets protect NZ business and jobs by buying local.
Posted By: Rosaa
Date Posted: 25 Jun 2020 at 8:03am
Just want to hear positive feedback from someone who has actually brought a boat from them recently or know someone that has and has seen it. We have seen one of there boats 2yrs ago at the Auckland boat show so just want to know how the recent boats are now
Posted By: RC1
Date Posted: 25 Jun 2020 at 6:48pm
I'm sure there will be nothing positive. They are just utter rubbish and good for scrap metal.
Posted By: [email protected]
Date Posted: 26 Jun 2020 at 7:35am
I read there is a guy bringing them in located in gulf harbour somewhere
Posted By: FarmerBrowne
Date Posted: 26 Jun 2020 at 8:40am
There is a charter boat at Aitutaki that was new 4-5 years ago - Wahoo fishing charters that look similar to the gospel boats." rel="nofollow -
Posted By: whippersnappyr
Date Posted: 26 Jun 2020 at 1:15pm
I’d never heard of it until I saw the stabi reaction video online. Assuming the footage I saw wasn’t doctored the build quality of the Chinese is appalling. A pile of junk.
Posted By: Motorhead
Date Posted: 26 Jun 2020 at 3:08pm
whippersnappyr wrote:
I’d never heard of it until I saw the stabi reaction video online. Assuming the footage I saw wasn’t doctored the build quality of the Chinese is appalling. A pile of junk. |
Sometimes the equipment and conditions are not pertinent to a great outcome😆
Posted By: White snake
Date Posted: 26 Jun 2020 at 10:28pm
As unreal as that looks I've been to China a couple times fitting rotary cowsheds and seen guys welding with a rag over their face and sunglasses.this does not surprise equals nasty.
Posted By: [email protected]
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2022 at 10:58am
Hi there, have you been for a ride on the boat and what is it like?
Posted By: Schampy
Date Posted: 15 Aug 2022 at 8:13pm
Geez this is a blast from the past. Na mate , my friend who was going to buy the boat pulled out of the deal. I think he did a bit of reaserch before the boat arrived and got cold feet. He ended up with a 640 ht from sport craft boats from Morrinsville. Think that was probably the sensible choice.
Posted By: kimber7wsm
Date Posted: 16 Aug 2022 at 7:07am
Stabicraft brought a Chinese copy of one of their boats and did a video. The results weren't encouraging. I think they may have put it on youtube.
Posted By: CatchFish
Date Posted: 30 Sep 2022 at 3:35pm
I know someone who bought a 6.2m Stabi copy from China back in Dec 2019. Hull only but hull was fully loaded with full seadeck, 360 swivel bolster seats, plumbed livebait tank, wash down kit, winch, etc etc. He got brand new outboard fitted and trailer here in NZ. Dual battery setup with smart charging, Simrad electronics the works. All up fishing on the water cost him $65k. Same Stabi 2050 with all the same specs. $130k. I've been on his boat countless times fishing all over. 150L fuel tank and we go far, overnights and no worries. He put more than 300hrs on the new outboard over the 2.5years. No issues as far as I can see.
Posted By: Muzzfishing
Date Posted: 30 Sep 2022 at 4:04pm
Sounds like a good deal 65k did it have a tandem trailer. foam filled pontoons U deck flooring. 200lts fuel tank.
-------------" rel="nofollow"> A Good Skipper Keeps the water on the outside of the boat.
Posted By: CatchFish
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2022 at 12:40pm
yea full seadeck flooring, 150L fuel tank
Posted By: Muzzfishing
Date Posted: 12 Oct 2022 at 11:55am
Stabicraft copy stopped at Border
-------------" rel="nofollow"> A Good Skipper Keeps the water on the outside of the boat.
Posted By: CatchFish
Date Posted: 13 Oct 2022 at 12:11pm
Article says Judge ordered the boat to be released.
Posted By: Nadzab
Date Posted: 20 Jul 2023 at 1:45pm
Could you put me in contact with your friend, looking to get solid information?
Posted By: CatchFish
Date Posted: 12 Sep 2023 at 10:24am
Have sent you a PM with his details
Posted By: Craignzl
Date Posted: 30 May 2024 at 9:48pm
CatchFish wrote:
I know someone who bought a 6.2m Stabi copy from China back in Dec 2019. Hull only but hull was fully loaded with full seadeck, 360 swivel bolster seats, plumbed livebait tank, wash down kit, winch, etc etc.He got brand new outboard fitted and trailer here in NZ. Dual battery setup with smart charging, Simrad electronics the works. All up fishing on the water cost him $65k. Same Stabi 2050 with all the same specs. $130k. I've been on his boat countless times fishing all over. 150L fuel tank and we go far, overnights and no worries. He put more than 300hrs on the new outboard over the 2.5years. No issues as far as I can see.
Hi fella i know this is old do you lnow if it was one of the allsea easycraft boats ? I habe been looking at them they said they are au and nz certified past all tests etc .but i still dont know its alot of money but not new nz boat money . I lnow stabi put out a video saying how bad and unsafe they are but how much of that was them trying to protect there own businiss and interests . Would love to lnow how your mates one has been going since any issues how sid it handle etc would you be able to put me in contact with him to see how the import went .they guy i spoke to said theres no duty on them because of the acreditation they have woth au and nz