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Lake Tarawera

Printed From: The Fishing Website
Category: Freshwater Fishing
Forum Name: Freshwater Fishing reports
Forum Description: Post your report here
Printed Date: 11 Feb 2025 at 5:29am

Topic: Lake Tarawera
Posted By: Stefan
Subject: Lake Tarawera
Date Posted: 05 Mar 2018 at 6:34am
Can anyone tell me how the lake is fishing at the mo? Going there next week, wondering if they are taking small or larger flies etc...
Cheers in advance

Posted By: Uncle
Date Posted: 05 Mar 2018 at 8:47am
I had a boomer day on Tarawera two weeks ago Stefan.
We managed to find them stacked up & had a ball, multiple doubles & busted off "nearly's", lol.
They were taking most anything offered but overall, the green bodied Ginger Mick in size # 6 probably scored most.

Posted By: Stefan
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2018 at 6:43pm
Thanks Uncle! You're a legend, will get tying...

Posted By: advtracing
Date Posted: 10 May 2018 at 3:08pm
heading down for 4 days end of the month , any good suggestions for jigging spots / flys that are hot 

and the hot colours for trolling 


Posted By: Accident Prone
Date Posted: 03 Mar 2020 at 9:14pm
Had a great little session on Tarawera this evening.

First time I've ever been on the lake in a boat but Humphries Bay looked a likely spot.

Found a bunch of fish in 22m and landed 7 in just over an hour then had to head for home.

Grey Ghost caught the most, Slimey Ghost and Olive Rabbit caught 1 each.

Posted By: JasonEdward62
Date Posted: 08 Nov 2020 at 8:22am
We were at Tarawera Labour Weekend and found most of the fish were in very poor condition. Fishing not bad a.m. and p.m. best of course.

Anyone know why they're in poor condition? Some say not enough taken due to Covid and not enough tucker but??

Posted By: RogueOne
Date Posted: 14 Mar 2021 at 6:33pm
On Tarawera this morning from 0730 - cracking day and sunrise was awesome. Trolling south side from The Landing eastwards, landed 8 from 37cm to 58cm and kept 2. Larger models were very plump and flesh was very pink, one hen landed was tagged.

Tassie devil in green frog pattern was the only thing they were interested in, all taken in 15-20m even in the deep parts. Big bite time from 0730 to 0830 (5 of 8) and then slowed down - last customer at 10.45 so off water after that.

Posted By: RogueOne
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2021 at 9:46pm
On Tarawera again this morning trolling north side from the campground eastwards, landed 7 from 37cm to 58cm and kept 2.
Most holding at about 20-23m and quite a few just E of Humphries bay and further east towards the slip.

Posted By: Reel Deal
Date Posted: 06 Apr 2021 at 6:09am
nice fish and nice report. My Taupo vacuum packed smoked trout supply is running low. Do you use a down rigger ? If so is it automatic?

The gods do not subtract from the allotted span of men's lives the hours spent on fishing - Assyrian Proverb

Posted By: RogueOne
Date Posted: 06 Apr 2021 at 7:39pm
Yep, Scotty electric down rigger with automatic stops, although i did manage to take 2 with lead-line and 5-6 colours out when i was giving the downrigger a rest.
Used to have a manual wind one but it doesn't take long to get a sore arm.
Tried jigging in a couple of spots but no luck, switched back to trolling at 22m across my old jigging spot and picked up one almost straight away.
Tassie devil traffic light seemed to work well. Got a good one at 25m

Posted By: RogueOne
Date Posted: 22 Dec 2021 at 5:29pm
On Tarawera last Saturday from 0700. Trolling south side from The Landing eastwards, landed 1 skinny 40cm hen in 15m which was sent back, hard fishing on that side, water temp was 20.7C increasing to 21.8C by 10am

Went over near Hannah's but sparse sign and no bites while trolling, tried out the Haswing trolling motor with spot lock while jigging and took a fat 55cm hen in 24m at about 10am.

Had a sniff around red beach but wind was making things lumpy so finished up about 11.30am.

Heard from another fisher later on in the week that were there on Tarawera at the same time - anything with pink in it was getting smashed, and i hadn't tried anything with that colour but have a mental note to try the next time.

Posted By: RogueOne
Date Posted: 02 Jan 2022 at 9:04pm
On Tarawera today from 0630, awesome sunrise. Trolling north side eastwards towards Humphries campsite, landed and released 3 quick 45cm-55cm hens in 15-20m by 7.30am. Water temp was 21.7C increasing to 22.3C by 10am

Much better from Humphries campsite eastward to Ngahorota bay, picked up 4 on lumo pink tassie devil at depth between 15-25m.

Also found a great jigging spot in 22-23m at eastern side of Ngahorota bay with 5 about 50-55cm landed and released, all took the bottom fly on the Pat Swift medium UV jigs and the trolling motor with spot lock was massively helpful when the wind got up.

Had a troll past red beach, lots of boats hiding from the wind and had some hits but fish threw the hooks so finished up about 11.30am.

Posted By: RogueOne
Date Posted: 06 Feb 2022 at 9:25pm
On Tarawera yesterday from 0700.
Started on the south bank near the landing and only picked up one skinny 40cm hen at 15m after 1 hr so headed across to the north side to Humphries campsite and trolled eastwards. Had no bites at all, and talking to some other boats trolling they had no luck either - a hard days fishing.

Thermocline was at about 13m and water temp was 22.1C at 7am increasing to 22.7C by 10am. Saw fish on the sounder between 15 and 25m but no interest in any of the lures presented in various patterns and colours, and jigging proved fruitless.Went for a troll past red beach, got a hookup but acrobatics saw the hook thrown.

Headed around S/SW side but nothing and wind picked up, so headed back up to the landing and had some promising sign, spent over an hour trolling tassie devils of various colours between 15m and 30m.
A couple of hits on frog patterns but no hookups. Finally managed to land a 50cm hen on a gold/black striped frog pattern, but weather turned and rain arrived so finished for the day at 1pm.

Posted By: Reel Deal
Date Posted: 07 Feb 2022 at 7:38pm
mate I had a trout fix on Taupo over long weekend. Been a while. Jigged and often had a road train of harling trolling boats slowly cruise by.
 First day wife and I picked up a hen good condition orange meat and jack slabby but had a heap of family joining us at book a batch fishing cottage so got smoked, ain’t much difference between the two flavour wise to be fair. Second day had 4 fishers on board and all caught one trout. Brother in law is a fast learner and was keen to spend a morning out on the water in driving rain(hard top so dry). Had most family want to take home one smoked and one raw for breakfast trout recipe. Big ask. First drop I hooked up 10m under boat but i didn’t register as so quickly and thought id screwed up till a 48cm fatty started jumping around boat. Took a bit to figure it was attached as my line was loose. Fast wind and came up tight. Bro was still unwinding his flys when I boated that one.then quiet. Moved and anchored as white caps with big swells pushing up the rocks into the bush around the waters edge draining back with leaves and no doubt critters for trout. So though hmm  jigging no good trouts on the surface and finder backed that up. So moved deeper. 50-40m and tried a new technic as what we were doing with fly jerks wasn’t working and we were on. 12 trout (limit) up to 58cm. Only one slaby male the rest super condition hens. Result! Every family member took home there fish. Great memories 

The gods do not subtract from the allotted span of men's lives the hours spent on fishing - Assyrian Proverb

Posted By: RogueOne
Date Posted: 08 Feb 2022 at 9:18pm
Great report, always magic when a plan comes together. Often as you did it's just as simple as moving or adapting to the conditions.

Posted By: RogueOne
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2022 at 7:32pm
On Tarawera last Saturday from 0700.
Mixed bag around both the landing and Humphries campsite trolling eastwards.Thermocline was at about 15m and water temp was 20.3C at 7am increasing to 22.3C by 8.30am.

Went to some unvisited spots on the NNE side spent half an hour trolling tassie devils of various colours between 15m and 30m before a lumo pink one got smashed at 30m.

7 hookups, 5 landed and 2 around 53cm and 4.5lb kept, most fish taken between 15-20m.

Posted By: Reel Deal
Date Posted: 01 Mar 2022 at 7:52pm
nice report. What’s the jigging like do you know

The gods do not subtract from the allotted span of men's lives the hours spent on fishing - Assyrian Proverb

Posted By: RogueOne
Date Posted: 02 Mar 2022 at 4:44pm
Saw a few boats and kayaks jigging and a few fish being landed so as long as you are right on top of them they seemed to be taking the lures. Most ones i saw landing fish were in 20-25m

Posted By: RogueOne
Date Posted: 25 Oct 2022 at 8:57pm
On Tarawera last Sunday in the afternoon and the previous week early Saturday
Started at Humphries campsite trolling eastwards but slow days both times. Thermocline was at about 10-12m and water temp was 13.4C at 7am increasing to 15.7C by 11.30am. A fair bit of suspended matter in the water column and on the surface, looks like pollen or small green/brown seeds from the forest.

3-4 hookups in 10-12m but very acrobatic fish resulted in thrown hooks. A couple of smaller 30-35cm ones released, then went South towards red beach and near the campground and surrounding bays. Fish rising at 3.30pm in the shallows near the trees which was nice to watch. Spent half an hour trolling tassie devils between 12m and 20m before a pink frog pattern one got hit at 15m.

Across to near the landing and trolling at 25m something BIG bent the rod right over, which after a 10 second fight made off with the lure and hook leaving behind a broken line and bruised ego. Will be back another day to resume the battle.

7 hookups, 4 landed and one around 53cm and one about 60cm (4.5lb) kept, most fish taken between 10-20m. Sounder showed deep fish at anywhere from 25-35m and some on the bottom at 40m in places, Lots of boats fishing in the afternoon but i'd call my day slow since the fish were spread out and wouldn't bite on lures or jigs even when good sign visible on the sounder. Highlight of the day was seeing a cormorant with a large koura in its mouth near stoney point jetty when heading out.

Posted By: Redfinger
Date Posted: 27 Oct 2022 at 4:43pm
I have heard some encouraging things about Lake Tarawera this season all ready - good conditioned fish in the main apparantly. Lovely lake to fish but i must admit i tend to concentrate on Rotoiti more myself but that was very hard and slow too for me on my only trip earlier in month.  At this early season time i would think covering the ground like you  are doing trolling / downrigger would be the the most productive way to go about it during the day. Maybe early or late harling be a good option.

Posted By: RogueOne
Date Posted: 27 Oct 2022 at 9:55pm
It will be interesting to see how the season develops. Some of the smaller ones sent back were quite thin so it looks like the bigger fish have quickly figured out where the food sources are.
Checking notes from a similar time last year tallies with this year, having to work for some good fish with them scattered and varying condition until the food source gets big enough for all to fatten up.
The 60cm one did have a small layer of belly fat and was quite orange so probably feeding near the bottom on koura at the moment. 

Posted By: RogueOne
Date Posted: 06 Feb 2023 at 2:14pm
On Tarawera yesterday in the afternoon dodging showers with wind coming from NW.
Started at Humphries campsite trolling eastwards but sparse fish sign around the thermocline with the odd one deep. Thermocline was at about 20-25m and water temp was 20.7C at 1.00pm increasing to 21.2C by 4.00pm.

No enquiries and sign disappeared after an hour so across to near the landing and same thing - sparse sign and most fish deep at 30-40m with the odd one or two near the thermocline. Good shelter from the wind and rain so ran laps trying to get some interest in the tassie devils.

With sounder showing the odd deep fish at anywhere from 30-40m we decided to go deep with the downrigger. Finally picked up two about an hour apart starting at 3.15pm, 60cm 5.5lb hen at 30m and 57cm 4.5lb jack at 40m. Fish in great condition and plenty of fat on them when filleted, finished at 5pm when persistent rain showers arrived.

Posted By: 2QUACK
Date Posted: 08 Feb 2023 at 7:37pm
Fished the lake 2 weeks ago was super slow on the jigs sign was few and far between saw 2 fish on the sounder dropped jigs on them and hooked up straight away that was the one fish for the day was in wicked condition though
Back to Okataina this weekend for an overnighter hopefully better results anyone fished it lately is the sand still built up on the ramp??

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