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RIP Phil Hughes

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Category: General Forums
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Printed Date: 14 Jan 2025 at 11:03pm

Topic: RIP Phil Hughes
Posted By: Elpescador
Subject: RIP Phil Hughes
Date Posted: 28 Nov 2014 at 9:11am
Having played a lot of cricket in my day and ducking under a few bouncers, It hit home how desperately unlucky this talented guy was. RIP Phillip Hughes!!

Posted By: SaltyC
Date Posted: 28 Nov 2014 at 10:26am
You have to wonder whether helmets and protective padding have contributed to more batsmen being hit. They give a sense of protection. I know this is one of those freaky things where the ball hit him below the helmet in just the wrong place but batsmen used to be taught to watch the ball as they got out of the way, to be sure it didn't hit them. 

We were always told if you want to avoid the ball keep your eyes on it, do not turn your back on it. 

You see so many batsmen who are great cricketers who now seem to allow the ball to hit them because of the helmets and padding they now wear.

They need to go back to watching the ball at all times, you can't get out of its way if you cant see it.

Posted By: Olfart
Date Posted: 28 Nov 2014 at 11:23am
Very sad indeed.  A momentary lapse and a life over far too soon.  R.I.P.
Thoughts go to Phillip's family and friends who must be absolutely devastated by this.

And don't forget to have some sympathy for the bowler (Sean Abbott).  I just hope he will be able - with the passage of time -  to understand this was not his fault, but a freakish accident.

Semper in excreta sumus, solum profundum variat....

Posted By: FizFisho
Date Posted: 08 Jan 2015 at 9:39am
I know Im a bit late. But was super tragic and goes to show cricket isnt always the safe sport it appears. Feel so very sorry for his family.

What reminded me was a close in fielder getting slammed in the back with one yesterday, they thought at first it hit the helmet but luckily hit the leg pads.

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