Thanks for the reply fshnut, it's a good setup.
I like a couple of rods ready to go as I find it hard to know when to change up what I'm fishing, keep persevering in the hope that they will come on the bite, or whether I'll drift past something that takes an interest.
I guess that's an age-old question.
I also just realised that this particular forum is only about fishing reports, not tips and tricks - Sorry if I posted my last in the wrong area.
So, here's my first report
- On Thursday, a.m. I went out with a mate for an early morning fish launched St. Heliers once the tide allowed. (around 5.30-ish).
Headed to the hole on the western side of Motuihe for a few very slow drifts; with no sign, we headed into the Motohuie Channel for 3 drifts, where things were a bit more promising. We had a dragged Z-man Bruised Banana paddle tail with no interest all day. There were a couple of takes on an Inchiku (I can't remember the colour). I did most damage with a 60g Orange Daiwa Kohga and ended up with x5 Snaps of 35cm to 43cm and at least 3-4 of a decent size that got away. I do struggle with how much to strike v's only winding gently and letting the hooks set themselves with the Kohga', definitely a few that got away due to this conundrum.
We decided to go the long way home and tried our luck at the structure of Woody's Bay Rakino, then Billy Goat Point and Gardiner Gap, then the Rangi Channel, lighthouse and finally Bean Rock, all with little to no action.
It was a great morning out on the water,
regardless. I'm keen to get a bit of fishing under my belt this spring/summer;
this was a good way to start it! Hopefully, I'll see some of you out on the
water at some point; you'll spot me. I'll be the one trying hard to look like
he knows what he's doing but not doing a great job at it!
![]() Friday 17th Feb and Thursday 2nd March Solo in Feb, stopped about half way from Browns to Motuihe Islands for KY feeding on the surface. Caught 3 jack macks on jigs and put them in the live bait tank. Put one down on a ledger rig hoping for snaps or kings but no success there. Caught and released a medium KY. Moved to Motuihe channel and deployed the jack mack livie and kept dropping jigs on the outgoing drift. The livie caught a nice snapper just over 40cms, and jigs got 2 smaller ones and another over 40. So 4 snapper on a fairly slow day. Took George yesterday and took some bait this time, but drifting. Spent most of the time in the Motuihe channel. Caught another nice snapper on a smelly old jack mack head from the freezer, a mid size snap on a silver/white fluoro 60g jig in the rod holder. Couple of smaller snaps on bait for the same lame total of 4. Mainly fishing 12 to 18m, but maybe have to go shallower. Comments from Redfinger and Zane from Top Catch Takapuna say 5 to 8m is fishing well.
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