That sounds like a tuff day Kandrew i think we've all been there.
What a great weekend it was for boating. After months of promising the kids i would take them on the boat the stars finally aligned. Had planned to go to Onetangi but have read no anchoring there due to calurpa weed. Didnt want to be that guy so
after a last minute change of plans i booked a table at man o war after being snobbed there last year and swearing never to go back!
Got to the ramp at 9am with wife and 3 kids to a empty ramp ( unheard of ) the conditions were mint and we cruised around the bottom end of Waiheke at 25 mph for 3900rpm. Dropped the mrs and 3year old at Man o War and took the 7 and 9 year old for softbait in the shallows. This piece of coastline is consistent for me and although has never produced a fish bigger than 50cm it is a great place to hone your softbaiting skills. starting a drift in 10m and fishing right into the coast, 1m or less sometimes. we were catching little snaps right away and wasnt long before we had a 35cm model for the bin. spending time with the kids and watching every cast go further, teaching them how to retrieve and stay in contact with the softbait is very rewarding. it was almost time to go for lunch when in about 1.5m of water both kids hooked up, a 40cm and 35cm snapper came on board. Both wanted to stay out and they never complained the whole time....Wow. After lunch with the rich and famous we headed home in glass conditions. my boy was a real help at the ramp and even winched the boat all the way on the trailer!
Sunday was a early start with workmate on board and we headed for the spot past the Noises where i had unfinished business with a Kingfish. Straight into some nice snaps with one going 55cm. Had a real good snap on for a minute or so before hook pulled ( bugger ) with 4 in the bin by 8am in then went real quite. Workmate hadnt landed a single fish and was looking pretty sad. he was time restricted so i did my best to get him a legal snap, we tried around Zeno rock, bottom end of Rakino and top end of Motutapu all for nothing! I was happy to go home before it really heated up and lucky for me mate everything on the boat gets split equally....... Ill take the kids next time lol. Got home sat down and i was still rocking with ocean. spent about 5 hrs cleaning boat and trailer and gave everything real polish up. A great weekend to be out....... not so good for the bank balance.