For 1 Year licences
Recreational Fishing from Boat - $30.00
Rock Lobster - $40.00
Abalone - $40.00
Marron - $40.00
Freshwater Angling - $40.00
Net Fishing (set, haul, throw) - $40.00
![]() Thanks for positively adding to this discussion Tagit. A few responses- 1) Circle hooks- even if the true figure is as you say 90+%- that's still a much improved result and worth implementing I think. 2) I agree that my baratrauma suggestion in itself would be essentially unenforceable. However by making it part of the law it creates conversation and discussion and slowly over time an increasing number (but not all I agree) of fishermen would comply. Some compliance is better than none. 3) My reason for suggesting that fishermen have to stop fishing after catching a low number of small fish is to discourage people from staying where there are small fish. All too often I've observed fisherment catching literally dozens of undersized fish and continuing to waste bait on catching even more. 4) I agree. 5) I never said that inaccurate measuring of amateur catch is linked to poor fisheries management. I just think the more accurate the data better. I went out last weekend on a charter and learned that charter operators have to fill in detailed catch records. I think that all amateur fishos recording their catch as well as reportiing departure, destination, return could be extremely easily and simply done by way of a simple phone app. Compliance could also be easily policed by checking poeple as they returned to boat ramps. I agree that it would be totally impractical for this reporting to be done by radio, or even by telephone voice call. By the way, the charter I went on on Sunday was West Coast. I could not Adam and Eve what I saw on the sounder. From the 20M mark to 37M where we anchored, there was nothing but solid fish. And there were workups everywhere. Every drop fish were hitting our baits on the way down. There's currently no commercial fishing pressure right now due to protecting the Maui dolphin- coincidence that the fishing was so good??? |
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