HEre is a series of pics, not all that huge or anything, but a good range of fish that have fallen to jigs for me in the last year or two.
Dirk Seiling,
Broken arrow 420gm jig.
Can't remeber the rod/reel combo though, I think a penn gld30 on a normal sort of rod.
Ranfurly Rise, Pacific Invader.
Dirk Seiling (again!)
Bluenose, 420gm Broken Arrow jig
Same rod/reel as above.
Ranfurly on Pacific Invader again.
Ah! there you are! Wrong with the rod-reel combo above, they were all on my AvetLX and Berkley dropshot 15-30kg rod.
This is a Rubyfish, again on Pacific Invader, all the same trip (as no doubt you guessed)
Nice big Tarakihi, again 420gm Broken Arrow (no prizes for guessing my favourite size jig eh! :-) )
Rod and reel, probably my Avet I suspect
Cannot remember the name of the guy holding the fish.
Boat- Triton,, @ 3 Kings, King Bank.
Angler, Romina Haefelfinger
fish--15kg Kingfish
Rod-reel Tica Magma rod, TiCA Seawave reel.
Richards rock, Whitianga
Boat. Taiho, skipper, Pete MacKenzie.
Penguins 1st ever kingfish,
Cobra Rock, Whitianga.
12kg kingi,
Rod-reel... AvetLX/Berkley dropshot 15-30kg
Jig Broken Arrow 420gm.
oops, better dash off the the farm again,
cheers now,
It is only my overwhelming natural humility that mars my perfection.
Captain Asparagus, Superhero, Adventurer.