Could somebody tell me just how far into the gulf commercial long liners are allowed to fish and if they have a different minimum snapper size to recreational fishermen. The reason I ask is that this afternoon we watched a commercial boat retrieve his line with just about every hook holding palm sized snapper of which we never saw one returned to the ocean. The line had been set 250m from the beach along half the length of the back of Motuihe. It all just seems a little too close and a lot too small to me!
they can fish where ever but logic would suggest not in the channel...
ski ya muppet, i suggest you do some light reading of previous threads before you let your middle finger do the talking, thats it blame the com boys for all destruction, the recreational fish'os are perfect and dont kill anything - ever...again i would think the continuous SW blowing its tits off bought him in to pay the bills
capt phil..can you recall the name of the boat??
and how often in life do you see a commercial boat working locally????, this is the second time in a year ive herd of it and never seen it...which isint really much considering the amount of boats and fish in this area at times...
Well said Tobes. If commercials didn't catch fish, where would we get our fish'n'chips?
I like the idea of restricting the commercial catch, but there are too many $$$ and jobs to do that...and if the resource were to be responsibly managed, then there should indeed be enough for all of us.
Longliners? I don't mind longliners... it is the bloody trawlers that get my goat.
cheers, Stu.
Thanks for the info guys. I guess these fellas need to make a living like the rest of us.
Tobes --- the boats name was 'Tiddles'. Ive seen the boat around but never in that close before.
Tiddles is what they were catching too! We recently had to use a small snapper in a play at the Herald every night and the Stage manager had to go to seamart to pick one up every day. It was supposed to be undersized for the show, but some of those snapps would be lucky to make 20cms let alone 25! She was naturally picking the smallest they had but even so.....I had to fillet it onstage every night and some nights the fillets were about the size of my thumb. A bit of a worry.
I think the inner gulf is closed to commercial fromlate spring to early April? I'd like to see the inner harbour closed to commercial ops on the basis that many recreational could use the resource against a few commercial. The commercial have a right and a need to fish but I think some level of public good needs to be applied to this one.
the reserve we suggested in the middle of the gulf would solve all the problems if we had the guts to endorse it..........
long liners can fish anywhere they please as long as its not in a reserve...... im with you on this one to Tobes...... they get more money for the fish they catch and most of what they catch is not in the shops downtown but sent overseas as these guys lay them up in ice and make the most of what they catch......... not so the trawlers and the gill netters if your worried about the fisheries these are the type of practices that are removing huge quantities of fish for stuff all gain......... plus their by catch is so distructive even the goverment wont release the figures on how much is destroyed by these creeps.......
Precisely Lethal, also remember these guys can only catch their quota. It's those dickheads in wellington that set the quota!!
...what happened to our Firth of Thames Reserve proposals? Still working on that Reidfish?
Commercial netting should be banned within territorial waters for anything other than flounder or mullet. AND no accidentally catching 90% snapper "bycatch" in the flounder nets either!
"if we had the guts to endorse it.......... "
Eric me ol' china.....what on earth do you mean by this? you mean endorse it?.....if so I think you may have missed the point....continue along the same way you are going and growing support for the idea and ultimately if there is anything that we can do we will.....we just can't afford to call it "the Marine Reserve" or whatever.....
"The Vegetable, Lethal and Reidfish Reserve" or something of that nature would be just fine.....when/if you need us to work with you or send out information on your behalf then let's talk?
weve all got our opinions on this 1 but im still againstcom fishos. we r a pretty intelligent race us humans lokk around us the world is 2/3 water lets use it properly offshore fish farms wouldnt harm anyone the have no problem erectig floating oil wells y not fish farms get those scientists 2 do sumthin usefull i know an old x com fisho who said they used 2 get 10 hapuka to make a tonne now they take 100 when they run out of those they find sumthin else to rape and pillage .
if we wanna eat cken they farm it
if we wanna eat pork they farm it
if we wanna eat beef ,lamb yep you guessed it they farm it .surely some one out there can see where im cumin from
Ski, you have been texting too much. Fish farms? No mate, those are not really the ideal answer either as what are the fish fed on? Bulk fishmeal. Caught how? by product of commercial fishing. Need more fishmeal? Go out and bulk harvest the baitfish schools and krill. Chop out the bottom of the food chain. Whoops!
Fish farms actually are less effecient for raising fish than are wild fish, in that there is a LOT more waste of fishmeal pellets than there would be in the wild with fish eating other fish.
Basically the whole ocean IS a fish farm. It is just a balance to try and get a sane level of extraction of that fish. With the worlds oceans being open waters, free to whoever want whatever is out there, then you bet, someone is gonna drive a boat out there to catch as many of those free-swimming dollar bills as they can.
I think, perhaps, that territorial Economic zone waters should be moved from 200 miles to 500 miles. Give the pacific nations the patrol capability to manage their areas, and the aid funding to be able to say no to licencing of the asian fishing fleets in their waters, and we'd go a long way to solving the shortage of fish in the pacific at least.
Commercial fishing is here to stay. Have no doubts about that. Every time you buy fish&chips, or a a mcdonalds fillet'o'fish or a make salmon sandwich or a tuna casserole or.... you are supporting the commercial fishing industry.
The problem is to limit the catches of migratory fish in open oceans. And to reign in the corporate greed of the large fishing companies. If NZ went back to a 90% long-lining inshore fishery, with no trawling/netting, (still allow offshore trawling for the Hoki etc) I think the added value and the more selective fishing this practise involves would very soon restore much of our former fisheries.
Anyhow, thems my thunks.
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