![]() It is complete and open for discussion. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11761532 And is the plan on their own web site. http://www.seachange.org.nz/Read-the-Plan/ New MPAs, Marine Protected Areas at the Mokes, Little Barrier, Mercury Islands, Firth of the Thames, Kswau, Noises, Colville. Plus new marine farming areas.... I am certain some will be happy with this and others grumpy. I am pleased to see that they intend to<span style="color: rgb51, 51, 51; font-family: Calibri, Candara, Segoe, "Segoe UI", Optima, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;"> "phase out" bottom-contact fishing methods such as trawling, Danish seining, set netting and dredging'</span> The Herald reports that MPI are in agreement.... but this is so different from MPIs Snapper 1 proposals and much more than their proposed round of consultation they offer to the meeting partcipants. We now have two MPI plans to study and a very strong community plan. Great reading for Xmas. |
![]() The good news is that the Sea Change report has identified the problems and suggested workable solutions. Banning of bottom damaging fishing and seting up MPAs. MPI have in their two processes basically said they need to get new, more up todate information; 1) The Future of our Fisheries 2) Snapper (SNA1) Strategy. No where has MPI discussed actual tactics to increase fishing sustainability - other than put more cameras on boats! What the hell does our MPI Fisheries staff actually do? |
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