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    Posted: 15 Sep 2008 at 6:28pm
long john View Drop Down
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Time for a bit of showing off. If we can keep the thread to just photos and a short description of the victims downfall/why we were stoked etc, that would make for a more interesting thread than one that gets sidetracked (as they tend to do)
Please note that a congratulatory comment or 10 is very welcome but will be deleted after a couple of weeks in order to keep the thread snappy

Getting a good fish shore based is really satisfying, I reckon. They always seem to be hard won. Snotted this guy at Hot Water Beach on the way home from the Mercury Bay Open. The comp had been a disaster with my partner and I getting the awesome catch of two butterfish and two blue mao mao for our 6 hours of hard slog.
The fish was mooching in a shallow gut and I spined him with a long shot. The flopper didn't penetrate and the spear fell out but I chased him down and crash tackled. Was just shy of or just over 20lb?

Proud member of the Glen Innes Spearfishing Club
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Post Options Post Options   Likes (0) Likes(0)   Quote tiras Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 15 Sep 2008 at 8:22pm
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10kg king shot at the outpost in the heat of summer!!

4.5kg- 5kg boarfish shot at the chicks

20lb shot in the far northern comp was swimming along a weedline when i saw his tail sticking out of the weeds so i dived down and as i got close to him, he stuck his head out just to far and was greeted with a piece of steal. 

6kg taken on a early morning shore dive at mathesons bay, also managed a cray and a jd on the same day.

2kg cray my biggest so far. 

sharkbay gurnads the one that got away.

11 gurnads!!
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Best kingi to date at 23kg.  Taken at chicken islands in amongst a few smaller ones.

And a 8.1kg Boarfish my personal best as well taken on same day as kingi.  This guy i dived down straight on top of and he bolted a few metres so I waited him out on the sand and he came within range and i squeezed the trigger.  Arrrggg, safety was on so quickly took it off and nailed him behind the eye pretty much rooting him.
My first and many more JD's on a day out with Herby.
And me and herby's first Gurnard's.

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First ever snapper

Biggest kingie 18.5kg
Biggest cray 4.4kg
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Post Options Post Options   Likes (0) Likes(0)   Quote pomblasta Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16 Sep 2008 at 6:36pm
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big coral trout chesterfield reefs
 I have lived on a 62 ft sailing catamaran ,"seeka", for 6 years and have been sailing the south pacific with my father for that time. one one of or regular trips overseas , we were travelling form Australia to New Caledonia, we decided to stop mhalf way for a break. so we sailed into the chesterfield reef group and dropped anchor off ille longue.was a beautiful spot as you can see and no one else was there. no land animals, only sea birds and fish. good for me :) . so we stayed here for about 3 days and did some beach walking and diving, fishing and SPEARFISHING. the fish above are a few of the coral trout caught, while diving saw trout up to 25kg!!!! i wasnt game to shoot anything that big but tried my luck with a few smaller ones. the bigger one you see was the first i shot. i jumped out of the dinghy and loaded my gun, looking around in the 20-30 metre visibilty i saw him just finning there looking at me as though he had never seen a bloke before. whack was the sound as my shaft penetrated this poor fishy Wink no naughty thoughts now guys haha. he fought well pulling hard and with a lot of power. however where there is a plus there is a minus, the sharks were prolific. The place was absolutely snooing with the buggers, some were game enough to come close but recieved the sharp end of a spear.. soon enough though there were too many sharks around to keep an eye on so ikt was time to get out. seeing that we were at least 3 days full steam away from anywhere i didnt want to have an "accident" as it were.
Skipper says : the beatings shall CONTINUE , until morale improves!!!
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Got this snapper on wellington reef today,was a long shot he was just in the fading viz.
Put 21mm rubber on a 1.3 gun,with a 1.2 spear.good combo
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13.5kg grass carp.
Shot in 0.5 metres viz, in a random river on a random side road in the middle of the Waikato. I could see its back out of the water and shot at it, I was expecting a little black koi of about a kilo to keel over and die so I was a bit surprised when this fella jumped out of the water like a dolphin, with my spear lodged half way down its body.
2.4kg wild goldfish.
Shot it in the Chelsea sugar ponds.... Horrible place to dive. Dead
Big Johnnie.
Got him at the Chicks. Saw it when I went down to free the anchor, surfaced, called for a gun, got one, went down and snotted it.
Not a big boarie (4kg) I just really like the photo.
Dumb as dog ****.
2 of 4 from Barrier with LJ and Crabbo.
Clean missed a monster and a couple of minutes later knocked a few scales off another. Cry A couple of minutes after that I shot the bigger of the two fish in the pic, which still didn't cheer me up. 
I knew how to snoop before this tri but it was the first day that snooping and Herby really got along and everything clicked properly. It helped that the day was as fishy as buggary because I could afford to make mistakes and learn from them because I knew that there would be another fish over the next ledge. I think everyone new to snooping needs one of these types of days to learn. LJ got 5 that day I think?
It was one of those days that you probably could have got your limit if you were so inclined.
You can see a trunked kingy carcass on the ground to the left too. I shot it because it had a big gaping wound on its gill plate and I thought someone in our group had shot and lost it (we were all spread out over a large reef system) but it turned out to be an old would that was healing. The tough bugger had a patch of exposed gills!
*On a side note - we stopped off at some reef on the way home and Vicky Crabtree stoned a kingy. I was the only one with a camera on board so took the glory shots of her and emailed them to her a few days later. Fast forward a year or two and I am sightseeing in Europe, of course I drag the girlfriend into every dive shop I could find. In one of these dive shops in Paris (near the Notre Dam) I went to the counter to pay for a wetsuit and lo and behold there is an Immersion poster with the photo of Vicky I'd taken!*
3.5kg Blue cod.
Another fish which is dumb as dog ****. It kept hanging around when we were paua diving so I smashed it.
Location: Mokes
About lunch time after snooping for almost nil result and the day seeming to be one of those somewhat fishless days we all dread  we decided to get a few pinkies. We anchored in the lee of an island which had vertical walls on the ocean side where we’d got pinkies before.
The plan was to all go our separate ways to snoop the shallow areas, then meet up on the wall to do the deeper dives together.
My piece of ‘snooping’ country turned out to be ‘unsnoopable’ – no cover, no weed, just a barren slope with two grumpy looking Scorps and a school of small squid.
Because of the crap area, I just swam straight round the island to the pinky wall. As I got near the wall, there was a 20 metre wide 20 metre deep crevasse, I peered over the ledge and a nice snapper was just cruising along, which I nailed with a semi-long shot from the surface.
That was a good start, maybe there are fish here after all?
There was still no sign of the others, which was a bit gutting, because the bottom out from the wall is twenty five metres or more in some places and I wasn’t going to do that alone. I decided to just swim along right up against the wall and see what I could see.
After going about 30 metres there was a small dent in the wall, in which I saw a few baby snapper milling about. I slunk down the wall, right in the weeds and looked over a small ledge about ten metres down. There was a school of about fifty little babies, with a few of 2-4kg sprinkled in amongst them all out in open water.
I retreated to the surface, breathed up, and dived again, using the same route and perching on the same ledge. This time there was a snapper of about 5kg hanging just out of range in the open.
Another retreat. Another breath up. Another dive onto the same ledge.
Looking down from my ledge there were a lot more snapper there than before, but they were all less than 4kg, and I wanted the fiver I’d just seen. After a while I noticed movement above me, bugger me if there wasn’t a pair of good sized snapper doing synchronised swimming. They pissed about doing circles and what-not with each other (spawning?) until finally the bigger of the two put himself side on and in range so I let rip with a head shot with my new 120. I didn’t know if the shot had gone right through (I don’t think my 110 wouldn’t have even touched it), so I let the whole rig go, hoping it would hole up. Well, it didn’t, and I ended up playing it like a kingfish in open water.
I was soooooooooooo gentle with it, not putting much pressure on it at all, because I still didn’t know if the spear had done its thing properly.
Anyway, as I got it up nearer the surface, I saw a long dark shape swimming towards my fish. I first thought I was going to lose it to a shark, but no, it turned out to be Adam (Rusky) who put a second shot into it. Sweet as! I hauled it in and saw that the spear had gone right through its cheeks, just below the eyes, and was in no danger of tearing out. It was secured without any dramas.
My first 'Puk! Just a wee guy at 6kg, but a puk is a puk.
We had dived all day for no result and we were slowly making our way back to the ramp and diving various spots on the way. We were on the last stop before hometime diving a kay or two from town in bugger all viz. I happened to dive right on the upcurrent edge of a small reef and lay there watching all the blue moki milling about. All of a sudden a puk shot in from the side, did a U-turn and began to bolt off in the direction from which it came. I took a quick snap shot which somehow connected with its head which hurt it badly and it was dead by the time I had it to the surface. Couldn't have been happier!  
Earlier in the day we had been diving a pretty grim spot and I wasn't having much fun, then one of the boys comes up from a dive raving about the size of the tarakihi down there. I thought 'right, thats it, I'm gonna go down there and smash one then jump in the boat 'til we move spots'. So I did just that.
The tarakihi was a shade over 2kg.
First trumpeter 3+kg
We were dropped into shark infested waters at a virtually un-dived place called Boundry Rock. Boundry rock rises vertically from 30ish metres and breaks the surface. We would go down the side and lay on a small ledge at about 17 metres and peer over in to the scary depths below. There were fish schooling all through the water column, and amongst the blue moki and tarakihi schooling mid-water were a bunch of these guys. MJL and I both stoned one each, we then moved a bit inshore and HAND FED HAPUKU!!
Puk from a 10 metre deep weedline at a place called Natikitik.
Lining up a 3.5kg cray.
Got it in the end, and it worked my hands over big time and actually bit me, I aint sh ittin ya, it pulled my thumb to its mouth and BIT me!
Day 1 on the Gurnies.
We'd heard of the gurnard swarms that idiot stickers were getting in to fairly close to home, so decided to have a crack at them with a spear.
Plan A. was to simply swim around over the sand flats which didnt produce any (just a turbot! (see below))

After a bit of a re-think a Plan B was formulated.
Plan B. was to set burlies at various depths and shoot them from that.
After an hour of Plan B being about as productive as Plan A we were close to packing it in. I dived (think we decided it was our last dive of the day) and finally saw one of the little guys crawling along. I blasted it and hit the surface with a big grin and renewed enthusiasm so we stayed a bit longer and ended up with nine, which we were stoked about as it was our first proper bash at them. 
Went out to Barrier mid-winter with a 5-10 knot variable forecast which should have been a 20 knot forecast anyway we found a sheltered bit of coast and I was first in. LAME- I couldn't see my fin tips!
I swam in to shore and it opened up a wee bit to 4 metres. Ewwww. I swam for about an hour and had only seen 2 snapper, one of 500g-1kg (hard to tell in the viz) and another that was a smaller version of the first. LAME. Eventually I came to a patch of rock with a bit of wash on it and covered in mussels. No sooner had I mentally noted the betterness of this bit of coast compared to the rest, I spooked a ~5kg snapper. LAME.
It was now time to up my game, so I snooped harder, and concentrated more, than I had done so far, because of the renewed enthusiasm of actually seeing a worthwhile fish.
About 2 minutes after spooking the 5kg, I approached a sharp bend in the rocks. I was on the surface right up against the waterline looking down through the muddy water for non-existant snapper in the gut. There were, as expected, none in the gut. LAME. A bit of movement to my left caught my eye, a nice snapper was cruising along the coast about half a metre below the surface, much like parore do. Thinking back, I would have been in plain view but I hardly moved a muscle, relying on camo+poor viz+staying still and just lined it up and shot it through the gill plate and out the opposite pectoral fin. NOT LAME!! It went spastic, thrashing around on the surface, jumping clear of the water twice, landing on the rocks, generally flipping out. I swam it out to deeper water and played it for a few seconds then brought it in and gave it the iki. Booya!
Later on in the day Tiras got a couple of snapper (and a napolean) to 3kg, we built a nice burley but no good ones came in, I got a johnnie on my first drop on a weedline which felt like a squillion metres deep in the lame viz, and didn't see another fish worth shooting all day. We got a couple of crays, then called it a day.
Snapper went 9.24kg - My first 20! Stoked
The most horrid thing ever. The koi that swallowed the world.

First Boarie and a trev, 'Lil B. Not much to say on these two, saw them both from the surface, swam down and boom! The boarie was from the weedline running N/S, on the west of the Island, and the trev was from a school of 5-6-7 on the southern weedline. My trev was the smallest in the group by a long way, but was the only one that offered a shot which I took as it was departing (which is why the shot is down near its tail  ) There were a couple in the school that looked to be over 10kg. I really wanted one of them, but pretty stoked with this one.
The greatest photo in the world??

Yellow emperor. By all accounts a very tricky fish in Tonga ( even our guide Ben hadn't managed to spear one before Big smile), but I think I just got lucky and found one that hadn't read the script.
Speared him from above as it was entering a cave, got it in the tail Embarrassed.
Dourade tropicale. Absolute bas-tards of things. You see heaps, but somehow they evade capture almost every time. Stoked with this- my first (and so far, my only) one...well actually, I've shot a few bubbas, but none that really count.
63.3kg Napolean wrasse (Wally). First minute of the first dive of the day, on the first day of a week long trip. Boom.
First proper decent goldie, I've shot half a dozen wee ones, but this one is my best.
So far that kingy is the only one I've shot that has pulled my float under.
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A few favourites, not for their size, more the stories behind them..


Bounty Hunter goes Tribal

Reason: I survived a full dive day with Marcus "The Bounty Hunter" aka "Conan" Movember Northland shorie.  Give you an idea how tough he is... the mo of his was there before Movember... My snap only went to 18 pounds, but after about a 1000 mile swim, Marcus' piss poor effort only went to his pb of 24 pounds.  Something to work on in 2008
Boarie Death

Not big, but gee this critters just plain *iss me off.  Spent a year being taunted by my dive buddies for not being able to slay "the mokis of the north".  It wasn't that one busted off, it wasn't that I put my mates on their first ones... it wasn't that they would bolt when I was 20 metres above them... it was a combination of all those things that drove me nuts...  Boarie death recorded last week.  *****s.

First decent snap on snoop, 19 pounds, from kayak dive up north.  Special because was in Auckland at 12pm, by 5pm had landed this one from a snoop through kelp to the edge of a ledge... text book and just loving it.
XO Kingie

Kingie Crockett doing the Axemen proud.  Took about 15-20 minutes to bring this big boy up. 31.1kg.  Proof that a 1.2m RA with double wrap, slip tip and 30 metre bungy will allow you to bring in a big "gut shot" kingie.  My tinny second shot stoned it... Sweet
The Day Got Better

A personal favourite, moving around a boulder, I spotted this moocher in 6 metres of water ahead of a section of weed on sand, resting.  Dived down before the weed, leveled off and made out his outline through the weed, nailing him.  Special day

On Target
Who else would be proud of nailing a Porae "because I could".  None other than our brave club captain.
Diving with the Godfather
Twin 19s.  Aaron "The Godfather" Dowman is an awesome diver and taught me heaps about the mighty snapper when I first started targeting them up here... Sweet

Epic Day At Work

Took the sales crew out to GB for a spot of heli-fishing. I brought the dive gear.  Toured all my spots at 200 metres above on the chopper, awesome.  Must buy one!
The Old "My Sinus' Are Blocked Will Snoop The Shallows and Shoot A 22 Pounder Routine"
After working the weedlines of Little Barrier as a team... Matt "Kingie" Crockett shoots a John Dory then declares "I can no longer dive deep as my sinus' are acting up" so off to the shallows he goes and screaming like a little school girl he shoots a 22 pounder in 1 metre on snoop.

The Great 20 Ouncer

We will give him **** for the next year, trust me. 
Burley was snooping along minding his business when all of a sudden he came over a gut and there it was ... the fish we all dream of ... the monster moocher. Placing a solid holding shot Burley needed all his years of experience to keep this one from getting into a cave and breaking off. At last after playing it like a master he had it in his hands ... and he too joined the 20 ounce club ... well done mate.     
Good on you Navy Seal...

Axemen Spearfishing... "Putting the crap back into elite"
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Spent three days out of the Hokianga last game season.  We were trolling around for stickfaces the idea being that I would film my mate smacking one.  The marlin thing never really happened but I was graciously allowed to put my camera down long enough to jump in on a log and nail this fella.  Went just over 6kg and was at least three times the size of the next biggest in the school.
Week before I got the mahi I was in the Chathams.  I was lying on the bottom hoping a school of 'puks was going to come back in when I saw  this boy hanging around.  Couldn't really tell the size but thought it must be quite a good.  When another turk I thought must have been at least 2kg swam between me and I could still clearly make him out behind him I realized he was really big.  Went 2.41kg - 90g off the record which has stood since 1977.  AArrrg
This guy was one of at least 100 hapuka we had schooling behind the boat.  An amazing sight.
The long-nose emporer on the left is probably my most satisfying gish to date.  Had spent five days trying nab one of the cunning ******* and literally in the last half of the last day finally got him. 
Couple of snaps that we berleyed on a shore dive within 1500m of one of the country's most popular tourist beaches
First day I managed to talk a mate into taking his thundercat out to the chicks.  Managed this 7.4kg number in boulder bay.  Bear hugged him all the way back to the boat cos of the big bronzies that had been cruising the weedline with attendant kingies instead of remoras.
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This has to be my most satisfying snoop in the last year or so.  I was working a bit of coast, and redfox about 200m down the coast from me was working his way up to meet me at a designated point.  I glided over some good terain, then came around a nice round rock, and on the other side was this 3.5kg snapper resting up in the weed. 
His senses told him he was in BIG trouble, and he started building up momentum.  It was however too late and a quick draw was in order to seal the deal.
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Went for a dive up north with my new underwater camera and was lucky enough to find loads of packhorse crays hanging out in our cray spot. I didn't grab any myself, and between the five of us diving we only grabbed three for a feed.
Was really nice to see so many crays in such good water too. Holly grabbed this bugger that was sitting under a bit of kelp on top of a boulder.
I snapped this photo of one packy that came wandering up to me. Still my favourite underwater photo so far.
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Sorry - more snappers!!!!
In eight years of commercial kina and paua diving I got to spear plenty of good snapper, and saw a heap more that saw me first. I can recall clearly seeing 5 fish that would be at least current record size, none of them were fish that immediately bolted off, but all of them knew where I was and wouldn't come into range. The biggest I shot during that eight years would have been about 12 kg. It is ironic that in the time either side of my commercial diving career I picked up record snapper.


Before the Poor Knights was fully closed, you could spearfish for a limited range of species - snapper being one of them. One day in 1995 we dived the Pinnacles off the Knights. I found a brick just off one of the main rocks with a good amount of tide running onto it. The viz was great 20 metres plus, and as I peered over the front of the rock I saw snapper everywhere. At this stage I hadn't shot the elusive 20 pounder, so only a decent snapper would do. It took me 20 minutes of peering over the front of the rock to finally get into a position for a shot on what I thought was a good fish. The clear water deceived me, and I found I was much further away than I realised. I put in a couple of hard kicks, and just as it started to take off pulled the trigger. A perfect upper gut shot!!! The fish dragged itself into the kelp, I dived down and hugged, getting well spiked by the dorsal fin in the process. I spent the trip back in the boat staring at the fish which just snuck past Darren's record of 14.0kg - 14.1 kg.


Fast forward 12 years to the Hen and Chicks. Diving with Wooly and some other mates we were scouting for the Nationals, this time at West Chick. I found a lovely weed edge off the eastern side of the island, and followed it out. Big schools of trevally, koheru, kahawai and kingies were all about me, and I eventually succumbed and knocked over a kingy of about 16kg. While I was dealing with it the tide pushed me back off the edge, and a big white topped rock came into view. It looked like a likely place, so I did a few exploratory dives. Well, apart from the pelagics, it was dead as a doornail. I thought, one more dive. Cruising down the edge of the rock it was absolutely lifeless. I got to about 20 metres and noticed a big grey shape in a shallow gut - bloody drummer - second look, definitely no drummer! I continued sinking, and at a range of 2 metres hit it high in the shoulder, with the shaft exiting by the pelvic fin on the other side. It took off powerfully, and tried to get into a narrow crack. I pulled it out, and as soon as I had it off the bottom it pretty much gave up. I swam it back to the boat, hugging it all the way. Back on land weighed in at 15.04kg, reclaiming my record. There are bigger ones out there though!
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  200 Pounds of Death

10.) shot at the aldies with Aidan Conways 83cm Croatian special

9.) A bit naughty this one as I'm not sure that it really was 20. Anyway, it was very, very close if not.

8.) Shot off a fish burley at the Hen, gun cam styles

7.) PB for me 11.1kg only a coupla weeks back at Whangamumu

6.) Out with the crew from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

5.) Same exact rock a few weeks later. Legendary aussie Rob Torelli was on board and thought I was the bomb. I was a little bit proudEmbarrassed

4.) 1st 20 taken with a solid gut shot

3.) Kawau Island with Ed. Seen a few gooduns there but this is it so far....
2.) Sail Rock. Shot out in the open from a school of a dozen or so in 15-18m. I dunno, fish are where you find them.
1.) With Spence, Paul. Taken from the chicks in less than 2m.

Close but no cigar. About 19.5lb taken from chicks on a dive with TSW and Giggles. Was about my 2nd snapper
Again, about 19.999lb, mokes.
So, there it is. I guess I'm a little proud but seeing them all lined up like that, I dunno, that's a lot of dead fish. 
At least Bender will be proud of me....Big%20smile

Proud member of the Glen Innes Spearfishing Club
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9.7kg snapper , 1st over 20 pounds
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Well here goes it, Not just slayed fish but a selection of everything from my very short spearing career

Where it all started

First touch of a decent snapper

First speared fish, handmade spear, a nail and a flax stalk

Slayed Fish


Cleaning up tintanic

First 20lb, from the Nine Pin, Bay of Islands

Gurnards with Herby

First decent johnie

Tongan Napolean

50lb Kingy from Little Barrier

22kg Kingfish, hen and chicks


I also like to take the odd photo, flooded my underwater camera last year so getting a new one soon, heres some of my favs

Big snapper lurking. You can see this in colour in Sam Mossmans new snapper book ISBN 978-0-9582829-6-3

Matt from Wildblue in Tonga

Goat Island Blue cod


More Dolphins

Fun Times

Draging mates out for the first time


Trips on tintanic with blair from Ocean Hunter, Some of my best dive trips

Nearly every dive trip you will see something different

Clubs, Comps and Nationals

Its not just the diving that makes it. ALot of fun had at club trips, comps and nationals. Recommend them to everyone

Bluefins Club winning the mudgeway

The Big Three winners, nationals at Karikari 

Typical bbq at nationals

Ronald getting left behind at Paihia to Russell

Monique getting a decent kingy (c)photo John Anderson

Gary Conway with biggest snapper he stole of John

Having a batch full with 20 people = fun times

Well stoked freezer

Its not a surf rack, its a gun rack!

Secret breathhold trainning before nationals

Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes; after that, who cares?! He's a mile away and you've got his shoes!
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Post Options Post Options   Likes (0) Likes(0)   Quote BRUNTY Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 11 Feb 2009 at 9:52pm
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Joined: 29 Jan 2009
Location: Esperance WA
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a few of my pix over the last few years
                                  shark out west                                               trev in atu                                                                                                                          king with homemade gun         boary                                                                                     little snappamy first ever turkey                                 ? 1st comp, first snap for the day 5kg flipper almost made me shart that day Clapgo flip                            my first boat , umm bo LOL
the king was my 2nd ever and we went from opito bay out to whale island that day Thumbs%20Up foolish a Confused gotta love the old seegull.
 We had a bbq and sum ki on board and the fantastic seagull in all her glory siezed up Censored
i looked at hoon and said ahh crap ? we had a brain storm ? my  idea was to un bolt the seagull and row home Clapwould have been the wise thing to do ? hoon had a better idea ?
put the cooking oil on the open sharft and belt the crap out of it with a dive wait ?Ouch
dam it the bloody thing turnd over ?
cooking oil then went into the tank and we were away
and still thankfully alive to tell the story
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Post Options Post Options   Likes (0) Likes(0)   Quote camdog Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 27 Feb 2009 at 9:08pm
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Joined: 11 Feb 2007
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went 6kg,shot t off cape brett n 250m,got 2 more smaller ones,all from under a packing crate
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Post Options Post Options   Likes (0) Likes(0)   Quote Andr'e Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14 Apr 2009 at 3:44pm
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Joined: 10 Apr 2008
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Stoned this boary on a weedline in 15m at the Mokes on Saturday. It went 5.4kg.
miss by an inch miss by a mile
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Post Options Post Options   Likes (0) Likes(0)   Quote David C Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 03 May 2009 at 2:28pm
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Joined: 02 Mar 2007
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Me & Mark with two good D'urville Island crays, caught in 2-3 meters of
water in the middle of winter. My biggest so far, they both went 3.3kg

PB kingi 18kg, shot in the Marlborough sounds on the last dive of the day.

Second ever snapper on my first proper go at snooping.
I spotted this guy in a gut from the surface with around 8 smaller guys hanging
around him, I dove down and slowly finned to the edge of the gut while hiding in the weed.
I lost sight of the big one and had an easy shot at the other 5+ kilo fish but held off because I knew he wasn't far away.
Near the end of my breath he came out from behind a rock, I extended my gun and stoned him behind the eye.
Choice! he went 18lb.

Tai Ellis with his first snapper from a pinnacle off the Alderman Islands. 15lb

Another PB for Tai shot off the Alderman's he weighed in at 24kg after one heck of a battle.

Freediving the Riwaka cave with Andy MacDonald. What an awesome experience in the clear 9 degree water. Photo is Andrew in the entrance
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Post Options Post Options   Likes (0) Likes(0)   Quote long john Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 26 Jun 2009 at 1:06pm
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Moderator - Brown Belt

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My Super TrevsEmbarrassed Anyway, I never get to even see big trevs. Everyone else gets them or sees them while snooping but it wasn't until this summer just been that I even saw a decent one and even then he was moving off. So my PB up to this point was only about 3kg.
So I'm sneaking along at the barrier over some shallow foul on the edge of a reef system when a school of drummer swim by, accompanied by a monty trev. I duck dive and drill the trev with an awful under the skin stripe shot and it goes mental, into the weeds and all that with me in hot pursuit. I grab it and thank god the shot held and then I notice a big mob of monty trevs are milling around me. Evidently the one I'd just shot was an outlier from the school or whatever so I calmly as I can reload (which seems to take an age), all the while intentionally NOT looking at them, then dive to the bottom still not looking for them and then peek out of the weeds. They were still there though fairly cagey now. I just took a quick look in their direction and as they moved off shot at the one with the steepest forehead, working on the rationale that it was prolly the biggest? Anyway, the shot hit him behind the eye and then he bolted and the spear fell out! Aiyee, I almost cried. I put in a half assed effort at finding him but then the boat came so that was that. As I was just beginning to sort the gun, I spied a great silver/green flank in the weeds. It was my trev, dead as a dodo. I rammed the spear through it's guts as a precaution but it never even wiggled.....until an hour later when I was trying to fillet it. It endured about 20 stabs to the head and several blows with an empty beer bottle before giving up.
In some ways it's a bit of a shame finally scoring the hoodoo fish- another target ticked off the list really but I guess I could always take up handspearing....not.
6.4 and 5.5 kg?
Proud member of the Glen Innes Spearfishing Club
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