Pollyanna, Whangaroa.
We spent 8 days having 2 x 2 night aways. First was up North and nothing but a couple of skippies. @nd day went to the Hook where a very large Thresher shark crashed my brand new Marlinstar in lumo.
We had Swordfishsteve as skipper and he reckoned it was tail hooked. We got some line back and think that was when it died and sank to 350m. A strong current meant we lost a LOT of line. 600 m of mono left the spool and spool line diminishing, down to braid. Told angler he needs to back off drag then rod broke at top of butt so cut the line. Probably 1 km of line out. My fekkin rod!!
Headed back to Survilles and 10 nm short a solid hit on a Pakula Sprocket in Illusion (a regular winner). Stroppy stripy tagged.
Night in Tom Bowling - snapper fishing totally dead as was previous night at Karikari. No more action on way back to Whangaroa and a night on land.
Headed South towards BOI and wasn't troubled at Trench, Queens Buoy or any where. Urupukapuka Island with some huge palaces including Michael Hill's big alloy boat and very fancy yachts.
Day 2 one knockdown from long rigger. tried teasing it up with 4 hits but left. Lure was the old perennial Pakula medium sprocket. Lots of bill rash but no cigar.
3rd day not much to report.
Final day for a kingy day. Even jack macs in harbour not too co-operative, either, but enough to get going as we got 5 small kahawai. Sea was sloppy and some heavy rain and no kingies. Went for shelter into Cavallies and got 1 legal snapper.
Still a good trip. SFSteve was a great guy. Good at communication, instruction and all-round skills.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken