Just got back from the club, some very happy faces down thier great weather and sea conditions. Here are the fish that have been caught over the last couple of days.
25th Jan
S/Marlin Joe stuwart (Victoria) est 110 kg Lure LUMO
Blue Marlin Anthony Cox (Tikeba) T/R est 200kg
26th Jan
S/B Spearfish Tim Burke (Allison) 11.0 kg
S/Marlin Owen mcKay (Teaser) 91 kg
27th Jan
S/Marlin T/R Nick Ravich (SoSa)
S/Marlin Shane Tawssen (No Limits) 97 kg
S/Marlin Ian Wakeman ( Zambhala) to be weighed
S/Marlin Ian Wakeman (Zambhala ) T/R Est 100 kg ?
S/Marlin Gus lawrie ( Lady Shandler ) 127.4 kg
Thier is aleast another S/Marlin coming into TUTS to-night as a C/W
Sounds like the back of the pinnacles is going off at the moment most of these fish were caught in this area. Just about every boat out thier had some sort of action out thier. That fish of Gus lawrie was spewing out black ink ( wonder what it had been eating) SQUID.
Seems as though black and purple lures and Lumos are flavor of the week . Will update when i can