Hi Guys i run the Furuno 1850 but now i only use it as a sounder and the lap top is plugged into the back of it, the Capt A knows what im talking about i first saw it on a 65fter have a look at it here http://www.nobeltec.com/products/prod_suite.asp i have the 5-0,
fishing has never been the same i can now not only save a waypoint but write everything about it in a form like a memo to myself for later referance, you can lay out a route then right click on the track and it will tell you the distance of it, but best of all is i have it on my computer and do everything before leaving home or bring anything up i wish anywhere around the country...... all i needed was a cheep laptop which cost me nothing and a inverter to power it when at sea $130 and a cable to the Furuno $75 i have mounted it on 1 inch foam to take out any knocks it might get when out at sea, if you can get The Capt to call in on me i could lone him the CDs the next time hes in AK..... OH im running 6-5 meter MkLay hardtop so we are like in the same boat except mine is Ali .....
Cheers Lethal
Oh Dear, oh dear , oh dear. I'm in big trouble. I now know (well sort of) a bloke who has a lap top on his trailer boat, I'm a gadget junky, the gamefish season is winding down, I've time on my hands and the Boat Show is only a couple of weeks off. Here was I trying to convince myself that all this stuff was dificult to do and not worth putting on a trailer boat and look what happens. Lethal, your posts should come with a Govt. Health Warning.
I'm going to fit new outriggers to my boat this winter and I am NOT putting a laptop with sexy navigation software on - OK.
PS Lethal, can I have a squizzl?
odald for $200 its cheep mate you ask around bet you can pick up a old laptop for next to nothing $500 is a good one, this one i have was a throw away.........
What type of Out riggers you looking at? i have some mini Reflex ones set up on mine with the 14ft stiff poles from Killwell made up by Rod Works set up with roller trollers and stingers with return weights both system are ready to go at all times without changing anything so depending on how you want to fish..... it gives me a spread of about 30feet....
Cheers Lethal
Outriggers. I've settled on the 16ft Kilwell Longreach stiff poles. Not sure of what bases as yet (no firm decisions until Boat Show at least). Its obvious for this length pole you need three point anchorage and the choice is between the sort of thing Lethal has on his boat (made by Chatfield, Lee, Reelax etc) or small versions of the type you see on big boats like the Pakula OR4 . There are three of us who are looking at the same poles so we may go into a bit of SS fabrication for three sets. If I can get really good bases, and there is no hurry at all in mid May, I might even go to 18ft poles- my boat will handle them easy. When I rig them I'll probably go roller trollers, Black's clips and tag lines with returns - but that's ezy pezy - 20 mins work.
Thats good to know about the Yammies not having "distance to go on fuel left". I will now probably go with the NavMan.
Maybe we should get Kerren to setup another Forum for electronics.
Pleased to you use Lowrance. We just installed a Lowrance LCX15ci Sounder/GPS, cant' rave about it enough, big step up from a cheap Hummimbird Wide 100. The neat thing about the LCX15ci is you can save your soundings to memory card and replay it at home on your computer, if you find an interesting spot it gives you lat/long and you have a waypoint. These plots can also be saved back to your computer for latter reference.
Also they have a 1000watt transducer, which is one of the most powerful in it class.
I am in the computer industry and am very interested in what you have done with your laptop. Might be worth looking into.
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