Well I have taken the plunge and bought a little boat. 15ft fibreglass and about half as old as I am (and about as flash). We are really looking forward to getting out on it/her but first the learning curve!! (especially reversing with a trailer. There is no way I want to feature on your "fun at the boat ramp video").
I now have a shopping list as long as my arm, with just about everything on it, including a VHF radio, road cover, and canopy (it is a Sea Craft Costa Mesa). Anyone got these items lurking unloved and unwanted in their garage?
I will post a piccie (perhaps via Lethal) as soon as I can get the film developed.
Good One Grounded,
My little boat is one of the best investments Ive ever made. How much did it cost and what motor etc.
Congatulations Grounded.........
boats are easier to back than normal trailers as they have a longer distance to the wheels hence they don't jacknife so easily, you will be ok im sure, just tell me when your going to put it in the water and i will start the camera rolling ..........
Cheers Lethal
Why thanks, Lethal, that's a terrific proposal.
Stephen - She has twin 30hp Evinrudes and (judging by the trial run at least) goes like brown stuff off a stick. Not so important to me, but the kids have suddenly started to talk about water skiing. I paid $5k for her, which seemed reasonable as the motors are 1985, but the owner had them from new and is an engineer so has maintained them himself. It has a Hummingbird Wide 100 FF.
Exciting times!
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