I'm in Mt Wellington
I would be a starter in this guys, have had boats but not now, am experienced and available anytime, naturally expences would be given and also assistance with cleaning up etc.
cheers zeke
I know that over next summer up at whitianga, i am likely to be wanting folks to head out of there on Superhero 2, and will always welcome along others if they wanna go out... my call though on just what weather I will go out in!
Boat/ 680 challenger HT.
cheers, Stu.
Add me to the list. Always keen for a fish. Live out South Auckland way. No boat yet!!!Happy to contribute to costs.
Damien, let me know about casual trips, I usually have Sundays and Mondays off and am keen to do a casual trip sometime.
Cheers Woody
Guys, add me in the loop too. Will be happy to chip in to costs , with cleaning ,etc .. Live in Mt. Albert and will drive anywhere for an opportunity to fish, even at short notice.
Why don't boat owners post a week or a few days before they intend going out and advise how many they need, time leaving , time (approx) returning etc.
There could be a thread set up with this info on?
I am booked for a trip on the Cova rose on 14th June leave 5 pm on saturday get back 4pm sunday, will give you guys a report with pics.
Dio you will have fun on the Cova Rose. Top guys.
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