Not sure what you are intending to target mate.
Usually Mid January is in the thick of game fishing season off the east coast.
Most charters from out of Sydney(Broken Bay, Watsons Bay etc.) run for the shelf and Brown's Mountain or the canyons.
Striped marlin are the predominant catch although there are some shark fisherman that still target the tigers off the coast. Given the state of the political climate with the green unwashed army, most blokes don't advertise their endeavours though.
There are salt flyfishing options in and around the inner harbour if this is more your cuppa tea, but you don't get to leave the heads.
Hopefully it's a nudge in the right direction information wise for you.
Good luck - it's great time of the year to be over there.
"Only when the last tree has died, the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught,will we realize that we cannot eat money" - 19th Century Indian Creed