Bit of paint going inside the boat for the first time. Big milestone. Started on front locker and under berths so as to get a feel for it. These places are mostly finished rough, only the most basic of weave filling on the glass. Nobody’s going to be seeing this unless they like sitting head down and bum up.

This way I get a taste of what kind of finish I want to do on the more visible places.
Front locker. The light grey dulux aquanamel hides well unless you look closely. I put a rough initial coat of bully liner on top. Paint stops below the level of the front deck so as not to interfere with the epoxy bond.
Birds eye view. Taped off here but ran out of masking tape. Bullyliner is the dark grey. Water Bourne truck bed liner. Easy to apply and clean up.
Pulled the tape once touch dry. The bed liner hides a lot of sins but the paint will not. From a distance it looks much better, but this would bug me if it was in the cockpit. Outside the hull I’d reject and pull out the long board.

Best shot I have of the bed liner texture with the uncoated epoxy for comparison. Sprayed is a bit more even but I’m fine with this on a floor for a fishing boat. This was done by pouring on the bed liner and rolling out with a microfibre roller.
I was out of masking tape so painted the gap by hand while putting a second coat of aquanamel. The drips will be covered by the third coat of bed liner that will not go on until I’ve glued in the berths. Tape is really essential for a clean job. The third coat will be taped off cleanly; even though no one will be able to see it I’ll know.
Thoughts on the bed liner. It’s a nice non slip tough coating for floors when rolled out. It’s possible to get an even coating with the roller if using a consistent pressure and pattern but the really nice jobs require a spray gun. Although touch dry I slightly damaged it in places where I stood on, keep that in mind for the third coat. Full cure takes three days. It covers a lot of minor blemishes, and should provide a non slip surface. It looks like it would hold an unglued rug well for a more distinguished look.