Just a heads up re starting clubs, get good help and hold people to their offers! Clubs can become big and time consuming very quickly and you soon find that offers to help can often go no further than offers... Hopefully this doesn't happen to you though, and I wish you all the best with it.
As for reporting of fishing goes...... I'll go #2
I know its not technically the BOP on land but the weather forecast for BOP goes from Slipper Is. so I figure theres my BOP affiliation
Just couldn't stay on land this arvo after talking about smoked fish on here so I went for a quick blat up the harbour here in whanga.
Threw around some little SPs for a change, all sorts from glup minnows to some funny looking little cuttel fish type things. They all got hiffed under the boats moored in the upper harbour and what do you think I caught... snapper!
Well it could be worse I thought and it was at good eater at 35cm.
Next couple casts weren't doin much for me so I pulled the drift chute in and thought I'd troll to my next spot a few more metres up the harbour. Just as I made the turn the rod bumped and I gave it a quick grab and strike.
The rod didn't thump though and the line went sideways..... this is a good sign I though. Maybe a KY or hopefully a Trev....
Minute or so later the snapper run was over, I finally boated a different speicies and my target species too.
Nice trev of about 32cm in the back.
Very next cast another snapper, back it goes.
For the next 40 odd mins I had some fun trying to pin point my cast as close to the pole moorings as I could. For my efforts I picked up 4 trevs and 3 snaps (kept 3 trev and two snaps). Not bad for a spot I could wade to at any point of the lower half of the tide. Fishing wasn't firing but was constant and thats all I could ask for in a new spot, very exciting for me anyway.
So now there is three Trevs in the brine ready for the smoker tomorrow arvo and happy neighbors eatin snapper for tea, choice.