been a while since any nomonations for the virtual bogseat and heres one that i thought was good enuf for the shb dunny seat .
step forward ROCKY !
Now last week during the great barrier invitational pirate party a certain blue boat known as "ORGASM" decided it was a good idea to fish the mussel farms rather than poke outside the harbour into 40 knot winds and 2 meter swells , oh well fair enuf pebbles was on board and althogh rough seas induce seasickness and vomoting ( which can be great for both berley and clenching fritters !) he decided on the clmness and tranquility of the mussel farms .
now these farms are pretty solidly built and anchored down pretty well ( except when the tsunamis turn up ) and any normal skipper would just pull up and tie a rope or 2 straight onto farm,but not ol ROCKY oh no he thought it much better to drop the anchor chain amongst the labarinth of musselfarm anchoring ropes ,i mean hey its just a push of a button and all ...
well sure enuf after a few fish take him into the ropes he decides its probably not the best spot to land a 20 lb karp cup winning snapper and tries to pull up the anchor again just the push of a button right ?
ha ha after an hour of tryin to free the chain from said mussel farm the assistance of another forum boat was called for and eventually the "ORGASM" is set free ,
now there was several forum members to witness this worthy nomination and to top it off he didnt even bother to grab a bunch of mussels to chuck in the pot for the hungry pirates as a bit of an entree befor the maincourses of spit roasted sheep and roasted potatoes at the banquet ...
heres one of an earlier attempt at tryin to snag the farm with miltdog tryin to get in on the action !
now if you draw an imaginary line at where the mussel farm anchor rope must lie and then where ORGASMS anchor rope must be ....well its not rocket science !
any other worthy nominations ...step forward ...